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filtered: 434
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The effect of chitosan concentration and molecular weight on endotoxin content
Open Research DataThe dataset includes results to determine the effect of chitosan concentration and molecular weight on endotoxin content as well as the effect of purification methods. The endotoxin concentration was determined using the PyroGene Recombinant Factor C Endpoint Fluorescent Assay. Chitosan 0.6% in 0.1M glycolic acid from Chemat LMW, MMW, and HMW were used...
The effect of raw material type on endotoxin content .
Open Research DataThe datasets contain the results of determining the effect of raw material type on endotoxin content as well as the effect of purification methods. The endotoxin concentration was determined using the PyroGene Recombinant Factor C Endpoint Fluorescent Assay. Beckmann-Kenko sodium alginate and Chemat sodium salt of alginic acid were used for the assays....
Evaluation of antimicrobial activity of porous composites based on chitosan/poly (vinyl alcohol)
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the results of microbiological tests of composite porous materials whose activity was assessed for their ability to reduce the number of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus strain, representing the Gram (-) and Gram (+) bacteria, respectively.
Preparation to ball on disk test Initial contact stress evaluation
Open Research DataEvaluation of initial contact stress in tests on wear of Al6061 alloy in ball on disk tribological testing. Research on the reinforcing effect of aluminium alloy injection reinforcement with TiN and WC powders in laser remelted surface layer.
SEM micrographs of NH4VO3 crystals - molar concetration factor
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) micrographs of NH4VO3 nano_crystals obtained by the LPE-IonEx method. The SEM images clearly show that the morphology of the end product can be nicely tuned by changing the molar concentration of ammonium salt in the solvent.
Determination of sex hormone concentration in wastewater samples.
Open Research DataConcentration levels of five selected steroid hormones in influent and effluent waters from wastewater treatment plant were determined using SPE(C18)-HPLC-ESI/MS/MS method. Sex hormones like: estradiol, estriol, estrone, 17-α-ethynyloestradiol, progesterone were present in all influent wastwater samples.
Results of nanoindentation test to calculate residual stress in an eyelet of undercarriage drag strut after laser treatment
Open Research DataIn order to determine the residual stress in the laser-processed an eyelet of undercarriage drag strut, a nanoindentation test was performed before and after stress relief annealing. For this purpose, after the hardness test, the sample was subjected to stress relief annealing at 270 °C for 2 hours. Annealing was performed in a vacuum furnace. Hardness...
Monthly mean concentration of chlorophyll a on the sea surface of the Baltic Sea
Open Research DataMonthly mean surface concentration of chlorophyll a in the years 2003-2022 calculated on the basis of data from the SatBaltic System ( Maps of monthly average values with a resolution of 1 km were derived from daily satellite data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS). Gaps in satellite images...
Determination of the effective concentration of ketoprofen against the germination of Sorghum bicolor (sorghum) seeds
Open Research DataResearch data includes an attempt to determine the effective concentration of ketoprofen that inhibits germination of Sorghum bicolor (sorghum) seeds.
Change of exhaust gases concentration for SOFC fueled by H2 and biogas mixture at 750 C
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the Change of exhaust gases concentration for SOFC fueled by H2 (for 12h) and biogas mixture at 750 C (60:40 CH4:CO2). The outlet concentration of the gases from SOFC were measured using novel FTIR-based unit.
Determination of the minimum inhibitory concentration of C-1305 derivatives (IKE1-IKE8) against Candida strains
Open Research DataThe datasets contain the results of determining the minimum inhibitory concentration of acridone derivatives against C. albicans ATCC 10231, C. glabrata ATCC 90030, C. krusei ATCC 6258 and C. parapsilosis ATCC 22019 by the modified M27-A3 specified by the CLSI.
Determination of the minimum inhibitory concentration of C-1330 derivatives (IKE9-IKE14) against Candida strains
Open Research DataThe datasets contain the results of determining the minimum inhibitory concentration of C-1330 derivatives (IKE9-IKE14) against C. albicans ATCC 10231, C. glabrata ATCC 90030, C. krusei ATCC 6258 and C. parapsilosis ATCC 22019 by the modified M27-A3 specified by the CLSI.
Determination of the minimum inhibitory concentration of new bisacridines IKE15-19 and IKE21, against yeast strains
Open Research DataThe datasets contain the results of determining the minimum inhibitory concentration of new bisacridines against C. albicans ATCC 10231, C. glabrata ATCC 90030, C. krusei ATCC 6258 and C. parapsilosis ATCC 22019, S. cerevisiae ATCC 9763 and fluconazole resistant C. albicans strains by the modified M27-A3 specified by the CLSI.
