Search results for: INSTANTANEOUS FREQUENCY - Bridge of Knowledge




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  • The instantaneous frequency rate spectogram

    An accelerogram of the instantaneous phase of signal components referred to as an instantaneous frequency rate spectrogram (IFRS) is presented as a joint time-frequency distribution. The distribution is directly obtained by processing the short-time Fourier transform (STFT) locally. A novel approach to amplitude demodulation based upon the reassignment method is introduced as a useful by-product. Additionally, an estimator of energy...

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  • On the instantaneous frequency smoothing for signals with quasi-linear frequency changes


    The problem of estimation of the slowly-varying instantaneous frequency of a nonstationary complex sinusoidal signal buried in noise is considered. This problem is usually solved using frequency tracking algorithms. It is shown that the accuracy of frequency estimates can be considerably increased if the results yielded by the frequency tracker are further processed using the appropriately designed filters. The resulting frequency...

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  • Chirp Rate and Instantaneous Frequency Estimation: Application to Recursive Vertical Synchrosqueezing



    This letter introduces new chirp rate and instantaneous frequency estimators designed for frequency-modulated signals. These estimators are first investigated from a deterministic point of view, then compared together in terms of statistical efficiency. They are also used to design new recursive versions of the vertically synchrosqueezed short-time Fourier transform, using a previously published method (D. Fourer, F. Auger, and...

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  • Pitch shifter with complex instantaneous frequency rescaling and direct digital synthesis

    W artykule zaprezentowano nowy przesuwnik wysokości dźwięku ze skalowaniem częstotliwości chwilowej i z syntezą bezpośrednią. Jest on przeznaczony do komponowania melodii np. w telefonie komórkowym. Implementacja przesuwnika jest oparta na twierdzeniu Bedrosiana, zastosowanego do zespolonego odpowiednika hilbertowskiego przetwarzanego sygnału rzeczywistego. Filtr Hilberta pełni tu też dodatkową rolę. Jest nią filtracja antyaliasingowa....

  • Properties and interpretation of Instantaneous Complex Frequency



    The concept of Instantaneous Complex Frequency (ICF) was first defined by Lindon and developed mainly in works of two authors S. Hahn and M. Rojewski. Although it is not widely used in signal analysis, ICF was already used as a complex signal representation in the verification of handwritten signatures, pitch estimation, symbol timing recovery in PSK receiver and in detection of anomalies in data transmission. It should be noted,...

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  • A new pitch shifter based on complex instantaneous frequency rescaling and direct digital synthesis


    - Year 2005

    Zaproponowano nową metodę zmiany wysokości dźwięku za pośrednictwem skalowania zespolonej częstotliwości chwilowej i na podstawie cyfrowej syntezy bezpośredniej. Zaprezentowano schematy blokowe opracowanych algorytmów. Pracę zilustrowano przykładem syntezy sygnału wywoławczego (''dzwonka'' telefonicznego), gdzie dźwięki poszczególnych nut generowanej melodii uzyskano na podstawie naturalnego sygnału - pojedynczego świergotu o widmie...

  • Instantaneous complex frequency for pipeline pitch estimation

    • M. [. Kaniewska

    - Year 2010

    In the paper a pipeline algorithm for estimating the pitch of speech signal is proposed. The algorithm uses instantaneous complex frequencies estimated for four waveforms obtained by filtering the original speech signal through four bandpass complex Hilbert filters. The imaginary parts of ICFs from each channel give four candidates for pitch estimates. The decision regarding the final estimate is made based on the real parts of...

  • N-point estimators of the Instantaneous Complex Frequency


    - Year 2011

    In this paper estimators of the instantaneous complex frequency (ICF) are presented and discussed. The differential approach for the estimation of the ICF is used, therefore the estimators are based on maximally flat N-point FIR filters: differential and delay. The investigation of the filter performance includes static characteristics of ICF estimation and the error of the ICF estimation in the discrete frequency domain.W pracy...

