Search results for: SLAB-COLUMN STRUCTURE - Bridge of Knowledge


Search results for: SLAB-COLUMN STRUCTURE

Search results for: SLAB-COLUMN STRUCTURE

  • Polymeric materials in medicine – structure and desing 2023/24

    e-Learning Courses
    • I. Koss-Mikołajczyk
    • A. Sommer
    • H. Staroszczyk

  • Dielektryki-en WFTIMS

    e-Learning Courses
    • R. J. Barczyński

    Dielectric materials - properties, applications, structure.

  • Theory of urbanism IV

    e-Learning Courses
    • K. Krośnicka

    The aim of the course is to familiarize the student with the complexity of the process of functioning and development of cities, including: - hierarchical spatial (morphology) and functional structure of cities on models (the hierarchy of services and public spaces) - networks and systems that make up the city (environmental system, technical and social infrastructure) - role and importance of the district in the structure of...

  • Nonrelational Databases DE 2022_2023

    e-Learning Courses
    • G. Gołaszewski
    • T. Zawadzka

    Within this course the four types of non-relational databases (i.e. document, graph, key-value and column-oriented) are discussed. The course is aimed at students of the 5th semester of data engineering.

  • Inorganic Chemistry Lecture

    e-Learning Courses
    • A. Pladzyk
    • A. Brillowska-Dąbrowska

    Aim of the course is to give a general knowledge of the chemistry of the elements and the inorganic compounds, puting the attention on the relationships between structure, properties and reactivity.

  • Joanna Ozimek WIMiO, BM II st., sem 2, niestacj., 2022/2023 l

    e-Learning Courses
    • B. Ozimek
    • U. Kamińska
    • I. Mokwa-Tarnowska
    • J. Wielgus
    • E. Wawoczna



    e-Learning Courses
    • J. Klucznik

    Course content: Basic information on the structure of the power system, the major devices (components) for generation, transmission and distribution of electricity. Active and reactive power generation and their sources. Power supply networks. Tasks, structure, parameters. AC and DC transmission of electricity. Equivalent diagrams of the components of the power system. Steady state load flow calculation: currents, voltage,...


    e-Learning Courses
    • J. Klucznik

    Course content: Basic information on the structure of the power system, the major devices (components) for generation, transmission and distribution of electricity. Active and reactive power generation and their sources. Power supply networks. Tasks, structure, parameters. AC and DC transmission of electricity. Equivalent diagrams of the components of the power system. Steady state load flow calculation: currents, voltage,...


    e-Learning Courses

    Course content: Basic information on the structure of the power system, the major devices (components) for generation, transmission and distribution of electricity. Active and reactive power generation and their sources. Power supply networks. Tasks, structure, parameters. AC and DC transmission of electricity. Equivalent diagrams of the components of the power system. Steady state load flow calculation: currents, voltage, power,...

  • Theory of Urban Design

    e-Learning Courses
    • M. Delso Páez
    • J. Breś
    • K. Krośnicka

    The aim of the course is to understand the complexity of the process of functioning and development of cities, including: -city hierarchical spatial  models (morphology) and functional structure on models (the hierarchy of services and public spaces) -networks and systems that make up the city (environmental system, technical and social infrastructure) -role and importance of the district/neighbourhood in the structure of the...

  • Team project I (2020/21)

    e-Learning Courses
    • A. Dąbrowski
    • M. Chodnicki

    Within this team project, students will be designing a space mission. Each student will choose a subsystem: mission analysis, propulsion, communication, structure, mechanisms, power, thermal, onboard data handling. Together, by means of concurrent engineering a primary system definition will be completed.

  • Projektowanie Urbanistyczne II WM i JB

    e-Learning Courses
    • J. Breś
    • W. M. Mazurkiewicz

    Zajęcia projektowe przeznaczone na naukę̨ projektowania małego zespołu mieszkaniowego. Tematyka zajęć obejmuje opracowanie koncepcji zagospodarowania terenu przy byłej gazowni w Sopocie. Zadaniem studenta jest opracowanie wysokiej jakości zespołu mieszkaniowego oraz powiązań funkcjonalno- przestrzennych w ramach których teren gazowni odgrywa ważną rolę. W pobliżu terenu znajduje się urokliwy...

  • Geomatyka B 2021

    e-Learning Courses
    • J. Pyrchla

    Zapoznanie studentów z zagadnieniami pozyskiwania, analizowania, interpretowania i praktycznego stosowania geoinformacji poprzez wzajemne powiązanie aspektów geometrycznych i fizycznych przechodzących od zagadnień globalnych do regionalnych.

