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Search results for: CONSTRUCTION
A Simulation Model of Construction Projects Executed in Random Conditions with the Overlapping Construction Works
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Security ontology construction and integration
PublicationThere are many different levels on which we can examine security. Each one is different from others, all of them are dependent on the context. Hence the need to bear additional knowledge enabling efficient utilization of the knowledge by the computers. Such information can be provided by ontologies. The paper presentsgathered requirements needed to be taken into account when creating an ontology. The method of ontology creation...
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A new library for construction of automata
PublicationWe present a new library of functions that construct minimal, acyclic, deterministic, finite-state automata in the same format as the author's fsa package, and also accepted by the author's fadd library of functions that use finite-state automata as dictionaries in natural language processing.
Design and construction of industrial floors
Risk sharing in the construction work contracts
PublicationBy signing a contract for construction works each of the parties assumes a specific scope of responsibility. In practice, there are numerous examples of contractual provisions that violate the parties’ safety and the balance of fair and even distribution of risk. Asymmetry in risk allocation in construction contracts and its consequences is the most common cause of disputes between the parties. The article presents the issue of...
Adaptive CAD-Model Construction Schemes
PublicationTwo advanced surrogate model construction techniques are discussed in this paper. The models employ radial basis function (RBF)interpolation scheme or artificial neural networks (ANN) with a new training algorithm. Adaptive sampling technique is applied withrespect to all variables. Histograms showing the quality of the models are presented. While the quality of RBF models is satisfactory, theperformance of the ANN models obtained...
A construction for the hat problem on a directed graph
PublicationA team of n players plays the following game. After a strategy session, each player is randomly fitted with a blue or red hat. Then, without further communication, everybody can try to guess simultaneously his own hat color by looking at the hat colors of the other players. Visibility is defined by a directed graph; that is, vertices correspond to players, and a player can see each player to whom he is connected by an arc. The...
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Construction of Filtering Respiratory Protective Devices
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The construction and use of a PCR internal control
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Incremental construction of finite-state automata
PublicationRozdział przedstawia algorytmy przyrostowego i półprzyrostowego tworzenia minimalnych deterministycznych automatów skończonych.
Micromouse robot - technical design and construction
PublicationW ostatnich latach obserwuje się intensywny rozwój robotyki. Roboty znajdują zastosowanie w różnych gałęziach przemysłu i życiu codziennym. Ich projektowanie wymaga interdyscyplinarnej wiedzy obejmującej obszary mechaniki, elektroniki, metrologii, automatyki i informatyki. W artykule przedstawiono poszczególne etapy wykonania robota typu Micromouse. Jest to specyficzne urządzenie, którego zadaniem jest zbadanie labiryntu, dotarcie...
Construction of phylogenetic trees with topological constraints
PublicationThis paper proposes a method of reconstruction of phylogenetic trees based on heuristic search with topological constraints. Using topological constraints it is possible to reduce the set of solutions as well as to enforce that the result is consistent with a given hypothesis about the evolution process within some group of species. Along with this work a number of algorithms used for phylogenetic analysis were implemented. Those...
The construction of suspended rail vehicle bogie
PublicationNiniejsza publikacja została poświęcona szczegółowemu opisowi wózka, przeznaczonego do wykorzystania w proponowanej przez autorów koncepcji podwieszanego pojazdu szynowego. W pierwszej kolejności skrótowo opisano rzeczony pojazd, ze szczególnym naciskiem na parametry determinujące konstrukcję wózków. Następnie zostały omówione zastosowane rozwiązania konstrukcyjne w zakresie budowy poszczególnych podzespołów wózka, takich jak: zestawy...
Self-defence work of wooden construction
PublicationTrwałość konstrukcji drewnianych, prawidłowo zaprojektowanych i wykonanych zależy przede wszystkim od sposobu ich użytkowania. Brak okresowych remontów może doprowadzić do zniszczenia struktury drewna na skutek korozji biologicznej. Konsekwencją tego są nadmierne przemieszczenia konstrukcji lub utrata jej stateczności a więc zagrożenia awaryjne.
PublicationThe purpose of this article was to introduce the design and construction of tiled walls in accordance to codes' restrictions. The construction of the Museum of the Second World War in Gdańsk was chosen to be an example of its successful use in practice. Theoretical knowledge was based on PN-EN 1992-1-1:2008 and fib Model Code for Concrete Structures 2010. Although codes' recommendations seem curt, practice prove structural advance....
