total: 1898
filtered: 93
The low-frequency magnetic field emissions on-board of the vessel
Open Research DataThe data represents measurement results performed on board of the vessel. The acquired time-waveforms, corresponding to the instantaneous values of the magnetic field (MF) induction were acquired near the cable supplying the bow thruster motor. Data recording of the magnetic field density (MFD) emissions was carried out with a/d converters of the data...
The TPR reduction profile of MCO powder
Open Research DataThe dataset includes the TPR reduction profiles of MnCo2O4 (MCO) commercial powder. The dataset includes a cycle of reduction under H2/Ar mixture from 100C to 900C. Gas flow:40ml/min and temperature ramp: 10deg/min. Degassed at 200C in He for 1 h.
The TPR reduction profile of Ce0.9M0.1O2
Open Research DataThe dataset includes the TPR reduction profiles of Ce0.9M0.1O2 (where M=Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu) nanopowders prepared by the reverse microemulsion method. After the synthesis powders were dried, then calcined at 500 degrees for 2 h. The measurements were carried out in H2/Ar mixture from 100C to 900C. Gas flow:40ml/min and temperature ramp: 10deg/min.
The TPR reduction profile of CeO2/10wt.%Cu with BCD - 2 cycles
Open Research DataThe dataset includes the TPR reduction profiles of CeO2/10wt.%Cu. The samples of nanoCeO2 impregnated with BCD-assisted precursor solution (betacyclodextrin). The dataset includes two cycles of reduction (samples oxidized in between)
The TPR reduction profile of CeO2/10wt.%Mn with BCD - 2 cycles
Open Research DataThe dataset includes the TPR reduction profiles of CeO2/10wt.%Mn. The samples of nanoCeO2 impregnated with BCD-assisted precursor solution (betacyclodextrin). The dataset includes two cycles of reduction (samples oxidized in between)
The TPR reduction profile of CeO2/10wt.%Fe with BCD - 2 cycles
Open Research DataThe dataset includes the TPR reduction profiles of CeO2/10wt.%Fe. The samples of nanoCeO2 impregnated with BCD-assisted precursor solution (betacyclodextrin). The dataset includes two cycles of reduction (samples oxidized in between)
The TPR reduction profile of CeO2/10wt.%Co with BCD - 2 cycles
Open Research DataThe dataset includes the TPR reduction profiles of CeO2/10wt.%Co. The samples of nanoCeO2 impregnated with BCD-assisted precursor solution (betacyclodextrin). The dataset includes two cycles of reduction (samples oxidized in between)
The TPR reduction profile of CeO2/10wt.%Ni with BCD - 2 cycles
Open Research DataThe dataset includes the TPR reduction profiles of CeO2/10wt.%Ni. The samples of nanoCeO2 impregnated with BCD-assisted precursor solution (betacyclodextrin). The dataset includes two cycles of reduction (samples oxidized in between)
Electrical conductivity relaxation measurements - oxidation and reduction of BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.1Tb0.1O3-δ
Open Research DataThe dataset consists of 2 main catalogs: measurements performed for oxidation/reduction in dry conditions and in humid conditions. For Electrical Conductivity Relaxation (ECR) measurements, platinum reversible electrodes were applied in a four-probe arrangement and the sample was measured in the ProboStat™ measurement system. The ECR measurements were...