  • Speech formant frequency and pitch estimation using instantaneous complex frequency

    • M. [. Kaniewska

    - Year 2008

    W pracy opisany został algorytm estymacji częstotliwości podstawowej oraz częstotliwości środkowych i pasm formantów mowy z wykorzystaniem zespolonej pulsacji chwilowej. W artykule przedstawiono również wyniki działania algorytmu dla polskich samogłosek.

  • Human voice modification using instantaneous complex frequency

    • M. Kaniewska

    - Year 2010

    The paper presents the possibilities of changing human voice by modifying instantaneous complex frequency (ICF) of the speech signal. The proposed method provides a flexible way of altering voice without the necessity of finding fundamental frequency and formants' positions or detecting voiced and unvoiced fragments of speech. The algorithm is simple and fast. Apart from ICF it uses signal factorization into two factors: one fully...

  • Online pitch estimation using instantaneous complex frequency

    • M. Kaniewska

    - Year 2011

    W pracy opisano nowe wyniki dotyczące skuteczności algorytmu potokowego estymującego częstotliwość podstawową sygnału mowy. Algorytm wykorzystuje zespoloną pulsację chwilową dla klasyfikacji mowy na dźwięczną i bezdźwięczną oraz estymacji częstotliwości podstawowej dla każdej próbki sygnału. Skuteczność klasyfikacji oraz dokładność estymacji zostały ocenione eksperymentalnie z wykorzystaniem dwóch baz nagrań, zawierających wypowiedzi...

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  • On the use of instantaneous complex frequency for pitch and formant tracking.

    • M. [. Kaniewska

    - Year 2008

    W pracy opisano algorytm śledzenia częstotliwości podstawowej i formantów mowy z wykorzystaniem zespolonej pulsacji chwilowej. Działanie algorytmu przetestowano na nagraniach polskich samogłosek, których wysokość zmieniała się płynnie. Wyniki testów wraz z porównaniem działania opisanej metody i metody predykcji liniowej zawarto w artykule.

  • On the use of instantaneous complex frequency for analysis and modification of simple sounds

    • M. [. Kaniewska

    - Year 2009

    W pracy przedstawiono możliwości wykorzystania zespolonej pulsacji chwilowej do analizy i modyfikacji prostych dźwięków. Opisywany algorytm składa się z dwóch kroków: bifaktoryzacji sygnału na obwiednię minimalnofazową i fazor dodatnipskrętny, a następnie estymacja i modyfikacja zespolonej pulsacji chwilowej obu czynników faktoryzacji.

  • Pitch estimation of narrowband-filtered speech signal using instantaneous complex frequency


    - Year 2007

    In this paper we propose a novel method of pitch estimation, based on instantaneous complex frequency (ICF). New iterative algorithm for analysis of ICF of speech signal in presented. Obtained results are compared with commonly used methods to prove its accuracy and connection between ICF and pitch, particularly for narrowband-filtered speech signal.

  • Pitch estimation of narrowband-filtered speech signal using instantaneous complex frequency

    In this paper we propose a novel method of pitch estimation, based on instantaneous complex frequency (ICF). New iterative algorithm for analysis of ICF of speech signal in presented. Obtained results are compared with commonly used methods to prove its accuracy and connection between ICF and pitch, particularly for narrowband-filtered speech signal.

  • Chirp-rate estimation of FM signals in the time-frequency domain


    Novel dynamic representations of a complex signal in the time-frequency domain including: a channelized instantaneous complex frequency (CICF), a complex local group delay (CLGD) and a channelized instantaneous chirp-rate (CICR) are introduced. The proposed approach is based on the use of the gradient of the short-time Fourier transform complex phase. An interpretation of the newly-introduced distributions especially of the CICR...