Digitalization of Building Site Management in the Construction Industry
PublicationWith Industry 4.0, a digital transformation has started in the construction industry. However, 4.0 technologies have difficulties in the integration of digital systems due to the diversity and complexity of the processes in the construction industry. Multidisciplinary work in architectural projects and the need for high productivity require digital renovation planning in the construction industry. The application of the technologies...
The moonuments of gdynia post-war construction pace
PublicationThe impresive pace of building objects realisation in the 1950s and 1960s was a continuation of the traditional gdynia building pace of the pre-war period. A particular attention and admiration must the reserved for the use at almost every construction site in Gdynia of a considerable quantify of prototypical meterial/construction solutions implemented above all in order to simplify technology and accelerate the pace of building...
Emotion Monitor - Concept, Construction and Lessons Learned
PublicationThis paper concerns the design and physical construction of an emotion monitor stand for tracking human emotions in Human-Computer Interaction using multi-modal approach. The concept of the stand using cameras, behavioral analysis tools and a set of physiological sensors such as galvanic skin response, blood-volume pulse, temperature, breath and electromyography is presented and followed...
Is the Concept of Zero Waste Possible to Implement in Construction?
PublicationThe scientifically treated problem of reusing building materials appeared in the literature more than 50 years ago. This paper includes an analysis of the characteristics of recycled building materials, which is a prerequisite for rational recycling. The analysis and simulation of building stocks at different scales has led to the conclusion that the most important link in the transformation of the construction industry towards...
Game Theory Analysis of Bidding for a Construction Contract
PublicationThe authors are concerned with a bidding problem. There are two companies (P1 and P2) bidding for a highway construction project. In order to be more competitive, P1 considers buying a new gravel pit near the construction site. The basic cost of the pit is known to both companies. However, there is also an additional, hidden, cost (C) known only to P1. P2 is uncertain whether the hidden cost is C = 0 or C = x. P1 plans to bid for...
Simulation model for resource-constrained construction project
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Optimization of inventory costs management in the construction enterprise
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Construction of Sierpiński Triangles up to the Fifth Order
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The profit as in-company evaluation of the construction site effectiveness
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Cost approach to the flow-shop construction scheduling
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Fluctuation of employees in construction company as a measurable phenomenon
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Incremental construction of Minimal Tree Automata [online]
PublicationWe describe an algorithm that allows the incremental addition or removal of unranked ordered trees to minimal frontier-to-root deterministic tree automaton (DTA). The algorithm takes a tree t and a minimal DTA A as input; it outputs a minimal DTA A' which accepts the language L(A) accepted by A incremented (or decremented) with the tree t. The algorithm can be used to efficiently maintain dictionaries which store large collections...
Construction and development of IT Competence Centers - organizational structure
PublicationThe author presents the situation of the current units working between academic environment and business. the paper presents the possibility of using a dynamic structure to develop UCC.
Construction work on the vaults of the Green Gate in Gdańsk
Problems of construction projects regarding historic road bridges
PublicationThe paper describe the comparison of different approaches to reconstruction and the problems in the selection of implementation for a historic bridge over the Vistula River in Tczew. A compromise reconstruction is shown, taking technical, historical and aesthetic aspects into account, as well as needs of the local community.
The influence of historical conditions on time and cost of construction project
PublicationConducting construction works in a building or in an area entered in the historic register is associated with the contracting authority's risk of incurring higher than planned costs of works, as well as delays in their implementation. In many cases, these deviations are completely independent of contracting authority and contractor. The aim of this article is to indicate the reasons for cost and time changes in the construction...
Application of Game Theory to Conflict Management in a Construction Contract
PublicationInterest has recently grown in the application of game theory (GT) to solve a number of diverse problems in the field of construction. The use of GT by a general contractor (GC) of construction works to indicate the best strategy leading to winning court proceedings in a situation of conflict with investor (IN), has not been investigated until now. Thus the aim of this paper is to indicate the optimal strategy from the GC viewpoint...
Superstitions and customs in construction - a contribution to the discussion on the disappearance of this tradition
PublicationConstruction is one of the most important, but also the most extensive areas of the economy. That is why we encounter superstitions and customs related to this discipline of the economy quite often:we blew and repeat them, not even knowing what their origin is and what according to old beliefs resulted in their lack of application. This situation applies in practice to all buildings, including residential buildings implemented...
The bridge over Regalia River in Szczecin - design and construction.
