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Search results for: State Forests in Poland
Robert Burczyk mgr inż.
PeopleRobert Burczyk received Eng. degree and M. SC. Eng. degree in electronics and telecommunictions engineering in 2017 and 2018 successively with specialization in radiocommunication systems and networks. The subject of the dissertations was focused on Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN). Currently, he is a PhD student and an employee at the Department of Radiocommunication Systems and Networks, Gdansk University of Technology. His...
Marek Dzida dr hab. inż.
PeopleHe was born on 6 August 1953 in Bielsko-Biała. He is a graduate of the Institute of Shipbuilding at Gdańsk University of Technology. Since 1978 he has been working at Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology at GUT. In 1983 he received the title of Doctor of Technical Sciences, and in 2001 – the title of Doctor with habilitation. He is currently employed as Associate Professor at GUT. He worked as vice-dean for Education...
Janusz Rachoń prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleSprawował urząd rektora w latach 2002-2008 Urodził się 11 sierpnia 1946 r. w Nowym Sączu. Studia wyższe ukończył w 1969 r. na Wydziale Chemicznym Politechniki Gdańskiej, uzyskując tytuł magistra inżyniera chemika. W 1969 r. rozpoczął pracę na Wydziale Chemicznym Politechniki Gdańskiej, na którym uzyskał w 1975 r. doktorat, a w 1985 r. habilitację. Na stanowisko docenta został powołany w 1989 r., na stanowisko profesora nadzwyczajnego...
Efkleidis Katsaros
PeopleEfklidis Katsaros received the B.Sc. degree in mathematics from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, in 2016, and the M.Sc. degree (cum laude) in data science: statistical science from Leiden University, The Netherlands, in 2019. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in deep video multi-task learning with the Department of Biomedical Engineering, Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland. Since 2020, he has been...
Tomasz Janowski dr
PeopleTomasz Janowski is the Head of the Department of Informatics in Management, Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland; Invited Professor at the Department for E-Governance and Administration, University for Continuing Education Krems, Austria; and Co-Editor-in-Chief of Government Information Quarterly, Elsevier. Previously, he was the founder and head of the United Nations University Operating Unit on Policy-Driven Electronic Governance...
Marek Rocki dr hab
PeopleBorned in Warsaw in 1953, graduated in 1970 in econometrics at Main School of Planning and Statistics. Since 1981 employed in the Main School of Planning and Statistics later Warsaw School of Economics (WSE) in the Unit of Econometry in Collegium of Economic Analysis. Was in the Warsaw School of Economics elected for Vice-Rector in 1990 and 1993, for Dean of Graduate Studies in 1996, for Rector in 1999 and 2002, for Dean of Collegium...
Emilia Miszewska dr inż.
PeopleEmilia Miszewska was born in 1986 in Gdańsk. She graduated from Primary School No. 17 in Gdańsk with sports classes specializing in swimming and Janusz Kusociński Sports Secondary School No. 11 in Gdańsk. In 2005, she started uniform master's studies at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, which she completed in 2011, defending her diploma thesis entitled "Analysis and development of fire protection guidelines and...
Rengel Cane Sia Doctoral Candidate
PeopleI'm Rengel, born and raised in the Philippines. As an undergraduate I did kinetic modeling on Copper-catalyzed atom transfer radical addition (ATRA). Then I was inspired to do both theoretical and experimental studies, which led me to propose my master's thesis on Synthesis, Computational, Electrochemical, and Photoconductivity Studies on Naphthalene and its derivatives. This led to a master's degree in Chemistry in the Mindanao...
Jan Daciuk dr hab. inż.
PeopleJan Daciuk received his M.Sc. from the Faculty of Electronics of Gdansk University of Technology in 1986, and his Ph.D. from the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics of Gdańsk University of Technology in 1999. He has been working at the Faculty from 1988. His research interests include finite state methods in natural language processing and computational linguistics including speech processing. Dr. Daciuk...