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  • A novel method of time-frequency analysis: an essential spectrogram


    A novel precise method of time-frequency analysis is presented. In the algorithm, a new energy distribution is estimated by simultaneously discard or displacement of the classical spec- trogram energy. A channelized instantaneous frequency and a local group delay are used in order to replacement in the same manner as formulated by Kodera et al. [1, 2]. Additionally, new representations: a channelized instantaneous bandwidth and...

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  • IFE: NN-aided Instantaneous Pitch Estimation


    Pitch estimation is still an open issue in contemporary signal processing research. Nowadays, growing momentum of machine learning techniques application in the data-driven society allows for tackling this problem from a new perspective. This work leverages such an opportunity to propose a refined Instantaneous Frequency and power based pitch Estimator method called IFE. It incorporates deep neural network based pitch estimation...

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  • An Instantaneous Engine Speed Estimation Method Using Multiple Matching Synchrosqueezing Transform

    • Y. Liu
    • H. Wen
    • Z. Ding
    • L. Xu
    • H. Chen
    • J. Smulko

    - Journal of Sensors - Year 2021

    Instantaneous rotational speed measurement of the engine is crucial in routine inspection and maintenance of an automobile engine. Since the contact measurement of rotational speed is not always available, the vibration measurement has been used for noncontact rotational speed estimation methods. Unfortunately, the accuracy of the noncontact estimation methods by analyzing engine vibration frequency is not satisfactory due to the...

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  • Estimation of time-frequency complex phase-based speech attributes using narrow band filter banks


    - Year 2017

    In this paper, we present nonlinear estimators of nonstationary and multicomponent signal attributes (parameters, properties) which are instantaneous frequency, spectral (or group) delay, and chirp-rate (also known as instantaneous frequency slope). We estimate all of these distributions in the time-frequency domain using both finite and infinite impulse response (FIR and IIR) narrow band filers for speech analysis. Then, we present...

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  • Parallel frequency tracking with built-in performance evaluation

    The problem of estimation of instantaneous frequency of a nonstationary complex sinusoid (cisoid) buried in wideband noise is considered. The proposed approach employs a bank of adaptive notch filters, extended with a nontrivial performance assessment mechanism which automatically chooses the best performing filter in the bank. Additionally, a computationally attractive method of implementing the bank is proposed. The new structure...

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  • Frequency based criterion for distinguishing tonal and noisy spectral components

    A frequency-based criterion for distinguishing tonal and noisy spectral components is proposed. For considered spectral local maximum two instantaneous frequency estimates are determined and the difference between them is used in order to verify whether component is noisy or tonal. Since one of the estimators was invented specially for this application its properties are deeply examined. The proposed criterion is applied to the...

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  • A novel method of local chirp-rate estimation of LFM chirp signals in the time-frequency domain


    In the paper, novel dynamic representations of a complex signal in the time-frequency domain are introduced. The proposed approach is based on using the gradient of the short-time Fourier transform complex phase. A channelized instantaneous complex frequency (CICF) and a complex local group delay (CLGD) are included in the presented signal representations. An application of the newly-introduced distributions is demonstrated by...

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  • Time-frequency analysis of acoustic signals using concentrated spectrogram


    The paper presents improved method of time-frequency (TF) analysis of discrete-time signals. The method involves signal's local group delay (LGD) and channelized instantaneous frequency (CIF) to purposely redistribute all Short-time Fourier transform (STFT) lines. Additionally, the energy concentration index (ECI) and some histogram-like statistics are used to evaluate readability of estimated TF distributions of the energy. Recorded...

  • A new approach to active noise and vibration control - [Part II: unknown frequency case]


    This paper presents a new approach to rejection of complex-valued sinusoidal disturbances acting at the output of a discrete-time stable linear plant with unknown and possibly timevarying dynamics. It is assumed that both the instantaneous frequency of the sinusoidal disturbance and its amplitude may be slowly varying with time and that the output signal is contaminated with wideband measurement noise. It is not assumed that a...