PublicationNowoclowa Route is the largest projekt in Szczecin, that consists of 11 km of roads 3,3 km bridges and viaducts, including three parallel bridges across Regalica River (the east arm of Odra River), 535 m long, with the spans: 59+90+90+116+116+64m. The bridge structure consist of two steel plate girders composite with reinforced concrete deck slab. The design and the construction of the bridge are described in the paper.
The potential of raw sewage sludge in construction industry – A review
PublicationExcess sewage sludge produced in any municipal or industrial wastewater treatment plant becomes a serious problem due to its increasing amount. This increase is related to the improvement of treatment technologies, expansion of sewage systems and the development of new industrial plants. The implementation and development of new technologies related to the utilization of sewage sludge is currently based on treating it as a substrate....
Design and construction of an industrial robot controlled by the ROS environment
PublicationThis engineering thesis focuses on the recognition of modern budgetary solutions of roboticarms and on the design and implementation of one of them. Historical solutions are discussedusing the example of the IRB6 robot and the modern approach - the Omron Viper 850. Thepaper includes a description of the design thought of the different parts. Mechanical, electrical andsoftware aspects are presented. In...
Universal construction of genuinely entangled subspaces of any size
PublicationWe put forward a simple construction of genuinely entangled subspaces – subspaces supporting only genuinely multipartite entangled states – of any permissible dimensionality for any number of parties and local dimensions. The method uses nonorthogonal product bases, which are built from totally nonsingular matrices with a certain structure. We give an explicit basis for the constructed subspaces. An immediate consequence of our...
PublicationThe subject of this paper is the analysis and evaluation of the reasons for construction costs increases in urban regeneration projects. The analysis considers major refurbishments of real estates’, as well as heavy repair and modernization of the road system. For the period mentioned, the costs from works and expenditure schedules were compared with the costs of additional works, which shows the percentage cost increase in relation...
Module architecture as alternative approach to traditional construction processes
PublicationModule architecture today is a special type of building construction process that combines repetitive design, low-cost production based on prefabricated elements and fast erection. Module does not mean the same as modular. In general, module architecture today refers to the design of any system composed of separate components, manufactured before in factory, that can be connected together at the building site much faster than normally....
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The optimal construction of fiber-optic Fabry-Perot interferometer
PublicationTematem artykułu jest optymalizacja sensorów światłowodowych, wykorzystujących interferometer Fabry-Perota, pracujących w modzie odbiciowym. Celem optymalizacji była maksymalizacja rozdzielczości i dokładności sensora. Autorzy przedstawili analizę teoretyczną oraz wyniki eksperymentalnej optymalizacji światłowodowego interferometru Fabry-Perota, zaprojektowanego i zrealizowanego w laboratorium KOiSE PG.
Decisive management in selecting locations for development of construction projects
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Construction and purification of his6-Thermus thermophilus MutS protein
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The construction of bifunctional fusion proteins consisting of MutS and GFP
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The role and construction of educational agents in distance learning environments
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia definicję oraz klasyfikację agentów edukacyjnych. Wskazuje typowe cele i zadania agentów, a także omawia schemat ich budowy i funkcjonowania. Wskazano także różnorodność możliwości, jakie stwarzają różne rodzaje agentów w procesie nauczania. W artykule opisano także wytworzony w ramach badań prototyp agenta WAS, którego zadaniem jest wspomaganie uczniów w zakresie pracy z materiałami edukacyjnymi.
Design of thermal cutting table - welding technology and construction
PublicationW referacie przedstawiono pionierską pracę dyplomową stopnia inżynierskiego, wykonaną przez dwoje studentów Wydziału Mechanicznego Politechniki Gdańskiej zgodnie z systemem CDIO (Conceive, Design, Implement, Operate). W ramach pracy studenci zaprojektowali stół do cięcia termicznego metali (rysunki i obliczenia wytrzymałościowe metodą elementów skończonych), opracowali technologię spawania stołu oraz samodzielnie go wykonali. Stół...
Metal implants in ostheosynthesis - construction solutions, materials and applications
PublicationThe aim of the article is to present two case studies on intramedullary nails. The research included the evaluation of the type of fracture and the analysis of microstructure, chemical composition and hardness of the implant material.
PublicationThe global supply chain has been growing strongly in recent years. This development brings many benefits to the economy, society, and human resources in each country but also causes a large number of concerns related to the environment since traditional logistics activities in the supply chain have been releasing significant amount of emissions. For that reason, many solutions have been proposed to deal with these environmental...