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Search results for: DIETARY NUCLEIC ACIDS
Microscopic Imaging to Visualize the Distribution of Dietary Nucleic Acids in Food Products of Various Origins
PublicationDietary nucleic acids (dietNAs) are being increasingly recognized as important food components with nutritional value. However, the precise dietary recommendations for dietNAs are limited, because established methods for determining the quantity and nutritional role of dietNAs are still lacking. One of the tools to narrow this gap could be microscopic imaging, as a convenient approach to visualize the abundance and distribution...
The Toolbox of Methods for Multidirectional Characterization of Dietary Nucleic Acids; Verification for Raw and Processed Food Products
PublicationCurrently, the nutritional value of food is associated mainly with components such as proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids. However, another important macromolecules present in many foods are dietary nucleic acids (dietNA), i.e., DNA as well as both coding and non-coding RNAs. In the context of food chemistry and nutrition, dietNA are nowadays vastly neglected. In consequence, there are no dedicated methodologies to characterize...
Electric chips for rapid detection and quantification of nucleic acids
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Interactions of telomeric proteins with nucleic acids: sequence recognition on intact and oxidatively damaged telomeres
PublicationTelomeres are complex nucleoprotein assemblies that play a vital role in the maintenance of functional ends of linear chromosomes. Telomeric DNA, composed of tandem repeats of the 5'-TTAGGG-3' motif, solves the so-called end replication problem: as chromosomes shorten with each cell division, no information is lost, and the telomere can be re-extended. In the cell, many protein factors regulate telomere length, nuclear positioning...
UNRES web server: Extensions to nucleic acids, prediction of peptide aggregation, and new types of restrained calculations
PublicationThe third version of the UNRES web server is described, in which the range of biological macromolecules treated and calculation types has been extended significantly. DNA and RNA molecules have been added to enable the user to run simulations of their folding/hybridization and dynamics. To increase the accuracy of the simulated proteins models, the restraints on secondary structure have been enhanced to include the probabilities...
Novel DNA-binding protein from Nanoarchaeum equitans Kin4-M binds all kinds of nucleic acids
PublicationNanoarchaeum equitans is the only known representative of Archaea phylum Nanoarchaeota and stands out as one of the tiniest known living organism. What is more it has smallest genome, which is only 490.885 base pairs long. It is also one of the most compact genomes. According to predictions about 95% of the DNA encodes proteins or stable RNA. Nanoarchaeum equitans lacks genes for most vital metabolic pathways including lipid, cofactor,...
Effects of Dietary n–3 and n–6 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in Inflammation and Cancerogenesis
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Evaluation of Chemotherapeutic Activity of the Selected Bases’ Analogues of Nucleic Acids Supported by ab initio Various Quantum Chemical Calculations
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Biofortification of Hens Eggs with Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids by New Dietary Formulation: Supercritical Microalgal Extract
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Novel Cell Permeable Polymers of N-Substituted L-2,3-Diaminopropionic Acid (DAPEGs) and Cellular Consequences of Their Interactions with Nucleic Acids
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Molecular dynamics simulations reveal the balance of forces governing the formation of a guanine tetrad—a common structural unit of G-quadruplex DNA
PublicationG-quadruplexes (G4) are nucleic acid conformations of guanine-rich sequences, in which guanines are arranged in the square-planar G-tetrads, stacked on one another. G4 motifs form in vivo and are implicated in regulation of such processes as gene expression and chromosome maintenance. The structure and stability of various G4 topologies were determined experimentally; however, the driving forces for their formation are not fully...
How proteins bind to DNA: target discrimination and dynamic sequence search by the telomeric protein TRF1
PublicationTarget search as performed by DNA-binding proteins is a complex process, in which multiple factors contribute to both thermodynamic discrimination of the target sequence from overwhelmingly abundant off-target sites and kinetic acceleration of dynamic sequence interrogation. TRF1, the protein that binds to telomeric tandem repeats, faces an intriguing variant of the search problem where target sites are clustered within short fragments...
Isolation and identification of the restriction endonuclease Ptal fromPhormidium tadzschicicum, an isoschizomer of BspMII
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Targeted DNA oxidation by LSD1–SMAD2/3 primes TGF-β1/ EMT genes for activation or repression
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Endogenous oxidative DNA base modifications analysed with repair enzymes and GC/MS technique
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A new Thermus sp. class-IIS enzyme subfamily: isolation of a ''twin'' endo nuclease TspDTI with a novel specificity 5´-ATGAA(N11/9)-3´, related to TspGWI, Taqll and Tth111II. 5´-ATGAA(N11/9)-3´, spokrewnionej z TspGWI, TaqII i Tth111II.