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  • Automatic Optimization Of Adaptive Notch Filter’s Frequency Tracking


    - Year 2014

    Estimation of instantaneous frequency of narrowband com- plex sinusoids is often performed using lightweight algo- rithms called adaptive notch filters. However, to reach high performance, these algorithms require careful tuning. The paper proposes a novel self-tuning layer for a recently intr o- ducedadaptive notch filtering algorithm. Analysis shows th at, under Gaussian random-walk type assumptions, the resultin g solution converges...

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  • Identification of quasi-periodically varying systems with quasi-linear frequency changes


    The problem of identification of linear quasi-periodically varying systems is considered. This problem can be solved using generalized adaptive notch filtering (GANF) algorithms. It is shown that accuracy of system parameter estimation can be increased if the results obtained from GANF are further processed using a cascade of appropriately designed filters. The resulting generalized adaptive notch smoothing (GANS) algorithms can...

  • Usage of concentrated spectrogram for analysis of acoustical signals


    A novel precise method of signal analysis in the time-frequency domain is presented. A signal energy distribution is estimated by discard and displacement of energy parts of the classical spectrogram. A channelized instantaneous frequency and a local group delay are used in order to energy replacement. Additionally, newly introduced representations such as: a channelized instantaneous bandwidth and a local group duration are used...

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  • Continuous wave sonar with hyperbolic frequency modulation keyed by pseudo-random sequence


    A CW FM type sounding signal is used in the classical solution of silent sonar. While the signal provides a relatively simple implementation of digital signal processing, and ensures good detection conditions, unfortunately, in the presence of the Doppler effect, distance measurement results tend to be wrong. This is due to the fact that the received signal’s instantaneous frequency value is dependent both on the distance to the...

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  • SONIC - Self-optimizing narrowband interference canceler: comparison of two frequency tracking strategies


    This paper presents a new approach to rejection of complex-valued sinusoidal disturbances acting at the output of a discrete-time linear stable plant with unknown and possibly time-varying dynamics. It is assumed that both the instantaneous frequency of the sinusoidal disturbance and its amplitude may be slowly varying with time and that the output signal is contaminated with wideband measurement noise. The proposed disturbance...



    The problem of estimating instantaneous frequency of a non- stationary complexsinusoid (cisoid) buried in wideband no ise is considered. The proposed approach extends adaptive notc h filtering algorithm with a nontrivial performance assessme nt mechanism which can be used to optimize frequency tracking performance of the adaptive filter. Simulation results confi rm that the proposedextension allows one to improveaccuracyo f frequency...

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  • A fast time-frequency multi-window analysis using a tuning directional kernel


    - SIGNAL PROCESSING - Year 2018

    In this paper, a novel approach for time-frequency analysis and detection, based on the chirplet transform and dedicated to non-stationary as well as multi-component signals, is presented. Its main purpose is the estimation of spectral energy, instantaneous frequency (IF), spectral delay (SD), and chirp rate (CR) with a high time-frequency resolution (separation ability) achieved by adaptive fitting of the transform kernel. We...

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  • Nonlinear generation of non-acoustic modes by low-frequency sound in a vibrationally relaxing gas


    Two dynamic equations referring to a weakly nonlinear and weakly dispersive flow of a gas in which molecular vibrational relaxation takes place. are derived. The first one governs an excess temperature associated with the thermal mode, and the second one describes variations in vibrational energy. Both quantities refer to non-wave types of gas motion. These variations are caused by the nonlinear transfer of acoustic energy into...

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  • Instantaneous Heating and Cooling Caused by Periodic or Aperiodic Sound of Any Characteristic Duration in a Gas with Vibrational Relaxation

    Thermodynamic relaxation of internal degrees of a molecule's freedom in a gas occurs with some characteristic time. This makes wave processes in a gas behave differently depending on the ratio of characteristic duration of perturbations and the relaxation time. In particular, generation of the secondary non-wave modes by intense sound in a nonlinear flow dependens on frequency. These kinds of interaction are considered in this...