Jan Sierzputowski mgr inż.
PeopleJan Sierzputowski is a student at the Doctoral School of the Gdańsk University of Technology. His main interests are designing sailing yachts, improving the design process and human-centred design. In his professional work, he deals with sails, masts, rigging, deck equipment and its optimization for the end user. He graduated from engineering and master's studies at the Gdańsk University of Technology at the Faculty of Shipbuilding...
Hanna Obracht-Prondzyńska dr inż. arch.
PeopleHanna Obracht-Prondzyńska, PhD MArch, Eng. Assistant Professor at the University of Gdańsk, Department of Spatial Management, academic teacher of urban design and spatial data analyses. Architect and urban planner experienced in data driven urban design and planning. She defended her PhD with distinction in engineering and technical sciences in the discipline of architecture and urban planning in 2020 at the Faculty of Architecture...
Piotr Konieczka prof. dr hab. inż.
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Magdalena Maria Popowska dr
PeopleMagdalena Popowska (PhD) is a researcher and lecturer of Organization Science and Entrepreneurship at the Faculty of Management and Economics of Gdansk University of Technology. For many years she has been in charge of exchange programmes, double degrees and other internationalization activities. In 2008-2016 she was a Vice-Dean for International and Public Affairs and now she is a Dean Proxy for International Cooperation. Her...
Balanand Santhosh Ph.D.
PeopleDr. Balanand Santhosh, obtained his Ph.D. (cum laude) in Materials, Mechatronics and Systems engineering from the Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Trento, Italy. He is currently working as Research Assistant Professor at Gdansk Univerity of Technology, Poland. Formerly he was working as a post-doctoral researcher at University of Trento, Italy. His research expertise is mainly in the area of ceramic processing...
Michał Tomasz Kucewicz dr
PeopleMichal Kucewicz was born in 1986 in Gdansk. In 2005 he completed International Baccalaureate programme in Topolowka (III High School in Gdańsk). Thanks to the G. D. Fahrenheit scholarship, he moved to the United Kingdom to study neuroscience. He received his Bachelor’s and Master’s degree from the Cambridge University, and his doctoral degree from the University of Bristol specializing in electrophysiology of memory and cognitive...
Aleksander Orłowski dr hab. inż.
PeopleDr hab. inż. Aleksander Orłowski, profesor PG w Katedrze Zarządzania Wydziału Zarządzania i Ekonomii Politechniki Gdańskiej, v-ce prezes Forum Rozwoju Aglomeracji Gdańskiej. Zawodowo zajmuje się badaniem i rozwojem koncepcji Smart Cities, współautor (2016-2017) badań gotowości do Smart City dziesięciu czołowych polskich urzędów miejskich, autor książki: Model gotowości procesowej urzędu miejskiego dojścia do Smart City (2019)....
Jacek Skarżewski prof. dr hab.
PeopleJacek Skarzewski graduated in 1972 and in 1975 received his Ph.D. degree in chemistry from the Technical University of Wroclaw. After postdoctoral stays at Gunma University (Japan) and the University of Stuttgart (Germany), he joined the Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry, Wroclaw University of Technology, and in 1986 obtained his Habilitation (D.S. degree) followed in 2001 by the state title of Professor. In 1988 he became...
Sławomir Jerzy Ambroziak dr hab. inż.
PeopleSławomir J. Ambroziak was born in Poland, in 1982. He received the M.Sc., Ph.D. and D.Sc. degrees in radio communication from Gdańsk University of Technology (Gdańsk Tech), Poland, in 2008, 2013, and 2020 respectively. Since 2008 he is with the Department of Radiocommunication Systems and Networks of the Gdańsk Tech: 2008-2013 as Research Assistant, 2013-2020 as Assistant Professor, and since 2020 as Associate Professor. He is...
