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Search results for: hydroacoustics

  • Autonomus hydroacoustics sound velocity profiler.

    Praca zawiera opis bezpośredniej zasady pomiarowej i struktury wersji autonomicznego miernika pomiarów rozkładów prędkości dźwięku w akwenach przeznaczonych do stosowania na okrętach nawodnych, podwodnych i opuszczanych antenach sonarowych śmigłowców i okrętów nawodnych.

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  • Application of OFDM technique to underwater acoustic data transmission


    Performances of underwater acoustic communication (UAC) digital systems are strongly related to specific transmission properties of the underwater channel. Depending on the characteristics of the channel, an architecture and modulation techniques are usually implemented that are known as reliable solutions for data transmission in difficult radio channels. The OFDM technique seems to be the most promising nowadays. The parameters...

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  • Composition of data visualizations by sub-bottom profiler and multibeam echosounder in Matlab

    This paper contains description of procedure, which was elaborated in a numerical computing environment Matlab. The result of these procedures is a graphical composition of images obtained from two different hydroacoustic devices. It enables to compare different types of visualizations for the same geographical position and simultaneous work with graphical representation of all data types.

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  • Submerged objects modeling and storing in a global reference context using multiresolution spline technique,


    Contemporary records from multibeam sonars or even elevations from 3D shuttle radar topography missions feature high resolution. On the other hand, bathymetric models of a different resolution from different sensors are available as well, beginning from very high resolution MBS records and low resolution records coming from regular scattered measurements. Approximating and eventually visualizing the high volume scattered 3D raster...

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  • Processing of Marine Satellite Data in WEB-BASED GIS

    GIS systems are important modern word. They allow to quickly analyse and corelate various data bound to their geographical context. The paper describes Web-base GIS with ability to integrate and analyse data from many sources such as: satellite imagery, threat simulation models, marine vessels Automatic Identification System, raster and vector topographic charts. Some details of system architecture and implementation are presented...

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  • Implementation of Contemporary Technologies in Naval Sonars Modernization


    - HYDROACOUSTICS - Year 2013

    Today’s fast technological advancement in electronics and signal processing methods makes electronic systems, including sonars, obsolete very quickly. The Polish Navy seems to be particularly affected as its ships were built in the 1970s and 1980s. Researchers at the Gdansk University of Technology have developed a methodology for modernising Navy sonars which involves the use of new electronic sub-systems and modern, bespoke methods...

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  • Implementation of the digital receiver in multibeam long-range sonar


    The article presents the implementation of a digital receiver in multibeam long - range sonar. Developed by the authors of the article, the implementation was part of sonar modernisation on large Polish Navy ships. The article explains the structure of the receiver, its design details and requirements affecting the architecture. The technical solutions regarding the equipment and signal processing algorithms for determining receiving...

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    - HYDROACOUSTICS - Year 2013

    Land surface temperature (LST) plays an important role in many land-surface processes on regional as well on global scales. It is also a good indicator of energy flux phenomena and is used as a parameter in various Earth observation related studies. However, LST estimation based on processing and utilisation of satellite derived data constitutes several problems in terms of time limitations, accessibility, atmospheric influence...

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  • Calibration of precipitation estimation algorithm with particular emphasis on the Pomeranian region using high performance computing


    Fast and accurate precipitation estimation is an important element of remote atmosphere monitoring, as it allows, for example, to correct short-term weather forecasts and the prediction of several types of meteorological threats. The paper presents methodology for calibrating precipitation estimation algorithm based on MSG SEVIRI sensor data, and Optimal Cloud Analysis product available via EumetCast transmission. Calibration is...

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  • High-precision bearing estimation for active sonar with cylindrical array performed by interpolated array transformation


    - HYDROACOUSTICS - Year 2016

    The article presents a method for improving the accuracy of bearing in multibeam sonar with a cylindrical array. The antenna’s non-linear shape and the resulting non-uniform sampling of the signal in space, mean that known methods of high-resolution spectral analysis cannot be used. In order to apply an algorithm from this group, a linear virtual antenna must be produced. The paper presents a technique of mapping a cylindrical...

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  • Stationary underwater channel experiment: Acoustic measurements and characteristics in the Bornholm area for model validations


    - HYDROACOUSTICS - Year 2016

    The underwater acoustical channel is time-variant, and even on small time scales there is often existing no ‘acoustical frozen ocean’. Popular is the use of WSSUS-channel transmission modeling (Wide-Sense Stationary Uncorrelated Scattering) for the stochastic description of bandpass signals in GSM mobile phones with moving participants; since this results in a halved number of model parameters. For underwater sound applications...

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  • 3D Imaging Of Underwater Objects Using Multi-Beam Data


    One of the main applications of multibeam sonars is high resolution bathymetry measurement, as well as detecting and imaging of underwater objects like shipwrecks. In order to obtain the visualisation quality good enough to allow the researcher to investigate an object in more detail, the approach relying on construction of three-dimensional model of an imaged object, e.g. consisting of nodes, edges and plane elements (facets)...

