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The OpenMolcas Web: A Community-Driven Approach to Advancing Computational Chemistry
Open Research DataThe developments of the open-source OpenMolcas chemistry software environment since spring 2020 are described, with a focus on novel functionalities accessible in the stable branch of the package or via interfaces with other packages. These developments span a wide range of topics in computational chemistry and are presented in thematic sections: electronic...
Complete input data to CFD 3D model of combustion in the large marine 4-stroke engine
Open Research DataInput data to CFD and 3D model of combustion process for large marine 4-stroke diesel engine.
Comparison of Poland, Germany and the European average using the components of the summary innovation index
Open Research DataThe analysis presents a comparison of the innovation policies of Poland and Germany using all the indicators included in the Summary Innovation Index (SII), then the obtained results were analyzed and conclusions were formulated.The indicators are divided into three main categories, each group of indicators shows a different aspect of the innovativeness...
Computing dynamical curlicues
Open Research DataA curlicue is a piece-wise linear curve in the complex plane which can be generated by an arbitrary sequence of real numbers u_n. It can be interpreted as a trajectory of a particle in the plane which starts in the origin at time t=0 and moves with a constant velocity, changing its direction at instances t=0,1,2,3,..., where the new direction is given...
Complex modulus of Cement Bitumen Treated Material Mixture C3E4 laboratory mixed/laboratory compacted (7-365 days of curing at 20C)
Open Research DataDataset presents data of complex modulus determined for cold recycled mixture – cement bitumen treated material mixture with following binding agents: 3% cement, 4% emulsion (C3E4). Mixture was designed according to Polish requirements for the base course of pavement. Mixture was mixed in laboratory conditions on the basis of materials obtained from...
Complex modulus of Cement Bitumen Treated Material Mixture C3E4 field mixed/laboratory compacted (7-365 days of curing at 20C)
Open Research DataDataset presents data of complex modulus determined for cold recycled mixture – cement bitumen treated material mixture with following binding agents: 3% cement, 4% emulsion (C3E4). Mixture was designed according to Polish requirements for the base course of pavement. Mixture was mixed in the field conditions and later compacted in laboratory. Mixture...
Changes on the Surface of the SiO2/C Composite, Leading to the Formation of Conductive Carbon Structures with Complex Nature of DC Conductivity
Open Research DataChanges on the Surface of the SiO2/C Composite, Leading to the Formation of Conductive Carbon Structures with Complex Nature of DC Conductivity
Fruit Pomace as a Component Shaping the Content of Bioactive Compounds and Nutritional, Health-Promoting (Anti-Diabetic and Antioxidant) of Shortcrust Pastries Sweetened with Sucrose and Erythritol
Open Research DataIn this study, an attempt was made to develop shortcrust pastries containing different amounts of chokeberry, apple and blackcurrant pomace (0%, 10%, 30%, 50%), modulating their degree of sweetness via the application of sucrose or erythritol. The obtained products were assessed for their nutritional value (energy value, protein, fats, dietary fibre,...
Euilibrium composition of CH4-CO2-CO-H2-H2O-C system under various compositions syngas methanation
Open Research DataThe equilibrium compositions of CH4, CO2, CO, H2, H2O and C under the methanation reaction of various syngas mixtures (different CO/H2 ratio) were supplied with this dataset
Employment in BSS centers, by the country of the parent company's HQ
Open Research DataThere are BPO and SSC centers from 41 countries in Poland. In terms of employment, the largest share of companies is from the USA (27%), Poland (19%) and the Nordic countries (10%). Employment in BSS centers by country of the parent company's headquarters is presented in the following dataset.
Assessment of Poland's competitiveness as a location for BPO/SSC projects
Open Research DataIn compiled by A.T. Kearney in subsequent editions of the ranking (2009, 2011, 2016, 2019), the first three positions were taken by the same countries. India received the highest marks with a clear advantage. The country is a world leader in terms of attractiveness for locating business service centers. India can offer English-speaking skilled labor...
