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Search results for: concrete mix design
Design thinking 2021/2022 NSZ
e-Learning Courses -
Design Thinking ZI 2024/2025
e-Learning Courses -
Computer Aided Design 23/24
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Urban design IV (Breś, Krośnicka)
e-Learning Courses -
Urban design IV Krośnicka Breś
e-Learning Courses -
Machines Design 2 (PG_00042059) 2025
e-Learning Courses -
Urban design IV (Breś, Golędzinowska)
e-Learning Courses -
20232024_Elective design II_CULTURAL HERITAGE ROUTES_Gdańsk Virtual scenarios for city storytelling
e-Learning CoursesCultural Heritage Routes – Gdańsk. This course explores challenges, conflicts and concepts of cultural heritage preservation and protection in urban level, their connection to architectural and urban design in the time of digitalisation and their importance for a future of the cities. The aim of this course, based on the case study city of Gdańsk, is to understand the problem of cultural heritage and develop innovative...
Engineering Graphics II, W/P, Design and Production engineering, sem. letni 2021/2022, (PG_00040167)
e-Learning CoursesCourse for Engineering Graphics II classes of Design and Production engineering students
[AiU] Sustainable design and environmental changes
e-Learning Courses{mlang pl} Dyscyplina: Architektura i Urbanistyka Zajęcia obowiązkowe dla doktorantów I roku Prowadzący: prof. Giovanna Acampa Liczba godzin: 15 h Forma zajęć: warsztaty {mlang} {mlang en} Discipline: Architecture and Urbanism Obligatory course for 1st year PhD students Academic teacher: prof. Giovanna Acampa Total hours of training: 15 teaching hours Course type: workshops {mlang}
Modelling methods in design (CAD, FEM)
e-Learning Courses -
[AiU] 20232024_Sustainable Design and Environmental Changes
e-Learning CoursesThis course is compulsory for PhD students assigned to Architecture and Urbanism tracks at Doctoral School at Gdańsk University of Technology. The course is conducted by Prof. Marichela Sepe, DICEA / Sapienza University Rome Course type: workshops Total hours of training: 15 teaching hours Classes in online mode (classes conducted online)
[AiU] Sustainable design and environmental changes
e-Learning Courses{mlang pl} Dyscyplina: Architektura i Urbanistyka Zajęcia obowiązkowe dla doktorantów I roku Prowadzący: prof. Giovanna Acampa Liczba godzin: 15 h Forma zajęć: warsztaty {mlang} {mlang en} Discipline: Architecture and Urbanism Obligatory course for 1st year PhD students Academic teacher: prof. Giovanna Acampa Total hours of training: 15 teaching hours Course type: workshops {mlang}
Advanced design of energy installations | Project
e-Learning CoursesZapoznanie z metodami projektowania komór spalania kotłów, instalacji do transportu medium oraz urządzeń wchodzących w skład elektrociepłowni.
Fundamentals of Machine Design II - Lecture
e-Learning Courses -
Fundamentals of Machine Design II - Exercises
e-Learning Courses -
[AiU] Sustainable Design and Environmental Changes
e-Learning CoursesThis course is compulsory for PhD students assigned to Architecture and Urbanism tracks at Doctoral School at Gdańsk University of Technology. The course is conducted by prof. Giovanna Acampa, Kore University of Enna Course type: workshops Total hours of training: 15 teaching hours
2025 Prediploma Design sem. 6 Seafront Oasis -Restaurant & Wellness Center
e-Learning CoursesSEAFRONT OASIS - Restaurant & Wellness Center in Sopot The design task joins two approaches. On one hand, SEAFRONT OASIS offers a restaurant that attracts passersby, inviting them to experience its unique atmosphere. On the other hand, it provides tranquility and solace for those seeking relaxation and rejuvenation in the Wellness area. The facility is intended to blend the dynamic flow of pedestrians and beachgoers with...
2022_Elective Design II_S_Hudnik_K_Zyczkowska_There is no Planet B
e-Learning CoursesThere is no Planet B The studio will use practical interventions to explore how climate change is affecting transformations in urban / non-urban space in Gdansk. Through the identification of problems and the importance of reading the consequences in space and architecture, students will learn about the method of opening a critical public debate. Through a variety of topics and actions – micro interventions, they will record their...