The TPR reduction profile of CeO2/10wt.%Ni without BCD - 2 cycles
Open Research DataThe dataset includes the TPR reduction profiles of CeO2/10wt.%Ni. The samples of nanoCeO2 impregnated without BCD-assisted precursor solution (betacyclodextrin). The dataset includes two cycles of reduction (samples oxidized in between)
The TPR reduction profile of CeO2/10wt.%Co without BCD - 2 cycles
Open Research DataThe dataset includes the TPR reduction profiles of CeO2/10wt.%Co. The samples of nanoCeO2 impregnated without BCD-assisted precursor solution (betacyclodextrin). The dataset includes two cycles of reduction (samples oxidized in between)
The TPR reduction profile of CeO2/10wt.%Cu without BCD - 2 cycles
Open Research DataThe dataset includes the TPR reduction profiles of CeO2/10wt.%Cu. The samples of nanoCeO2 impregnated without BCD-assisted precursor solution (betacyclodextrin). The dataset includes two cycles of reduction (samples oxidized in between)
The TPR reduction profile of CeO2/10wt.%Mn without BCD - 2 cycles
Open Research DataThe dataset includes the TPR reduction profiles of CeO2/10wt.%Mn. The samples of nanoCeO2 impregnated without BCD-assisted precursor solution (betacyclodextrin). The dataset includes two cycles of reduction (samples oxidized in between)
The TPR reduction profiles for Ni-doped LSFM-based compounds
Open Research DataThe dataset includes the TPR reduction profiles of LSFM-based compounds doped with different amount of nickel (5-20 mol. %) synthesised by the Pechini method. The measurements were carried out in H2/Ar mixture from 100C to 900C. Gas flow:40ml/min and temperature ramp: 10deg/min. The name for each sample consist of powder weight used for each measurement.
The TPR reduction profiles for Co-doped LSFM-based compounds
Open Research DataThe dataset includes the TPR reduction profiles of LSFM-based compounds doped with different amount of cobalt (5-20 mol. %) synthesised by the Pechini method. The measurements were carried out in H2/Ar mixture from 100C to 900C. Gas flow:40ml/min and temperature ramp: 10deg/min. The name for each sample consist of powder weight used for each measurement.
Reduction of the strontium titanate doped by Ytrium ceramics observed by X-ray photoemission spectroscopy method
Open Research DataYtrium-doped strontium titanate (YSTF) ceramics materials were manufactured by three various methods: 1) standard solid-state reaction method from Y2O3 (Sigma Aldrich, 99,9%), TiO2 (Sigma Aldrich, 99%) and SrCO3 (Sigma Aldrich,98%), 2) Pechini method, 3) wet method.
SEM images of (La0.3Sr0.6Ce0.1)0.9Me0.1Ti0.9O3-δ (Me=Co, Fe, Ni) powder materials after reduction at 1000 deg.C in hydrogen
Open Research DataThe dataset presents SEM images of (La0.3Sr0.6Ce0.1)0.9Me0.1Ti0.9O3-δ (Me=Co, Fe, Ni) powder materials after reduction at 1000 deg.C in hydrogen. The powders were synthesized via the Pechini method. The reduction was performed in order to force the exsolution process of metallic nanoparticles.
SEM images of (La0.3Sr0.6Ce0.1)0.9(Me1Me2Ti)O3-δ (Me1,Me2=Co, Fe, Ni) powder materials after reduction at 1000 deg.C in hydrogen
Open Research DataThe dataset presents SEM images of (La0.3Sr0.6Ce0.1)0.9(Me1Me2Ti)O3-δ (Me1,Me2=Co, Fe, Ni) powder materials after reduction at 1000 deg.C in hydrogen. The powders were synthesized via the Pechini method. The reduction was performed to force the exsolution process of bimetallic nanoparticles.
SEM images of (La0.3Sr0.6Ce0.1)0.9FexTi(1-x)O3-δ (x=0.1, 0.2 and 0.3) materials after reduction at 900 deg.C in hydrogen
Open Research DataThe dataset presents SEM images of (La0.3Sr0.6Ce0.1)0.9FexTi(1-x)O3-δ (x=0.1, 0.2 and 0.3) powder materials synthesized via the Pechini method after reduction in hydrogen at 900C for 10h.
Temperture-programmed reduction (H2-TPR) of Ni-Mo2CTx_Mo2Ga2C and Ni-Mo2CTx_Mo3AlC2 catalysts
Open Research DataThe dataset includes the data for the preparation of plots illustrating the reduction peaks versus the temperature of the catalyst sample.
