The selected hydrotechnical conditions of the Dnieper – Bug Channel and the Pripyat River in the development of the International Waterway E40 - Publication - Bridge of Knowledge


The selected hydrotechnical conditions of the Dnieper – Bug Channel and the Pripyat River in the development of the International Waterway E40


International waterway E40 (MDW E40) is included in the network of inland waterways of transnational importance. It is a link between two areas: the Baltic Sea and the Black Sea. E40 route runs through three countries: Poland, Belarus and Ukraine. The article presents the results of the study on the analysis of two very important sections of the MDW E40 on the Belarusian section, it is:. the Dnieper – Bug Channel and the Pripy River. Both elements from the point of view of navigability are the most important links throughout the Belarusian section of the waterway. This article will be useful for the development of plans for revitalization of the international waterway E40 not only on the Belarus part, but also in Poland and Ukraine. Due to the accession and signature by Poland of the AGN Convention in January 2017, the article can be a material to supporting state policy in the context of the development of the inland waterway system in Poland and Europe.


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artykuły w czasopismach recenzowanych i innych wydawnictwach ciągłych
Published in:
Bulletin of the Maritime Institute in Gdańsk pages 154 - 161,
ISSN: 1230-7424
Publication year:
Bibliographic description:
Kalinowski M., Koba R., Jerzyło P.: The selected hydrotechnical conditions of the Dnieper – Bug Channel and the Pripyat River in the development of the International Waterway E40// Bulletin of the Maritime Institute in Gdańsk. -., nr. 32(1) (2017), s.154-161
Digital Object Identifier (open in new tab) 10.5604/01.3001.0010.7460
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  22. © 2017 Maritime Institute in Gdańsk. Published by Index Copernicus Sp. z o.o. All rights reserved. The authors declare that they have no competing interests. open in new tab
  23. Marcin Kalinowski; Maritime Institute in Gdańsk, Department of Economics and Law, Długi Targ 41/42, 80-830 Gdańsk, Poland, tel. (+48) 58 301-16-41 ext. 36, e-mail: The content of the journal "Bulletin of the Maritime Institute in Gdańsk" is circulated on the basis of the Open Access which means free and limitless access to scientific data.
  24. This material is available under the Creative Commons -Attribution 4.0 GB. The full terms of this license are available on: Word count: Scientific Disciplines: DOI: Full-text PDF: Cite this article as: Copyright: open in new tab
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