Search results for: project-based learning - Bridge of Knowledge


Search results for: project-based learning

Search results for: project-based learning

  • Building structures and technologies I / CONSTRUCTION PROJECT II

    e-Learning Courses
    • T. Zybała
    • N. Hassas

    Learning about the technical issues involved in carrying out a construction project / architectural project.

  • Bulilding structures and technologies III

    e-Learning Courses
    • T. Zybała

    Learning about technical issues related to the implementation of a construction project and a technical project.

  • Interactive Decision Making, Inżynieria Środowiska, Environmental Engineering, 2023/2024 (summer semester)

    e-Learning Courses
    • A. Jakubczyk-Gałczyńska
    • A. Siemaszko

    The course is designed for students of MSc Studies in Environmental Engineering (studies in Polish and English) Person responsible for the subject, carrying out lectures and tutorials: mgr inż. Agata.Siemaszko; The person conducting the lectures and tutorials: dr inż. Anna Jakubczyk-Gałczyńska; The course is conducted using the Project-Based Learning (PBL) method. It provides...

  • Management and Economics 2022

    e-Learning Courses
    • B. Geniusz-Stepnowska

    Introduction to Management and Economics, Learning by Doing method based upon trends in geopolitics and modern economics frameworks,  strategy and Business Models Management Tools SEMESTR II Green Technologies and Monitoring


    e-Learning Courses
    • K. Życzkowska

    DREAM HOUSE – Space for Living: Between the Idea and the SeaGdynia, Kamienna Góra, Korzeniowskiego Street The task for this project is to design a contemporary single-family house located in the prestigious district of Gdynia, surrounded by exclusive villas,with a stunning view of the sea. How can you offer  the dream home for future residents? The starting point will be to define the future residents of the house so that the...

  • Elective Project I _ Shelter_learning by doing

    e-Learning Courses
    • G. Rembarz
    • B. Bou Kalfouni

    Elective Project I _ Shelter - learning by doing “Your creativity and skills play an important role in making an impact in responding to humanitarian challenges and global crises” The world seems to be reeling from one crisis to another. Recently we experienced climate crises, global pandemic (Covid-19), economic uncertainty, wars, floods, wildfire, and earthquakes. Proceeding from the challenges facing humanity at the global...


    e-Learning Courses
    • E. Marczak
    • A. Orchowska

    The aim of a team research project is to conduct a process in which Students will verify the research hypothesis set by the Client. For this purpose, the project may require the creation of a product, e.g. an application, a device and conducting appropriate research, analysis of results, etc. In the event that the University/Client shares confidential information (including data), the Students will be required to sign an undertaking...

  • Deep neural networks for data analysis 24/25

    e-Learning Courses
    • J. Cychnerski
    • K. Draszawka

    This course covers introduction to supervised machine learning, construction of basic artificial deep neural networks (DNNs) and basic training algorithms, as well as the overview of popular DNNs architectures (convolutional networks, recurrent networks, transformers). The course introduces students to popular regularization techniques for deep models. Besides theory, large part of the course is the project in which students apply...

  • Art Workshop I 2024/2025

    e-Learning Courses
    • Ł. Ławrynowicz
    • D. Krechowicz

     Drawing classes for first-year students of the Faculty of Architecture are aimed at developing basic drawing skills (learning composition, studying proportions, directions and contrasts, mutual relations of objects and chiaroscuro problems) based on the following topics: still life sketches, still life study, figure sketches in motion, character study. Classes are based on the observation of nature, which is an important element...

  • CAD. Integrated Architectural Design, MSc Arch (2023/24)

    e-Learning Courses
    • D. Cyparski

    Detailed understanding of optimizing the design process using parametric BIM (Building Information Modeling) in the Autodesk Revit Architecture program. Practical design exercises included familiarize students with methods of integrating parametric design and exchanging data with other CAD/BIM programs, modifying parametric objects and generating automatic 2D/3D architectural documentation. The lesson plan introduces students to...

  • Urban Project IV. Summer semester - ERASMUS

    e-Learning Courses
    • Ł. Pancewicz

    Course Urban Project IV (AI_MK_28/1) SHAPING A NEW DISTRICT – WHITE RIVER (POL. BIAŁA RZEKA) IN THE CITY OF RUMIA The subject of the exercises is to design the spatial layout of the new district in the area of ​​the so-called Small Tricity. The task of the group will be to develop initial design guidelines - layout and character of buildings, primar building parameters, service program. The planned construction of the new SKM...


    e-Learning Courses
    • J. Buczkowski
    • E. Urwanowicz
    • D. Krechowicz
    • A. Wancław

    ART WORKSHOP PLEIN AIR   Outdoor classes in the field of painting for students of the first year of the Faculty of Architecture are aimed at shaping basic painting skills. Students continue to learn the basics of the tempera painting technique, which they learned in the second semester. Learning the basics of the painting workshop is carried out by looking for combinations of forms, mutual color relationships and the influence...