The XRD diffraction patterns of (La0.3Sr0.6Ce0.1)0.9Me0.1Ti0.9O3-δ (Me= Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni) materials after reduction at 900 deg.C in hydrogen
Open Research DataThe (La0.3Sr0.6Ce0.1)0.9Me0.1Ti0.9O3-δ (Me= Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni) materials were synthesized via the solid state reaction method and examined as a potential anode material. First, the mixed oxide reagents were pressed into pellets and calcined at 1200 °C for 12 hours to decompose most of the organic compounds. The resulting calcined pellet was ground...
The XRD diffraction patterns of (La0.3Sr0.6Ce0.1)0.9Me0.1Ti0.9O3-δ (Me= Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni) materials after reduction at 1100 deg.C in hydrogen
Open Research DataThe (La0.3Sr0.6Ce0.1)0.9Me0.1Ti0.9O3-δ (Me= Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni) materials were synthesized via the solid state reaction method and examined as a potential anode material. First, the mixed oxide reagents were pressed into pellets and calcined at 1200 °C for 12 hours to decompose most of the organic compounds. The resulting calcined pellet was ground...
The XRD diffraction patterns of (La0.3Sr0.6Ce0.1)0.9Me0.1Ti0.9O3-δ (Me= Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni) materials after reduction at 1000 deg.C in hydrogen
Open Research DataThe (La0.3Sr0.6Ce0.1)0.9Me0.1Ti0.9O3-δ (Me= Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni) materials were synthesized via the solid state reaction method and examined as a potential anode material. First, the mixed oxide reagents were pressed into pellets and calcined at 1200 °C for 12 hours to decompose most of the organic compounds. The resulting calcined pellet was ground...
Analysis of the properties of the YSTF ceramics materials before and after reduction
Open Research DataThe valence of titanium in reduced YSTF ceramics materials was investigated. Ceramics were reduced by annealing in a hydrogen atmosphere. For comparison unreduced sample was also measured. Valance state was measured by XPS method.
Morphology and structure of V2O5 nanorods deposited on the silicon substrate after reduction
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the XRD patterns and SEM micrographs of V2O5 nanorods on the silicon substrate after thermal treatment under a reducing atmosphere. Thin films were annealed at 500C for 40 under a reducing atmosphere (94% Ar, 6% H2).
ETS prices 2008-2024
Open Research DataThe European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) is a carbon emission trading scheme (or cap and trade scheme) which began in 2005 and is intended to lower greenhouse gas emissions by the European Union countries. The "ETS prices 2008-2024" dataset contains a summary of ETS prices in 2008-2024.
Morphological and electrochemical characterization of ceramic carbon foam electrodes water treatment applications
Open Research DataThis dataset contains morphological and electrochemical characterization of ceramic carbon foam employed as an electrode (CFFE) for the oxidation of a target pollutant. The dataset includes:
The XRD diffraction patterns of (La0.3Sr0.6Ce0.1)0.9FexTi(1-x)O3-δ (x=0.1, 0.2 and 0.3) materials after reduction at 900 deg.C in hydrogen
Open Research DataThe (La0.3Sr0.6Ce0.1)0.9FexTi(1-x)O3-δ (x=0.1, 0.2 and 0.3) materials were synthesized via the Pechini method. First, the reagents in the form of nitrates were weighed and dissolved in DI water. In another beaker, a stoichiometric amount of titanium (IV) butoxide (Ti(OBu)4) was mixed together with reagent-grade ethylene glycol (EG), and citric acid...
XRD patterns for Ni- and Co-doped LSFM: as-prepared and reduced in hydrogen
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the XRD diffractograms collected at room temperature for LSFM doped with cobalt or nickel, at different doping levels (from 5 to 20 mol. %)
Electrical conductivity relaxation measurements - water uptake and oxidation of BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.2-xFexO3-δ (x = 0.02, 0.05, 0.1)
Open Research DataThe dataset consists of 2 main catalogs: measurements performed for oxidation/reduction (Oxidation) and hydration/dehydration (Hydration). Each of them consists individual catalogs for the measurements performed on the samples indicated by the name of the catalog. In the case of oxidation/reduction, inside each them, there are catalogs indicating if...
