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Search results for: REFERENCE GAS MIXTURES
Devices for the production of reference gas mixtures
PublicationFor many years there has been growing demand for gaseous reference materials, which is connected with development in many fields of science and technology. As a result, new methodological and instrumental solutions appear that can be used for this purpose. Appropriate quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) must be used to make sure that measurement data are a reliable source of information. Reference materials are a significant...
Standard gas mixtures- indispensable reference materials in the analysis of gaseous media
PublicationIn recent years the need for the quality control and assurance of analytical measurement results has been particularly strongly emphasised. Certified reference materials play an invaluable role in this process. The article characterises the basic types of reference materials, focusing in particular on those in the gaseous state. It also reviews the literature on the techniques of preparing standard gas mixtures over the last ten...
Standard gas mixtures- indispensable reference materials in the analysis of gaseous media
PublicationIn recent years the need for the quality control and assurance of analytical measurement results has been particularly strongly emphasised. Certified reference materials play an invaluable role in this process. The article characterises the basic types of reference materials, focusing in particular on those in the gaseous state. It also reviews the literature on the techniques of preparing standard gas mixtures over the last ten...
Non-matrix reference materials-the challenges in the preparation of standard gas mixtures
PublicationIn the last few years particularly great pressure is exerted on quality control and assurance of analytical measurement results. An invaluable role in this process is played by reference materials. The paper presents the characteristics of basic types of reference materials, with particular attention to gaseous reference materials.
Non-matrix reference matrials- chalanges in the preparation of standard gas mixtures
PublicationIn the last few years particularly great pressure is exerted on quality control and assurance of analytical measurement results. An invaluable role in this process is played by reference materials. The paper presents the characteristics of basic types of reference materials, with particular attention to gaseous reference materials. In addition, a review of literature on techniques of preparation of gaseous standard materials, published...
Standard gas mixtures – indispensable reference materials in the analysis of gaseous media
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Efficiency of gas mixtures detection by resistive gas sensors
PublicationResistive gas sensors are very popular and are commonly used to detect various gases and their mixtures. Theeir main disadvantage is very limited selectivity. Practical use of gas sensors in environenmental applications requires determination of concentration of a few mixed gases at the same time. We would like to present recent results of gas detection improvement by utilizing a single gas sensor and additional measurements to...
PublicationResistive gas sensors are very popular and are commonly used to detect various gases and their mixtures. Their main disadvantage is very limited selectivity. Practical use of gas sensors in environmental applications (e.g., in sewage systems to protect workers, in air conditioning systems to monitor atmosphere quality) requires determination of concentration of a few mixed gases at the same time. We would like to present recent...
Selectivity of amperometric gas sensors in multicomponent gas mixtures
PublicationIn recent years smog and poor air quality became a growing environmental problem. There is a need to continuously monitor the quality of air. The lack of selectivity is one of the most important problems limiting the use of gas sensors for this purpose. In this study, a selectivity of the six amperometric gas sensors is being investigated. Calibration of sensors has been performed in order to find a correlation between concentration...
Electrocatalytic gas sensor with reference layer
PublicationIn recent years electrochemical gas sensors based on solid state electrolytes have been intensively developed. They are easy to obtain, use and relative durable. Nasicon is one of the most promising materials, which have been used in construction of gas sensors. Most of these devices work in potentiometric or amperometric mode. However, some works are dedicated to sensors working in electrocatalytic mode. Principle of operation...
Electrocatalytic Gas Sensor with Reference Layer
PublicationThis paper presents studies of gas sensors prepared in ceramic technology with Nasicon as a solid electrolyte. Sensors work in the voltammetric mode thus based on the excitation of a sensor with a periodic potential signal while current response is recorded. The main aim is to investigate a Bi8Nb2O17 reference layer influence on sensor properties. Sensors I-V characteristics in different concentration of nitrogen dioxide have been...
Predicting sulfanilamide solubility in the binary mixtures using a reference solvent approach
PublicationBackground. Solubility is a fundamental physicochemical property of active pharmaceutical ingredients. The optimization of a dissolution medium aims not only to increase solubility and other aspects are to be included such as environmental impact, toxicity degree, availability, and costs. Obtaining comprehensive...
