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Validation of Services Supporting Healthcare Standards Conformance
PublicationThe paper presents the results of experimental validation of a set of innovative software services supporting processes of achieving, assessing and maintaining conformance with standards and regulations. The study involved several hospitals implementing the Accreditation Standard promoted by the Polish Ministry of Health. First we introduce NOR-STA services that implement the TRUST-IT methodology of argument management. Then we...
Jakub Miler dr inż.
PeopleAcademic career: 2000: Master of Science - Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics, thesis "Computer system for supporting risk management in a software engineering project", supervisor prof. Janusz Górski 2005: PhD - Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics, thesis "A Method of Software Project Risk Identification and Analysis",...
Marcin Niedopytalski Ekspert ds. Ochrony Osób, Strzelectwa i Prawa Konstytucyjnego
PeopleMarcin Niedopytalski is a recognized expert with 25 years of experience in the field of protection and security, author of many specialized books, scientist, as well as researcher and observer in the broadly understood sphere of security. His extensive competences cover many key areas such as crisis management, VIP protection, self-defense,shooting, as well as medical rescue. Marcin started his career in security very early, starting...
Development of the System Assurance Reference Model for Generating Modular Assurance Cases
PublicationAssurance cases are structured arguments used to demonstrate specific system properties such as safety or security. They are used in many industrial sectors including automotive, aviation and medical devices. Larger assurance cases are usually divided into modules to manage the complexity and distribute the work. Each of the modules is developed to address specific goals allocated to the specific objects i.e. components of the...
SCF - a Framework Supporting Achieving and Assessing Conformity with Standards
PublicationStandards Conformity Framework (SCF) presented in this paper encompasses methods and tools whichprovide support for application of standards and other normative documents. The approach taken focuses ondevelopment, assessment and maintenance of an electronic document which demonstrates conformity. Sucha document contains an argument structure developed in accordance with the Trust-IT methodology. Thepaper discusses details of the...
Automated Generation of Modular Assurance Cases with the System Assurance Reference Model
PublicationAssurance cases are structured arguments used to demonstrate specific system properties such as safety or security. They are used in many industrial sectors including automotive, aviation and medical devices. Assurance cases are usually divided into modules which address goals allocated to specific system properties, components, functions, modes of operation or environmental conditions. Depending on the system and assurance process...
Ontology as a Tool for the IT Management Standards Support
PublicationIn this paper the authors discuss the initial idea of using ontologies to model requirements of the standards that support IT management processes. The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) is set as an example. A need for transition from the generic model do the organization-specific one is indicated. The described example serves as a ground for considering the usefulness of such modeling approach in the wider spectrum of...
Comparative conformance cases for monitoring multiple implementations of critical requirements
PublicationThe paper presents the concept and the mechanism of comparative conformance cases which support conformance monitoring in situations where a standard or other set of requirements are being implemented at multiple sites. The mechanism is enabled by NOR-STA services which implement the TRUST-IT methodology and are deployed in the cloud in accordance with the SaaS model. In the paper we introduce the concept of comparative conformance...
Challenges in providing support for management of evidence-based arguments
PublicationThe paper considers selected challenges related to the application of evidence based arguments and maps them on the tool support level. In particular, we consider: communication and teamwork, handling large arguments, evidence management and integration, argument assessment and communication, change control and reporting, evidence reuse, user data security and argument portfolio management. Then we explain how these challenges...
Standards Conformity Framework in comparison with contemporary methods supporting standards application
PublicationAchieving and assessing conformity with standards and compliance with various sets of requirements generates significant costs for contemporary economies. Great deal of this is spent on fulfilment of safety and security requirements. However, standards application is not supported sufficiently by the tools available on the market. Therefore, Standards Conformity Framework (SCF) containing methods and tools which provide support...