  • Designing everydayness: 4 objects, place, atmosphere / Elective design II

    e-Learning Courses
    • M. Malewczyk
    • J. Borucka

    Students will become familiar with the principal theories within the philosophical trend called Everyday Aesthetics.They will learn how objects and places acquire an aesthetic value and produce aesthetic experience and how to create an atmosphere by stimulating all the senses.

  • Geomatyka B

    e-Learning Courses
    • J. Pyrchla

    Zapoznanie studentów z zagadnieniami pozyskiwania, analizowania, interpretowania i praktycznego stosowania geoinformacji poprzez wzajemne powiązanie aspektów geometrycznych i fizycznych przechodzących od zagadnień globalnych do regionalnych.

  • Geodezja morska z nawigacją - 2022/2023

    e-Learning Courses
    • K. Daliga
    • J. Pyrchla
    • K. Łapiński

    Zapoznanie studentów z zagadnieniami związanymi z wykorzystaniem geodezyjnych technik pomiarowych w gospodarce morskiej w tym technik satelitarnych w badaniach mórz i oceanów, podstawami nawigacji oraz hydrografii morskiej.

  • Geodezja morska z nawigacją - 2023/2024

    e-Learning Courses
    • K. Daliga
    • J. Pyrchla
    • K. Łapiński

    Zapoznanie studentów z zagadnieniami związanymi z wykorzystaniem geodezyjnych technik pomiarowych w gospodarce morskiej w tym technik satelitarnych w badaniach mórz i oceanów, podstawami nawigacji oraz hydrografii morskiej.

  • Surface Science - 2021/2022

    e-Learning Courses
    • L. Piotrowski

    The goal of the subject is the presentation of basic problems resulting from he existence of interfacebetween material objects and its surroundings. Discussion of the consequences arising from the existenceof surface energy. Analysis of possible applications of surface phenomena in technology. Understanding ofproblems and benefits resulting from decreasing dimensions of objects with the special emphasis on thesemiconductor band...

  • Fuel, Oils and Greases, W, E, sem.01, zimowy 22/23

    e-Learning Courses

    Division and origin of fuels. Fossil energy resources in Poland and in the world. Production and structure of fuel consumption. Main directions of crude oil processing. Classification and physical properties of gaseous and liquid fuels - natural gas, gasoline, kerosene, diesel oil, heating oil. Classification and characteristic indicators of solid fuels - hard coal, lignite, peat. Fuel contaminants and methods of their removal....

  • Fuel, Oils and Greases, W, E, sem.03, zimowy 22/23

    e-Learning Courses
    • P. Bzura

    Division and origin of fuels. Fossil energy resources in Poland and in the world. Production and structure of fuel consumption. Main directions of crude oil processing. Classification and physical properties of gaseous and liquid fuels - natural gas, gasoline, kerosene, diesel oil, heating oil. Classification and characteristic indicators of solid fuels - hard coal, lignite, peat. Fuel contaminants and methods of their removal....

  • Chemistry and Nanochemistry 2022.

    e-Learning Courses
    • M. Prześniak-Welenc
    • M. Bobrowski

    The course consists of lectures (15 x 2 hours) and laboratories (5 x 3 hours).The goal of this course is to teach general chemistry and adequately apply it to nano-size systems, their synthesis and analysis. An emphasis is laid on an analysis of electronic structure of molecules and prediction of  resulting properties and reasons of consequent behaviour in chemical reactions. The course also encloses laboratory classes, where the...


    e-Learning Courses
    • M. K. Gerigk

    The course is devoted towards lectures assocuated with the novel issues of machine and structures dynamics.  The following lectures will be given during the SPMD course: - introduction to selected problems of machine dynamics, - definition of the machine and structure working environment, - internal and external loads on machines and structures, - dynamics of machines and structures, - strength of machines and structures, - special...

  • Revitalisation - Architectural and urban project ORUNIA UPDATE Grupa K. Piątkowska, J. Martyniuk Pęczek 2021/22

    e-Learning Courses
    • M. Leszczyński
    • K. Piątkowska
    • J. Martyniuk-Pęczek
    • A. Wancław
    • M. Wojtkiewicz

    ORUNIA - UPDATE - architectural and urban revitalization of Orunia areas in the area of ​​Sandomierska, Równa, Głuche and Przy Torze Streets. Creation of a new, multi-functional city space. Development of a master plan for a district indicated by the city that requires the development of a revitalization strategy, designing a new architectural and urban structure with a complex function, development of a selected fragment of...


    e-Learning Courses
    • J. Pyrchla

    Nabycie wiedzy i umiejętności rozwiązywania zagadnień geodezyjnych na kuli, elipsoidzie lub układach przestrzennych przy wykorzystaniu nowoczesnej technologii i systemów pomiarowych. Zapoznanie z zasadami wyznaczania figury Ziemi metodami grawimetrycznymi, wpływem pola siły ciężkości na wyniki pomiarów geodezyjnych, systemami wysokości oraz systemami odniesień przestrzennych. Umieć korzystać i interpretować...