Orken Mamyrbayev Professor
People1. Education: Higher. In 2001, graduated from the Abay Almaty State University (now Abay Kazakh National Pedagogical University), in the specialty: Computer science and computerization manager. 2. Academic degree: Ph.D. in the specialty "6D070300-Information systems". The dissertation was defended in 2014 on the topic: "Kazakh soileulerin tanudyn kupmodaldy zhuyesin kuru". Under my supervision, 16 masters, 1 dissertation...
Marcin Kujawa dr hab. inż.
PeopleI have graduated from the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Gdańsk University of Technology ( in 1999. I received my M.Sc. degree in civil engineering structures with specialization in bridge structures. Next, in 2007, I received my doctoral degree in technical sciences under the supervision of professor Czesław Szymczak (Scopus Author ID: 6603993146) at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Gdańsk University of Technology....
Grażyna Musiatowicz-Podbiał dr
PeopleNotka biograficzna Ph.D. Grażyna Musiatowicz-Podbiał is employed as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Informatics in Management, Faculty of Management and Economics of the Technical University of Gdańsk. A graduate of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń and the Faculty of Economics of the University of Gdańsk. In 2005, she obtained a doctoral degree in economics...
Karol Grębowski dr inż.
PeopleKarol Grębowski (M.Sc.) works as an assistant at the Department of Technical Fundamentals of Architecture Design of the Faculty of Architecture at Gdansk University of Technology. His scientific research deals with dynamic phenomena occurring during the vibration of structures, bridges, and studies the design methodology of the elements forming passive protection system of the vehicles degraded by struck or explosion in the context...
Tadeusz Borzęcki dr inż.
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Anna Lisowska-Oleksiak prof. dr hab.
PeopleAnna Lisowska-Oleksiak, born in 1952, has been working at GUT since 1977. Currently is employed at the Faculty of Chemistry as a full professor. She was employed as a research assistant at the University of St Andrews in the group of C. A. Vincent and P.G. Bruce (1991-1994). She completed a two-month research internship in CEA Grenoble (2011). Anna Lisowska-Oleksiak obtained her MSc in chemistry at Nicolaus Copernicus University...
Adam Dąbrowski dr inż.
PeopleAdam Dabrowski has obtained a PhD in mechanical engineering from Gdańsk University of Technology and MSc. degree in mechatronics from Technische Universität Hamburg. He has an industry experience in Institute of Aviation Engineering Design Center (Warsaw, Poland) and SICK AG (Hamburg, Germany). Additionally, as an assistant at Gdansk University of Technology he teaught courses on mechanics, space mechanisms and dynamics of space...
Marcin Grzebyk PhD, MBA, M.D.
PeopleDr. Marcin Grzebyk, MBA, PhD is an experienced medical expert in the field of ultrasonography and elastography. He is a graduate of the Military Medical Academy in Lodz and has completed numerous courses at renowned centers such as the Roztoczanski School of Ultrasonography, the Lower Silesian School of Ultrasonography and the Academy of Ultrasonography in Düsseldorf. He is a member of the European Society of Ultrasonography (EFSUMB)...
Dawid Zieliński dr inż.
PeopleDawid Zieliński uzyskał tytuł magistra inżyniera w 2017 roku na Wydziale Mechanicznych Politechniki Gdańskiej, kończąc kierunek: Mechanika i Budowa Maszyn, specjalność: Technologia Maszyn i Komputerowe Wspomaganie Produkcji. W okresie 2016-17 studiował na Uniwersytecie Technicznym w Berlinie (Technische Universität Berlin – TU Berlin) oraz pracował w instytucie naukowym – Institut für Werkzeugmaschinen und Fabrikbetrieb (IWF) Technische...
Marcin Włoch dr inż.
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Piotr Szczuko dr hab. inż.
PeoplePiotr Szczuko received his M.Sc. degree in 2002. His thesis was dedicated to examination of correlation phenomena between perception of sound and vision for surround sound and digital image. He finished Ph.D. studies in 2007 and one year later completed a dissertation "Application of Fuzzy Rules in Computer Character Animation" that received award of Prime Minister of Poland. His interests include: processing of audio and video, computer...
