Search results for: OPTICAL STRAIN MEASUREMENT - Bridge of Knowledge




  • Measurements and Measurement Systems [2021/22]

    e-Learning Courses
    • A. Golijanek-Jędrzejczyk
    • A. Dzwonkowski
    • M. Śliwiński
    • M. Wołoszyn

    The aim of the course is to introduce theoretical and practical students with basic and advanced methods of measurement of various measured quantity and the design and function of the measurement systems.

  • Measurements and Measurement Systems [2022/23]

    e-Learning Courses
    • A. Golijanek-Jędrzejczyk
    • A. Dzwonkowski

    Opis kursu: (np. numer semestru, dla którego przeznaczony jest kurs, cel lub tematyka przedmiotu) IV semestr kierunku Energy Technologies.  Celem kursu jest zapoznanie teoretyczne i praktyczne studentów z podstawowymi i zaawansowanymi metodami pomiarowymi różnych wielkości pomiarowych oraz budową i zasadą działania systemów pomiarowych.  The aim of the course is to introduce theoretical and practical students with basic...

  • Intelligent Measurement Systems

    e-Learning Courses
    • J. Wszołek

  • Photonics measurement techniques

    e-Learning Courses
    • M. Kosowska
    • M. Szczerska
    • P. Listewnik

    start zajęć 10 listopada terminy zajęć  10.11, 17.11, 24.11, 1.12 --> w tych wszystkich dniach godz. 13-14 w sali EA07 i 14-15 w sali EA20 terminy zajęć  18.11, 25.11, 2.12 --> w tych wszystkich dniach godz. 13-15 w sali NE232

  • Intelligent Measurement Systems

    e-Learning Courses
    • J. Wszołek

  • Fundamentals of Optical Fibers and Photonics - 2021/2022

    e-Learning Courses
    • M. Gnyba
    • J. Pluciński

    Technika światłowodowa i fotonika:  2 st. 2 sem., kierunek elektronika i telekomunikacja   

  • Fundamentals of Optical Fibers and Photonics - 2023/2024

    e-Learning Courses
    • M. Gnyba
    • J. Pluciński

    Technika światłowodowa i fotonika:  2 st. 2 sem., kierunek elektronika i telekomunikacja   

  • Measurements and Measurement Systems [WIMiO][2023/24]

    e-Learning Courses
    • A. Golijanek-Jędrzejczyk
    • P. Musznicki
    • A. Dzwonkowski

  • Metrology and Measurement Systems , DaPE, sem01, summer 22/23

    e-Learning Courses
    • A. T. Wiśniewska
    • A. Janeczek
    • A. Laska

  • Metrology and Measurement Systems , DaPE, sem01, summer 23/24

    e-Learning Courses
    • A. T. Wiśniewska
    • A. Janeczek
    • A. Mirowska

  • Inter Applied Chemistry Programme 6 A practical approach to novel industrial enzymes Dr Natasha Bozic

    e-Learning Courses
    • A. Głowacz-Różyńska
    • M. Tobiszewski
    • C. Jungnickel
    • P. Filipkowski

    Inter Applied Chemistry Programme 6 - A practical approach to novel industrial enzymes Dr Natasha Bozic The purpose of the course is to introduce students to the technologies of industrial enzymes discovery and manufacturing and to provide in depth insight about the advantages of using enzyme preparations in industry. Lectures will cover the common workflows of industrial enzymology including following topics: general enzyme...

  • Condition monitoring of energy installations IDESII

    e-Learning Courses
    • J. Głuch

    Measurement errors and uncertainties. Industrial measurements in the energy industry. Measuring devices. The basics of control in industry. Measurement characteristics in complex energy systems. Distributed Control System (DCS) (KSR).

  • Technical Mechanics 2 (PG_00049753), I stop, En, [W,C], zima 22/23

    e-Learning Courses
    • B. Rozmarynowski

    Lectures and tutorials devoted to basic issues of Strength of Materials (stress and strain states, the Hook's law, geometrical properties of an area, bending, shearing, torsion, deflection lines  of beams, buckling and yielding criteria).

  • Construction project II 2023/2024

    e-Learning Courses
    • T. Zybała
    • N. Hassas

    Basic types of building structures, subdivision, definitions.Basic issues related to reinforced concrete and masonry structures.Pre-design work.Architectural and building design.Selected issues of fire safety regulations.Finishing work.Building elements e.g. stairs, façade systems and claddings, glazed walls, curtain walls, suspended ceilings, floors and flooring.suspended ceilings, floors and flooring, etc.Relationships between...

