Search results for: INTERNATIONALISATION VISEGRAD COUNTRIES - Bridge of Knowledge




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  • The number of active enterprises in Poland in 1997-2014

    Open Research Data
    open access

    After Poland joined the group of countries associated in the European Union and through participation in numerous economic and political organizations (including the World Trade Organization, OECD), as well as the commencement of trade exchange with virtually all countries of the world, Polish entrepreneurs and managers struggle with completely problems...

  • Share of gross value added generated by enterprises in GDP

    Open Research Data
    open access

    After Poland joined the group of countries associated in the European Union and through participation in numerous economic and political organizations (including the World Trade Organization, OECD), as well as the commencement of trade exchange with virtually all countries of the world, Polish entrepreneurs and managers struggle with completely problems...

  • ETS prices 2008-2024

    Open Research Data
    open access

    The European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) is a carbon emission trading scheme (or cap and trade scheme) which began in 2005 and is intended to lower greenhouse gas emissions by the European Union countries. The "ETS prices 2008-2024" dataset contains a summary of ETS prices in 2008-2024.

  • Number of work permits issued in 2008-2018 by migrant's country of origin

    Open Research Data
    open access

    The scale of the influx of economic migrants to Poland can be proved by data referring to documents enabling legal work, including work permits. In 2018, the most frequently applied for work permit for citizens of eight countries presented in the dataset. The table contains data on the number of permits issued in the years 2008-2018. 

  • Women's participation in employment in three main sectors of the economy (Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia)

    Open Research Data
    open access

    The following dataset presents the share of women's employment in selected countries (Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia) in the years 1999 - 2016, divided into services, agriculture and industry. The dataset presents what percentage of employees in a given area are women. According to published data, women constitute more than half of people employed...

  • Structure of the SME sector by economy sectors in Poland and the EU-28

    Open Research Data
    open access

    Eurostat data show that almost 75% of SMEs in Poland are trade and services, and every seventh enterprise conducts activities related to construction, and every eight - in industry. Comparing the industry structure of Polish companies with the structure of enterprises operating in EU countries, it should be noted that we are characterized by a greater...

  • Number of foreigners registered for pension and disability insurance by citizenship - at the end of the year

    Open Research Data
    open access

    The data from the Central Register of Insureds indicate that the number of individuals who were subject to retirement and disability insurance and who had citizenship other than Polish increased from 65,000 in December 2008 to nearly 570 thousand in December 2018 (table 4 and figure 4). This means a nearly 9-time increase, while the number of foreigners...

  • Top 10 Iran Export Partners in 2011

    Open Research Data
    open access

    Lifting of Iranian sanctions could lead to a rapid improvement in the economic situation of Iran. This will not only remove the barriers of international transactions, but also enable the investments of foreign entities on the territory of Iran, increasing the competitiveness of operators, including in the key mining sector.

  • state aid for projects on heritage conservation

    Open Research Data
    open access

    The dataset encompassed a choice of the most important legal acts in EU law, a list of selected bibliography, together with a list of some interesting individual EC decisions issued on the topic of state aid for heritage conservation in Poland and some UE countries in the period 2007-2013. The reader gets the possibility to acquire basic information...

  • Functional specialisation and economic upgrading in GVCs

    Open Research Data
    open access

    The dataset collected for selected Central Eastern European (CEE) countries (CZE, EST, HUN, LVA, LTU, POL, SVK, SVN) contains country-level and sector-level observations for the project implementation linked to the concept of functional specialization of economies. The aim of the project is to identify patterns of functional specialisation in global...

  • Top 10 Iran Import Goods in 2011

    Open Research Data
    open access

    The following dataset shows the volume of trade of the European Union countries with Iran. One can observe a significant drop in both imports and exports (the year 2012 meant tightening of sanctions, which clearly limited the import of Iranian products to the EU). After lifting the sanctions it is expected to substantially increase the level of trade...

  • Total Goods: EU Trade flows and balance with Iran, 2005-2015 (in millions of USD).

    Open Research Data
    open access

    The following dataset shows the volume of trade of the European Union countries with Iran. One can observe a significant drop in both imports and exports (the year 2012 meant tightening of sanctions, which clearly limited the import of Iranian products to the EU). After lifting the sanctions it is expected to substantially increase the level of trade...