The effect of zinc oxide concentration on dry matter content of chitosan gels in carbonic acid.
Open Research DataThe dataset contains results determining the effect of zinc oxide addition at different concentrations on the dry matter content of chitosan gels in carbonic acid after a specified time. Zinc oxide at concentrations of 0.5 and 1% was added as a powder to a 1% solution of chitosan in carbonic acid and then homogenized. Differences were observed in the...
Determination of the effective concentration of oxyteracycline solutions on the inhibition of bioluminescence of Vibrio fischeri (Microtox)
Open Research DataIn this study an attempt was made to determine the effective concentration for oxytetracycline solutions on the inhibition of bioluminescence of Vibrio fischeri (Microtox).
Determination of the MIC (minimum inhibitory concentration) of new bisacridines IKE16-19, IKE21 and IE10 against C. glabrata clinical strains
Open Research DataThe datasets contain the results of determining the MIC value (minimum inhibitory concentration) of new bisacridines IKE16-19, IKE21 and IE10 against Candida glabrata clinical strains CZD 310, 373, 377, 513 and collection strain DSM 11226 by the modified M27-A3 specified by the CLSI.
Data obtained by computation for X-ray imaging of grating with magnification factor equal 2 using oriented Gaussian beams
Open Research DataThe propagation of X-ray waves through an optical system consisting of grating and X-ray refractive lenses is considered. In this approach, the propagating wave is represented as a superposition of the oriented Gaussian beams. The direction of wave propagation in each Gaussian beam is consistent with the local propagation direction of the X-ray wavefront.
Data obtained by computation for X-ray imaging of grating with magnification factor equal 4 using oriented Gaussian beams
Open Research DataThe propagation of X-ray waves through an optical system consisting of grating and X-ray refractive lenses is considered. In this approach, the propagating wave is represented as a superposition of the oriented Gaussian beams. The direction of wave propagation in each Gaussian beam is consistent with the local propagation direction of the X-ray wavefront.
Data obtained by computation for X-ray imaging of grating with magnification factor equal 8 using oriented Gaussian beams
Open Research DataThe propagation of X-ray waves through an optical system consisting of grating and X-ray refractive lenses is considered. In this approach, the propagating wave is represented as a superposition of the oriented Gaussian beams. The direction of wave propagation in each Gaussian beam is consistent with the local propagation direction of the X-ray wavefront.
Determination of the minimum inhibitory concentration of C-1311 derivatives (C-1296, C-1410, Compound 1, Compound 1-R8) against Candida strains
Open Research DataThe datasets contain the results of determining the minimum inhibitory concentration of imidazoacridinone derivatives against C. albicans ATCC 10231, C. glabrata ATCC 90030, C. krusei ATCC 6258 and C. parapsilosis ATCC 22019 and C. albicans clinical strains by the modified M27-A3 specified by the CLSI.
SEM micrographs of NH4VO3 crystals - molar concetration factor after annealing
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) micrographs of NH4VO3 nano_crystals obtained by the LPE-IonEx method with different morphology after annealing at 400C under argon atmosphere (with a heating rate of 10 C/min).
The effect of changes in the concentration of hydroxypropylcellulose on the rheological stability of pectin hydrogels.
Open Research DataThe rheological characteristics of the pectin hydrogel modified by hydroxypropylcellulose (added in a concetration range from 0.1 to 0.55% m/m) were made on the basis of the viscosity assessment using a Brookfield viscometer with an LV SC4 - 25 spindle and a shear rate of 0,22 s-1 in the temperature range 19-96 ° C.The data allowed selection of optimal...
Change of exhaust gases concentration for LSCNT modified SOFC fueled by biogas mixture at 750 C
Open Research DataThe dataset changes of exhaust gases concentrations (CH4,CO,CO2,H2) over working time for SOFC with La0.27Sr0.54Ce0.09Ni0.1Ti0.9O3-s layer. Concentrations were calculated based on the FTIR measurements and calibration files presented in coupled dataset.
Change of exhaust gases concentration for reference SOFC and SOFC with LSCNT layer fueled by biogas mixture at 750 C
Open Research DataThe dataset changes of exhaust gases concentrations (CH4,CO,CO2,H2) over working time for SOFC with La0.27Sr0.54Ce0.09Ni0.1Ti0.9O3-s layer as well as reference SOFEC (unmodified). Concentrations were calculated based on the FTIR measurements and calibration curves presented in different dataset. Longterm measurements of SOFC were performed using in-house...
