Search results for: CITY - Bridge of Knowledge


Search results for: CITY


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Search results for: CITY

  • Krzysztof Bruniecki dr inż.


  • Dominika Wróblewska dr inż. arch.

    Dr. Eng. arch. Dominika Wróblewska, university professor, obtained the title of doctor of technical sciences in 2000. In 2002, she started working at the Faculty of Hydro and Environmental Engineering at the Gdańsk University of Technology (currently the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering) as an assistant professor. Since 2019, he has been working as a university professor. The areas of interest are changes, introducing...

  • Marta Skiba dr hab. inż. arch.


  • Bahaa Bou Kalfouni


    Bahaa Bou Kalfouni (1993 - Lebanese). Architect, urban designer, PhD candidate, and assistant professor at the Gdansk University of Technology (GUT). Architectural - Exhibition Curator, Facilitator, and plenary speaker. Member of ISOCARP (International Society of City and Regional Planners) - Young Planner Professional (YPPs). Architect Volunteer at Humanitarian crises (2011 - 2022). Completed bachelor studies in Lithuania at Kaunas...

  • Marcin Wekwejt dr inż.

    Marcin Wekwejt holds a bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Engineering (2016; J. and J. Śniadecki Bydgoszcz University of Technology & L. Rydygier Collegium Medicum), a master’s degree in Mechanical-Medical Engineering (2018; Gdańsk University of Technology & Gdańsk Medical University), and a PhD in Materials Engineering (2021; Gdańsk University of Technology). He was awarded the title of Doctor of Engineering and Technical...

  • Karolina Lademann mgr


    Curriculum vitae

  • Karol Grębowski dr inż.

     Karol Grębowski (M.Sc.) works as an assistant at the Department of Technical Fundamentals of Architecture Design of the Faculty of Architecture at Gdansk University of Technology. His scientific research deals with dynamic phenomena occurring during the vibration of structures, bridges, and studies the design methodology of the elements forming passive protection system of the vehicles degraded  by struck or explosion in the context...

  • Ben Carson +971551311906 DUBAI Abortion pills Mifepristone |Misoprostol |ABU DHABI|SHARJAH|AL AIN|RAK CITY |FUJAIRAH +971551311906 BUY ABORTION CYTOTEC PILLS online in UAE abortion pills VIP DOCTOR ASTER UAE pills Today in UAE BUY CYTOTEC 🩺 Dubai +971551311906 (LIFE PHARMACY UAE)- abortion pills )⎞⎞+971551311906 Sharjah ⎞⎞BINSINA -PHARMACY Pills In Uae⎞⎞available @ +╣[-෴delivery at home ++971551311906 misoprostol ++971551311906 }*Discrete Cytotec abortion Doctor DUBAI/ABU 👩‍⚕️ TODAY ABORTION PILLS +971551311906 Door step FOR SALE IN DUBAI #Experienced Doctors #Legal # Discrete☎️ |ABU DHABI|SHARJAH|AL AIN|RAK CITY|FUJAirah In ABU DHABI (whtsapp+971551311906) BUY ABORTION PILLS IN ABU DHABI, AL AIN, DUBAI, SHARJAH, UAE ,Tablets Jumeirah , burj khalifa, downtown ,al qouz, jbr, deira,


  • Wiktoria Wojnicz dr hab. inż.

    DSc in Mechanics (in the field of Biomechanics)  - Lodz Univeristy of Technology, 2019 PhD in Mechanics (in the field of Biomechanics)  - Lodz Univeristy of Technology, 2009 (with distinction)   List of papers (2009 - ) Wojnicz W., Wittbrodt E., Analysis of muscles' behaviour. Part I. The computational model of muscle. Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics, Vol. 11, No.4, 2009, p. 15-21 Wojnicz W., Wittbrodt E., Analysis of...

  • Klaudia Skelnik dr


    dr Klaudia Skelnik Prodziekan Wydziału Prawa i Administracji Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa w Gdańsku, doktor nauk społecznych w dyscyplinie nauki o bezpieczeństwie, absolwent studiów MBA zarządzanie bezpieczeństwem, mgr politologii w specjalizacji ustrojowo-samorządowej, posiadająca podyplomowe wykształcenie wyższe w zakresie prawa Unii Europejskiej, Edukacji dla bezpieczeństwa, Bezpieczeństwa i Higiena Pracy oraz szereg kursów i szkoleń...