Grzegorz Ronowski dr hab. inż.
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Mirosław Kazimierz Gerigk dr hab. inż.
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Ewa Głowińska dr inż.
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Janusz Smulko prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleHe was born on April 25, 1964 in Kolno. He graduated in 1989 with honors from the Faculty of Electronics at Gdańsk University of Technology, specialising in measuring instruments. In 1989 he took second place in the Red Rose competition for the best student in the Pomerania Region. Since the beginning of his career ha has been associated with Gdańsk University of Technology: research assistant (1989-1996), Assistant Professor (1996-2012),...
Marcin Jaskólski dr inż.
PeopleStudiował na kierunku Elektrotechnika na Wydziale Elektrotechniki i Automatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej. W roku 2002 obronił pracę magisterską pt. "Analiza zastosowań technologii ogniw paliwowych w energetyce", realizowaną pod opieką dr. inż. Andrzeja Augusiaka z Katedry Elektroenergetyki. W tym samym rozpoczął realizację pracy doktorskiej z zakresu modelowania rozwoju regionalnych systemów energetycznych w programie MARKAL i wykorzystania...
Janusz Cieśliński prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleHe was born on April 15, 1954 in Slupsk. He graduated from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Gdańsk University of Technology (1978). In 1986 he received the title of Doctor, in 1997 he obtained the title of Ph.D. with habilitation, and in 2006 he received the title of Professor. He worked as head of department and vice-dean for Education at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering for two terms (2002-2008). His research interests...
Justyna Płotka-Wasylka dr hab. inż.
PeopleUrodziła się w Słupsku (24.03.1986).W 2005 roku ukończyła I Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Jana II Sobieskiego w Wejherowie i rozpoczęła studia na Wydziale Chemicznym Politechniki Gdańskiej. Po ich ukończeniu w 2010 rozpoczęła pracę naukową na tej uczelni, uzyskując w 2014 roku stopień doktora nauk chemicznych. Tematem jej rozprawy doktorskiej, wykonywanej pod kierunkiem prof. Marka Biziuka oraz dr Caluma Morrisona (Uniwersytet w...
Paweł Robert Surowiec mgr lic.
PeoplePhD(c) at the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin (KUL), holding an STL degree with a specialization in Ecumenism, awarded in 2022. He serves as the Ecumenical Delegate of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Sandomierz. His research interests focus on the works and theology of Saint John Henry Newman (1801–1890). He is a member of the Polish Theological Society (PTT), the European Academy of Religion (EuARe), the Society for the...
Filip Kutt dr inż.
PeopleFilip Kutt was born in Gdansk, Poland. He received the M.Sc., PhD, degrees in electrical engineering in 2007 and 2013, respectively, all from Gdansk University of Technology (GUT) Poland. He is with GUT since 2007, currently as an Assistant Professor. His main scientific and research interests cover a wide spectrum of mathematical modelling of electrical machines using analytical modelling and FEM-based computations.
Natalia Sokół dr inż.
PeopleBACKGROUND Master of Science in Light and Lighting (2008-2009/11) The UCL Bartlett School of Graduate Studies, Faculty of the Built Environment, London, UK, MA Degree in Interior Architecture (1999-2004), The Academy of Fine Arts, Poznan, Poland, MA Degree in Art Education (1997-2002), Academy of Fine Arts, Poznan, Poland, MAIN RESEARCH AREAS · ...
Małgorzata Pawłowicz dr n. med.
PeopleMałgorzata Pawłowicz MD PhD is a paediatrician and paediatric neurologist (Department of Developmental Neurology; Medical University of Gdańsk, Poland) and a resident in clinical genetics (Genetic Outpatient Clinic, Children's Memorial Health Institute in Warsaw, Poland). She studied medicine and received her Master Degree in Paediatrics and Paediatric Neurology at Medical University of Gdańsk. Dr. Pawłowicz completed her PhD studies...