PublicationOdkryto i scharakteryzowano nową subrodzinę enzymów klasy IIS z Thermus sp.
Mitochondrial exonuclease EXOG supports DNA integrity by the removal of single-stranded DNA flaps
PublicationSingle-stranded DNA (ssDNA) is an important intermediate generated during various cellular DNA transactions, primarily during long-patch base excision repair. When displaced by DNA polymerase during strand displacement DNA synthesis, ssDNA forms 5′ overhangs (flaps) that are either cleaved by DNA nucleases or protected from degradation upon binding of single-stranded DNA-binding proteins (SSB). Several nucleases are involved in...
TspGWI, a thermophilic class-IIS restriction endonuclease from Thermus sp.,recognizes novel asymmetric sequence 5´-ACGGA(N11/9)-3
PublicationA novel prototype class-IIS restriction endonuclease, TspGWI, was isolated from the thermophilic bacterium Thermus sp. GW. The recognition sequence and cleavage positions have been established: TspGWI recognizes the non-palindromic 5-bp sequence 5′-ACGGA-3′ and cleaves the DNA 11 and 9 nt downstream in the top and bottom strand, respectively. In addition, an accompanying endonuclease, TspGWII, an isoschizomer of Pst I, was found...
The SERRATE protein is involved in alternative splicing in Arabidopsis thaliana
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The SERRATE protein is involved in alternative splicing in Arabidopsis thaliana
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SERRATE interacts with the nuclear exosome targeting (NEXT) complex to degrade primary miRNA precursors in Arabidopsis
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UNRES server for physics-based coarse-grained simulations and prediction of protein structure, dynamics and thermodynamics
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One tube mutation detection using sensitive fluorescent dyeing of MutS protected DNA
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H2AX phosphorylation, its role in DNA damage response and cancer therapy
PublicationDouble-strand breaks (DSBs) are the most deleterious DNA lesions, which, if left unrepaired, may have severe consequences for cell survival, as they lead to chromosome aberrations, genomic instability, or cell death. Various physical, chemical, and biological factors are involved in DSB induction. Cells respond to DNA damage by activating the so-called DNA damage response (DDR), a complex molecular mechanism developed to detect...
DNAffinity: a machine-learning approach to predict DNA binding affinities of transcription factors
PublicationWe present a physics-based machine learning approach to predict in vitro transcription factor binding affinities from structural and mechanical DNA properties directly derived from atomistic molecular dynamics simulations. The method is able to predict affinities obtained with techniques as different as uPBM, gcPBM and HT-SELEX with an excellent performance, much better than existing algorithms. Due to its nature, the method can...
Defining a novel domain that provides an essential contribution to site-specific interaction of Rep protein with DNA
PublicationAn essential feature of replication initiation proteins is their ability to bind to DNA. In this work, we describe a new domain that contributes to a replication initiator sequence-specific interaction with DNA. Applying biochemical assays and structure prediction methods coupled with DNA–protein crosslinking, mass spectrometry, and construction and analysis of mutant proteins, we identified that the replication initiator of the...
Thermodynamic, Anticoagulant, and Antiproliferative Properties of Thrombin Binding Aptamer Containing Novel UNA Derivative
PublicationThrombin is a serine protease that plays a crucial role in hemostasis, fibrinolysis, cell proliferation, and migration. Thrombin binding aptamer (TBA) is able to inhibit the activity of thrombin molecule via binding to its exosite I. This 15-nt DNA oligonucleotide forms an intramolecular, antiparallel G-quadruplex structure with a chair-like conformation. In this paper, we report on our investigations on the influence of certain...
Increased plasma concentration of 4-pyridone-3-carboxamide-1-ß-D-ribonucleoside (4PYR) in lung cancer. Preliminary studies
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Synthesis and Fluorescent Properties of 6-(4-Biphenylyl)-3,9-dihydro-9-oxo-5H-imidazo[1,2-A]purine Analogues of Acyclovir and Ganciclovir
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PublicationKwasy nukleinowe należą do niedocenianych składników żywności, szczególnie surowej lub nisko przetworzonej. W niniejszej publikacji skupiono się na omówieniu przemian, jakim podlegają kwasy nukleinowe w przewodzie pokarmowym człowieka, procesie absorpcji nukleotydów oraz nukleozydów z przewodu pokarmowego, a także przedstawiono podstawowe etapy ich metabolizmu w komórkach organizmu. Produkty trawienia kwasów nukleinowych stanowią...