  • Elective design II: PLANNING GENDERED CITY- GENDER CITY WALKING TOURS Women in Architecture series_2023

    e-Learning Courses
    • J. Borucka
    • N. Hassas

    The course aim is to get familiar with the topic of tangible and intangible cultural heritage created by women in 100 years. The recognition of the past and present achievements as well as problems and challenges female are facing in built environment is curtail for understanding importance of women involvement and need of their support and promotion. This new perception continues to increase the visibility of creative...


    e-Learning Courses
    • J. Pyrchla

    Obliczenia z zakresu trygonometrii sferycznej:twierdzenie sinusów, cosinusów dla boków, cosinusów dla kątów oraz tangensów. wzory Borda, analogie Nepera. Nadmiar sferyczny. Pole powierzchni trójkąta sferycznego. Zadania z zakresu podstawowych obliczeń na elipsoidzie, linia geodezyjna na powierzchni elipsoidy obrotowej. Przenoszenie współrzędnych na elipsoidzie, zadanie wprost i odwrotne

  • Nauki o organizacji studia niestacjonarne - Nowy

    e-Learning Courses
    • K. Adamowicz
    • A. Sekuła

    WYKŁADEwolucja teorii organizacji; Teorie stosunków między organizacją a otoczeniem; Organizacja jako podmiot społecznej odpowiedzialności; Organizacja w otoczeniu globalnym; Zasoby materialne i niematerialne organizacji; Zasoby ludzkie w organizacji; Struktury i procesy społeczne w organizacji; Organizacja w procesie zmian, innowacji i uczenia się ĆWICZENIAKlasyczna teoria zarządzania; Analiza organizacji w otoczeniu;...

  • Elective Project II: MOVABLE HOUSE – the home of a Modern Nomad

    e-Learning Courses
    • K. Zielińska-Dąbkowska
    • M. Gawdzik

      As part of the elective seminar, students working in groups of 3 people will prepare architectural and lighting concept for an international competition: "MOVABLE HOUSE – The Home of a Modern Nomad " organized by the Polish Lighting Industry Association), co-organized by Goczołowie Architekci OVO Grąbczewscy Architects and the SOMA Agency, the organizer of the International LIGHT Fair. More information here about the competition...

  • Seminarium dyplomowe Geodezja II stopień - Nowy

    e-Learning Courses
    • M. Figurski

    Seminarium dyplomowe ma na celu wykształcenie umiejętności systematycznej pracy nad zadanym projektem, publicznego prezentowania jego założeń, postępów w jego realizacji i otrzymywanych rezultatów, aktywnego uczestnictwa w spotkaniach grup roboczych, a także umożliwienie bieżącego nadzoru nad realizacją prac dyplomowych.

  • Seminarium dyplomowe Geodezja II stopień

    e-Learning Courses
    • M. Figurski

    Seminarium dyplomowe ma na celu wykształcenie umiejętności systematycznej pracy nad zadanym projektem, publicznego prezentowania jego założeń, postępów w jego realizacji i otrzymywanych rezultatów, aktywnego uczestnictwa w spotkaniach grup roboczych, a także umożliwienie bieżącego nadzoru nad realizacją prac dyplomowych.

  • 20232024_Elective design II_CULTURAL HERITAGE ROUTES_Gdańsk Measuring the city, advanced digital surveying techniques for cultural heritage documentation

    e-Learning Courses
    • J. Borucka

    Cultural Heritage Routes – Gdańsk. This course explores challenges, conflicts and concepts of cultural heritage preservation and protection at urban level, their connection to architectural and urban design in the time of digitalisation and their importance for a future of the cities. The aim of this course, based on the case study city of Gdańsk, is to understand the problem of cultural heritage and develop innovative...


    e-Learning Courses
    • A. Azadgar
    • J. Badach
    • J. M. Józekowski
    • J. Gorzka
    • J. Borucka
    • P. Samól
    • S. Kowalski
    • D. Cyparski
    • A. Orchowska
    • K. Życzkowska
    • M. Kwasek

    Cultural Heritage Routes – Gdańsk Fortification System This course explores challenges, conflicts and concepts of cultural heritage preservation and protection in urban level, their connection to architectural and urban design in the time of digitalisation and their importance for a future of the cities. The aim of this course, based on the case study city of Gdańsk, is to understand the problem of cultural heritage and...

