The influence of IT-competency dimensions on job satisfaction, knowledge sharing and performance across industries - Publication - Bridge of Knowledge


The influence of IT-competency dimensions on job satisfaction, knowledge sharing and performance across industries


Purpose – Technology makes knowledge management easier. Knowledge sharing is essential for organizational development. Job satisfaction fosters knowledge sharing. Hence, this study aims to develop an understanding of the mutual relationship between knowledge sharing and job satisfaction when both are predicted by information technology (IT)-competency dimensions such as IT-operations, IT-knowledge and IT-infrastructure in the context of company performance. Design/methodology/approach – The results were achieved based on the examination of 910 Polish knowledge workers with different roles and experiences across various sectors. Data were analyzed using structural equation modeling method. Findings – The findings suggest that the company’s IT-competency drives job satisfaction and knowledge sharing more strongly for IT industry knowledge workers than for other industries. Also, a stronger mediation function of knowledge sharing and job satisfaction is observed for IT-operations when the IT industry is controlled. Originality/value – The main value of the study is the empirical evidence that the influence of a particular IT-competency dimension varies for industries when it comes to job satisfaction and knowledge sharing processes.


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Published in:
VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems no. 50, pages 387 - 407,
ISSN: 2059-5891
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Bibliographic description:
Kucharska W., Erikson G.: The influence of IT-competency dimensions on job satisfaction, knowledge sharing and performance across industries// VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems -Vol. 50,iss. 3 (2019), s.387-407
Digital Object Identifier (open in new tab) 10.1108/vjikms-06-2019-0098
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