Search results for: EEG - Bridge of Knowledge


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Search results for: EEG



    ISSN: 1550-0594 , eISSN: 2169-5202

  • Balance recognition on the basis of EEG measurement.

    Although electroencephalography (EEG) is not typically used for verifying the sense of balance, it can be used for analysing cortical signals responsible for this phenomenon. Simple balance tasks can be proposed as a good indicator of whether the sense of balance is acting more or less actively. This article presents preliminary results for the potential of using EEG to balance sensing....

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  • Tensor Decomposition for Imagined Speech Discrimination in EEG



    Most of the researches in Electroencephalogram(EEG)-based Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI) are focused on the use of motor imagery. As an attempt to improve the control of these interfaces, the use of language instead of movement has been recently explored, in the form of imagined speech. This work aims for the discrimination of imagined words in electroencephalogram signals. For this purpose, the analysis of multiple variables...

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  • Metody redukcji artefaktów w zapisie EEG.

    Przegląd i opis metod badania EEG jego uwarunkowań technicznych oraz problemy z tym związane. Dokonano przeglądu metod pozwalających na zredukowanie bądź eliminacje artefaktów w zapisie EEG.

  • Labeler-hot Detection of EEG Epileptic Transients


    - Year 2019

    Preventing early progression of epilepsy and sothe severity of seizures requires effective diagnosis. Epileptictransients indicate the ability to develop seizures but humansoverlook such brief events in an electroencephalogram (EEG)what compromises patient treatment. Traditionally, trainingof the EEG event detection algorithms has relied on groundtruth labels, obtained from the consensus...

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  • Decoding imagined speech for EEG-based BCI

    • C. A. Reyes-García
    • A. A. Torres-García
    • T. Hernández-del-Toro
    • J. S. Garcia Salinas
    • L. Villaseñor-Pineda

    - Year 2024

    Brain–computer interfaces (BCIs) are systems that transform the brain's electrical activity into commands to control a device. To create a BCI, it is necessary to establish the relationship between a certain stimulus, internal or external, and the brain activity it provokes. A common approach in BCIs is motor imagery, which involves imagining limb movement. Unfortunately, this approach allows few commands. As an alternative, this...

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  • Peripheral device for marking eye artifacts in the EEG examination


    - Year 2020

    Urządzenie peryferyjne do oznaczania artefaktów ocznych w badaniu EEG (43) Zgłoszenie ogłoszono: 21.05.2018 BUP 11/18 (45) O udzieleniu patentu ogłoszono: 15.06.2020 WUP 07/20 (73) Uprawniony z patentu: ZACHODNIOPOMORSKI UNIWERSYTET TECHNOLOGICZNY W SZCZECINIE, Szczecin, PL (72) Twórca(y) wynalazku: JOANNA GÓRECKA, Stargard, PL ANDRZEJ BIEDKA, Wołczkowo, PL (74) Pełnomocnik: rzecz. pat. Renata Zawadzka PL 235263 B1

  • Transfer learning in imagined speech EEG-based BCIs


    - Biomedical Signal Processing and Control - Year 2019

    The Brain–Computer Interfaces (BCI) based on electroencephalograms (EEG) are systems which aim is to provide a communication channel to any person with a computer, initially it was proposed to aid people with disabilities, but actually wider applications have been proposed. These devices allow to send messages or to control devices using the brain signals. There are different neuro-paradigms which evoke brain signals of interest...

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  • The Dependence of Electrode Impedance on the Number of Performed EEG Examinations


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    • A. Kastrau
    • M. Koronowski
    • M. Liksza
    • P. Jasik

    - Year 2021

    This study examined the machine learning-based approach allowing the recognition of human emotional states with the use of EEG signals. After a short introduction to the fundamentals of electroencephalography and neural oscillations, the two-dimensional valence-arousal Russell’s model of emotion was described. Next, we present the assumptions of the performed EEG experiment. Detail aspects of the data sanitization including preprocessing,...