Mojtaba Maktabifard mgr inż.
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Igor Garnik dr inż.
PeopleIgor Garnik graduated from the Faculty of Electronics at the Gdańsk University of Technology (1992). He works at the Gdańsk University of Technology since 1997 - first employed as an assistant in the Department of Ergonomics and Maintenance of Technical Systems at the Faculty of Management and Economics, and then - after obtaining the degree of doctor in 2006 as an assistant professor. In the years 2009–2015 he was the coordinator...
Rafał Lech dr hab. inż.
PeopleIEEE Senior Member #92122578 Rafal Lech was born in Elblag, Poland, in 1977. He received the M.Sc.E.E. and Ph.D. degrees (with honors) from the Gdansk University of Technology, Gdansk, Poland, in 2001 and 2007, respectively. He is currently with the Faculty of Electronics, Department of Microwave and Antenna Engineering, Telecommunications and Informatics, Gdansk University of Technology. His main research interests are electromagnetic-wave...
Daniel Makowiecki Prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleBorn in 1959 - Połczyn Zdrój (Poland) Currently residing in Rokietnica
Sappati, Subrahmanyam Ph. D
PeopleTenure track faculty position at Gdansk University of Technology, Gdansk, Poland.
Agnieszka Syntfeld-Każuch dr
PeopleAgnieszka Syntfeld-Każuch, Ph.D., is a senior scientific researcher in the Department of Nuclear Techniques and Equipment at the National Centre for Nuclear Research, Poland. She holds a position as an adjunct and head of Radiation Detectors and Plasma Diagnostics Division. She obtained her Ph.D. in nuclear physics at the University of Warsaw, Poland. Since 2003 she has dealt with studies of scintillation materials, neutron detection,...
Bartosz Sawik Ph.D., Eng.
PeopleDr Bartosz Sawik is a Professor at the Department of Business Informatics and Engineering Management, AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland and at the Institute of Smart Cities, GILT-OR Group, Department of Statistics, Computer Science and Mathematics, Public University of Navarre, Pamplona, Spain. He is a Visiting Researcher at the University of California, Berkeley, USA. He has a Ph.D. and a M.Sc. and Eng....
Andrzej Czyżewski prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleProf. zw. dr hab. inż. Andrzej Czyżewski jest absolwentem Wydziału Elektroniki PG (studia magisterskie ukończył w 1982 r.). Pracę doktorską na temat związany z dźwiękiem cyfrowym obronił z wyróżnieniem na Wydziale Elektroniki PG w roku 1987. W 1992 r. przedstawił rozprawę habilitacyjną pt.: „Cyfrowe operacje na sygnałach fonicznych”. Jego kolokwium habilitacyjne zostało przyjęte jednomyślnie w czerwcu 1992 r. w Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej...
Monika Gwóźdź - Lasoń dr
PeoplePhD Eng. Monika Gwóźdź-Lasoń, REV Diplomas and scientific degrees 28/11/2007 Acquiring the PhD in technical sciences [630000] [630900]; doctoral dissertation entitled Modele Obliczeniowe Podłoża Gruntowego w Aspekcie Różnych Metod i Technologii Wzmocnienia = Numerical models of the subsoil reinforced by different kind of methods and technology. 1995-2000 Obtaining the degree: Master of Science; Faculty of Civil Engineering,...
Jacek Namieśnik prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleScientific discipline: chemistryRector in 2016-2019 He was born on 10 December, 1949 in Mogilno. He graduated in 1972 at the Faculty of Chemistry at Gdańsk University of Technology, obtaining a master's degree in chemical engineering. In 1972 he started working at Gdańsk University of Technology, where in 1978 he defended his doctoral thesis and in 1985 he completed his habilitation. He was appointed an associate professor in 1991...