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Natural architectural design
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Artificial Intelligence Aided Architectural Design
PublicationTools and methods used by architects always had an impact on the way building were designed. With the change in design methods and new approaches towards creation process, they became more than ever before crucial elements of the creation process. The automation of architects work has started with computational functions that were introduced to traditional computer-aided design tools. Nowadays architects tend to use specified tools...
Ethical aspects of the sustainable architectural design
PublicationWobec wyzwań rozwoju zrównoważonego praktyka architektoniczna ulega przeobrażeniu. Coraz wyraźniej akcentowane są kwestie społeczne i ekologiczne. Etyka środowiskowa, której przedmiotem refleksji jest człowiek i środowisko, stanowi podstawę filozoficzną koncepcji zrównoważonego projektowania architektonicznego. W kształtowaniu przestrzeni pojawia się podstawowe pytanie - co jest dobre dla środowiska? Problemem projektowania rodzącym...
The Use of the Language of Mathematics as an Inspiration for Contemporary Architectural Design
PublicationThe purpose of the article is to present the evolution of the use of mathematical language as an inspiration for creating spatial, three-dimensional forms in art and architecture. The article focuses on the possibilities for art and architectural design ideas gained by contemporary mathematics, algorithms and computational parametric approach. The analysis of various examples represents the relationships between the composition...
Human friendly architectural design for a small Martian base
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono architektoniczny projekt przyjaznej człowiekowi bazy marsjańskiej. Stworzony on został na podstawie analizy warunków na Marsie, dostępnych obecnie technologii i problemów socjopsychologicznych w izolowanych habitatach w warunkach ekstremalnych, a także w odniesieniu do Marsjańskiej Misji Wzorcowej opracowanej przez NASA. Autorzy szczególną uwagę poświęcili czynnikowi ludzkiemu, który nie może zostać zaniedbany...
Meta-Design and the Triple Learning Organization in Architectural Design Process
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Revision of architectural design education in terms of sustainability, creativity and digitalisation
PublicationThe article explores different educational strategies in relation to architectural design courses, focusing on sustainability, creativity and digitalisation. The starting point for this research was a t-survey (t-teachers) among 40 teachers of architectural design from eight European universities, to examine different programme frames and the teachers’ attitude versus the design process. The survey findings facilitated the identification...
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The usage of the openBIM idea in architectural design on the example of Blender and BlenderBIM add-on
PublicationThe aim of the article is the research about the method and advancement of the openBIM idea implementation, clearly defined by the buildingSMART organization. The conducted analysis are limited to the Blender program and the BlenderBIM add-on and has been embedded in the context of the work of an architect and other IT solutions. The article presents four aspects of the openBIM concept implementation. The first approach relates...