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Search results for: MICROWAVE
Errors caused by microwave part of the microwave heating system
PublicationPrzedstawiono skrótowo zasadę pracy i konstrukcję systemu do badań naukowych procesów grzania mikrofalowego. Wyprowadzono wyrażenie opisujące wartość średniokwadratową błędu pomiaru energii mikrofalowej i przeanalizowano składowe błędu pomiaru powodowane przez rzeczywiście występujące w układzie pomiarowym parametry techniczne jego części mikrofalowej.
Kriging Models for Microwave Filters
PublicationSurrogate modeling of microwave filters’ response is discussed. In particular, kriging is used to model either the scattering parameters of the filter or the rational representation of the filter’s characteristics. Surrogate models for these two variants of kriging are validated in solving a microwave filter optimization problem. A clear advantage of surrogate models based on the rational representation over the models based on scattering...
The Microwave Sources for EPR Spectroscopy
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Effect of Microwave Radiation Power on the Size of Aggregates of ZnO NPs Prepared Using Microwave Solvothermal Synthesis
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Microwave-assisted silication of potato starch
PublicationSilication of potato starch was performed by microwave irradiation and convectional heating of starch with sodium metasilicate. The study has shown that microwaves offered more selective silication thanconvectional heating. Depending on the dose of metasilicate products of either monoesterification or crosslinking esterification were formed. Increase in the amount of the silicating agent favoured crosslinking of starch. In the...
Synthesis of amides under microwave irradiation
PublicationAmides belong to the most important carboxylic acid derivatives. They are constituents of natural compounds like peptides and proteins. They found applications in many branches of science and industry, especially in pharmaceutical and polymer science. Conventional procedures for amide preparation involve reaction between amine and carboxylic acid or their more active derivatives such as acid chlorides, acid anhydrides or esters....
Microwave radiation in the synthesis of urethane prepolymers
PublicationThis paper describes the use of microwave radiation in the synthesis of urethane prepolymers in bulk (without solvent). The prepolymers were synthesized using 1,6-hexamethylene diisocyanate (HDI) and poly (ε-caprolactone) diol (PCL) at a molar ratio of 4:1. The reaction was carried out without a catalyst in the reactor with a conventional heating system (oil bath) or in the microwave reactor (MW Reactor NOVA 09) at temperatures...
Preparation of exfoliated graphite by microwave irradiation
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Microwave-assisted boration of potato starch
PublicationZiarnistą skrobię ziemniaczaną boranowano za pomocą kwasu borowego i dziesięciowodnego tetraboranu sodu (boraksu) w reakcji wspomaganej mikrofalami. Określono wpływ stosunku substratów oraz czasu trwania i mocy naświetlania na stopień estryfikacji (DE) produktów. Maksymalna wartość DE w próbkach skrobi boranowanej kwasem wyniosła 0,27, a boranowanej boraksem 0,18. Ustalono, że chociaż zmodyfikowana skrobia, o strukturze estrów...
Low-Cost Surrogate Models for Microwave Filters
PublicationA novel low-cost kriging-based multivariable parametric macromodeling technique for microwave filters is presented. Kriging is used to model both the residues and poles of a microwave filter's reflection coefficient, and the zeros of the transmission coefficient. The proposed residue-pole-zero (RPZ) technique is demonstrated to efficiently model a high dimensional (8D) microwave filter with pseudoelliptic characteristics.
Design of Microwave-Based Angular Displacement Sensor
PublicationThis letter presents a novel microwave-based rotation sensor having a wide dynamic range to detect and measure the angular displacement in terms of the change in resonant frequency. The proposed sensor is based on the microstrip technology, where a rotor comprised of a complementary splitring resonator (CSRR) placed on the ground plane of the microstrip line is free to rotate around its axis. The mechanical rotation of CSRR determines...
Near Field Coupled Wireless Microwave Sensor
PublicationThis paper presents a wireless planar microwave sensor operating at industrial scientific and medical (ISM) frequency for the detection of dielectric materials. The microwave sensor consists of a reader (ground defected microstrip coupled line) and a passive tag where a complementary split-ring resonator (CSRR) is made on the commercially available copper-foil. The CSRR is a peel-off type tag that is excited using the near field...
