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Search results for: INTANGIBLE ASSETS
Number of tax returns filed by taxpayers who obtain income taxed with a lump sum on income recorded according to sources of income (2011-2015)
Open Research DataTaxpayers engaged in non-agricultural business activities benefiting from taxation in the form of a lump sum on recorded income, are required to have and store proofs of purchase of goods, keep a list of fixed assets and intangible assets, records of equipment and, separately for each tax year, a record of revenues. The obligation to keep records of...
Number of tax returns filed by taxpayers obtaining income taxed with a lump sum on income recorded according to sources of income 2011-2015
Open Research DataTaxpayers engaged in non-agricultural business activities benefiting from taxation in the form of a lump sum on recorded income, are required to have and store proofs of purchase of goods, keep a list of fixed assets and intangible assets, records of equipment and, separately for each tax year, a record of revenues. The obligation to keep records of...