Finite element models used in diagnostics of transverse cracks in bridge approach pavement
Open Research DataTransverse cracks in the asphalt pavement were observed on bridge structures next to single-module expansion joints with a 5 meter approach slab set at the depth of 1 m. The finite element (FE) models of the approach pavement were created to investigate the reasons of premature cracking and crack initiation mechanism over the back edge of the abutment...
Strain gauge results
Open Research DataThe aim of the research project is to determine the rotational stiffness of the connection between the purlin and the part of the truss top chord. The attached files are referred to strain gauge results placed on 16 specimens. For the specimens number from 1 to 8 the magnitudes should be multiplied by factor -2 and for the others by factor -1.
The study of the influence of ZnO nanoparticles on pyocyanin production - the optimization of production and the study of the physiological response of the cells
Open Research DataThis dataset presents the in-depth analysis of the influence of zinc oxide nanoparticles on pyocyanin production.
The database of localization and expression of aquaporin 3 (AQP3), aquaporin 7 (AQP7) and aquaporin 9 (AQP9) in the male reproductive system in cattle. Morphometric studies. Localization of zinc finger transcription factor GATA-4.
Open Research DataThe data present research results being part of the OPUS-22 project entitled “In search of new markers of male fertility in cattle. Aquaporins expression in the reproductive organs and sperm of the bulls (Bos taurus)” obtained from the National Science Center in Poland (grant no. 2021/43/B/NZ9/00204). The aim of this part of the project was (i) to determine...
The biotic and abiotic mercury at the coastal zone of Gulf of Gdańsk
Open Research DataConcentration of neurotoxin Hg (mercury) was determined monthly form 01.2012 to 05.2013 (total and suspended) in the surface microlayer and the surface water as well as in: phytoplankton, zooplankton, epilithon, epifithon, phytobenthos (macroalgae and angiosperms), zoobenthos, and in the sediment. The study was conducted in the coastal zone of the Puck...
Appendices for the submission: Trust in Internet Voting: Preliminary Results of a QMethodology Experiment in Estonia
Open Research DataThese are the appendices for the paper "Trust in Internet Voting: Preliminary Results of a QMethodology Experiment in Estonia", submitted at AMCIS Conference 2025.
The absorption and fluorescence spectra of C-1305 derivatives (IKE1-IKE8), potential antifungal agents
Open Research DataOptical measurements of C-1305 derivatives (IKE1-IKE8). The absorption spectra were recorded at 300 - 800 nm for solutions with 16 μg / mL derivative concentration. The fluorescence emission spectra were determined at 420-800 nm with the excitation wavelengths 360 or 415 nm for solutions with 1 μg / mL derivative concentration. All measurements were...
The influence of chitosan hydrogels on the morphology of L929 cells
Open Research DataRepresentative image at 20x magnification of L929 cells following 24 h of treatment with chitosan derivatives: chitosan dissolved in carbonic acid, chitosan dissolved in carbonic acid endotoxin free, chitosan dissolved in hydroacetic acid at 1:3 diluent factor. The scale bar is 100 µm; Microscope Olympus IX83, Tokyo, Japan).
Impact of binary mixtures of ketoprofen and chloramphenicol on the germination of Sorghum bicolor (sorgo) seeds
Open Research DataResearch was carried out for various ratios of the previously determined EC50 values for mixture of ketoprofen and chloramphenicol, the first substance at 100% of its EC50 concentration was mixed with the second substance at 100% of its EC50 concentration, or the first substance at 50% of its EC50 concentration was mixed with the second substance at...
Impact of binary mixtures of ketoprofen and diclofenac on the germination of Sorghum bicolor (sorgo) seeds
Open Research DataResearch was carried out for various ratios of the previously determined EC50 values for mixture of ketoprofen and diclofenac, the first substance at 100% of its EC50 concentration was mixed with the second substance at 100% of its EC50 concentration, or the first substance at 50% of its EC50 concentration was mixed with the second substance at 150%...
Impact of binary mixtures of ketoprofen and oxytetracycline on the germination of Sorghum bicolor (sorgo) seeds
Open Research DataResearch was carried out for various ratios of the previously determined EC50 values for mixture of ketoprofen and oxytetracycline the first substance at 100% of its EC50 concentration was mixed with the second substance at 100% of its EC50 concentration, or the first substance at 50% of its EC50 concentration was mixed with the second substance at...
Influence of the presence of rhamnolipids and ionic cross-linking conditions on the mechanical properties of alginate hydrogels.
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the results of determination the effect of rhamnolipids concentration, calcium chloride concentration and ionic cross-linking time on the mechanical properties of alginate hydrogels prepared by immersing the alginate mixture limited by the dialysis membrane in an appropriate cross-linking solution containing calcium ions. The mechanical...