Low cost microwave X-band generator
PublicationA low cost microwave X-band generator for educational purposes was designed and built. Its simple construction and user's interface makes it suitable for a student laboratory.The generator is based on a single frequency conversion concept. It uses a digitally tunable PLL chip for intermediate frequency generation and an active frequency multiplier for frequency conversion. The generator covers 9,7 - 11 GHz part of the X frequency...
Microwave Ring Resonator Based Pressure Sensor
PublicationThis paper demonstrates a microwave pressure sensor, which is based on microstrip line-fed ring resonators. The first ring resonator is loaded with the concentric cylindrical shafts, while the same number of the hollow shanks as the shafts are mounted on the second ring resonator. The arrangement of the cylindrical shaft and hollow shank allows for mechanical movement between two substrates while maintaining electrical contact....
Measurement accuracy of the system to control the microwave heating.
PublicationPrzedstawiono skrótowo zasadę pracy i konstrukcję systemu do badań naukowych procesów grzania mikrofalowego. Wyprowadzono wyrażenie opisujące wartość średniokwadratową błędu pomiaru energii mikrofalowej i przeanalizowano składowe błędu pomiaru powodowane przez rzeczywiście występujące w układzie pomiarowym parametry techniczne jego części mikrofalowej.
Macromodels in the frequency domain analysis of microwave resonators.
PublicationW artykule zaprezentowana jest technika włączania makromodeli do metod siatkowych sformułowanych w dziedzinie częstotliwości.W odróżnieniu do poprzednich, nowy schemat nie wprowadza zależności częstotliwościowej do macierzy systemowej i dzięki temu może być użyta w analizie rezonatorów. Testy numeryczne pokazują wzrost dokładności obliczeń w szerokim zakresie częstotliwości, przy czym właściwości zbieżności iteracyjnego algorytmu...
A review of amide bond formation in microwave organic synthesis
PublicationMicrowave-Assisted Organic Synthesis (MAOS) is one of the most current trends in organic chemistry. Herein, both the most popular and new approaches in microwave-syntheses of very important linkage in Nature - amide bond - are overviewed and compared with conventional synthetic routes.
Microwave heat treatment application to pasteurization of human milk
PublicationA prototype of microwave pasteurizer has been proposed as an alternative for holder pasteurization (HP) routinely used in Human Milk Bank (HMB), ensuring microbiological safety of human milk (HM). It was shown that the time of heat generation was about 15–16 min shorter by applying the microwave than in HP. Total inactivation of heat-sensitive bacteria Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, and Staphylococcus...
Modelling of dielectric properties of BiNbO4-based microwave ceramics
PublicationIn the present paper results of the studies devoted to computer simulations of dielectric response of electroceramics in a frequency domain as well as analysis of the experimental data are given. As an object of investigations BiNbO4-based microwave ceramics was taken. Simulations of the hypothetical impedance response of the ceramic system were performed under assumption of the brick-layer model. A strategy for analysis and modelling...
Microwave-assisted synthesis of zinc derivatives of potato starch
PublicationZincatated potato starch was prepared in a solid-state, microwave-assisted reaction using generated in situ sodium tetrahydroxozincate [Na2Zn(OH)4]. For comparison, zincatation of starch was also carriedout on convectional heating. Depending on the irradiation conditions, the products of either mono- or crosslinking esterification were formed. Higher power applied at shorter exposition offered products ofmonoesterification, and...
Zero-Pole Approach in Microwave Passive Circuit Design
PublicationIn this thesis, optimization strategies for design of microwave passive structures including filters, couplers, antenna and impedance transformer and construction of various surroogate models utilized to fasten the design proces have been discussed. Direct and hybrid optimization methodologies including space mapping and multilevel algorithms combined with various surrogate models at different levels of fidelity have been utilized...
Size Reduction of Microwave Couplers by EM-Driven Optimization
PublicationThis work addresses simulation-driven design optimization of compact microwave couplers that explicitly aims at circuit footprint area reduction. The penalty function approach allows us to minimize the area of the circuit while ensuring a proper power division between the output ports and providing a sufficient bandwidth with respect to return loss and isolation around the operating frequency. Computational cost of the optimization...
Planar Microwave Bragg Reflector Resonant Dielectric Sensor
PublicationIn this paper, a periodic structure is used to design a microwave Bragg reflector with the help of hexagonal lattice, which provides a 5 GHz wide stopband between the low-pass band with cut-off frequency 2.6 GHz and the bandpass response with start and stop frequency 7.8 GHz and 10.5 GHz, respectively. A defect in lattice allows passing a narrowband signal at 6 GHz which is found, from the dispersion relation, to be in the region...