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  • Using phase of short-term Fourier transform for evaluation of spectrogram performance

    The concept of spectrogram performance evaluation which exploits information on phase of short-term Fourier transform (STFT) is presented. A spectrograph which is time-frequency analyzing tool, is compared to a filter bank that demultiplexes a signal. Local group delay (LGD) and channelized instantaneous frequency (CIF) is obtained for each filtered component signal. In presented solution the performance is evaluated using so-called...

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  • Using concentrated spectrogram for analysis of audio acoustic signals


    The paper presents results of time-frequency analysis of audio acoustic signals using the method of Concentrated Spectrograph also known as ''Cross-spectral method'' or ''Reassignment method''. Presented algorithm involves signal's local group delay and channelized instantaneous frequency to relevantly redistribute all Short-time Fourier transform lines in time-frequency plain. The main intention of the paper is to compare various...

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  • Hybrid SONIC: joint feedforward–feedback narrowband interference canceler

    SONIC (self-optimizing narrowband interference canceler) is an acronym of a recently proposed active noise control algorithm with interesting adaptivity and robustness properties. SONIC is a purely feedback controller, capable of rejecting nonstationary sinusoidal disturbances (with time-varying amplitude and/or frequency) in the presence of plant (secondary path) uncertainty. We show that although SONIC can work reliably without...

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  • Self-optimizing narrowband interference canceller - can reference signal help?


    SONIC (Self-Optimizing Narrowband Interference Canceller) is an acronym of the recently proposed active noise control algorithm with interesting adaptivity and robustness properties. SONIC is a purely feedback controller, capable of rejecting nonstationary sinusoidal disturbances (with time-varying amplitudes and/or frequencies) in the presence of plant (secondary path) uncertainties. We show that even though SONIC can work reliably...

  • Investigation of the electrochemical behaviour of AA1050 aluminium alloy in aqueous alkaline solutions using Dynamic Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy

    The paper presents the electrochemical behaviour of aluminium alloy AA1050 in aqueous alkaline media in the pH range 14–8.5. Electrochemical study was applied in order to obtain comprehensive information on the mechanism and kinetics of the process of anodic dissolution of aluminium, supplemented by monitoring of surface topography using an electron microscope. The corrosion rate of AA1050 increases with increasing concentration...

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    - Year 2014

    Estimation of instantaneous frequency of narrowband com- plex sinusoids is often performed using lightweight algo- rithms called adaptive notch filters. However, to reach high performance, these algorithms require careful tuning. The paper proposes a novel self-tuning layer for a recently intr o- ducedadaptive notch filtering algorithm. Analysis shows th at, under Gaussian random-walk type assumptions, the resultin g solution converges...

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  • Estymacja tonu krtaniowego w oparciu o zespoloną pulsację chwilową

    W niniejszej pracy zaproponowano nową metodę ekstrakcji tonu krtaniowego w oparciu o zespoloną pulsacjęchwilową - ICF (ang. Instantaneous Complex Frequency). Zaproponowano interaktywny algorytm analizy ICF sygnałumowy, którego wyniki udokumentowano zarówno w dziedzinie czasu (na płaszczyźnie Arganda) jak i w dziedzinieczęstotliwości. Na podstawie osiągniętych wyników wykazano bezpośredni, jednoznaczny związek pomiędzy okresemtonu...

  • Strategie treningu neuronowego estymatora częstotliwości tonu krtaniowego z użyciem generatora syntetycznych samogłosek

    W wielu zastosowaniach telekomunikacyjnych pojawia się problem przetwarzania lub analizy sygnału mowy, w ramach którego, często w obszarze podstawowych algorytmów, stosuje się estymator częstotliwości tonu krtaniowego. Estymator rozpatrywany w tej pracy bazuje na neuronowym klasyfikatorze podejmującym decyzje na podstawie częstotliwości oraz mocy chwilowej wyznaczanych w podpasmach analizowanego sygnału mowy. W pracy rozważamy...