A New Approach to Generation of Standard Gas Mixtures used in the Calibration of Gas Analysers
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New developments in preparation and use of standard gas mixtures
PublicationStandard gas mixtures are commonly applied in all stages of analytical work related to the analysis of gaseous samples. Numerous techniques for generating standard gas mixtures are in use. In this article, we present new developments regarding the production of standard gas mixtures, with particular focus on improvements in the application of dynamic techniques for generating them. Furthermore, we describe the application of new...
Gas mixtures recognition using an array of amperometric gas sensors with drifting or faulty sensors
PublicationIn this study, the possibility of using selected methods for diagnostics of performance of matrix composed with six amperometric electrochemical gas sensors is investigated. Measurements of sensor responses in selected concentrations of single toxic gases or gas mixtures were performed and were repeated over time to show sensor drift. Additionally, the studies on the sensors’ drift were performed. The drift has been recognized...
Limited selectivity of amperometric gas sensors operating in multicomponent gas mixtures and methods of selectivity improvement
PublicationIn recent years, smog and poor air quality have became a growing environmental problem. There is a need to continuously monitor the quality of the air. The lack of selectivity is one of the most important problems limiting the use of gas sensors for this purpose. In this study, the selectivity of six amperometric gas sensors is investigated. First, the sensors were calibrated in order to find a correlation between the concentration...
Analysis of odor interactions in ternary gas mixtures using electronic nose
PublicationIn recent years there has been a noticeable increase in interest in the use of electronic noses in analytical chemistry. These devices perform a holistic analysis of the gas mixtures composition, without the separation and identification of its individual components. For this reason e-noses are increasingly replacing the conventional olfactometers, due to the significantly shorter analysis time and possible automation. In the work...
Determination of Odour Interactions of Three-Component Gas Mixtures Using an Electronic Nose
PublicationThe paper presents an application of an electronic nose prototype comprised of six TGS-type sensors and one PID-type sensor to identify odour interaction phenomena in odorous three-component mixtures. The investigation encompassed eight odorous mixtures—toluene-acetone-triethylamine and formaldehyde-butyric acid-pinene — characterized by different odour intensity and hedonic tone. A principal component regression (PCR) calibration...
Use of imidazolium ionic liquids for carbon dioxide separation from gas mixtures
PublicationNowoczesnym podejściem do separacji tlenku węgla (IV) z mieszanin gazowych jest zastosowanie cieczy jonowych jako materiału absorpcyjnego. Niemierzalna prężność par i możliwość modyfikacji budowy kationu i wyboru anionu cieczy jonowych sprawiają, że związki te mogą zastąpić obecnie stosowane aminy. Przedstawiono wpływ struktury chemicznej cieczy jonowych, ciśnienia oraz temperatury na efektywność absorpcji CO2 i innych gazów w...
Analysis of odour interactions in model gas mixtures using electronic nose and fuzzy logic
PublicationMeasurement and monitoring of air quality in terms of odour nuisance is an important problem. Although the source of these nuisances is different (e.g. wastewater treatment plants, municipal landfills), their common feature is that they are a complex mixture of odorants with different odour thresholds. An additional problem is occurrence of the odour interactions between mixture components. From a practical point of view, it would...
Application of fuzzy logic to determine the odour intensity of model gas mixtures using electronic nose
PublicationThe paper presents the possibility of application of fuzzy logic to determine the odour intensity of model, ternary gas mixtures (α-pinene, toluene and triethylamine) using electronic nose prototype. The results obtained using fuzzy logic algorithms were compared with the values obtained using multiple linear regression (MLR) model and sensory analysis. As the results of the studies, it was found the electronic nose prototype along...
Towards large-scale application of nanoporous materials in membranes for separation of energy-relevant gas mixtures
PublicationMembranes containing nanoporous materials (such as zeolites, metal–organic materials and 2D materials such as graphene derivatives) may allow more efficient separation of gas mixtures relevant to emerging energy technologies. For example, such membranes could be applied in the separation of gases containing mixtures of carbon dioxide (CO2) and hydrogen (H2). However, these membranes are currently at a relatively low technology...
