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Search results for: microscopic images
Analysis of cellular senescence following anthraquinone treatment in A549, H226, and H460 cells
Open Research DataThe datasets comprise microscopic images of A549, H226, and H460 cells following treatment with anthraquinones and staining with senescence-associated β-galactosidase. The images were captured using an Olympus BX60 microscope (Tokyo, Japan).
SegSperm - a dataset of sperm images for blurry and small object segmentation
Open Research DataMany deep learning applications require figure-ground segmentation. The performance of segmentation models varies across modalities and acquisition settings.
Phytoplankton in the Kashubian Lakes – microscopic photo archive
Open Research DataPhytoplankton is a group of microscopic plant organisms passively floating in water. The organisms included in the phytoplankton of lakes include the following main taxonomic groups: cyanobacteria (Cyanobacteria), green algae (Chlorophyta), dinoflagellates (Dinophyta), diatoms (Bacillariophyceae), cryptophytes (Cryptophyta), chrysophytes (Chrysophyceae)...
Microstructure of cross-sections of samples after laser treatment for the article entitled "Mechanical and corrosive properties of Ti13Nb13Zr alloy subjected to laser treatment with MWCNTs coatings"
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Confocal microscopy analysis of DNA DSB in telomerase negative cells after exposure to TXT2 and TXT4
Open Research DataThe data sets contain confocal microscopic images showing the γ-H2AX with TRF2 after treatment of NHBE and U2OS cell lines with TXT2 and TXT4 in equitoxic concentrations. Images were acquired with an LSM 800 inverted laser scanning confocal microscope (Carl Zeiss; Dresden, Germany) equipped with an Airyscan detector using a ×63 1.4 NA Plan Apochromat...
Imaging of biological samples: crassula arborescens
Open Research DataOne of the tasks of modern botany is to describe the relationship between climatic conditions and other environmental factors and the anatomical structure and adaptation of species present in given geographic areas. The work [1] focuses on anatomical and morphological studies of leaves of plants from the coarse family. Species tested belong to leaf...
Destruction of AFM probes during normal operation
Open Research DataThe quality of the images obtained with the use of an atomic force microscope is determined by the state of the blade interacting with the tested material. Image artifacts can be generated by various reasons, such as oxidation, contamination or an error in blade fabrication, but also appear as a result of the repeated scanning process and inevitable...
Transmission electron microscope (TEM) and optical microscope images of pristine and silica-coated bismuth oxide and gadolinium oxide particles
Open Research DataCollection of raw transmission electron microscope (TEM) micrographs and optical microscope images used in the associated manuscript. All data in accessible *.tif format. Zip package contains:
Imaging and chemical investigation of silver coating
Open Research DataThe recovery of silver from materials such as plates, still used in clinical radiography [1], or scrap jewelery is still very popular. The subject of the research, part of which was microscopic imaging, was to recreate the behavior of an electrochemically deposited silver coating. The copper electrodes were covered with a layer of silver obtained from...
AFM imaging of surface of modern soldering alloy
Open Research DataFollowing the announcement in 2006 of European Union directives aimed at limiting the use of lead in electronic products, there was an urgent need to use lead-free solders in the electronics industry. Due to production requirements, it is necessary to use solders with different melting points. To replace the low-melting eutectic Sn 37 wt. Pb, the most...
Statistics of AFM current-voltage curves
Open Research DataMapping surface electrical conductivity offers enormous cognitive possibilities regarding the structure and properties of modern materials. The technique invented for this purpose (Conductive AFM) by Murrel's team and colleagues allows independent monitoring of the local conductivity of materials in correlation with the topographic profile. The mentioned...
Imaging of biological samples: the ant Lasius Niger
Open Research DataThe world of arthropods continues to amaze researchers today. An example may be a relatively new report by a group of scientists on structures found in ant shells [1] Although calcareous anatomical structures have evolved in various groups of animals, little has been known so far about the occurrence of this type of form in insects. The authors of the...
Exemplary AFM application in cosmetology
Open Research DataAtomic force microscopy can be used in the diagnosis of the condition of human tissues such as skin, nails and hair. This is obviously related to the use of a variety of cosmetic products and can be understood as an attempt to assess their long-term impact on human appearance and health. An example may be the studies presented in [1] indicating the...
Amplitude-distance spectroscopy in semi-contact mode
Open Research DataSince it was invented by Binnig et al. in 1986, atomic force microscopy (AFM) plays a key role in science and technology at the nanoscale. AFM is a microscopic technique that visualizes the surface topography using the attractive and repulsive forces of interaction between several atoms (in theory) of a blade attached to the end of the probe lever and...
Microscopic examination of the texture of paper products
Open Research DataAtomic force microscopy (AFM) can be used to study the state of the paper fibers with the aim of providing qualitative and semi-quantitative information on degradation and aging. The work [1] reports the results of tests of various paper products subjected to deliberate aging processes under the influence of various factors. Chemical and biological...
Microscopic examination of CuNiFeR pipeline
Open Research DataCopper and nickel alloys called cunifers (Cu, Ni, Fe and R – rest of alloy elements) have found wide application in the production of ship pipeline components in contact with sea water, such as, for example, the main engine cooling system. These alloys are characterized by a very high corrosion resistance, which is ensured by appropriately carried out...
Macroscopic examination of CuNiFeR pipeline
Open Research DataCopper and nickel alloys called cunifers (Cu, Ni, Fe and R – rest of alloy elements) have found wide application in the production of ship pipeline components in contact with sea water, such as, for example, the main engine cooling system. These alloys are characterized by a very high corrosion resistance, which is ensured by appropriately carried out...
Tensile test of part of CuNiFeR pipeline
Open Research DataCopper and nickel alloys called cunifers (Cu, Ni, Fe and R – rest of alloy elements) have found wide application in the production of ship pipeline components in contact with sea water, such as, for example, the main engine cooling system. These alloys are characterized by a very high corrosion resistance, which is ensured by appropriately carried out...