  • E-learning courses

    e-Learning Courses
    • A. Wardziński
    • G. Gołaszewski
    • T. Zawadzka
    • A. Karpus
    • M. Wróbel
    • A. Przybyłek
    • W. Waloszek
    • A. Landowska
    • K. Goczyła

    Strona zawiera zbiór kursów prowadzonych metodą e-learning. Kursy te są skierowane do studentów I stopnia kierunku informatyka na VII semestrze profilu Bazy danych, do studentów na kierunku informatyka na II semestrze studiów II stopnia na specjalności ZAD i ISI.

  • Machine learning for PhD students

    e-Learning Courses
    • W. Artichowicz

    An introductory course in machine learning for PhD students from Department of Geotechnical and Hydraulic Engineering

  • Deep Learning Basics 2023/24

    e-Learning Courses
    • K. Draszawka

    A course about the basics of deep learning intended for students of Computer Science. It includes an introduction to supervised machine learning, the architecture of basic artificial neural networks and their training algorithms, as well as more advanced architectures (convolutional networks, recurrent networks, transformers) and regularization and optimization techniques.

  • e-Learning - user's guide for students

    e-Learning Courses

    e-Learning - user's guide for students

  • Ochrona Przeciwkorozyjna Instalacji Przemysłowych i Risk Based Inspection (RBI)

    e-Learning Courses
    • J. Orlikowski
    • A. Jażdżewska
    • S. Wysmułek
    • A. Karólkowska
    • Ł. Szynkiewicz
    • M. Szociński

    Risk Based Inspection

  • Geometria wykreślna I, 2022/23

    e-Learning Courses
    • J. M. Kowalewska
    • M. Malewczyk
    • B. A. Chomicka
    • D. Cyparski
    • A. Wancław

    {mlang pl}Kurs „Geometria wykreślna I” łączy w sobie elementy kształcenia tradycyjnego z e-nauczaniem. Przeznaczony jest dla studentów kierunku Architektura, sem. 1, studia inżynierskie I stopnia. Tematyka dotyczy graficznej prezentacji obiektów 3D na płaszczyźnie, ich restytucji na podstawie rzutów oraz rozwiązywania prostych problemów przestrzennych. Treść nauczania obejmuje założenia metody rzutów prostokątnych na dwie rzutnie...

  • Reliability Based zoptimization 2023/24

    e-Learning Courses

  • Large-scale urban projects' development 2024/25

    e-Learning Courses
    • G. Rembarz

    TEACHER: dr Gabriela Rembarz dr inż. arch. Gabriela Rembarz | Politechnika Gdańska ( TOPIC: The topic of design studio is devoted to the LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENTS' PLANNING, located in the context of the waterfront re-development and interpreted through the landscape economy lens. 60h-design studio is marched with international project TELOS and therefor it is divided into two, complementary parts: first one: the design...

  • Elective seminar: Designing Urban Lighting for the Built Environment – from Theory to Practice

    e-Learning Courses
    • K. Zielińska-Dąbkowska
    • A. Zdanowicz

    Goal of the course:    Understanding the basic design issues related to illumination of the exterior spaces in the built environment  Course content / class schedule:   1.Student will learn the difference between Functional versus Decorative lighting in exterior spaces 2. Student will learn how artificial lighting can shape the appearance of an urban space 3. Student will learn necessary tools (luminaires, light sources,...

  • Construction project I

    e-Learning Courses
    • T. Zybała

    Learning how to prepare building elements, structural design of a single-family house

  • [ILiT, IŚGiE] Reliability-Based Optimization (RBO)

    e-Learning Courses
    • J. Górski
    • K. Winkelmann
    • M. Skowronek

  • Architectural project IV

    e-Learning Courses
    • N. Hassas
    • A. Szuta
    • B. Macikowski

    Architectural project IV

  • Wymagania inżynierii systemów dla maszyn wirujących (PG-00060237)

    e-Learning Courses
    • J. Szwedowicz

    Turbiny wiatrowe, gazowe, mikroturbiny, silniki lotnicze, turbosprężarki i inne systemy mechaniczne to przykłady maszyn wirujących, które wymagają wysoko wykwalifikowanych inżynierów. Powinni oni zrozumieć złożoność procesów projektowania i produkcji, w tym wytwarzania przyrostowego, oraz konserwacji prognostycznej opartej na inżynierii cyfrowej dla bezawaryjnej pracy silnika. Kurs zapewnia fundamentalną wiedzę wymaganą w przemyśle...

