total: 187
filtered: 21
Piotr Grudowski dr hab. inż.
PeopleProfessor Dr hab. Eng. Piotr Grudowski heads the Department of Quality and Commodity Management at the Faculty of Management and Economics of Gdansk University of Technology. In the years 1987-2009 he worked at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Gdansk University of Technology, where he obtained a doctoral degree in technical sciences in the discipline of construction and operation of machines and he headed the Department...
Anita Maria Dąbrowicz-Tlałka dr
PeopleAnita Dąbrowicz-Tlałka graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics at the University of Gdańsk with an outstanding grade, having written her thesis in the field of geometric topology. She concurrently obtained a diploma in Postgraduate Studies in the Basics of Computer Science at the University of Gdańsk. In 2001 she received a Ph.D. degree in mathematical studies at the Poznań University of Technology after defending...
Mirosław Włas dr inż.
PeopleWykształcenie : 1987-1991 – Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Jana Bażyńskiego w Ostródzie – profil matematyczno-fizyczny 1991-1996 Politechnika Gdańska – studia na Wydziale Elektrycznym 1997-2002 Politechnika Gdańska – studia doktoranckie na Wydziale Elektrotechniki i Automatyki 1998- 1999 Politechnika Gdańska – kurs ekonomii na Wydziale Zarządzania i Ekonomii PG 1997-2000 – kurs j. angielskiego - Zespół Lektorów BEST – Gdańsk 2003...
Józef Woźniak prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleProfessor Józef Woźniak received his M.Sc., Ph.D. and D.Sc. degrees in electronics and telecommunications from the Faculty of Electronics, Gdańsk University of Technology (GUT), Poland, in 1971, 1976 and 1991, respectively. In January 2002 he became a full professor. In 1993 he was elected Associate Dean of the Faculty of Electronics and in 1994 he was he was appointed a Professor at GUT. Simultaneously, from October 1994 till...
Dariusz Świsulski dr hab. inż.
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Waldemar Korłub dr inż.
PeopleWaldemar Korłub obtained an Eng. degree in 2011, MSc.Eng. degree in 2012 and PhD in Computer Science in 2017 granted by the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics at Gdansk University of Technology. His research interests include: distributed systems mainly grid and cloud computing platforms, autonomous systems capable of self-optimization, self-management, self-healing and self-protection, artificial intelligence...
Ewa Marjańska dr inż.
PeopleEwa Marjańska works as an assistant professor at the Gdańsk University of Technology, at the Faculty of Management and Economics. She received her doctorate in the field of commodity science. Her scientific interests focus primarily on the methods of quantitative measurements of quality, including food quality analysis and quality management systems, as well as on the quality of higher education. She is the author of papers published...
Tomasz Korol dr hab. inż.
PeopleEducation Gdańsk University of Technology, Faculty of Management and Economics (2001) University of Applied Sciences Stralsund (1999) Degree / scientific title Habilitation – Gdańsk University of Technology, Faculty of Management and Economics (2015) Ph.D. – Gdańsk University of Technology, Faculty of Management and Economics (2004) Employment Gdańsk University of Technology - associate professor (since 2017); assistant professor...
Magdalena Brzozowska-Woś dr hab. inż.
PeopleMagdalena Brzozowska-Woś is a graduate of the Faculty of Management and Economics of the Gdańsk University of Technology (specialization: management systems). She is also a graduate of Postgraduate Studies in Advertising (Faculty of Management and Economics, GUT) and Postgraduate Studies in Public Relations (SWPS University of Humanities and Social Sciences). In the years 2000-2003, she cooperated with Panorama Internet sp. z o....
Zdzisław Kowalczuk prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleZdzislaw Kowalczuk received his M.Sc. degree in 1978 and Ph.D. degree in 1986, both in Automatic Control from Technical University of Gdańsk (TUG), Gdańsk, Poland. In 1993 he received his D.Sc. degree (Dr Habilitus) in Automatic Control from Silesian Technical University, Gliwice, Poland, and the title of Professor from the President of Poland in 2003. Since 1978 he has been with Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics...
