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AGRARSENSE Smart, digitalized components and systems for data-based Agriculture and Forestry
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Microwave and Antenna Engineering according to KDT/2021/7/AGRARSENSE/2023 agreement
Rural IoT Smart rural IoT data acquisition and fusion
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics according to WPN/4/68/Rural IoT/2022 agreement from 2022-11-09
CMOS sensor with smart grid of pixels of layered structure for fast acquisition and simultaneous extraction of information from image
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Microelectronic Systems according to UMO-2016/23/B/ST7/03733 agreement from 2017-07-14
AIMS5.0 Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing leading to Sustainability and Industry5.0
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Microwave and Antenna Engineering
AIMS5.0 Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing leading to Sustainability and Industry5.0
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Microwave and Antenna Engineering
SCOTT Secure COnnected Trustable Things
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Microwave and Antenna Engineering according to 737422 agreement from 2017-05-18
SECREDAS Cyber Security for Cross Domain Reliable Dependable Automated Systems
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Microwave and Antenna Engineering according to 783119 — SECREDAS agreement from 2018-05-18