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Search results for: data analysis
Data Analysis in Bridge of Data
PublicationThe chapter presents the data analysis aspects of the Bridge of Data project. The software framework used, Jupyter, and its configuration are presented. The solution’s architecture, including the TRYTON supercomputer as the underlying infrastructure, is described. The use case templates provided by the Stat-reducer application are presented, including data analysis related to spatial points’ cloud-, audio- and wind-related research.
GIS Solution for Weather Forecast Data Analysis
PublicationIn this paper authors present the GIS system for the analysis of the numerical weather prediction data. This kind of data has multidimensional character (three dimensions and time) and its analysis should consider all the available factors. Proposed GIS system consists of RASDAMAN application with implemented OLAP cube mechanism, which enables the user to process data in the spatial-time domain. It also simplifies the meteorological...
Sediment-quality assessment by intelligent data analysis
PublicationCoraz powszechniej do oceny jakości próbek środowiskowych osadów wykorzystuje się analizy chemometryczne. Ich głównym zadaniem jest znalezienie zależności pomiędzy wynikami analiz chemicznych oraz oszacowanymi parametrami toksyczności.Zastosowanie chemometrii w ocenie jakości próbek środowiskowych umożliwiłoby zredukowanie kosztów biomonitoringu prowadzonego na badanym obszarze poprzez optymalizację procedury badawczej.
Investigation for Genetic Signature of Radiosensitivity – Data Analysis
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Intelligent Data Analysis
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Advances in Measurement and Data Analysis of Surfaces with Functionalized Coatings
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K-means clustering for SAT-AIS data analysis
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Manganese Distribution in CdMnTeSe Crystals. EXAFS Data Analysis
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Manufacturing Data Analysis in Internet of Things/Internet of Data (IoT/IoD) Scenario
PublicationComputer integrated manufacturing (CIM) has enormous benefits as it increases the rate of production, reduces errors and production waste, and streamlines manufacturing sub-systems. However, there are some new challenges related to CIM operating in the Internet of Things/Internet of Data (IoT/IoD) scenarios associated with Industry 4.0 and cyber-physical systems. The main challenge is to deal with the massive volume of data flowing...