The Possibilities of Improving the Fatigue Durabilityof the Ship Propeller Shaft by Burnishing Process - Publication - Bridge of Knowledge


The Possibilities of Improving the Fatigue Durabilityof the Ship Propeller Shaft by Burnishing Process


Heavily loaded structural elements operating in a corrosive environment are usuallyquickly destroyed. An example of such an element is a ship propeller operating in a seawaterenvironment. This research presents a fatigue resistance test performed on elements operating inseawater. Different processing parameters applied on the samples in particular were compared withthe specimens whose surface had been burnished differently and they were compared to specimenswith a grinded surface. The research shows that the structural elements whose surface has beenburnished can have up to 30% higher fatigue strength in a seawater environment than the elementswhose surface has been grinded. During burnishing, an important feature of the process is the degreeof cold rolling of the material. The resistance of the component to fatigue loads increases only to acertain level with increasing the degree of the cold rolling. Further increasing the degree of coldrolling reduces the fatigue strength. Introducing additional stresses in the components (e.g., assemblystresses) reduces the fatigue strength of this component in operation and these additional stressesshould be accounted for while planning the degree of the cold rolling value. A device that allowsfor simultaneous turning and shaft burnishing with high slenderness is presented in the appendixof this article. This device can be connected to the computerized numerical control system andexecuted automatic process according to the machining program; this solution reduces the number ofoperations and cost in the process


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artykuły w czasopismach
Published in:
Machines no. 8,
ISSN: 2075-1702
Publication year:
Bibliographic description:
Dzionk S., Przybylski W., Ścibiorski B.: The Possibilities of Improving the Fatigue Durabilityof the Ship Propeller Shaft by Burnishing Process// Machines -Vol. 8,iss. 4 (2020), s.63-
Digital Object Identifier (open in new tab) 10.3390/machines8040063
Verified by:
Gdańsk University of Technology

seen 140 times

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