  • 20232024_Elective design II_CULTURAL HERITAGE ROUTES_Gdańsk Drawing architecture to understand the city

    e-Learning Courses
    • J. Borucka

    Cultural Heritage Routes – Gdańsk. This course explores challenges, conflicts and concepts of cultural heritage preservation and protection at urban level, their connection to architectural and urban design in the time of digitalisation and their importance for a future of the cities. The aim of this course, based on the case study city of Gdańsk, is to understand the problem of cultural heritage and develop innovative...

  • Hydro and marine civil engineering (2023-2024)

    e-Learning Courses
    • W. Sterpejkowicz-Wersocki
    • A. M. Mustafa
    • W. Magda

    Kurs realizowany na Wydziale Inżynierii Lądowej i Środowiska  (WILiŚ) Politechniki Gdańskiej. Studia:   II stopnia - magisterskie, stacjonarne Kierunek: Budownictwo Semestr:  1 (letni) Presentation of basic hydro and marine civil engineering structures together with basic computational procedures for determining environmental forces acting on a structure (vertical-wall breakwater, rubble mound breakwater, submarine pipelines...

  • Hydro and marine civil engineering (2020-2021)

    e-Learning Courses
    • W. Sterpejkowicz-Wersocki
    • A. M. Mustafa
    • W. Magda

    Kurs realizowany na Wydziale Inżynierii Lądowej i Środowiska  (WILiŚ) Politechniki Gdańskiej. Studia:   II stopnia - magisterskie, stacjonarne Kierunek: Budownictwo Semestr:  1 (letni) Presentation of basic hydro and marine civil engineering structures together with basic computational procedures for determining environmental forces acting on a structure (vertical-wall breakwater, rubble mound breakwater, submarine pipelines...

  • Hydro and marine civil engineering (2021-2022)

    e-Learning Courses
    • W. Sterpejkowicz-Wersocki
    • A. M. Mustafa
    • W. Magda

    Kurs realizowany na Wydziale Inżynierii Lądowej i Środowiska  (WILiŚ) Politechniki Gdańskiej. Studia:   II stopnia - magisterskie, stacjonarne Kierunek: Budownictwo Semestr:  1 (letni) Presentation of basic hydro and marine civil engineering structures together with basic computational procedures for determining environmental forces acting on a structure (vertical-wall breakwater, rubble mound breakwater, submarine pipelines...

  • Projekt Fakultatywny II/ Elective Design II 2020/2021 S.Hudnik+K.Życzkowska

    e-Learning Courses
    • K. Życzkowska

    SUPERSURFACE – an alternative model for life The studio will explore an alternative architectural models for contemporary society in the context of different political, cultural, economic and environmental contexts. Temporal living and technology links the general fashion principles with architecture. The projects will investigate the visionary scenarios through Superstudio movies Fundamental Acts and various concepts and structures...

  • Advanced Mechanics of Marine Structures I, MSc, Summer 2022-2023, [L,T], PG_00051723

    e-Learning Courses
    • B. Rozmarynowski

    1.  Literature overview,  definition of marine and offshore structures, ocean engineering technologies and mechanical aspects, structural systems applied, jack-up drilling platforms and structural elements. 2. Tensor algebra fundamentals,  stress and small strain states of a solid, constitutive relations. 3. SDOF and MDOF dynamic systems, damping and added masses in offshore vibrations,  generalised eigenvalue problem, forced vibrations...

  • Architectural project V. Design for all 2022/23

    e-Learning Courses
    • D. Sędzicki
    • M. Gawdzik

    SEMESTER V - ACADEMIC YEAR 2022/23 ARCHITECTURAL PROJECT V CHAIR OF URBAN ARCHITECTURE AND WATERSCAPES The course is design by : Dr. eng. arch. Marek Gawdzik   & MSc. eng.arch. Dominik Sędzicki TOPIC The subject of the semester project is the revitalization of one of the post-shipyard hall (No. 38 A) located at the Imperial Shipyard...

  • Elective design II Reinventing Gdańsk / Reinventing Gdynia

    e-Learning Courses
    • K. Życzkowska

    The workshop will examine important modern architectural buildings in Gdańsk/ Gdynia in different political, cultural, economic and environmental contexts. The students will be divided into groups. Each group will be led by the curator of the exhibition. They will identify and evaluate the architectural values of the building through analyses, deconstructions and syntheses, focusing on understanding the basic principles of architecture...