  • state aid for export activities

    Open Research Data
    open access

    The dataset encompassed a choice of  the most important legal acts, a list of selected Polish and foreign bibliography, together with a list of important individual EC decisions issued on the topic of state aid for export credits in Poland and some UE countries in the period 2001-2019. Thanks to that the reader gets the possibility do acquire basic...

  • Supplementary material for: Fungal Planet description sheets: 1478–1549

    Open Research Data
    open access
    • P. Crous
    • E.  Osieck
    • R.  Shivas
    • Y.  Tan
    • S.  Bishop-Hurley
    •  . F.
    • E.  Larsson
    • J.  Luangsa-ard
    • F.  Pancorbo
    • S.  Balashov
    • I.  Baseia
    • T.
    • S.  Chandranayaka
    • D.  Cowan
    • R.  Cruz
    • P.  Czachura
    • S.  De la Peña-Lastra
    • F.  Dovana
    • B.  Drury
    • J.  Fell
    • A.  Flakus
    • R.  Fotedar
    • Ž.  Jurjević
    • A.  Kolecka
    • J.  Mack
    • G.  Maggs-Kölling
    • S.  Mahadevakumar
    • A.  Mateos
    • S.  Mongkolsamrit
    • W.  Noisripoom
    • M.  Plaza
    • D. Overy
    • M.  Piatek
    • M.  Sandoval-Denis
    • J.  Vauras
    • M.  Wingfield
    • S.  Abell
    • A.  Ahmadpour
    • A.  Akulov
    • F.  Alavi
    • Z.  Alavi
    • A.  Altés
    • P.  Alvarado
    • G.  Anand
    • N.  Ashtekar
    • B.  Assyov
    • G.  Banc-Prandi
    • K.  Barbosa
    • G.  Barreto
    • J.  Bellanger
    • J.  Bezerra
    • D.  Bhat
    • P.  Bilański
    • T.  Bose
    • F.  Bozok
    • J.  Chaves
    • D.  Costa-Rezende
    • C.  Danteswari
    • V. Darmostuk
    • G.  Delgado
    • S.  Denman
    • A.  Eichmeier
    • J.  Etayo
    • G.  Eyssartier
    • S.  Faulwetter
    • K.  Ganga
    • Y.  Ghosta
    • J.  Goh
    • J.  Góis
    • D.  Gramaje
    • L.  Granit
    • M.  Groenewald
    • G.  Gulden
    • L.  Gusmão
    • A.  Hammerbacher
    • Z.  Heidarian
    • N.  Hywel-Jones
    • R.  Jankowiak
    • M.  Kaliyaperumal
    • O.  Kaygusuz
    • K.  Kezo
    • A.  Khonsanit
    • S.  Kumar
    • C.  Kuo
    • T.  Laessøe
    • K.  Latha
    • M.  Loizides
    • S.  Luo
    • J.  Maciá-Vicente
    • P.  Manimohan
    • P.  Marbach
    • P.  Marinho
    • T.  Marney
    • G.  Marques
    • M.  Martín
    • A.  Miller
    • F.  Mondello
    • G.  Moreno
    • K.  Mufeeda
    • H. Mun
    • T.  Nau
    • T.  Nkomo
    • A.  Okrasińska
    • J.  Oliveira
    • R.  Oliveira
    • D.  Ortiz
    • J.  Pawłowska
    • M.  Pérez-De-Gregorio
    • A.  Podile
    • A.  Portugal
    • N.  Privitera
    • K.  Rajeshkumar
    • I.  Rauf
    • B.  Rian
    • A.  Rigueiro-Rodríguez
    • G.  Rivas-Torres
    • P. Rodriguez-Flakus
    • M.  Romero-Gordillo
    • I.  Saar
    • M.  Saba
    • C.  Santos
    • P.  Sarma
    • J.  Siquier
    • S.  Sleiman
    • M.  Spetik
    • K.  Sridhar
    • M.  Stryjak-Bogacka
    • K.  Szczepańska
    • H.  Taşikn
    • D.  Tennakoon
    • D.  Thanakitpipattana
    • J.  Trovão
    • A.  Türkekul
    • A.  van Iperen
    • P.  van 't Hof
    • G.  Vasquez
    • C.  Visagie
    • B.  Wingfield
    • P.  Wong
    • W.  Yang
    • M.  Yarar
    • O.  Yarden
    • N.  Yilmaz
    • N.  Zhang
    • Y.  Zhu
    • J.  Groenewald

    Novel species of fungi described in this study include those from various countries as follows: Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Denmark, Ecuador (Galapagos), Finland, France, India, Iran, Israel, Italy, Namibia, Netherlands, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, Taiwan region...

