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Search results for: EUROPE
Who makes Europe
Publication"Obrzeża" seria obrazów Obrzeża to kompozycja złożona z obrazów akwarelowych, połączonych w poziomą linię o wysokości 10 cm, która narasta etapami, ciągle powiększając się. Jest to dość przewrotna opowieść o miejscach, bazująca na subiektywnej selekcji motywów przedstawionych za pomocą realistycznych odwzorowań zestawionych na zasadzie dyptyku z ich abstrakcyjnymi kontrapunktami.
Exchange-Traded Funds in Europe
PublicationExchange-Traded Funds in Europe provides a single point of reference on a diverse set of regional ETF markets, illuminating the roles ETFs can play in risk mitigation and speculation. Combining empirical data with models and case studies, the authors use diffusion models and panel/country-specific regressions—as well as graphical and descriptive analyses— to show how ETFs are more than conventional, passive investments. With new...
Methods of Cyclist Training in Europe
PublicationThe following study aims to address the issue of cyclist training methodologies. Recent European bicycle accident statistics reveal a troubling upward trend. A potential solution to mitigate such incidents involves providing cyclists with comprehensive training encompassing traffic regulations and interactions with fellow road users. We conducted a comparative analysis of the cycling education approaches and cyclist training systems...
A special issue on Biophotonics in Europe
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Development of globalization in culture on the example of Europe
PublicationThis article attempts to reflect on the consequences of cultural globalization i.e. the opporturnities and threats that exist it brings with it for existing local cultures. As we know, The processes of globalization contribute to the emergence of any, often contradictory phenomena in the field of culture which influence the existing local cultural systems in various ways. It is assumed that the most important consequence of cultural...
EuCARD 2010 Accelerator Technology in Europe
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Accelerator Infrastructure in Europe EuCARD 2011
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Accelerator infrastructure in Europe: EuCARD 2011
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The history of the domestic cat in Central Europe
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The European Union and Cultural, Economic and Political Development of Minority in Central and Eastern Europe
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Is Germany a Hub of ‘Factory Europe’ for CEE Countries?
PublicationThe goal of the paper is to decompose gross exports and imports to/from Germany for seven selected economies in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE): the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland and Slovakia for 2000 and 2014, in order to identify the role of Germany in absorbing, reflecting and redirecting CEE trade. The authors use a gross trade decomposition proposed by Bonin and Mancini (2017), which is the extended...
Training in consultation–liaison psychiatry in Eastern Europe
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A survey of geriatric psychiatry training across Europe
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Prevalence of HBV genotypes in Central and Eastern Europe
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The State and Critical Assessment of the Sharing Economy in Europe
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The Sharing Economy in Europe: From Idea to Reality
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EuCARD2: enhanced accelerator research and development in Europe
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Accelerator science and technology in Europe 2008–2017
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Review of EuCARD project on accelerator infrastructure in Europe
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Accelerator science and technology in Europe: EuCARD 2012
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Free electron laser infrastructure in Europe 2012
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Accelerator Science and Technology in Europe EuCARD 2012
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A longitudinal study of e-commerce diversity in Europe
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Modern Movement in Gdynia and in Europe: Inspirations and Analogies
PublicationModernism in Gdynia finds its roots in the European Architecture of 1920s and 1930s. The main centres of the style are such artistic capitals as Paris, Berlin, Wien, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Brussels, Stuttgard and Hamburg. The article points out the connections between the famous European edifeces of those times and the architecture of Gdynia.
Islamist Terrorism in Europe: A History, written by Peter Nesser
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Photovoltaic-Installation Performance in Central Europe on the Example of Poland
PublicationThe amount of the electric energy obtained from a photovoltaic (PV) installation depends on the energy of the radiation. Weather conditions differ strongly between various years even in the same season. Depending on the climatic conditions of a given location, fixed PV solar plants as well as one-axis and dual-axis tracking PV solar plants are being installed worldwide. The aim of this work is to analyse the sunlight intensity...