New Technique of preparation of standard gas mixtures needed for validation of analytical procedures used in environmental studies
PublicationStandard gas mixtures are indispensable reference materials for ensuring the reliability of analytical work. Paper presents one novel approach in the field of production of gaseous reference materials based on the application of thermal decomposition process of proper surface compound for obtaining the desired gaseous analyte. The main fields of application of reference materials are presented. The field of application of thermal...
MoS2-containing composite membranes for separation of environmental energy-relevant liquid and gas mixtures: A comprehensive review
PublicationMolybdenum sulfide (MoS2) materials adapted into membranes have demonstrated potential for different areas dealing with molecular separations. For instance, MoS2-based membranes have been proposed for distinct environmental applications, such as water treatment, seawater desalination, gas separation, and solvent separation. Emergently, such membranes have been ultimately investigated for energy-relevant gas separation mixtures,...
Fungal co-culture improves the biodegradation of hydrophobic VOCs gas mixtures in conventional biofilters and biotrickling filters
PublicationThe present study systematically evaluated the potential of Candida subhashii, Fusarium solani and their consortium for the abatement of n-hexane, trichloroethylene (TCE), toluene and α-pinene in biofilters (BFs) and biotrickling filters (BTFs). Three 3.2 L BFs packed with polyurethane foam and operated at a gas residence time of 77 s with an air mixture of hydrophobic volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were inoculated with C. subhashii,...
Utilization of thermal decomposition of immobilized compounds for the generation of gaseous standard mixtures used in the calibration of gas analysers
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Study of a method for the preparation of standard gas mixtures based on thermal decomposition of surface compounds. Application to isothiocyanates
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Determination of Odor Intensity of Binary Gas Mixtures Using Perceptual Models and an Electronic Nose Combined with Fuzzy Logic
PublicationMeasurement and monitoring of air quality in terms of odor nuisance is an important problem. From a practical point of view, it would be most valuable to directly link the odor intensity with the results of analytical air monitoring. Such a solution is offered by electronic noses, which thanks to the possibility of holistic analysis of the gas sample, allow estimation of the odor intensity of the gas mixture. The biggest problem...
The research on properties of asphaltene stationary phase to separate mixtures of optically active compounds with the use of gas chromatography technique
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań nad możliwością zastosowania asfaltenów jako chiralnej fazy stacjonarnej do chromatografii gazowej. Wyniki uzyskane dla fazy asfaltenowej porównano z wynikami uzyskanymi poprzez zastosowanie komercyjnie dostępnej chiralnej fazy stacjonarnej. Badania wykazały, że frakcja asfaltenowa posiada właściwości umożliwiające uzyskanie rozdzielenia mieszanin związków optycznie czynnych.
Possibilities of Production of New Reference Material ? Preparation of Gaseous Standard Mixtures Using Thermal Decomposition of Immobilized Compounds ? the Effect of Selected Parameters on the Amount of Released Analyte
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Possibilities of production of new reference material - preparation of gaseous standard mixtures using thermal decomposition of immobilized compounds - the effect of selected parameters on the amount of released analyte.
PublicationW pracy opisano wyniki badań dotyczących wytwarzania nowego typu bezmatrycowych materiałów odniesienia lotnych związków organicznych. Do otrzymywania lotnych analitów wykorzystano technikę termicznego rozkładu związków powierzchniowych. Badano wpływ parametrów prowadzenia reakcji modyfikacji i termicznego rozkładu otrzymanych związków powierzchniowych na ilość otrzymanego analitu. Wyznaczono powtarzalność i oszacowano niepewność...
Deposition and characterization of organic polymer thin films using a dielectric barrier discharge with different C2Hm/N2 (m = 2, 4, 6) gas mixtures
PublicationOrganic polymer thin films have been deposited on Si(100) and aluminum coated glass substrates by a dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) operated at medium pressure using different C2Hm/N2 (m = 2, 4, 6) gas mixtures. The deposited films were characterized by various spectroscopic techniques. Fourier transform infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy (FT-IRRAS) revealed the chemical functional groups present in the films. The surface...