CFD analysis of a flow in commutation window in PWK pump
Open Research DataThe included data is a result of CFD analysis of a flow in a commutation window in PWK pump. The results were obtained for different pressures, viscosities and geometrical parameters of the gap. All the rows and columns have descriptions similar as in PhD Thesis: "Kompensacja skoków ciśnienia w pompie tłoczkowej o zmiennej wydajności z rozrządem krzywkowym",...
Self-competence and histrionic self-presentation style
Open Research DataThe database contains the results from N = 2642 respondents who answered demographic questions and completed two questionnaires measuring the general self-competence and the histrionic self-presentation style. The concept of self-competence is considered as a person’s perception of their own ability to behave such that tasks are successfully completed....
Euilibrium composition of CH4-CO2-CO-H2-H2O-C system under various compositions syngas methanation with 30vol.% water vapour introduced
Open Research DataThe equilibrium compositions of CH4, CO2, CO, H2, H2O and C under the methanation reaction of various syngas mixtures (different CO/H2 ratio) were supplied with this dataset
Euilibrium composition of CH4-CO2-CO-H2-H2O-C system under various compositions syngas methanation with 10% water vapour introduced
Open Research DataThe equilibrium compositions of CH4, CO2, CO, H2, H2O and C under the methanation reaction of various syngas mixtures (different CO/H2 ratio) were supplied with this dataset
Euilibrium composition of CH4-CO2-CO-H2-H2O-C system under various compositions syngas methanation with 20vol.% water vapour introduced
Open Research DataThe equilibrium compositions of CH4, CO2, CO, H2, H2O and C under the methanation reaction of various syngas mixtures (different CO/H2 ratio) were supplied with this dataset
Thermal behaviour of commercial avaible NH4VO3
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the results of the thermal behavior of the commercially available ammonium metavanadate (CAS 7803-55-6) under argon and nitrogen atmosphere. Thermogravimetric analysis (TG) was carried out under argon or nitrogen atmosphere from 40C to 560C (with a heating rate of 10 C/min) using Netzsch STA 449 F1. The thermal behavior was also...
EU state aid - compatible with the internal market for social reasons
Open Research DataThe dataset encompasses a choice of Polish and foreign bibliography, together with a list of important individual EC decisions issued in the period 2007-2013 on state aid delivered to final consumers for social reasons ( in Poland and in selected UE member states), in form of different financial instruments. Thanks to this compilation the reader is...
Ambiphilic phosphorous compounds
Open Research DataResults of theoretical and experimental studies on ambiphilic phosphorous compounds:
Sigma profiles of DES components
Open Research DataThe Sigma profiles for DES components created by the COSMO-RS.
Changes in the number of commercial banks in 1992-2004
Open Research DataAs the data shows, it can be concluded that the number of banks in Poland is small. The main reason for the declining number of banks is bank acquisitions by foreign investors or bank consolidation. To a lesser extent, this change resulted from negative factors such as bankruptcy or liquidation.
Architectural compositions - EUmiesaward 2024 'collective housing'
Open Research DataThe collection contains three elements:
Communication methods at selected private universities in Gdańsk, Sopot and Gdynia in 2010
Open Research DataA university, including a private one, is an organization serving the environment. Therefore, a necessary condition (especially in today's market situation) is the development of cooperation between universities and the environment. Creating mutual relations between universities with the environment, belongs to an important area of activity of this...
The largest companies in the TSL industry in Poland in 2011
Open Research DataThe data contained in the dataset shows that the most successful transport, forwarding and logistics company in Poland in 2011 was PKP CARGO S.A. The company is the largest carrier in the country, while in the European Union it ranks second in terms of freight transport.
Spatial distribution of CO2, O2, CO, NO and temperature within a biowaste composting pile
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the color-coded isophlets illustrating the spatial distribution of gas concentrations (CO, CO2, O2 and NO) and the temperature in biowaste composting pile during 6 weeks of process. Four cross sections and two longitudinal cross sections (the left and right sides of the pile) were made using Surfer 10 software (Golden Software,...