Ocena wpływu pokarmowych kwasów nukleinowych i ich komponentów na replikacyjną i naprawczą syntezę DNA w modelach komórek ludzkiego układu pokarmowego
PublicationKwasy nukleinowe, do których należą DNA i RNA, są podstawowymi elementami każdej komórki niezbędnymi do prawidłowego funkcjonowania organizmu. Pomimo, że cząsteczki te stanowią również nieodłączne składniki produktów żywnościowych spożywanych przez człowieka, to badania na temat ich zawartości w żywności oraz wartości odżywczej są ograniczone. Wyniki uzyskane w niniejszej pracy doktorskiej pokazały istotne różnice w ilości, wielkości...
Nonprotein nitrogenous compounds
PublicationThe non-protein nitrogen (NPN) fraction is an important group of food components for both technological and nutritional reasons. Free amino acids (FAAs), oligopeptides, amines, nucleic acids, and nucleotides, as well as other low-molecular nitrogen-containing components (cyanogenic glycosides, alkaloids, thiazoles, oxazoles, pyrroles, and pyrazines), are found in most foods. Their content depends on many factors, starting from...
Characterization of a single-stranded DNA-binding-like Protein from Nanoarchaeum equitans - a nucleic acid binding protein with broad substrate specificity
PublicationBackground SSB (single-stranded DNA-binding) proteins play an essential role in all living cells and viruses, as they are involved in processes connected with ssDNA metabolism. There has recently been an increasing interest in SSBs, since they can be applied in molecular biology techniques and analytical methods. Nanoarchaeum equitans, the only known representative of Archaea phylum Nanoarchaeota, is a hyperthermophilic, nanosized,...
Determination of free tyrosine in equestrian supplements by LC–MS/MS and comparison of its quantity with total free amino acids content in view of doping control
PublicationThe reports on the probable beneficial impact of tyrosine (TYR) supplementation on performance enhancement have contributed to the growth of interest in TYR in equestrian sports field and related industries, such as the manufacture of dietary and nutritional supplements. In this study, the first attempt to the assessment of horses exposure to TYR during nutritional supplementation was demonstrated by quantification of unbound TYR...
Phospholipids as potential prevention factor in carcinogenesis
PublicationPhospholipids are a group of complex lipids, which can be used in cancer chemoprevention. Glicerophospholipids are composed of fatty acids esterified to a glycerol backbone, a phosphate group and a hydrophilic residue such as: cho- line, ethanoloamine, serine or inositol. In the sn-2 position of glicerophospholipid usually there are unsaturated fatty acids, i.e. linolenic acid, while in the sn-1 position more typi- cal are saturated...
The content of conjugated linoleic acid and vaccenic acid in the breast milk of women from Gdansk and the surrounding district, as well as in, infant formulas and follow-up formulas. Nutritional recommendation for nursing women
PublicationFatty acids are some of the most important components of human milk. Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) are essential nutrients required for the optimal growth and development of infants, especially the central nervous system, brain and retina. AIM: To determine the conjugated linolenic acid (CLA) and vaccenic acid (VA) content of human breast milk from mothers consuming different diets, and to compare the results with CLA and...
Isolation of Citrus lemon extracellular vesicles: Development and process control using capillary electrophoresis
PublicationA new and scalable method for the isolation of extracellular vesicles (EV) from Citrus lemon juice samples was developed. The methodology included preliminary preconcentration of the sample using ultrafiltration (UF) followed by size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) purification and final preconcentration of the eluates. Transmission electron microscopy and proteomic analysis showed that isolates contained exosome-like vesicles, exocyst-positive...
The correlation between nutritional and health potential and antioxidant properties of raw edible oils from cultivated and wild plants
PublicationThe nutritional properties and health potential of oils from 15 various cultivated and wild plants were investigated on the basis of the fatty acids profiles, total carotenoids and tocopherols content, antioxidant properties and health potential indexes such as atherogenicity index (AI). The oil contents of the plants varied between 0.9 g/100 g for lychee seeds and 29.7 g/100 g for borage seeds. The tocopherol content in oils ranged...
Stabilization of N-, N,N-, N,N'-Methylated and Unsubstituted Simple Amidine Salts by Multifurcated Hydrogen Bonds
PublicationIn the light of the usefulness of amidines in medicinal chem., this paper considers the effects on biol. properties and chem. reactivities of org. mols. affected by intramol. interactions. The study of chem. shifts has been an important source of information on the electronic structure of amidine salts and their ability to form non-covalent bonds with nucleic acids. The NMR and IR results demonstrate that hydrogen bonds are...
Nutritional Characterization of Whole Mangosteen Pulp with Seeds and Its Application as an Alternate Functional Ingredient in Crackers
PublicationMangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) fruits are high in nutrients and phytochemical compounds. The use of fresh whole mangosteen fruit pulp, including the seeds (MFS), instead of flour and sugar in crackers not only enhances the functional nutritional and medicinal benefits for consumers but also adds value to the products. The study investigated the nutritional value of MFS and then employed MFS to formulate MFS-based crackers...