  • Elective Project III

    e-Learning Courses

    The elective project II class is dedicated to daylight analysis within the built environment.

  • Desiging e-learning courses and distance learning (level 1. certified course)

    e-Learning Courses
    • J. Mytnik
    • O. Ludyga

  • Blended Learning Tasks 2

    e-Learning Courses
    • I. Mokwa-Tarnowska

    Kurs dla Wydziału Mechanicznego

  • Blended Learning Tasks 6

    e-Learning Courses
    • I. Mokwa-Tarnowska

    Kurs dla Wydziału Architektury

  • Deep Learning w Keras

    e-Learning Courses
    • A. Karpus

    Kurs przeznaczony dla słuchaczy studiów podyplomowych Sztuczna inteligencja i automatyzacja procesów biznesowych w ujęciu praktycznym - edycja biznesowa.

  • Blended Learning Tasks 4

    e-Learning Courses
    • I. Mokwa-Tarnowska

  • Blended Learning Tasks 1

    e-Learning Courses
    • I. Mokwa-Tarnowska

    Kurs dla Wydziału Mechanicznego

  • Blended Learning Tasks 5

    e-Learning Courses
    • I. Mokwa-Tarnowska

    Kurs dla ETI

  • Blended Learning Tasks 3

    e-Learning Courses
    • I. Mokwa-Tarnowska

    Kurs dla WILiŚ

  • ENG_Architectural Design sem 6_2022_2023_KAMiUP

    e-Learning Courses
    • T. Zybała
    • J. Borucka
    • W. Targowski
    • P. Czyż

    The course concerns the shaping of marketplace facilities with accompanying functions. The course presents a multifaceted approach to the issues, including technical, legal, economic, environmental, and cultural issues. The aim of the course, based on a case study in Gdańsk (Marketplace Gdańsk-Wrzeszcz (Targowisko Gdańsk-Wrzeszcz) and its surroundings), is to understand the problem of regeneration of exhibition spaces and to develop...

  • Architectural Project IV A.Szuta

    e-Learning Courses
    • A. Szuta

    Architectural Project IV A.Szuta

  • Architectural project III, 2022/23

    e-Learning Courses
    • A. Szuta
    • B. Macikowski

    Architectural project III

  • [ILiT, IŚGiE] Reliability-Based Optimization (RBO) - 2022/23

    e-Learning Courses
    • J. Górski
    • K. Winkelmann
    • M. Skowronek

  • [ILiT, IŚGiE] Reliability-Based Optimization (RBO) - 2023/24

    e-Learning Courses
    • J. Górski
    • K. Winkelmann
    • M. Skowronek

  • System identification 2023/24 - project

    e-Learning Courses
    • K. Dudziak

    This is the project part of the System Identification subject.

  • Architectural project IV, 2023/24

    e-Learning Courses
    • N. Hassas
    • A. Szuta
    • M. Wojtkiewicz

    Architectural project IV, 2023/24

  • Architectural project III, 2024/25

    e-Learning Courses
    • N. Hassas
    • A. Szuta
    • K. Życzkowska

    Architectural project III, 2024/25

  • Architectural project III, 2023/24

    e-Learning Courses
    • A. Szuta
    • K. Życzkowska

    Architectural project III, 2023/24

  • E-learning workshops with Norbert Berger

    e-Learning Courses
    • J. Makowski

    The series of workshops supports MBA faculty in planning, designing, delivering and assessing blended and online modules for their cohorts. It is supplemented by individual coaching to create Moodle and conferencing solutions and their delivery.

  • Basics of Deep Learning 24/25

    e-Learning Courses
    • K. Draszawka

  • Elective Project 4 sem. (Daylight)

    e-Learning Courses
    • N. Sokół
    • R. Orlik

    The elective project is dedicated to daylight analysis within a built environment.

  • Architectural project IV, 2022/23, KTHAiKZ

    e-Learning Courses
    • N. Hassas
    • A. Szuta
    • M. Wojtkiewicz

    Architectural project IV, 2022/23

  • Arch. project Erasmus sem.3 i5

    e-Learning Courses
    • D. Sędzicki
    • M. Gawdzik

    architectural  project  sem.III and V  Erasmus Group .

  • Arch./Urban Project II

    e-Learning Courses
    • J. Cudzik
    • M. Gawdzik

    A design studio focused on issues related to the creation of sustainable and climate-responsible facilities. The design task is related to the concept of development of the Gdańsk University of Technology campus. The implemented project will be both a task related to urban and architectural design. A very important element of the design process will be a smooth transition between various scales and problems that architects and...

  • Elective Project - Project, City, and Society

    e-Learning Courses
    • P. Ardizzola
    • P. Duch-Żebrowska