  • Surface Science - 2023/2024

    e-Learning Courses
    • A. Manohar
    • J. Ryl
    • L. Piotrowski
    • A. Tober

    The course is not a full time lecture but on the consultation/handouts. The consulations are held every two weeks. The course is based on the Springer textbook: Surface Science An Introduction Downloadable at: (PG network or vpn access) The goal of the subject is the presentation of basic problems resulting from he existence of interfacebetween material objects...

  • 20232024_Elective design II_CULTURAL HERITAGE ROUTES_Gdańsk Virtual scenarios for city storytelling

    e-Learning Courses
    • J. Borucka

    Cultural Heritage Routes – Gdańsk. This course explores challenges, conflicts and concepts of cultural heritage preservation and protection in urban level, their connection to architectural and urban design in the time of digitalisation and their importance for a future of the cities. The aim of this course, based on the case study city of Gdańsk, is to understand the problem of cultural heritage and develop innovative...

  • 2023_Reinventing Gdansk_Elective seminar

    e-Learning Courses
    • K. Życzkowska

    The workshop will examine important modern architecturalbuildings in Gdansk in different political, cultural, economicand environmental contexts. The students will be dividedinto groups. Each group will be led by the curator of theexhibition. They will identify and evaluate the architecturalvalues of the building through analyses, deconstructions andsyntheses, focusing on understanding the basic principles ofarchitecture and establishing...

  • Projektowanie Aplikacji Internetowych 2022/23

    e-Learning Courses
    • J. Kuchta

    {mlang en}Web Application Design covers the software design phase, which falls between the analysis of the problem domain and the implementation of the program in the code. It shows the rules and guidelines for application design in general, with particular emphasis on web application design problems. Teaches systematic design in aspects of system architecture, application logic, user interface and data structure. Emphasizes the...

  • Projektowanie Aplikacji Internetowych 2023/24

    e-Learning Courses
    • J. Kuchta

    {mlang en}Web Application Design covers the software design phase, which falls between the analysis of the problem domain and the implementation of the program in the code. It shows the rules and guidelines for application design in general, with particular emphasis on web application design problems. Teaches systematic design in aspects of system architecture, application logic, user interface and data structure. Emphasizes the...

  • Inter Applied Chemistry Programme 6 A practical approach to novel industrial enzymes Dr Natasha Bozic

    e-Learning Courses
    • A. Głowacz-Różyńska
    • M. Tobiszewski
    • C. Jungnickel
    • P. Filipkowski

    Inter Applied Chemistry Programme 6 - A practical approach to novel industrial enzymes Dr Natasha Bozic The purpose of the course is to introduce students to the technologies of industrial enzymes discovery and manufacturing and to provide in depth insight about the advantages of using enzyme preparations in industry. Lectures will cover the common workflows of industrial enzymology including following topics: general enzyme...

  • Technologia drewna , W/L, Oceanotechnika, sem.6, lato 23, (O:098640)

    e-Learning Courses
    • A. Bera
    • J. Kozak

    Celem przedmiotu  jest przedstawienie wybranych zagadnień związanych z zastosowaniem i przetwarzaniem drewna do budowy jednostek pływających. W ramach przedmiotu zostaną poruszone zagadnienia materiałowe, podstawowych procesów wytwarzania, w tym metrologiczne a także wybranych problemów łączenia i konserwacji drewna. Zakres przedmiotu obejmuje: Wykład:  Historia drewna...

  • Computer controlled systems - 2022/2023

    e-Learning Courses
    • P. Raczyński

    materiały wspierające wykład na studiach II stopnia na kierunku ACR pod tytułem komputerowe systemy automatyki 1. Computer system – controlled plant interfacing technique; simple interfacing and with both side acknowledgement; ideas, algorithms, acknowledge passing. 2. Methods of acknowledgement passing: software checking and passing, using interrupt techniques, using readiness checking (ready – wait lines). The best solution...

  • CCS-lecture-2023-2024

    e-Learning Courses
    • P. Raczyński

    materiały wspierające wykład na studiach II stopnia na kierunku ACR pod tytułem komputerowe systemy automatyki 1. Computer system – controlled plant interfacing technique; simple interfacing and with both side acknowledgement; ideas, algorithms, acknowledge passing. 2. Methods of acknowledgement passing: software checking and passing, using interrupt techniques, using readiness checking (ready – wait lines). The best solution optimization...