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Search results for: ZASOLENIE (SALINITY)
Long-term hindcast simulation of water temperature and salinity in the Baltic Sea
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the results of numerical modelling of water temperature and salinity over a period of 50 years (1958-2007) in the Baltic Sea. A long-term hindcast simulation was performed using a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model PM3D (Kowalewski and Kowalewska-Kalkowska, 2017), a new version of the M3D model (Kowalewski, 1997). The hydrodynamic...
Hydrodynamic reanalysis of water temperature and salinity in the Baltic Sea using the PM3D model
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the results of numerical modeling of water temperature and salinity in the Baltic Sea since 1998. A long-term reanalysis was performed using the three-dimensional hydrodynamic model PM3D (Kowalewski and Kowalewska-Kalkowska, 2017), a new version of the M3D model (Kowalewski, 1997). A numerical dynamic-thermodynamic model of sea...
CTD Gdańsk Deep_2001_2005
Open Research DataDataset includes measurements of conductivity (mS cm-1), temperature (°C), sound speed (m s-1) and salinity (PSU) made with the probe Falmouth Scientific Inc. The research was carried out in 2001 (at the turn of May and June), 2003 (beginning of May), 2005 (end of April) and in 2002 and 2004 (at the turn of September and October). In 2002, only temperature...
Cyanobacterial blooms in the Gulf of Gdańsk - photo archvive
Open Research DataCyanobacterial blooms are recorded in the Gulf of Gdańsk every summer. The dataset contains 20 photographs of the blooms of these microorganisms taken between 2004 and 2012. In addition to the photos, the dataset also contains a file with supporting information, such as the coordinates of the point where the photo was taken, the salinity and temperature...
Microbiological condition of sediments and bottom water in the area of Gdańsk Deep in Gulf of Gdańsk
Open Research DataThis dataset contains the results of microbiological analysis of bottom water and bottom sediments in the area of Gdańsk Deep in Gulf of Gdańsk. The tested samples were collected at 5 sites on 15th of December 2007. 5 samples of bottom water and 10 samples of sediments were collected for microbiological testing. Each of these samples were analysed for...
Floating treatment wetland with Equisetum hyemale - performance in nutrients and potentially toxic elements removal
Open Research DataThis data set contains the results of a microcosm experiment with floating treatment wetlands (FTW) conducted under artificial conditions. The goal of this experiment was to determine the effect of stress factors (Pb, As, increased salinity) on the nutrient uptake capacity of Equisetum hyemale in FTW. The ability of E.hyemale to uptake Pb and As was...
Hydrometeorological and hydrochemical conditions in the Gulf of Gdańsk in the vicinity of Vistula river mouth in July of 1977
Open Research DataSome results of the complex measurements in the coastal zone of the Gulf of Gdańsk in the vicinity of the Vistula river mouth are included in this archival data set. The measurements were carried out by Institute of the Oceanography of the University of Gdańsk (IO UG) in July of 1977. The list of parameters includes wind direction and speed, Secchi...
Biomass of macrophytobentos in the Puck Bay in 2010-2018
Open Research DataThe database contains data on qualitative composition and biomass of macrophytobenthos (flower plants and macroalgae) in samples collected in the Puck Bay area (Gulf of Gdańsk, southern Baltic Sea) at 20 stations between 2010-2018. The database contains information on sampling sites (region, geographical coordinates, depth), sample characteristics (date,...
The biotic and abiotic mercury at the coastal zone of Gulf of Gdańsk
Open Research DataConcentration of neurotoxin Hg (mercury) was determined monthly form 01.2012 to 05.2013 (total and suspended) in the surface microlayer and the surface water as well as in: phytoplankton, zooplankton, epilithon, epifithon, phytobenthos (macroalgae and angiosperms), zoobenthos, and in the sediment. The study was conducted in the coastal zone of the Puck...
Ocean mixed layer dynamics: high-resolution simulations of wind, wave and convective effects
Open Research DataThis dataset contains results of high-resolution numerical simulations of the ocean mixed layer (OML) forced by wind, waves and cooling from the atmosphere, i.e., under strongly turbulent, convective conditions. The goal is to provide detailed, three-dimensional information about OML circulation, turbulent kinetic energy, and temperature and salinity...
Gulf of Gdańsk monitoring conducted by the Institute of Oceanography, University of Gdańsk, in 1981-1994
Open Research DataResults of the monitoring of the Gulf of Gdańsk environment are included in this archival data set. The measurements were conducted by the Institute of the Oceanography of the University of Gdańsk (IO UG) from 1981 till 1994 at the fixed sampling stations covering the area located between Hel Peninsula and the coast of the Gulf of Gdańsk, which extended...
Hydrodynamic reanalysis of currents in the Baltic Sea using the PM3D model
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the results of numerical modeling of currents in the Baltic Sea since 1998. A long-term reanalysis was performed using a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model PM3D (Kowalewski and Kowalewska-Kalkowska, 2017), a new version of the M3D model (Kowalewski, 1997).
Hydrodynamic reanalysis of ice conditions in the Baltic Sea using the PM3D model
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the results of numerical modeling of sea ice in the Baltic Sea since 1998. A long-term reanalysis was performed using the three-dimensional hydrodynamic model PM3D (Kowalewski and Kowalewska-Kalkowska, 2017), a new version of the M3D model (Kowalewski, 1997). A numerical dynamic-thermodynamic model of sea ice (Herman et al. 2011)...
Hydrodynamic reanalysis of sea level in the Baltic Sea using the PM3D model
Open Research DataThe data set contains the results of numerical modelling of sea level fluctuations in the Baltic Sea in the Baltic Sea since 1998. A long-term reanalysis was performed using a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model PM3D (Kowalewski and Kowalewska-Kalkowska, 2017), a new version of the M3D model (Kowalewski, 1997).
Impact of binary mixtures of ketoprofen and chloramphenicol on the germination of Sorghum bicolor (sorgo) seeds
Open Research DataResearch was carried out for various ratios of the previously determined EC50 values for mixture of ketoprofen and chloramphenicol, the first substance at 100% of its EC50 concentration was mixed with the second substance at 100% of its EC50 concentration, or the first substance at 50% of its EC50 concentration was mixed with the second substance at...
Impact of binary mixtures of ketoprofen and diclofenac on the germination of Sorghum bicolor (sorgo) seeds
Open Research DataResearch was carried out for various ratios of the previously determined EC50 values for mixture of ketoprofen and diclofenac, the first substance at 100% of its EC50 concentration was mixed with the second substance at 100% of its EC50 concentration, or the first substance at 50% of its EC50 concentration was mixed with the second substance at 150%...
Impact of binary mixtures of ketoprofen and oxytetracycline on the germination of Sorghum bicolor (sorgo) seeds
Open Research DataResearch was carried out for various ratios of the previously determined EC50 values for mixture of ketoprofen and oxytetracycline the first substance at 100% of its EC50 concentration was mixed with the second substance at 100% of its EC50 concentration, or the first substance at 50% of its EC50 concentration was mixed with the second substance at...