PublicationStandard gas mixtures (SGM) are indispensable reference materials for ensuring the reliability of analytical work. Reference materials are an excellent tool for the quality control and assurance of analytical results. Standard gas mixtures are unique among reference materials. The rapid progress of SGM production is connected with the instability of gaseous analytes which make them difficult to obtain. The use of standards with...
Urządzenie do wytwarzania gazowych mieszanin wzorcowych z wykorzystaniem procesu barbotażu oraz permeacji
PublicationReference gas mixtures are classified to reference materials and are mainly used for quality monitoring and identification of impurities in atmospheric air. They can be also used for calibration of measuring devices. Nowadays, there is a need to develop a new techniques for the preparation of reference gas mixtures [1, 2]. In this paper the design and the operating principles of instrument based on the use of barbotage and permeation...
Application of the Electronic Nose Technique to Differentiation between Model Mixtures with COPD Markers
PublicationABSTRACT The paper presents the potential of an electronic nose technique in the field of fast diagnostics of patients suspected of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). The investigations were performed using a simple electronic nose prototype equipped with a set of six semiconductor sensors manufactured by FIGARO Co. They were aimed at verification of a possibility of differentiation between model reference mixtures with...
Polyurethane Glycerolysate as a Modifier of the Properties of Natural Rubber Mixtures and Vulcanizates
PublicationChemical recycling of polyurethanes can be realized in several different ways, but the most important methods are glycolysis and glycerolysis. Both methods permit recovery of polyols (when the process is realized with the mass excess of depolymerizing agent) or substitutes of polyols, which contain urethane moieties in the main chains and terminate mainly in hydroxyl groups (when the process is realized with the mass excess of...
Identification of volatile compounds based on the electrocatalytic gas sensor responses
PublicationMeasured response in case of electrocatalytic gas sensors is in form of a voltamperometric characteristic. Current-voltage (I-V) response shape depends on the gas type and its concentration. Such response contains significantly more information comparing with typical electrochemical sensors, but is quite difficult to analyze. When I-V curve contains current peaks, position of such peaks can be used...
UV-Light-Induced Fluctuation Enhanced Sensing by WO3-Based Gas Sensors
PublicationWO3-based gas sensors were investigated under UV-light irradiation and at different working temperatures with the object of achieving superior sensitivity and selectivity. Resistance fluctuations in the WO3 layer were studied together with dc resistance measurements. The data were taken in synthetic air, ethanol, nitrogen dioxide, and mixtures of these gases. We conclude that UV irradiation can easily be applied to enhance the...
A comparative study of pentanol (C5 alcohol) and kerosene blends in terms of gas turbine engine performance and exhaust gas emission
PublicationThe growing demand for sustainable and clean energy sources provides the incentive for the development of alternative fuels. Simultaneously, the development of gas turbine technologies with flexible fuel supply systems enables the use of alternative non-fossil fuels that can play key roles in contributing to global efforts in meeting emissions targets. This paper presents the current state of knowledge on the production and potential...
New approaches for improving selectivity and sensitivity of resistive gas sensors: a review
PublicationPurpose – This paper aims to present the methods of improving selectivity and sensitivity of resistance gas sensors. Design/methodology/approach – This paper compares various methods of improving gas sensing by temperature modulation, UV irradiation or fluctuation-enhanced sensing. The authors analyze low-frequency resistance fluctuations in commercial Taguchi gas sensors and the recently developed tungsten trioxide (WO3) gas-sensing...
Preliminary study of linear viscoelasticity limits of cold recycled mixtures determined in Simple Performance Tester (SPT)
PublicationThe publication presents methodology developed for determination of linear viscoelasticity limits for cold recycled mixtures with cement and bituminous emulsion using Simple Performance Tester (SPT). Methodology was verified on reference materials (PCV and steel dummy specimens, cement concrete and asphalt concrete) to comply with elasticity and viscoelasticity theory. The developed methodology enabled determination of linear viscoelasticity...