Kazimierz Kosmowski prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleKazimierz Tadeusz Kosmowski (ur. 12 maja 1947 r. w Nakle nad Notecią) – specjalizacja z zakresu niezawodności i bezpieczeństwa systemów technicznych. Prowadzi badania dotyczące metod identyfikacji zagrożeń oraz analizy i oceny ryzyka ukierunkowanych na obiekty przemysłowe i systemy infrastruktury krytycznej w cyklu życia. Aktualne zainteresowania naukowe dotyczą współdziałania systemów OT i IT oraz bezpieczeństwa funkcjonalnego...
Wojciech Wyrzykowski dr hab.
PeopleWojciech Wyrzykowski is an employee of the Department of Finance at the Faculty of Management and Economics of the Gdańsk University of Technology. He is the author of 70 scientific publications, including 5 monographs, and co-author of 7 monographs. The most important of them reflecting the author's scientific interests include: Tax conditions for the development of entrepreneurship in Poland, Taxes in Poland - outline of the...
Ryszard Katulski prof. dr hab. inż.
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Romanika Okraszewska dr inż. arch.
PeopleRomanika Okraszewska, Ph.D., Eng. Arch., is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering of Gdańsk University of Technology (GUT). Graduated from the mathematical and informatical class at the National Education Commission High School in Gdańsk. Graduated from two faculties of Gdańsk University of Technology, Architecture and Urban Planning (2002) and Management and Economics (2004). Participant...
Mateusz Muchlado dr
PeopleMateusz Muchlado - assistant professor at the Department of Management and Quality Engineering. He obtained a doctoral degree in management and quality sciences in 2020 at the Faculty of Management and Economics of the Gdańsk University of Technology, defending his thesis entitled "Outsourcing in selected medical entities of the Pomeranian Voivodeship". Associated with the Gdańsk University of Technology since 2010, a graduate...
Paweł Czarnul dr hab. inż.
PeoplePaweł Czarnul obtained a D.Sc. degree in computer science in 2015, a Ph.D. in computer science granted by a council at the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics, Gdansk University of Technology in 2003. His research interests include:parallel and distributed processing including clusters, accelerators, coprocessors; distributed information systems; architectures of distributed systems; programming mobile devices....
Krzysztof Bikonis dr inż.
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Anna Maria Trzaskowska dr inż.
PeopleAnna Maria Trzaskowska has been employed as an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Management and Economics at the Department of Informatics in Management since 2017. For over 2 years she was the Deputy Head of the Department. A member of the Board of the Pomeranian Branch of the Polish Information Processing Society. Current scientific interests fall within the areas of agile methods, lean management in higher education, digitization...
Marek Pszczoła dr hab. inż.
PeopleI am a Faculty member (Department of Highway and Transportation Engineering) at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland). My main research interests include: low-temperature properties of asphalt mixtures, low temperature cracking assessment of pavement structures, road materials properties, thermal stress analysis, design of pavement structures, airfield design and analysis....
Klaudia Skelnik dr
Peopledr Klaudia Skelnik Prodziekan Wydziału Prawa i Administracji Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa w Gdańsku, doktor nauk społecznych w dyscyplinie nauki o bezpieczeństwie, absolwent studiów MBA zarządzanie bezpieczeństwem, mgr politologii w specjalizacji ustrojowo-samorządowej, posiadająca podyplomowe wykształcenie wyższe w zakresie prawa Unii Europejskiej, Edukacji dla bezpieczeństwa, Bezpieczeństwa i Higiena Pracy oraz szereg kursów i szkoleń...
Kazimierz Darowicki prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleStudia wyższe ukończyłem w czerwcu 1981 roku po zdaniu egzaminu dyplomowego i obronie pracy magisterskiej. Opiekunem pracy magisterskiej był dr hab. inż. Tadeusz Szauer. W roku 1991, 27 listopada uzyskałem stopień naukowy broniąc pracę doktorską zatytułowaną „Symulacyjna i korelacyjna analiza widm immitancyjnych inhibitowanej reakcji elektrodowej”. Promotorem pracy był prof. dr hab. inż. Józef Kubicki (Wydział Chemiczny...