Employee benefits in comparision to the personal payroll fund in 2017-2019 on given example
Open Research DataIn modern employee relations, employers offer employees a whole range of benefits, which usually are required by the relevant regulations on the part of the employer, which serve to create appropriate working conditions.
Compliance with the restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic in Poland and Sweden
Open Research DataOur study is aimed to check if the difference between Sweden and Poland in trust is related to negative affective reactions to authorities and law antipathy being manifestations of lack of trust and related to value-based legitimacy, behavioral legitimacy and prosocial justification of compliance with the restrictions put on citizens to limit the spread...
Compressive strength data of cementitous material with biochar and recycled fines
Open Research DataCompressive strength data of cementitous material with biochar and recycled fines using Controls UTM250.
Ambiphilic phosphorous compounds 2
Open Research DataResults of theoretical and experimental studies on ambiphilic phosphorous compounds:
Data from the survey on the opinion of Gdańsk University of Technology foreign graduates – additional comments
Open Research DataThe dataset includes additional comments from the survey on the opinion of Gdańsk University of Technology foreign graduates. The research was conducted over four months, from December 2019 to March 2020, using the Computer-Assisted Web Interview (CAWI). The research sample included 142 respondents. Summarizing, among the additional comments to the...
The files from COMREL software used in the numerical reliability assessment of the imperfect dome's displacements
Open Research DataThis dataset consists of an archive with the files from COMREL software used in the numerical reliability assessment of the imperfect dome's state of displacements.
Curing characteristics of ground tire rubber modified by commercial additives
Open Research DataThe presented results show the influence of commercially available bitumen and transoctenamer rubber (TOR) on the curing behavior of GTR treated by a peroxide. Samples were prepared using a two-roll mill– all in the same manner. After 24 hours of aging at ambient conditions, they were submitted to the curing analysis via Rheometer Monsanto 100S. The...
Raman spectra for pyrolized natural compounds
Open Research DataThe presented data showcases the results of Raman spectroscopy analysis conducted on pyrolyzed natural compounds both with and without the inclusion of graphene. The study delved into four specific compounds: methylcellulose with lysine (ML), methylcellulose with lysine-graphene composite (MLG), algae (A), and algae-graphene composite (AG). Raman spectra...
Number of selected entities (companies) of the national economy in 2008 - 2017
Open Research DataCurrently, most enterprises in Poland are run as sole proprietorships. In addition, natural persons running a business may run an enterprise as part of civil partnerships, which are a relatively simple form of business operation by more than one person (at least two partners). In addition, there is a growing interest in establishing commercial law companies,...
SWM for porous hierarchical nanocarbons composites
Open Research DataRaw Raman spectra and XRD diffractograms (background subtracted) of 13 among which carbon-derived secondary waste and reference materials.
Validation of polyurethane-wood composites properties
Open Research DataThis study focuses on the development of the PU-WC manufacturing method, the determination of properties of this type of composite, and the indication of its potential application. The mechanical properties of PU-WC were characterized by flexural tests. To determine the thermal properties, dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) and thermogravimetric analysis...
XPS study of the TiO2-WO2 composites
Open Research DataValence state of W and Ti was measured in a TiO2-WO3 composites with a various composition.Powder samples of pure titanium dioxide, tungsten oxide and mix of 50% titanium oxide and 50% od tungsten oxide were measured. Oxides were annealed at the temperature in the range of 300 Celsius degree up to 900 deg. Measurements were performed by XPS UHV Omicron...
Power of the SMR brainwaves in the mental imagery experiment in sport: the "Successful Competition" scenario.
Open Research DataThe data were collected to perform research on the neural oscillation during mental imagery in sport. The study's main aim was to examine the cortical correlations of imagery depending on instructional modality (guided vs self-produced) using various sport-related scripts. The research was based on the EEG signals recorded during the session with the...
Compression test results of fused filamend fabricated polylactyde and polylactyde with carbon fiber filler
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the results of the mechanical behaviour of cube specimens with dimensions 30 x 30 x 30 cm3. The specimens were additively manufactured with the fused filament fabrication (FFF) method. They used two different materials polylactide (PURE PLA) and polylactide with carbon fibre filler (PLA+CF). The specimens were segregated into three...