  • PG-00060238 Standardy integralności mechanicznej dla inżynierii cyfrowej opartej na danych

    e-Learning Courses
    • J. Szwedowicz

    Kurs w zrozumiały sposób wyjaśnia praktyki inżynierskie dotyczące oceny mechanizmów awarii elementów mechanicznych, metody Stress-Life i Strain-Life, techniki liczenia cykli. Wyjaśnione modele oparte na wiedzy analitycznej są odniesione do potrzeb monitorowania silnika, które generuje dane pracy urządzeń u klientów. Dane te są wykorzystywane w rozwiązaniach inżynierii cyfrowej, takich jak digital twin (dla części) lub digital thread...

  • PG-00060238 Standardy integralności mechanicznej dla inżynierii cyfrowej opartej na danych

    e-Learning Courses
    • J. Szwedowicz

    Kurs w zrozumiały sposób wyjaśnia praktyki inżynierskie dotyczące oceny mechanizmów awarii elementów mechanicznych, metody Stress-Life i Strain-Life, techniki liczenia cykli. Wyjaśnione modele oparte na wiedzy analitycznej są odniesione do potrzeb monitorowania silnika, które generuje dane pracy urządzeń u klientów. Dane te są wykorzystywane w rozwiązaniach inżynierii cyfrowej, takich jak digital twin (dla części) lub digital thread...

  • Zaawansowane Metody Pomiarowe i Diagnostyczne 2022/2023

    e-Learning Courses
    • Z. Czaja
    • G. Lentka
    • J. Smulko
    • A. Kwiatkowski
    • M. Kowalewski

    {mlang en} 1. Introduction/Guide for the use of the International System of Units2. Rules and style conventions for expressing values of quantities.3. The role of measurement uncertainty in conformity assessment. 4. Probabilistic model for measurement processes, estimation theory5. Analog-digital conversion methods6. Selected structures of classical analog-digital converters7. New techniques of analog-digital conversion: sigma-delta...

  • Zaawansowane Metody Pomiarowe i Diagnostyczne 2023/2024

    e-Learning Courses
    • Z. Czaja
    • G. Lentka
    • J. Smulko
    • A. Kwiatkowski
    • M. Kowalewski

    {mlang en} 1. Introduction/Guide for the use of the International System of Units2. Rules and style conventions for expressing values of quantities.3. The role of measurement uncertainty in conformity assessment. 4. Probabilistic model for measurement processes, estimation theory5. Analog-digital conversion methods6. Selected structures of classical analog-digital converters7. New techniques of analog-digital conversion: sigma-delta...

  • Zaawansowane Metody Pomiarowe i Diagnostyczne 2024/2025

    e-Learning Courses
    • Z. Czaja
    • G. Lentka
    • A. Kwiatkowski
    • B. Stawarz-Graczyk
    • M. Kowalewski

    {mlang en} 1. Introduction/Guide for the use of the International System of Units2. Rules and style conventions for expressing values of quantities.3. The role of measurement uncertainty in conformity assessment. 4. Probabilistic model for measurement processes, estimation theory5. Analog-digital conversion methods6. Selected structures of classical analog-digital converters7. New techniques of analog-digital conversion: sigma-delta...

  • Advanced methods in biosensing: fundamentals and applications

    e-Learning Courses
    • R. Bogdanowicz
    • J. Ryl

    This course provides instruction in the basic science and engineering conceptsrequired to understand the design and application of biosensors. Different biosensorsystems are explored, ranging from electrochemical devices, through to optical orthermal systems. Instruction is also given in the general principles of sampling andanalysis, statistical presentation and manipulation of data. The primary focus will bethe physics of biomolecule...

  • Biochemistry - Laboratory exercises - Nowy

    e-Learning Courses
    • P. Jakubek
    • Z. Koziara
    • A. Brillowska-Dąbrowska
    • I. Koss-Mikołajczyk

    Exerise 1. The ability to accumulate metal cations by edible mushrooms, comparison with edible plants Exercise 2. Measurement of activity of glutathione S-transferases - the detoxifying enzymes present in the cytosol of eukaryotic cells Exercise 3. Cell membranes permeability Exercise 4. Detection of mutagenic substances using Ames test Exercise 5. Gluten content in food products part 1. Exercise 6. Gluten content in food...