Dataset 1 on nitrobenzene degradation after 60 minutes of the ARP at 20 °C
Open Research DataTHis set od date presents a nitrobenzene degradation after 60 minutes of the process at 20 °C - Advanced Reduction Process based on dithionate application.
XRD diffraction patterns for strontium ferrite molybdate-based compounds: as-prepared, reduced and reoxidized
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the XRD diffractograms collected at room temperature for SFM, LSFM and SFMNb in 3 different oxidation states, namely: as-prepared, reduced and reoxidized.
The time-varying low-frequency magnetic-field emitted from the ship’s inverter-fed induction motor
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the magnetic field measurement results that are part of a comprehensive study on the assessment of the magnetic field emissions onboard of the research-training vessel. The measurements were carried out, nearby the bow thruster motor fed from the inverter, during maneuvering and the sea voyage. The bow thruster is assembled in the...
The reductivity of the transition metals - calculations
Open Research DataThe dataset includes the reduction enthalpy and Gibbs energy simulated for Co, Cu, Fe, La, Mo, Ni, Sr, Ti, and W from oxide form into metallic form in hydrogen. Simulations were performed using HSC Chemistry software.
Magnetic field maps of an astable multivibrator in frequency range from 100 kHz to 50 MHz
Open Research DataThe data presents a result of near field measurements of electromagnetic emissions radiated from the PCB of a small electronic device. An efficient method of modelling the magnetic and electric field emissions is the measurements in the near field using electric and magnetic probes. The attached files contain magnetic field maps created on based measurements...
Electric field maps of an astable multivibrator in frequency range from 30 MHz to 3 GHz
Open Research DataThe data presents a result of near field measurements of electromagnetic emissions radiated from the PCB of a small electronic device. An efficient method of modelling the magnetic and electric field emissions is the measurements in the near field using electric and magnetic probes. The attached files contain electric field maps created on based measurements...
Magnetic field maps of an astable multivibrator in frequency range from 30 MHz to 3 GHz – spatial detection
Open Research DataThe data presents a result of near field measurements of electromagnetic emissions radiated from the PCB of a small electronic device. An efficient method of modelling the magnetic and electric field emissions is the measurements in the near field using electric and magnetic probes. The attached files contain magnetic field maps created on based measurements...
Wyniki sulfammox (SRAO)
Open Research DataTwo granular sequencing batch reactors were operated for 160 days under anammox conditions, comparing the Anammox process and Sulfate Reduction Ammonium Oxidation process. The study aimed to investigate whether increasing the concentration of SO42- could enhance N removal rates under anaerobic conditions, and whether SO42- reduction and anammox processes...
Corporate tax rates (2000-2019) - Greece
Open Research DataOver the past twenty years, Greece has changed the statutory corporate tax rate, which in 2000 was 40%. The 2008 tax reform provided for a gradual reduction of the rate by 1% annually over the period 2010-2014 (from 25% to 20%). This dataset contains data on CIT rates in Greece.
The electrical properties mesurements of DIR-SOFC with CeO2-s functional layer
Open Research DataThe dataset includes the electrical properties mesurements of SOFC with CeO2-s layer. Samples were produced using aqueous soft chemistry methods (microemulsion method) and applied in form of a layer onto the anode of the commercial SOFC. The SOFC was working under biogas feeding at 750oC. The layers were sintered at 1100oC.
The electrical properties mesurements of DIR-SOFC with Ce0.8Fe0.2O2-s functional layer
Open Research DataThe dataset includes the electrical properties mesurements of SOFC with Ce0.8Fe0.1O2-s layer. Samples were produced using aqueous soft chemistry methods (microemulsion method) and applied in form of a layer onto the anode of the commercial SOFC. The SOFC was working under biogas feeding at 750oC. The layers were sintered at 1100oC.
