Search results for: MECHANICAL%20PROPERTIES - Bridge of Knowledge


Search results for: MECHANICAL%20PROPERTIES
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Search results for: MECHANICAL%20PROPERTIES

  • Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering


    ISSN: 1428-1511 , eISSN: 2354-0192

  • Technical Transactions


    ISSN: 0011-4561 , eISSN: 2353-737X

  • Mechanical testing of technical woven fabrics

    This article presents a review of technical fabrics testing methods used by the authors on the basis of their experience with research on properties of polytetrefluoroethylene-coated fabrics used for Forest Opera in Sopot (Poland). First, the different types of testing methods used for description of mechanical properties (uniaxial tensile tests, biaxial tensile tests and shear tests) of technical woven fabrics are described. The...

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  • Mechanical Properties of Implants


    - Year 2012

    W pracy przedstawiono wyniki identyfikacji ortogonalnego modelu matematycznego czterech typów implantów stosowanych w laparoskopowym leczeniu przepukliny brzusznej.

  • Mechanical and thermomechanical properties of bioelastomers


    Przedstawiono wyniki badań właściwości wytrzymałościowych, modułów stratności i zachowawczych oraz temperatur zeszklenia bioelastomerów zawierających skrobię ziemniaczną lub kukurydzianą. Zbadano także wpływ skrobi oraz czasu wulkanizacji na wybrane właściwości wytworzonych materiałów kompozytowych.

  • Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering


    ISSN: 1644-9665 , eISSN: 2083-3318

  • Mechanical, thermo-mechanical properties of epoxy/glass composites with submicron particles


    - Year 2013

    In this research the influence of submicron zinc oxide and silicon dioxide particles on mechanical, thermo-mechanical properties of epoxy matrix composites reinforced with glass fibres was investigated. Composites were fabricated using hand lay-up method. Materials contained 39-41 wt.% of glass fibres. The bending tests, dynamic mechanical analysis and tribological tests were performed on each group of composites and also for...

  • Mechanical Properties of Human Abdominal Fascia


    - Year 2012

    W pracy przedstawiono wyniki identyfikacji modułu sprężystosci i współczynnika Poissona próbek powięzi ściany brzucha człowieka, którą przeprowadzono na podstawie testów jednoosiowego rozciągania.

  • Application and mechanical properties of aluminium alloys


    The paper presents a short survey of the application and mechanical properties of aluminium alloys. This area of scientific research is still developing, the authors restricted it to about 30 papers. Numerical simulations of the aluminium bracket are also investigated. The authors propose a solution to increase the load capacity of aluminium brackets with application of the additional cover plates. This study is proposed as an...

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  • Mechanical Properties of Human Stomach Tissue


    - Year 2022

    The dataset entitled Determination of mechanical properties of human stomach tissues subjected to uniaxial stretching contains: the length of the sample as a function of the corresponding load (tensile force) and the initial values of the average width and average thickness of the sample. All tests were conducted in a self-developed tensile test machine: PG TissueTester. The dataset allows the coefficients of various models of...

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