  • State aid for shipyards

    Open Research Data
    open access

    The dataset encompassed a choice of the most important legal acts, a list of selected Polish bibliography and a list of important individual decisions issued on the topic of state aid for shipyards in Poland and in selected UE countries. The data constitute a description of the basic state aid instruments used in practise in the period 1999-2018, but...

  • VAT rates in particular member states of the European Union in 2015

    Open Research Data
    open access

    Under European Union law, the minimum standard rate of VAT that Member States can apply is 15%. An upper limit has not been specified. Despite attempts to harmonize the value added tax rates, the range of tax rates applied between countries is large. Currently, Luxembourg uses the lowest standard rate (15%), and Hungary uses the highest (27%). Due to...

  • Comparison of the number of foreigners registered for retirement and disability pension insurance - at the end of the year

    Open Research Data
    open access

    The increase in the number of foreigners registered for retirement and disability insurance was characterized by the highest dynamics in the case of non-EU migrants, in particular Ukrainian citizens (26-time increase in the period 2008-2018; impressive nominal growth from 16.2 to 420.7 thousand economic migrants) and Georgia (a 37-time increase). Also...

  • Proportion of work permits issued to citizens of Ukraine, Nepal and Belarus in total permits issued in 2008-2018

    Open Research Data
    open access

    The number of work permits issued increased from 18,000 in 2008 to nearly 329 thousand in 2018, i.e. by 18 times. The largest increases in nominal terms occurred in 2015-2018, noting a change from 66 thousand in 2015, up to 127 thousand in 2016, 236,000 in 2017 and 329 thousand in 2018. So far the most work permits were received by Ukrainian citizens....

  • Data on wages, gender wage gap and global value chains measured on the European Structure of Earnings Survey and World Input-Output Database.

    Open Research Data

    This data article describes the data and merging procedure used by Nikulin and Wolszczak-Derlacz (Nikulin and Wolszczak-Derlacz, 2022). 

  • Distribution of population by tenure status, 2015 (% of population)

    Open Research Data
    open access

    Factor affecting the attractiveness of property market in terms of investment, especially of housing, is the ratio of the number of dwellings owned by the population .In 2015, more than a quarter (26.9%) of the EU population lived in their own housing with credit or mortgages, while over 42% occupied their own residential units without credit or mortgages....

  • Annual growth of House price index in European Union in 2006-2017

    Open Research Data
    open access

    The financial crisis of 2008 has caused a number of changes in the investment of both companies and individuals. One of the widely invested assets became the real estate market. The decline in real estate prices was noted in 2009 and 2012-2014. The highest decrease in property prices was indicated in Bulgaria, Ireland, Lithuania, Latvia, Slovakia and...

  • Data for systematic review on interversions reducing car use

    Open Research Data
    open access

    This dataset contains search strategies, bibliographic information and data synthesis performed for a systematic literature review to provide a comprehensive and unbiased summary of the available evidence concerning car use-reducing interventions employed and their effectiveness. ‘Intervention’, for this study purposes, is defined as “any policy, program,...

  • Which is better in fat times and in lean times: the macho man vs. the nice guy? Study 1 dataset

    Open Research Data

    The dataset from cross-cultural study conducted in Poland and Norway in the area of gender stereotypes. Our study was conducted in two countries differing with regard to gender equality indices relating to the extent to which men are allowed to manifest gender-atypical behavior and influencing mate preferences of women. Polish (N = 106) and Norwegian...

  • Data for meta-analysis on interversions reducing car use

    Open Research Data
    open access

    This dataset contains the results of a meta-analysis of reported interventions reducing car use. To standardise intervention effects reported in different scales, the  Hedges’ g effect size measure was used (ratio of raw difference in samples’ means and pooled standard deviation).  The standardised studies outcomes, along with overall outcome, were...

