![Profile photo: profesor Ryszard S. Romaniuk](/assets/ryszard-s-romaniuk,2112270118131213-0/photo.png)
profesor Ryszard S. Romaniuk
- professor at Politechnika Warszawska
Research fields
total: 432
Catalog Publications
Year 2010
WILGA Photonics and Web Engineering 2010
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WILGA Photonics and Web Engineering 2010
Year 2009
Development of free electron laser and accelerator technology in Poland (CARE and EuCARD projects)
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Front Matter: Volume 7502
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Institute of electronic systems in CARE and EuCARD projects accelerator and FEL research, development and applications in Europe
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Institute of electronic systems in CARE and EuCARD projects accelerator and FEL research, development and applications in Europe
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Metrology CT technology and its applications in the precision engineering industry
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Photonics and web engineering in Poland, WILGA 2009
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POLFEL - Free Electron Laser in Poland
Year 2008
Advanced camera image data acquisition system for Pi-of-the-Sky
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Pi of the Sky
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The CMS experiment at the CERN LHC
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Two classes of capillary optical fibers: refractive and photonic
Year 2007
A Concept of Irradiation Experiments System
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Application of low-cost Gallium Arsenide light-emitting-diodes as kerma dosemeter and fluence monitor for high-energy neutrons
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CMS Physics Technical Design Report, Volume II: Physics Performance
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Control System Modelling for Superconducting Accelerator
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<title>Data acquisition module implemented on PCI mezzanine card</title>
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<title>Decomposition of MATLAB script for FPGA implementation of real time simulation algorithms for LLRF system in European XFEL</title>
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<title>FPGA based PCI mezzanine card with digital interfaces</title>
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<title>FPGA systems development based on universal controller module</title>
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FPGA-based implementation of a cavity field controller for FLASH and X-FEL
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<title>Hardware emulator of the high-resolution CCD sensor for the Pi of the Sky experiment</title>
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Hardware Implementation of Real Time Cavity Parameters Identification System
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Implementation of adaptive feed-forward algorithm on embedded PowerPC405 processor for FLASH accelerator
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<title>MatLab script to C code converter for embedded processors of FLASH LLRF control system</title>
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<title>Measurement and control of field in RF GUN at FLASH</title>
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Metrological Aspects of Accelerator Technology and High Energy Physics Experiments
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<title>Multi-cavity complex controller with vector simulator for TESLA technology linear accelerator</title>
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<title>Nios II implementation in CCD camera for Pi of the Sky experiment</title>
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<title>Nonlinear glasses and metaglasses for photonics, a review: Part I. Nonlinear electrical susceptibility and refractive index</title>
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<title>Non-linear glasses and metaglasses for photonics, a review: Part II. Kerr nonlinearity and metaglasses of positive and negative refraction</title>
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Operation of a free-electron laser from the extreme ultraviolet to the water window
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<title>Versatile LLRF platform for FLASH laser</title>
Year 2006
<title>Applications of capillary optical fibers</title>
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<title>Atom guiding in single mode optical fiber capillary</title>
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<title>Cavity simulator and controller for VUV free electron laser SIMCON 2.1, part I: algorithms and SIMCON system</title>
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<title>Cavity simulator and controller for VUV free electron laser SIMCON 2.1, part II: functional blocks</title>
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<title>Cavity simulator and controller for VUV free electron laser SIMCON 2.1, part III: I/O ports and measurement results</title>
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<title>Control system modeling for superconducting accelerator</title>
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<title>Data transmission optical link for LLRF TESLA project part I: hardware structure of OPT0 module</title>
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<title>Data transmission optical link for LLRF TESLA project part II: application for BER measurements</title>
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<title>DOOCS and MatLab control environment for FPGA-based cavity simulator and controller in TESLA (SIMCON 2.1) part I: algorithms</title>
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<title>DOOCS and MatLab control environment for FPGA-based cavity simulator and controller in TESLA (SIMCON 2.1) part II: implementation</title>
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<title>DOOCS and MatLab control environment for SIMCON 2.1 FPGA based control system for TESLA FEL part III: readouts</title>
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<title>Embedded system in FPGA-based LLRF controller for FLASH</title>
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Fibre-Optic pH Sensor
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<title>FPGA-based modular configurable controller with fast synchronous optical network</title>
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<title>FPGA-based multichannel optical concentrator SIMCON 4.0 for TESLA cavities LLRF control system</title>
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<title>High power optical fiber capillaries</title>
seen 4792 times