Cyanobacterial occurence in the Gulf of Gdańsk (2008-2009)
Open Research DataEN: This dataset includes information about cyanobacterial occurrence in the Gulf of Gdansk (Southern Baltic) in 2008 and 2009. The presented data concern the basic physicochemical and biological parameters of the sampled waters (temperature, PSU, Chla), occurrence of diazotrophic cyanobacterial species from Nodularia, Aphanizomenon and Dolichospermum...
Development of factors and measurement of personnel risk in the marketing services of four Polish pharmaceutical companies
Open Research DataThis text contains the presentation and analysis of research results in relation to four companies (A, B, C, D), according to the adopted case study method.Further considerations should be preceded by the assumption that personal risk factors often affect the level of this risk in various directions, so their final impact is the result of the shaping...
Gold nanocubic structures agglomeration when put on conductive surfaces
Open Research DataThis dataset contains SEM images of gold nanocubes (AuNC), which were deposited at the conductive Si wafer surface and dried. The deposition method, the solvent used and AuNC concentration have a significant influence on the homogeneous distribution and their agglomeration at the surface, further influencing the electrochemical characteristics of the...
Cyanobacterial occurence in the Kociewskie lakes (2004)
Open Research DataThis dataset includes information about the cyanobacterial occurrence in 3 lakes in the region Kociewie (northern Poland), in 2004. Presented data concern basic physicochemical and biological parameters of sampled waters (temperature, pH, Chl a), the occurence of potentially toxic cyanobacterial species, and the type and concentration of toxins (microcystin)...
Analysis of cell cycle distribution
Open Research DataThe dataset comprehensively details the distribution of A549, H226, and H460 cell lines in various cell cycle phases following treatment with the IC90 concentration of selected anthraquinones. The analysis was performed using the Flowing Software 2.
Experimental dataset on detection of SARS-CoV-2 specific IgG antibodies by the fiber optic microsphere-based sensor
Open Research DataThe presented dataset is related to experimental detection of the ARS-CoV-2 specific IgG antibodies by the fibre optic microsphere-based sensor. To perform measurement we used a dedicated microsphere-based probe whose surface was immobilized.
Gold nanocubic structures agglomeration when put on conductive surfaces
Open Research DataThis dataset contains SEM images of gold nanocubes (AuNC), which were deposited at the conductive Si wafer surface and dried. The deposition method, the solvent used and AuNC concentration have a significant influence on the homogeneous distribution and their agglomeration at the surface, further influencing the electrochemical characteristics of the...
Sulfammox process_task 1
Open Research DataAnaerobic ammonia-oxidizing bacteria have a more comprehensive metabolism thanexpected - there may be other electron acceptors that oxidize ammonium nitrogen under anaerobicconditions, in addition to the well-known nitrite nitrogen, one of which is sulfate in the sulfammoxprocess. Sulfate-containing compounds are part of the medium for the anammox process,...
Measurements of absorption and emission spectra of tryptophan in solutions of different pH
Open Research DataInvestigations of the absorption and fluorescence spectra of tryptophan in different environments were carried out, controlling the pH of the environment and the concentration of tryptophan.
Kinetics of cyclohexane removal by Candida subhashii and Fusarium solani
Open Research DataDataset presents cyclohexane biodegradation in gas phase using two species of microorganisms: Candida Subhashii and Fusarium solani. Biodegradation was carried out in sealed chambers with a capacity of 1000 ml. In each of them there are two discs inhabited with microorganisms, made of polyurethane foam, 80 mm in diameter and 20 mm thick.
Nutrients, oxygen and suspended matter - Gdansk Deep (2001-2005)
Open Research DataThe results show short-term changes in the concentration of nutrients (nitrates, nitrites, ammonium ions, phosphates and total forms of nitrogen and phosphorus), dissolved oxygen and suspended particulate matter - SPM and its main components (organic carbon - POC, nitrogen - PON, phosphorus - TPP) in the water column of the Gdańsk Deep (Gdańsk Bay).
Gold nanocubic structures agglomeration when put on conductive surfaces
Open Research DataThis dataset contains SEM images of gold nanocubes (AuNC), which were deposited at the conductive Si wafer surface and dried. The deposition method, the solvent used and AuNC concentration have a significant influence on the homogeneous distribution and their agglomeration at the surface, further influencing the electrochemical characteristics of the...
Carbon (II) oxide (CO) calibration set of FTIR spectra
Open Research DataThe calibration spectra for CO concentration calibration were supplied with this dataset
Methane (CH4) calibration set of FTIR spectra
Open Research DataThe calibration spectra for CH4 concentration calibration were supplied with this dataset