Search results for: ZAMÓWIENIE PUBLICZNE, PRZEDSIEBIORCA, - Bridge of Knowledge




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  • Małgorzata Dymnicka dr hab.

  • Anna Lis dr hab. inż.

    Anna Lis has been the head of the Department of Management in Industry, Faculty of Economics and Management GUT since 2019. In 2005 she obtained Ph.D. degree in the field of Economic Sciences, in the discipline Management Sciences, 2019 – the degree of habilitated doctor in the field of Social Sciences, in the discipline of Management and Quality Studies. In the years 2004-2009 she was employed at the Faculty of Production Engineering...

  • Maria Jastrzębska dr hab.

    Maria Jastrzębska is an employee of the Department of Finance.  She is the author of over 170 publications, including 8 monographs - Financial Management of Municipalities. Theoretical aspects; Budgetary policy of local government units; Debt management of local government units; Finances of local government units; Risk management in the activity of local government units with special consideration of catastrophic risk (co-author...

  • Mariusz Franciszek Kaszubowski dr

    Biogram Mariusz Kaszubowski works as Assistant Professor at the Department of Statistics and Econometrics, Faculty of Management and Economics, Gdansk University of Technology. He is teaching descriptive and mathematical statistics, as well social statistics and insurance statistics. He is lecturer of statistics in at postgraduate studies „Lean Six Sigma Black Belt”.   He is a graduate of two majors: Management (specializing Insurance...

  • Dawid Daniel Burczyk doktorant w dziedzinie n. med. i n. o zdr. w dyscyplinie n. farm.


    magister kosmetologii (specjalność: kosmetologia w medycynie estetycznej), magister zdrowia publicznego (specjalność: medycyna estetyczna, kosmetyka naturalna z elementamii fitoterapii),

  • Cezary Wąs Profesor


    Dr. habil. Cezary Was Assistant Professor at the Institute of Art History, University of Wrocław. Curator of the Museum of Architecture (1986-2021). Author of the books: Antynomie współczesnej architektury sakralnej (Antinomies of the Contemporary Sacred Architecture, 2008), Architektura a dekonstrukcja. Przypadek Petera Eisenmana i Bernarda Tschumiego (Architecture and Deconstruction. The Case of Peter Eisenman and Bernard Tschumi,...

  • Anna Elżbieta Dąbrowska dr

    dr Anna Dąbrowska, ur. 26.06.1985 r. w RadomskuDoktor nauk teologicznych (UKSW w Warszawie, 2015), absolwentka Edukacji medialnej i dziennikarstwa (UKSW w Warszawie, 2009); absolwentka studiów podyplomowych Relacje międzynarodowe i dyplomacja (AKSiM w Toruniu, 2013) oraz Bibliotekoznawstwo (WSKZ we Wrocławiu, 2023).Ukończyła szereg kursów i szkoleń z zakresu zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi oraz bibliotekoznawstwa,▪ Bibliotekarstwo...