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Search results for: LOW ALLOY STEEL
Weldability of S460ML High Strength Low Alloy Steel in Underwater Conditions
PublicationThe paper presents experimental evaluation of susceptibility of the high strength S460ML steel to cold cracking in the conditions of wet welding with the use of covered electrodes. From the results of Tekken tests it was found out that the investigated steel was characterised, in the conditions of the carried out experiments (underwater wet welding and air welding with rutile electrodes), of high susceptibility to cold cracking....
Corrosion and Cavitation Resistances of Low Alloy Steel After Frictional-Mechanical Treatment
PublicationPaper presents the results of the studies of wear, corrosion and cavitation resistances of the S355J2 low alloy medium carbon steel subjected to surface modification by friction-mechanical treatment, as tested in sea water simulated solution. To evaluate the effect of the surface treatment, the comparative studies of the corrosive properties of the steel before and after treatment have been considered. The treatment due to a severe...
Effect of plasma nitrided layers on low-alloy steel on its hydrogen degradation
PublicationPrzedstawiono badania wpływu warstw azotowanych jarzeniowo na stali 34CrAlNi7-10 na jej podatność na niszczenie wodorowe. Wytworzono warstwy azotowane w atmosferach technologicznych o różnym udziale wodoru. Próbki materiału rodzimego i z warstwami azotowanymi poddano próbie rozciągania z małą prędkością odkształcania w środowisku 0,01 N kwasu siarkowego przy polaryzcaji katodowej. Względny spadek plastyczności i charakter przełomu...
The influence of the carbon equivalent on the weldability of high-strength low-alloy steel in the water environment
PublicationFrom many years, the high strength low alloy steels are often used for offshore constructions. This constructions, due to the environment in which they work, require more frequent repairs than the constructions from the land. For economic reasons, repairs take place in the underwater conditions, however water significantly decreases the weldability of steel. The paper presents the results of the CTS weldability test for S460ML...
Mechanical and structural behavior of high-strength low-alloy steel pad welded by underwater wet welding conditions
PublicationThe aim of the paper was to determine the metallurgical and mechanical behaviors of a high-strength low-alloy (HSLA) steel pad-welded specimen used in the structures of industrial and naval parts. Then to predict the metallurgical consequences (nature of the phases present) and the mechanical properties (hardness and impact strength) of the pad-welded steel obtained by underwater wet welding with different heat input values. The...
Hydrogen-enhanced stress corrosion cracking in low alloy steels in seawater
PublicationBadano podatność stali niskostopowych w wodzie morskiej w warunkach polaryzacji katodowej. Stwierdzono spadek czasu do zniszczenia, energii zniszczenia i przewężenia ze wzrostem potencjału katodowego. Wykazano znaczącą korelację między stopniem degradacji wodorowej a stężeniem wodoru dyfuzyjnego.
Effect of Arc Strikes on High Strength Low Alloy Steels Welded by SMAW
PublicationWet welding with covered electrodes (Shielded Metal Arc Welding – SMAW) is the most commonly used method of carrying out welding repair works in a water environment. Limited visibility and the inability to move freely under water result in an increased risk of formation of welding imperfections such as lack of fusion, lack of penetration and arc strikes. The work focused on changes in the properties and structure of steel subjected...
The corrosion studies of 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzoic acid as an effective corrosion inhibitor of low alloy steel
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the electrochemical studies evaluating if gallic acid is a corrosion inhibitor for low alloy steel. Three measurements were carried out each case; corrosion potential (label ecorr), electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (label eis) and cyclic polarization (label cp). The measurements were carried out in sodium chloride, acidified...
Influence of laser processing of the low alloy medium carbon structural steel on the development of the fatigue crack
PublicationThe paper contains the results of the structural analysis, hardness tests and fatigue tests conducted for the medium carbon structural steel with low content of Cr and Ni after its processing with CO2 laser beam. Pre-cracks were made in the round compact tension (RCT) specimen used for fatigue test. Next, four paths, parallel to each other, were melted on both sides of the samples using a laser beam. The paths were perpendicular...
Fracture Areas Quantitative Investigating of Bending-Torsion Fatigued Low-Alloy High-Strength Steel
PublicationIn this study, the impact of pseudo-random non-proportional bending-torsion fatigue loadings proportion on the fatigue life and the fracture surface topography was analyzed. Investigation was carried out for 24 specimens made of S355J2 steel with 11 different ratios of maximum stresses λ. For these cases, after the fatigue tests, the surface topography measurements were carried out using an optical profilometer, using the focus...