Combined chemoresistive and in situ FTIR spectroscopy study of nanoporous NiO films for light-activated nitrogen dioxide and acetone gas sensing
PublicationThe chemoresistive sensor response of nanoporous NiO films prepared by advanced gas deposition was investigated by combined resistivity and in situ FTIR spectroscopy, with and without simultaneous light illumination, to detect NO2 and acetone gases. The sensitivity towards NO2 increased dramatically under UV irradiation employing 275 nm light. Improved sensitivity was observed at an elevated temperature of 150 °C. In situ FTIR...
Stiffness of cold-recycled mixtures under variable deformation conditions in the IT-CY test
PublicationStiffness modulus belongs to the most important properties describing the cold-recycled mixtures (CRM) in terms of their usability in road pavement structures. Previous research proved that this property is strongly dependent on the scheme and conditions of the test (temperature and time of loading) and the time that has passed since the compaction of the specimen or pavement layer. It is a result of the influence of two different...
Influence of Selected Warm Mix Asphalt Additives on Cracking Susceptibility of Asphalt Mixtures
PublicationWarm mix asphalt (WMA) has been widely accepted as a future asphalt paving technology. Besides clear advantages, there are still some concerns regarding durability and long-term performance of pavements made with this type of asphalt mixtures. One of the most important issues is low temperature behaviour of WMA because certain additives used for temperature reduction can aect bitumen properties. This paper presents the evaluation...
Antioxidant properties of ferrous flavanol mixtures
PublicationInteraction of metal, especially iron ions with flavanols is considered as an important feature of these compounds and is believed to contribute to their both antioxidant and prooxidant properties. The aim of this study was to examine how Fe2+ binding to form a 4:1 (flavanol:Fe2+) mixtures affects the antioxidant properties of flavanols. ABTS∗ scavenging, protection against fluorescence bleaching induced by AAPH and hypochlorite,...
Cold recycled mixtures for binder courses - laboratory evaluation of mechanical properties
PublicationCold recycled mixtures composed with cement and bituminous emulsion are nowadays commonly used material for base layer. Typical pavement with cold recycled mixtures usually consists of two asphalt courses (wearing and binding course) constructed over cold recycled base. Therefore the next step in cold recycling is possibility of design of binding courses with recycled materials, but with potential to obtain high quality mixtures...
PublicationCold recycling with cement and bituminous emulsion is one of the most environmentally friendly techniques to maximize the reuse of reclaimed asphalt (RA) collected during demolition of roads. Cold recycled mixtures are commonly used for base courses in construction or rehabilitation of flexible and semi-rigid pavements. Current experiences demonstrated that cold recycling with appropriate requirements and technical recommendations...
The long-term properties of mineral-cement-emulsion mixtures
PublicationThis publication presents evaluation of long-term behavior of mineral-cement-emulsion (MCE) mixtures. MCE mixtures are among the major products of cold recycling of old asphalt pavements. They are composed by binding of the old materials reclaimed from the pavement and new mineral aggregate using two different binding agents – cement and bituminous emulsion. While bituminous emulsion dissolutes and binds materials quite fast, it...
Development of Gas Sensor Array for Methane Reforming Process Monitoring
PublicationThe article presents a new method of monitoring and assessing the course of the dry methane reforming process with the use of a gas sensor array. Nine commercially available TGS chemical gas sensors were used to construct the array (seven metal oxide sensors and two electrochemical ones). Principal Component Regression (PCR) was used as a calibration method. The developed PCR models were used to determine the quantitative parameters...
UV Light-Modulated Fluctuation-Enhanced Gas Sensing by Layers of Graphene Flakes/TiO2 Nanoparticles
PublicationWe present experimental results of fluctuation-enhanced gas sensing by low-cost resistive sensors made of a mixture of graphene flakes and TiO2 nanoparticles. Both components are photocatalytic and activated by UV light. Two UV LEDs of different wavelengths (362 and 394 nm) were applied to modulate the gas sensing of the layers. Resistance noise was recorded at low frequencies, between 8 Hz and 10 kHz. The sensors’ response was...