  • Biochemistry - Laboratory exercises

    e-Learning Courses
    • P. Jakubek
    • A. Bartoszek-Pączkowska
    • Z. Koziara
    • A. Brillowska-Dąbrowska
    • I. Koss-Mikołajczyk

    Exerise 1. The ability to accumulate metal cations by edible mushrooms, comparison with edible plants Exercise 2. Measurement of activity of glutathione S-transferases - the detoxifying enzymes present in the cytosol of eukaryotic cells Exercise 3. Cell membranes permeability Exercise 4. Detection of mutagenic substances using Ames test Exercise 5. Gluten content in food products part 1. Exercise 6. Gluten content in food...

  • 2022-2023 - Strenght of materials towards applications, PG_00053661

    e-Learning Courses
    • M. K. Gerigk

    The course is mainly dedicated to the DAPE Students.  From the theoretical point of view the course consists of the following problems to be discussed during the lectures and exercises: -fundamentals of strength of materials -basic structures and environment -loads on structures -strength of materials: tension, stress, analysis of stress and strain, bending moments and shearing forces, longitudinal and shearing stress in beams,...

  • Strenght of materials towards applications , PG_00053661

    e-Learning Courses
    • M. K. Gerigk

    The course is dedicated to the DAPE WIMiO Students.  From the theoretical point of view the course consists of the following problems to be discussed during the lectures: -fundamentals of strength of materials -basic structures and environment -loads on structures -strength of materials: tension, stress, analysis of stress and strain, bending moments and shearing forces, longitudinal and shearing stress in beams, bending stress...

  • Vehicle Dynamics - L-15/C-15/L-15/P-15, Design and Production Engineering, WIMiO, undergraduate studies, engineering studies, full-time (stationary) studies, 2021/2022, se06, (M:320383W0), summer semester 2023/2024

    e-Learning Courses
    • G. Ronowski
    • R. Woźniak

    Moduł przedmiotów wybieralnych, MiBM, I stopień, specjalność w j. angielskim: Design and Production Engineering (DaPE), semestr 6?, (przedmiot dla Chińczyków), Lecture: Throttle by tyred wheel: slip rolling, rolling with tyre strain, vertical and lateral surface reactions, traction, energetic looses, forces in contact path. Drugs of movement: rolling, air, gradient, inertia, cornering and towing. Forces ant torques acting to vehicle...

  • Advanced Mechanics of Marine Structures I, MSc, Summer 2022-2023, [L,T], PG_00051723

    e-Learning Courses
    • B. Rozmarynowski

    1.  Literature overview,  definition of marine and offshore structures, ocean engineering technologies and mechanical aspects, structural systems applied, jack-up drilling platforms and structural elements. 2. Tensor algebra fundamentals,  stress and small strain states of a solid, constitutive relations. 3. SDOF and MDOF dynamic systems, damping and added masses in offshore vibrations,  generalised eigenvalue problem, forced vibrations...


    e-Learning Courses
    • M. K. Gerigk

    The SMTA DATE Course consists of the following problems to be discussed during the lectures: - Introduction to strength of materials towards applications - Fundamentals of modelling in strength of materials towards applications - Materials and basic structures - Fundamentals of modelling in strength of materials towards applications - Definition of environment and loads - General, energy-based and advanced methods for analysis...

  • Oprogramowanie Systemów Elektronicznych 2023/2024

    e-Learning Courses
    • M. Kowalewski

    {mlang pl} Cel kursu: Programowanie urządzeń pomiarowych, obsługa interfejsów komputerowych, poznanie mechanizmów zwiększania wydajności oprogramowania (Win32 API, DLL, ODBC), projektowanie aplikacji wielozadaniowych. Dla studentów jakiego kierunku/stopnia studiów dany kurs jest przeznaczony: Przedmiot prowadzonych na studiach II stopnia.Obowiązkowy dla specjalności "Komputerowe Systemy Elektroniczne" i "Computer Electronic...

  • Oprogramowanie Systemów Elektronicznych 2021/2022

    e-Learning Courses
    • M. Kowalewski

    {mlang pl} Cel kursu: Programowanie urządzeń pomiarowych, obsługa interfejsów komputerowych, poznanie mechanizmów zwiększania wydajności oprogramowania (Win32 API, DLL, ODBC), projektowanie aplikacji wielozadaniowych. Dla studentów jakiego kierunku/stopnia studiów dany kurs jest przeznaczony: Przedmiot prowadzonych na studiach II stopnia.Obowiązkowy dla specjalności "Komputerowe Systemy Elektroniczne" i "Computer Electronic...