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  • Excitation of Non-Wave Modes by Sound of Arbitrary Frequency in a Chemically Reacting Gas

    The nonlinear phenomena in the field of high intensity sound propagating in a gas with a chemical reaction, are considered. A chemical reaction of A → B type is followed by dispersion and attenuation of sound which may be atypical during irreversible thermodynamic processes under some conditions. The first and second order derivatives of heat produced in the chemical reaction evaluated at the equilibrium temperature, density and...

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  • Limitations of WSSUS modeling of stationary underwater acoustic communication channel


    - HYDROACOUSTICS - Year 2016

    Performances of underwater acoustic communication (UAC) systems are strongly related to specific propagation conditions of the underwater channel. Due to their large variability, there is a need for adaptive matching of the UAC systems signaling to the transmission properties of the channel. This requires a knowledge of instantaneous channel characteristics, in terms of the specific parameters of stochastic models. The wide-sense...

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  • Radar Signal Parameters Estimation Using Phase Accelerogram in the Time-Frequency Domain


    - IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL - Year 2019

    Radar signal parameter estimation, in the context of the reconstruction of the received signal in a passive radar utilizing other radars as a source of illumination, is one of the fundamental steps in the signal processing chain in such a device. The task is also a crucial one in electronic reconnaissance systems, e.g. ELINT (Electronic Intelligence) systems. In order to obtain accurate results it is important to measure, estimate...

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  • Application of Maximum-Length Sequences to impulse response measurement of hydroacoustic communications systems


    There is a growing interest in digital transmission of telemetry data on ultrasonic waves. The dependence of signal attenuation on squared frequency, specific to the hy-droacoustic systems, induces problems that do not exist in monochromatic, narrowband radio communications systems. For adapting the transmission parameters to current propagation conditions, a precise knowledge of instantaneous changes of channel performances is...

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  • Nonlinear Influence of Sound on the Vibrational Energy of Molecules in a Relaxing Gas


    Dynamics of a weakly nonlinear and weakly dispersive flow of a gas where molecular vibrational relaxation takes place is studied. Variations in the vibrational energy in the field of intense sound is considered. These variations are caused by a nonlinear transfer of the acoustic energy into energy of vibrational degrees of freedom in a relaxing gas. The final dynamic equation which describes this is instantaneous, it includes a...

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  • Shallow Water Experiment of OFDM Underwater Acoustic Communications

    The large variability of communication properties of underwater acoustic channels, and especially the strongly varying instantaneous conditions in shallow waters, is a challenge for the designers of underwater acoustic communication (UAC) systems. The use of phase modulated signals does not allow reliable data transmission through such a tough communication channel. However, orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM), being...

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  • Zespolona pulsacja chwilowa w analizie i konwersji głosu

    • M. Kaniewska

    - Year 2012

    Przedstawiona rozprawa doktorska dotyczy badania głosu z wykorzystaniem reprezentacji sygnału mowy za pomocą zespolonej pulsacji chwilowej (ICF od ang. Instantaneous Complex Frequency). Zespolona pulsacja chwilowa opiera się na koncepcji rzeczywistej częstotliwości chwilowej (IF od ang. Instantaneous Frequency), która estymuje częstotliwość sygnału w każdej chwili czasu jako pochodną jego fazy chwilowej. Główną zaletą takiego podejścia...

  • Variable Ratio Sample Rate Conversion Based on Fractional Delay Filter


    - Archives of Acoustics - Year 2014

    In this paper a sample rate conversion algorithm which allows for continuously changing resampling ratio has been presented. The proposed implementation is based on a variable fractional delay filter which is implemented by means of a Farrow structure. Coefficients of this structure are computed on the basis of fractional delay filters which are designed using the offset window method. The proposed approach allows us to freely...

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