The electrical properties mesurements of DIR-SOFC with Ce0.8Mn0.2O2-s functional layer
Open Research DataThe dataset includes the electrical properties mesurements of SOFC with Ce0.8Mn0.1O2-s layer. Samples were produced using aqueous soft chemistry methods (microemulsion method) and applied in form of a layer onto the anode of the commercial SOFC. The SOFC was working under biogas feeding at 750oC. The layers were sintered at 1100oC.
The electrical properties mesurements of DIR-SOFC with Ce0.8Co0.2O2-s functional layer
Open Research DataThe dataset includes the electrical properties mesurements of SOFC with Ce0.8Co0.1O2-s layer. Samples were produced using aqueous soft chemistry methods (microemulsion method) and applied in form of a layer onto the anode of the commercial SOFC. The SOFC was working under biogas feeding at 750oC. The layers were sintered at 1100oC.
The electrical properties mesurements of DIR-SOFC with Ce0.8Cu0.2O2-s functional layer
Open Research DataThe dataset includes the electrical properties mesurements of SOFC with Ce0.8Cu0.1O2-s layer. Samples were produced using aqueous soft chemistry methods (microemulsion method) and applied in form of a layer onto the anode of the commercial SOFC. The SOFC was working under biogas feeding at 750oC. The layers were sintered at 1100oC.
The electrical properties mesurements of DIR-SOFC with Ce0.8Ni0.2O2-s functional layer
Open Research DataThe dataset includes the electrical properties mesurements of SOFC with Ce0.8Ni0.1O2-s layer. Samples were produced using aqueous soft chemistry methods (microemulsion method) and applied in form of a layer onto the anode of the commercial SOFC. The SOFC was working under biogas feeding at 750oC. The layers were sintered at 1100oC.
Magnetic field maps of an astable multivibrator in frequency range from 30 MHz to 3 GHz – selective detection
Open Research DataThe data presents a result of near field measurements of electromagnetic emissions radiated from the PCB of a small electronic device. An efficient method of modelling the magnetic and electric field emissions is the measurements in the near field using electric and magnetic probes. The attached files contain magnetic field maps created on based measurements...
H2-TPR and O2-TPD results for Sr0.90Ti0.30Fe0.70O3-d materials
Open Research DataThis dataset contains results of H2-TPR (temperature programmed reduction) and O2-TPD (temperature programmed desorption) measuremnt fot Sr0.90Ti0.30Fe0.70O3-d material. Experiment was performed using an apparatus equipped with a TCD detector (Buck Scientific, USA), cold trap, and heated gas transfer line. The profiles were collected using the PeakSimple...
H2-TPR and O2-TPD results for Sr0.95Ti0.30Fe0.70O3-d materials
Open Research DataThis dataset contains results of H2-TPR (temperature programmed reduction) and O2-TPD (temperature programmed desorption) measuremnt fot Sr0.95Ti0.30Fe0.70O3-d material. Experiment was performed using an apparatus equipped with a TCD detector (Buck Scientific, USA), cold trap, and heated gas transfer line. The profiles were collected using the PeakSimple...
The luminescence study of Sr2−xSrxPN3:Eu2+ nitridophosphate.
Open Research DataIn this work, a series of Ca2−xSrxPN3:Eu2+ nitridophosphate phosphors through a solid-solution strategy involving a hot isostatic press was developed by collaborators from National Taiwan University. Unexpected dual emissions in the red and infrared regions are observed, different from previous research results. The unique change in red and near-infrared...
COVID-19 tax response of selected European countries
Open Research DataA large part of the aid mechanisms offered by individual European countries in connection with the outbreak of the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic concerned the granting of the so-called tax preferences. It should be noted that a tax preference is any deviation from the adopted tax rules, resulting in a reduction of the final tax burden. The...