Determination of mechanical properties of Ti13Nb13Zr cubes made with STL technology subjected to uniaxial compression
Open Research DataThe aim of the study was to determine the mechanical properties of Ti13Nb13Zr cubes made with STL technology (3D printing). The experiments were carried out on the Hung Ta universal test machine HT-2402. Cubes with the initial dimensions of 10x10x10 mm were subjected to compression by increasing force to over 80 kN. In various experiments, the angle...
Uniform expansion estimates in the quadratic map as a function of the partition size, computing λ only
Open Research DataThis dataset contains selected results of numerical computations described in the paper "Quantitative hyperbolicity estimates in one-dimensional dynamics" by S. Day, H. Kokubu, S. Luzzatto, K. Mischaikow, H. Oka, P. Pilarczyk, published in Nonlinearity, Vol. 21, No. 9 (2008), 1967-1987, doi: 10.1088/0951-7715/21/9/002.
Ljung-Box test values of selected companies of the Warsaw Stock Exchange
Open Research DataThe following dataset includes the Warsaw Stock Exchange market analysis using the Ljung-Box test. Partial autocorrelations up to the 5th order were analyzed, because it will allow to observe the relationship within one week of stock exchange quotations. In the case of the WIG index, the 1st and 2nd order correlation turned out to be statistically significant....
Parameters and statistics of models made for selected companies of the Warsaw Stock Exchange
Open Research DataFor the WIG, WIG20 and mWIG40 indices, no day, week or month statistically differs from the average level of the index, which indicates no anomalies. The situation is different only for the index of small companies. In the case of sWIG80, the mean values on Friday, week 5 and 6, and during January, February and June were statistically different at the...
A collection of directed graphs for the minimum cycle mean weight computation
Open Research DataThis dataset contains definitions of the 16 directed graphs with weighted edges that were described in the following paper: Paweł Pilarczyk, A space-efficient algorithm for computing the minimum cycle mean in a directed graph, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 20 (2020), no. 4, 349--355, DOI: 10.22436/jmcs.020.04.08, URL: These...
Power of the low alpha brainwaves in the mental imagery experiment in sport: the "Successful Competition" scenario.
Open Research DataThe data were collected to perform research on the neural oscillation during mental imagery in sport. The study's main aim was to examine the cortical correlations of imagery depending on instructional modality (guided vs self-produced) using various sport-related scripts. The research was based on the EEG signals recorded during the session with the...
Power of the high alpha brainwaves in the mental imagery experiment in sport: the "Successful Competition" scenario.
Open Research DataThe data were collected to perform research on the neural oscillation during mental imagery in sport. The study's main aim was to examine the cortical correlations of imagery depending on instructional modality (guided vs self-produced) using various sport-related scripts. The research was based on the EEG signals recorded during the session with the...
Compressive strength and density of cement pastes containing iron oxide (Fe3O4) nanoparticles (nanomagnetite)
Open Research Data*.ODS - open-data source spreadsheet - Dataset presenting:
Chemical properties of bismuth telluride – carbon composites.
Open Research DataCarbon nanotubes and amorphous carbon have been introduced into bismuth telluride matrix (in 0.15 and 0.30 wt % ratio) in order to investigate influence of carbon on composite’s thermoelectric properties. Composites with well-dispersed additives have been obtained by sonication and ball-milling. Chemical composition of materials was confirmed by XPS...
The complete list of two-dimensional number-conserving ternary cellular automata
Open Research DataThis dataset contains a complete list of all 1327 two-dimensional number-conserving cellular automata with the state set {0,1,2} (the so-called ternary cellular automata) based on adjacent cells only, i.e. with the von Neumann neighborhood. The detailed definitions and the method of enumerating are given in the paper:
Chemical composition of V2O5 nanorods
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the chemical compositions of the V2O5 nanorods on a silicon substrate. The thin films were obtained by the sol-gel method. The information about sol synthesis is described in the Journal of Nanomaterials. The As-prepared thin films were annealed at 600C under a synthetic air atmosphere.