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Search results for: 3-D PRINTING
3-MCPD in EOF Development new analytical procedures enabling determination of 3-MCPD and 1,3-DCP in edible oils and fats in industrial laboratories
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Analytical Chemistry according to LIDER/11/171/L-3/11/NCBR/2012 agreement from 2013-01-10
n/d Patterns of Business Internationalization in Visegrad Countries - in Search for Regional Specific and Future Perspective
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Economic Sciences according to 21310034 agreement from 2013-06-20
n/d BaltGas – Regional Sustainable Biogas Solutions
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Chemistry
n/d Reviving Baltic Resilience
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Chemistry from 2017-09-26
n/d Investigation of traffic effects on flexible pavements reinforced by geocomposites
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Transportation Engineering according to PPN_BEK_2020_1_00289 agreement from 2021-05-15
n/d n/d
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering from 2009-03-26
n/d Selected problems in Environmental Risk Management and Emerging Threats
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Software Engineering according to Nr 3/2009 agreement from 2009-03-03
n/d The role of exosomes as mediators of cellular interactions in the prostate tumor microenvironment
ProjectsProject realized in Jagiellonian University according to - agreement from 2021-09-01
n/d n/d
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Chemistry according to Homing Plus/2012-6/16 agreement from 2013-05-22
InfRO@D European Digital Education in Road Infrastructure Management
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Transportation Engineering from 2021-04-01
Innowacyjne srodki i efektywne metody poprawy bezpieczenstwa i trwalosci obiektow budowlanych i infrastruktury transportowej w strategii zrownowazonego rozwoju
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering according to POIG. agreement from 2009-12-30
Estry 3-MCPD i 2-MCPD jako markery zafałszowania olejów i produktów spożywczych.
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Colloid and Lipid Science according to DEC- 2018/02/X/NZ9/00783 agreement from 2018-10-15
ZeroWastePorts Zero Emission Waste Handling in Ports
ProjectsProject realized in Institute of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology according to PL-TW/IX/43/ZEROWASTEPORTS/2022 agreement
COALA Control algorithm and controller for increasing the efficiency of hybrid PEMFC systems in different applications
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Corrosion and Electrochemistry according to STAIR/6/2016 agreement
Minigrant dla pracowników B/D lub D ze stopniem doktora Monitoring the emission of volatile organic compounds during STL 3D printing
ProjectsProject realized in Gdańsk University of Technology according to SUBWENCJA 2019 - MINI GRANT z dnia 2021-09-10 agreement from 2021-07-22
2011/01/D/HS6/02282 Identity fusion and its consequences for attitudes and behaviors
Projects -
RISPECT Risk-based expert system for through life ship structural inspection and maintenance and new-build ship structural design
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology according to 218499 agreement from 2008-12-19
PROMARC Promoting Maritime Research Careers
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology according to 218590 agreement from 2008-12-18