Nutraceutical value of persimmon (Diospyros kaki Thunb.) and its influence on some indices of atherosclerosis in an experiment on rats fed cholesterol-containing diet
PublicationThe nutraceutic value of persimmon (Diospyros kaki Thunb. cv. Triumph) and its influence on some indices of atherosclerosis were studied in vitro and in experiment on rats fed cholesterol-containing diet. It was found that persimmon possesses a high nutraceutical value: it contains soluble fibers, total polyphenols and phe - nolic acids. The content of dietary fiberwas 1.83 ± 0.11, 0.69 ± 0.07 and 1.14 ± 0.12 g/100 g fresh weight...
A Colorimetric Microplate Assay for DNA-Binding Activity of His-Tagged MutS Protein
PublicationA simple microplate method was designed for rapid testing DNA-binding activity of proteins. The principle of the assay involves binding of tested DNA by his-tagged protein immobilized on a nickel-coated ELISA plate, following colorimetric detection of biotinylated DNA with avidin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase. The method was used to compare DNA mismatch binding activities of MutS proteins from three bacterial species. The...
Aptamer based tools for environmental and therapeutic monitoring: A review of developments, applications, future perspectives
PublicationNucleic acids in the form of aptamers play a growing and significant role in the targeted and rapid analysis of environmental sample composition and medical analyses. In this paper, the review of both aptamers synthesis methods as well as application of these short chain oligonucleotides (with critical comments on their strong and weak features) are given. The first ones include: systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment...
Bovine Serum Albumin – Hydroxyapatite Nanoflowers as Potential Local Drug Delivery System of Ciprofloxacin
PublicationIntroduction: Hybrid nanoflowers are structures consisting of organic (enzymes, proteins, nucleic acids) and inorganic components (mostly metal phosphates) with a flower-like hierarchical structure. Novel hybrid nanoflowers based on bovine serum albumin (BSA) and hydroxyapatite (HA) were obtained and characterized. Study on BSA-HA nanoflowers as potential drug delivery system is reported for the first time. Methods: Embedding ciprofloxacin...
Qualitative analysis of phospholipids and their oxidised derivatives – used techniques and examples of their applications related to lipidomic research and food analysis
PublicationPhospholipids (PLs) are important biomolecules that not only constitute structural building blocks and scaffolds of cell and organelle membranes, but also play a vital role in cell biochemistry and physiology. Moreover, dietary exogenous PLs are characterized by high nutritional value and other beneficial health effects, which are confirmed by numerous epidemiological studies. For this reason, PLs are of high interest in lipidomics...
Microbiota-derived metabolites in colorectal cancer patients in preoperative period
PublicationShort-chain fat-ty acids (SCFAs) are microbial derived metabo-lites, which have multiple beneficial properties. The amount of SCFAs depends on several fac-tors, such as age, diet (mainly intake of dietary fiber), and overall health condition. The normal proportion between SCFAs is 3:1:1 for acetate, proprionate and butyrate, respectively. In col-orectal cancer (CRC) patients, microbiota alter-ations have been shown. Consequently,...
Problem of aggregation in dye-DNA interaction, calorimetry studies
PublicationNucleic acids are the biological target for many antimicrobial, antitumor and antiviral drugs. Ligand-DNA interactions can be classified into two major categories: 1. covalent binding, which can provide to intermolecular adducts, 2. physico-chemical interactions, which can be divided into intercalation (e.g. adriamycin) or groove binding (e.g. dystamycin). There are several methods to investigate interactions between drug and DNA....
Chemiluminogenic acridinium salts: A comparison study. Detection of intermediate entities appearing upon light generation
PublicationThe nine derivatives of acridine-9-carboxylic acid (CMADs) capable for chemiluminescence (CL), representing various classes of compounds were isolated in a chemically pure state (assessed by RP-HPLC) and identified using high resolution mass spectrometry (ESI-QTOF) and magnetic resonance (1H NMR) techniques. Among them are aryl acridinium esters, containing certainly selected and located substituents in both aromatic systems, an...
Physics-Based Coarse-Grained Modeling in Bio- and Nanochemistry
PublicationCoarse-grained approaches, in which groups of atoms are represented by single interaction sites, are very important in biological and materials sciences because they enable us to cover the size- and time-scales by several orders of magnitude larger than those available all-atom simulations, while largely keeping the details of the systems studied. The coarse-grained approaches differ by the scheme of reduction and by the origin...