Text-mining Similarity Approximation Operators for Opinion Mining in BI tools - Publication - Bridge of Knowledge


Text-mining Similarity Approximation Operators for Opinion Mining in BI tools


The concept of the Text-mining Similarity Approximation Operators for Opinion Mining as extensions to Natural Language Interface Database is defined. The new operators: “keywords of” dimension; subsetting operator “about C is q”; aggregation operator “by similar C” are proposed. These operators are based on the Latent Semantic Analysis and Social Network Analysis

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materiały konferencyjne indeksowane w Web of Science
Title of issue:
Proceeding of the 11th Scientific Congerence "Internet in the Information Society-2016" strony 121 - 141
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Bibliographic description:
Rizun N., Kapłański P., Yurii T., Alessandro S..: Text-mining Similarity Approximation Operators for Opinion Mining in BI tools, W: Proceeding of the 11th Scientific Congerence "Internet in the Information Society-2016", 2016, University of Dąbrowa Górnicza,.
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