Artificial Neural Networks in Microwave Components and Circuits Modeling
PublicationArtykuł dotyczy wykorzystania sztucznych sieci neuronowych (SNN) w projektowaniu i optymalizacji układów mikrofalowych.Zaprezentowano podstawowe zasady i założenia modelowania z użyciem SNN. Możliwości opisywanej metody opisano wykorzystując przykładowyprojekt anteny łatowej. Przedstawiono różne strategie modelowania układów, które wykorzystują możliwości opisywanej metody w połączeniu zwiedzą mikrofalową. Porównano również dokładność...
Surrogate models and automated cad of passive microwave components
PublicationW pracy pokazane zostały techniki modelowania złożonych układów elektronicznych wysokiej częstotliwości. Modele zastępcze mają postać sparametryzowanych modeli matematycznych tworzonych za pomocą schematów interpolacyjnych lub skupionych, pasywnych układów zastępczych dedykowanych analizie w dziedzinie czasu. Do konstrukcji modeli wykorzystywane są wyniki symulacji elektromagnetycznych, co pozwala na osiągnięcie lepszej dokładności...
Magnetic properties of BiFeO3micro-cubes synthesized by microwave agitation
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The role of hydrogen in microwave plasma valorization of producer gas
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Towards automated full-wave design of microwave structures
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia problematykę automatycznego projektowania układów mikrofalowych i jego znaczenie. przedstawia stan rynku narzędzi projektowania, pojawiąjące się rozwiązania i przyszłe trendy.
On measurements applied in scientific researches of microwave heating processes
PublicationPrzedstawiono trudności techniczne wykonywania pomiarów w systemach gdzie stosuje się duże poziomy mocy mikrofalowej. Omówiono zasadę pracy do badania procesu grzania mikrofalowego oraz wybrane problemy występujące przy realizacji takiego systemu. Uzasadniono celowość prowadzenia przedstawionych rodzajów pomiarów w badaniach procesów grzania mikrofalowego materiałów.
Internet as a new platform for delivery of microwave CAD services.
PublicationZaprezentowano aplikację przeznaczoną do syntezy filtrów rezonatorowych, która jest realizacją nowego sposobu myślenia związanego z rewolucją usług internetowych, które charakteryzują się niskim kosztem tworzenia oraz szybką i bezpieczną dystrybucją. Opisano stworzoną wielowarstwową aplikację, która gwarantuje łatwy, bezpieczny oraz ograniczony dostęp do aplikacji dla szerokiego kręgu osób. Zawarto w niej algorytm szybkiej syntezy...
Reliable Microwave Modeling By Means of Variable-Fidelity Response Features
PublicationIn this work, methodologies for low-cost and reliable microwave modeling are presented using variable-fidelity response features. The two key components of our approach are: (i) a realization of the modeling process at the level of suitably selected feature points of the responses (e.g., S-parameters vs. frequency) of the structure at hand, and (ii) the exploitation of variable-fidelity EM simulation data, also for the response...
Microwave treatment in waste rubber recycling – recent advances and limitations
PublicationEnvironmentally-friendly microwave heating is increasingly used in polymer chemistry and technology. The selectivity and highly efficiency in the heat transfer present a huge advantage in systems based on recycling, improving their productivity and economic competitiveness. In case of the industrial recycling of waste rubbers, especially end-of-life tires, microwave-induced devulcanization and pyrolysis are nowadays considered...
Microwave-assisted preparation of potato starch silicated with silicic acid
PublicationApplication of microwave irradiation for the silication of granular potato starch with silicic acid, and the properties of silicated starch were investigated. Potato starch was esterified on 20 min microwave irradiation of starch with silicic acid, applying the power of 450 or 800Wand, for comparison, on 120 min convectional heating of the reagent blend at 100 ◦C. The degree of esterification and the reaction efficiency did not...
Study of anticorrosion and microwave absprption properties of NiZn ferrite pigments
PublicationPurpose - The purpose of this paper is to report the electrochemical verification of anticorrosive properties of NiZn ferrites as pigments in protective coatings and evaluation of their microwave absorbing properties. Design/methodology/approach - Ferrites, represented by formula NixZn(1-x)Fe2O4, where x=0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, were synthesized using a ceramic method. The samples of ferrites were examined by X-ray diffraction...