  • Elgold: gold standard, multi-genre dataset for named entity recognition and linking

    Open Research Data
    version 1.0 open access

    The dataset contains 276 multi-genre texts with marked named entities, which are linked to corresponding Wikipedia articles if available. Each entity was manually verified by at least three people, which makes the dataset a high-quality gold standard for the evaluation of named entity recognition and linking algorithms.

  • Elgold intermediate: verified by verification team

    Open Research Data

    The dataset contains the texts from Elgold intermediate: annotated raw additionaly verified by the five-person verification team.  arly 25% of the mentions were corrected in some aspect.

  • Elgold intermediate: annotated raw

    Open Research Data

    The dataset contains a subset of texts from Elgold intermediate: raw texts with named entities marked and linked to corresponding Wikipedia articles. The texts were annotated by 31 participants during the 1.5-hour session.

  • The surface of the sensor used in the analysis of odorous substances

    Open Research Data

    Human industrial activity usually leads to smaller or larger interference with the ecosystem, contributing to changes affecting the quality of life. An example may be the emission of gaseous substances, not necessarily toxic, but due to their intense smell, they can cause discomfort to people exposed to their inhalation. The problem is so important...

  • Perception of household duties in Poland and Norway

    Open Research Data

    Domestic work has gendered meaning and content of both masculinity and femininity is strongly embedded in the cultural context. In our article, across three studies we analyse the perception of household duties and their division between partners in two countries differing with regard to gender equality levels: Norway and Poland. In our Study 1, Polish...

  • GSADF test results for national art market (G-7 group) + selected investments

    Open Research Data

    The dataset contains data illustrating the results of detecting and data-stamping price explosivity periods in national art markets in G-7 countries with additional investments from a second group (MSCI, S&P 500, crude oil, gold and silver). The files contain:•    01_diagnostics_gsadf – summary of results for analysed time series.•    02_st_value...

  • Elgold partial: News

    Open Research Data

    The dataset contains 37 English texts scrapped from news websites. In each text, the named entities are marked. Each name entity is linked to the corresponding Wikipedia if possible. All entities were manually verified by at least three people, which makes the dataset a high-quality gold standard for the evaluation of named entity recognition and linking...

  • Elgold partial: Automotive blogs

    Open Research Data

    The dataset contains 34 English texts scrapped from automotive blogs. In each text, the named entities are marked. Each name entity is linked to the corresponding Wikipedia if possible. All entities were manually verified by at least three people, which makes the dataset a high-quality gold standard for the evaluation of named entity recognition and...

  • Elgold partial: Movie reviews

    Open Research Data

    The dataset contains 37 English texts with movie reviews. In each text, the named entities are marked. Each name entity is linked to the corresponding Wikipedia if possible. All entities were manually verified by at least three people, which makes the dataset a high-quality gold standard for the evaluation of named entity recognition and linking algorithms.

  • Elgold partial: Job offers

    Open Research Data

    The dataset contains 34 English texts scrapped from the web portals offering job offers. In each text, the named entities are marked. Each name entity is linked to the corresponding Wikipedia if possible. All entities were manually verified by at least three people, which makes the dataset a high-quality gold standard for the evaluation of named entity...

  • Elgold partial: Scientific papers' abstracts

    Open Research Data

    The dataset contains 87 Scientific papers' abstracts in English randomly chosen from the folowing scientific disciplines: Biomedicine, Life Sciences, Mathematics, Medicine, Science, Humanities, Social Science.

  • Number of registered BEV and PHEV vehicles in 2011-2016 (in thousands)

    Open Research Data
    open access

    There are three main types of vehicles that are generally regarded as an electric car. These include:

  • Elgold partial: Amazon product reviews

    Open Research Data

    The dataset contains 34 Amazon product reviews in English. In each text, the named entities are marked. Each name entity is linked to the corresponding Wikipedia if possible. All entities were manually verified by at least three people, which makes the dataset a high-quality gold standard for the evaluation of named entity recognition and linking algorithms.

  • Elgold partial: History blogs

    Open Research Data

    The dataset contains 13 texts from English history blogs. In each text, the named entities are marked. Each name entity is linked to the corresponding Wikipedia if possible. All entities were manually verified by at least three people, which makes the dataset a high-quality gold standard for the evaluation of named entity recognition and linking algorithms.