Diagnostics and monitoring of the longest span extradosed bridge in Europe
PublicationThe article presents complex diagnostic procedures applied for the purpose of behavior analysis of the extradosed bridge with the longest span in Europe that was built in 2018 in Poland. The system of health monitoring was used to: register internal forces in temporary supports, monitor concrete bonding, perform in situ diagnostics and operation tests. The bridge is a continuous four-span structure with spans theoretical lengths...
In Conversation with the Fox: Challenges in Spatial Development and Planning in Europe
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Analysis of the Water Footprint of Central and Eastern Europe Countries
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Generating Discussion on New Models of Territorial Governance in Europe
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The evolution of China's economic engagement in Central and Eastern Europe
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The Efficiency and Productivity Evaluation of National Innovation Systems in Europe
PublicationPurpose: An efficient innovation system currently plays a crucial role in creating competitive prevalence, contributing to the economic growth of individual states. The innovation system is influenced by many socioeconomic factors, including in international rankings of innovativeness of economies. These classifications have some limitations. Primarily, they do not examine the efficiency, which means they do not analyze the...
The Efficiency and Productivity Evaluation of National Innovation Systems in Europe
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The Evolution of China’s Economic Engagement in Central and Eastern Europe
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Factors Influencing the Popularity of Artificial Insemination of Mares in Europe
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Human mediated dispersal of cats in the Neolithic Central Europe
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Human-mediated dispersal of cats in the Neolithic Central Europe
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Empirical investigation on labour market interactions in an enlarged Europe
PublicationThis paper proposes an empirical assessment of economic interactions between the labour markets ofthe integrating EU over the period of time 1995-2005. Drawing on recently made available industrystatistics, we provide a sector level study (13 tradable sectors, including manufacturing and services),analysing the contemporary evolution of domestic and trade partners' employment levels. Given theintensification of trade relations...
Chinese Foreign Direct Investments in Europe. The Polish Case
PublicationThe first aim of this paper is to analyze the features that have motivated Chinese outbound investments in the European Union. The paper outlines also the policies adopted by the European institutions and its member states to encourage the increase of the Chinese FDI without harming the internal European market, and consequently phase out all concerns that are afflicting the European public opinion. The second purpose is more focused...
Educating planners in Europe: A review of 21st century study programmes
PublicationEducation for urban, regional and spatial planning has become a regular subject throughout most European nations; this can be attributed in part to European policies promoting planning and spatially balanced development, but also to the recognition that planning can support sustainability. Nevertheless, there is lingering and justifiable concern about the status, profile and recognition of planning as a profession in its own right...
Greening Higher Education in Europe. Institutional Transitions to Sustainable Development
PublicationThis book provides a comprehensive overview of the advances made in European higher education institutions (HEIs) over the last twenty years in response to the challenges of sustainable development. In recent years, there has been a visible shift toward sustainable development, and universities have been addressing their accountability to the public through corporate social responsibility. Greening Higher Education in Europe explores...
Modelling selected road safety measures at the regional level in Europe
PublicationRegions are Europe’s basic levels of management. The literature was reviewed to identify regional safety analyses and some of the factors that are important for road safety in the regions. Next, data were collected atthe regional NUTS 2 level in Europe for the years 1999-2008. An analysis of the data helped identify f actors which have the strongest bearing on fatalities and other safety measures. This paper presents the initial...
First Outcomes of an Investigation about Daylighting Knowledge and Education in Europe
PublicationDAYKE (Daylighting Knowledge in Europe) is a project to investigate the daylighting knowledge and skills of Architecture students and practitioners from different countries within the European Union. This paper introduces the first stage of the research and provides results from a direct survey taken by 161 students from seven schools of Architecture: two in Italy, one in The Netherlands, two in Poland and two in Spain. The results...
Characteristics of the peanut chain in Europe – implications for peanut allergy
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Ecological traits predict population trends of urban birds in Europe
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Farmland practices are driving bird population decline across Europe
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Cylindrospermopsin: Water-linked potential threat to human health in Europe
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The cultural roles of perforated fish vertebrae in prehistoric and historic Europe
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