Novel MNZ-type microwave sensor for testing magnetodielectric materials
PublicationA novel microwave sensor with the mu-near-zero (MNZ) property is proposed for testing magnetodielectric material at 4.5 GHz. The sensor has a double-layer design consisting of a microstrip line and a metal strip with vias on layers 1 and 2, respectively. The proposed sensor can detect a unit change in relative permittivity and relative permeability with a difference in the operating frequency of 45 MHz and 78 MHz, respectively....
Automated microwave planar filter design with generalized Chebyshev characteristics.
PublicationIn this paper a technique of automatization of design of microwave filters with generalized Chebyshev characteristics is presented. A full wave electromagnetic simulator linked with the Matlab computing environment is used to ensure a rigorous numerical analysis while at the same time allowing automatization. To decrease time of optimization and overall design process, the Cauchy interpolation technique was used. An automated design...
Interactive Application for Visualization of the Basic Phenomena in RF and Microwave Devices
PublicationAn interactive computer application visualizing the basic phenomena in RF and microwave devices is presented. Such kind of educational package can be a very helpful tool for the students as well as for the teachers (of electronics and related fields). This paper is focused on three exemplary problems only and involves: movement of electric charge, filtering of electromagnetic waves and interference phenomena in antenna arrays. The...
Microwave Alignment and Displacement Sensors in Groove Gap Waveguide Technology
PublicationThis paper is aimed at presenting highly sensitive microwave displacement and alignment sensors. With this goal, the method of realizing mechanically tunable cavity resonators in groove gap waveguides technology is presented. The resonance frequency of the cavity is then used for displacement sensing. It is also demonstrated that the symmetry properties of a pair of groove gap waveguide cavities can be used to improve the robustness...
Computationally Efficient Design Optimization of Compact Microwave and Antenna Structures
PublicationMiniaturization is one of the important concerns of contemporary wireless communication systems, especially regarding their passive microwave components, such as filters, couplers, power dividers, etc., as well as antennas. It is also very challenging, because adequate performance evaluation of such components requires full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation, which is computationally expensive. Although high-fidelity EM analysis...
Effect of microwave and convection heating on selected nutrients of human milk
PublicationThe aim of this study was to determine the influence of the microwave heating method (MWH) on selected determinants of the nutritional value of human milk (HM) and compare to the effect exerted by the standard convection heating (CH) method, including holder pasteurization (HoP). It was showed that using MWH under conditions assumed to ensure microbiological safety, changes in the level of the nutrients were not observed. In these...
Frequency-dependent coupling model for microwave band-pass filter
PublicationThe goal of this work was to create a circuit model which represents frequency-dependent coupling between microwave resonators. Our models are designed for in-line filters. The frequency-dependent coupling enables one to realize a transmission zero which is not possible in classical approach with frequency independent inverters. In addition, the proposed model allows us to observe out-of-band behavior, e.g. spurious resonance....
Rheology of potato starch chemically modified with microwave-assisted reactions
PublicationNative potato starch was sulfated, selenated, borated, silicated and zincatated by means of microwave-assisted reactions with varying doses of relevant reagents. Resulting products were characterized involving rheological behavior of pastes, their weight-average molecular weight (Mw), and radius of gyration (Rg). Most of the pastes showed shear-thinning behavior, with the flow behavior index (n) below unity. The pastes of starch...
Direct Constraint Control for EM-Based Miniaturization of Microwave Passives
PublicationHandling constraints imposed on physical dimensions of microwave circuits has become an important design consideration over the recent years. It is primarily fostered by the needs of emerging application areas such as 5G mobile communications, internet of things, or wearable/implantable devices. The size of conventional passive components is determined by the guided wavelength, and its reduction requires topological modifications,...
Study of anticorrosion and microwave absorption properties of NiZn ferrite pigments
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Y2O3:Eu nanocrystals as biomarkers prepared by a microwave hydrothermal method
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Bean seed proteins digestibility affected by pressure and microwave cooking
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Investigations of the susceptibility of unmanned aerial vehicles on intensive microwave radiation
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A Novel Reactor for Microwave Hydrothermal Scale-up Nanopowder Synthesis
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Microwave solvothermal synthesis and characterization of manganese-doped ZnO nanoparticles
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Hydrothermal, microwave and mechanochemical modification of amorphous zirconium phosphate structure