Design and automation of technological processes, PG_00043714
e-Learning Courses -
Elective design I: Cultural Heritage Routes – Gdańsk Fortification System - 2022/2023 Project PROMETHEUS
e-Learning CoursesElective design I:Cultural Heritage Routes – Gdańsk Fortification Systemfor MSc in Arch. Seminars & assignments: 30 hTeacher: akub Szczepański, Justyna Borucka, Robert Hirsch Piotr Samól, Szymon Kowalski, Joanna Badach + Visiting Prof. Sandro Parrinello (from Pavia University) Cultural Heritage Routes – Gdańsk Fortification System This course explores challenges, conflicts and concepts of cultural heritage preservation...
Selected aspects of the design of artificial organs
e-Learning Coursesdla III stopnia EiT+IBM
Computer aided machine design 2022/23
e-Learning Courses -
Interior Design | semestr IV | grupa ENG
e-Learning CoursesCelem kursu jest przybliżenie zagadnień związanych z projektowaniem wnętrz.Studenci opracować będą projekty wnętrz dla istniejących mieszkań zlokalizowanych na wybranych gdańskich blokowiskach.Zajęcia odbywają się w trybie konsultacji i krótkich wykładów.
Urban Design Project III 2021/22
e-Learning CoursesNOWY - Nowy Świat 2.0 – BUILDING THE HEART OF AN ACTIVE NEIGHBORHOOD Friday 13.15-16.00 dr hab. inż. arch. J. Martyniuk – Pęczek, prof. uczelni arch. Rana Rizi
Machine Design 3, PG_00042104 2024/25
e-Learning Courses -
Machines Design 1, PG_00049768 2024/25
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Machines Design 1, PG_00055075 2023/24
e-Learning Courses -
Software Systems Design 2024 kopia 2
e-Learning Courses -
Design Thinking ZI 2024/2025 nstac
e-Learning Courses -
Prediploma Design Studio SAUP 2023/24
e-Learning Courses -
Machine Design 3, PG_00042104 2023/24
e-Learning Courses -
Urban Design Project III 2024/25
e-Learning Courses -
e-Learning Courses -
Theory of Urban Design 2022/23 - LECTURES
e-Learning Courses -
Structural design and mechanics I (2022/2023)
e-Learning Courses -
Design and Production Engineering V sem (WIMiO)
e-Learning Courses -
Structural Design and Mechanics II 2024/2025
e-Learning Courses -
Computer Aided Machine Design and Manufacturing (PG_00060425)
e-Learning Courses -
Theory of architectural design I. Introduction 2023
e-Learning Courses -
Theory of Urban Design 2024/25 - LECTURES
e-Learning Courses -
Introduction to Ship Design O:114009 20232024
e-Learning Courses -
CAE in design calculations 2024/2025 (winter)
e-Learning Courses -
Structural design and mechanics I (2024/2025)
e-Learning Courses -
Structural Design and Mechanics I 2023/2024
e-Learning CoursesLearning about the functioning of bar systems and preparing their static schemes, solving statically determinate bar systems (beams, frames, trusses).
From place to city: constructing collectively the habitat - workshop Elective design I
e-Learning CoursesZapraszamy na projekt fakultatywny “From place to city: constructing collectively the habitat” - workshop Elective design I - Seminars & assignments: 30 h Teachers: dr inż. arch. Justyna Borucka dr inż. arch. Piotr Czyż dr inż. arch. Weronika Mazurkiewicz
Catalysis, process design and industrial production of polymers
e-Learning Courses -
Computer design of materials and nanomaterials 2024-25
e-Learning Courses -
Projektowanie farm wiatrowych (Design of Wind Farms), W, Oceanotechnika, II stop., sem.02, zimowy 22/23 (PG_00057174)
e-Learning CoursesThis course is on the Design of Wind Farms and is prepared for students of the MSc program in the field of Ocean Engineering.
e-Learning CoursesCultural Heritage Routes – Gdańsk Fortification System This course explores challenges, conflicts and concepts of cultural heritage preservation and protection in urban level, their connection to architectural and urban design in the time of digitalisation and their importance for a future of the cities. The aim of this course, based on the case study city of Gdańsk, is to understand the problem of cultural heritage and...