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  • Chirp-rate estimation of FM signals in the time-frequency domain


    Novel dynamic representations of a complex signal in the time-frequency domain including: a channelized instantaneous complex frequency (CICF), a complex local group delay (CLGD) and a channelized instantaneous chirp-rate (CICR) are introduced. The proposed approach is based on the use of the gradient of the short-time Fourier transform complex phase. An interpretation of the newly-introduced distributions especially of the CICR...

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  • Doppler effect in the CW FM sonar

    When sonars are used for military purposes they have to ensure unobtrusive operation, a feature that can be potentially secured by 'silent sonar' or continuous wave frequency modulation sonars (CW FM sonars). The article presents how these sonars operate and identifies the relations between their parameters. The Doppler effect and its impact on the CW FM sonar are studied to identify how it affects the sonar's parameters. The results...

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  • Efficiency of acoustic heating in the Maxwell fluid


    The nonlinear effects of sound in a fluid describing by the Maxwell model of the viscous stress tensor is the subject of investigation. Among other, viscoelastic biological media belong to this non-newtonian type of fluids. Generation of heating of the medium caused by nonlinear transfer of acoustic energy, is discussed in details. The governing equation of acoustic heating is derived by means of the special linear combination...

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  • Transmission parameters of underwater communication channels


    The underwater environment is tough and demanding as a communication channel for ultrasonic signals. The channel transmission characteristics in marine and inland waters depend much on local bathymetry and changing weather conditions. The architecture and performance of a reliable underwater acoustic communication (UAC) system should allow real-time adaptation of its transmission parameters to a large variety of possible channel...

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  • Numerical modeling of the nonlinear wave propagation in a bubble layer


    Rozważano zagadnienie propagacji fali wewnątrz warstwy z pęcherzykami. Omówiono model matematyczny, przedstawiono przykładowe wyniki badań teoretycznych. Analizowano zmiany ciśnienia wewnątrz warstwy, falę odbitą i bieżącą w ośrodku otaczającym, badano gęstość widmową mocy. Badania teoretyczne przeprowadzono dla różnych grubości warstwy, koncentracji pęcherzyków i wartości parametrów fali padającej.

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  • Action-reaction based synthesis of acoustic wavefield equations


    - HYDROACOUSTICS - Year 2011

    The analysis of acoustic fields is usually based on the well-known mathematics of second order partial differential equations called wave equations. The author explores the duality and symmetry of linear fluid mechanics and develops two distinct equations of acoustics on the basis of a causal approach to local small-scale phenomena. Wavefields that are solutions of these equations have different composition, the spherical pressure...

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  • Silent Sonar with matched filtration

    Radars with continuous wave frequency (CW FM sonars) are used in radiolocation as 'silent sonars'. They determine the distance to target by measuring the difference between the frequency of the sounding signal and echo signal. The article presents the principle of operation and parameters of silent CW FM sonars. Target distance determined by these sonars is based on the signal at the output of the matched filter. The Doppler effect...

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  • Description of the hydrodynamic pressure field function around the ship hull


    W artykule przedstawiono metodę aproksymacji pola hydrodynamicznego okrętu, wykorzystując pole obliczone metodą elementów skończonych. Punkty kontrolne umieszczono w środku paneli rozmieszczonych na kadłubie statku, na powierzchni dna morskiego oraz na powierzchni swobodnej; w p-ktach tych znajdują się osobliwości w postaci źródeł, upustów i/lub dipoli. Przedstawione wyniki obliczeń zostały uzyskane przy użyciu tych pierwszych...

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  • Seafloor characterisation using multibeam data: sonar image properties, seabed surface properties and echo properties


    In the paper, the approach to seafloor characterisation is presented. The multibeam sonars, besides their well verified and widely used applications like high resolution bathymetry and underwater object detection and imaging, are also the promising tool in seafloor characterization and classification, having several advantages over conventional single beam echosounders. The proposed approach relies on the combined, concurrent use...

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  • Limitations of WSSUS modeling of stationary underwater acoustic communication channel


    - HYDROACOUSTICS - Year 2016

    Performances of underwater acoustic communication (UAC) systems are strongly related to specific propagation conditions of the underwater channel. Due to their large variability, there is a need for adaptive matching of the UAC systems signaling to the transmission properties of the channel. This requires a knowledge of instantaneous channel characteristics, in terms of the specific parameters of stochastic models. The wide-sense...

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  • Optimizing of target detection and tracking processes realized on consoles of passive sonar with linear towed antenna


    - HYDROACOUSTICS - Year 2016

    The long-range passive towed sonar was first modernised a few years ago. Building on operator experience over that period, a concept was developed of optimising the tasks performed by sonar operators, and improving forms of imaging to inform about object detection and support object tracking. The concept was implemented and successfully tested during ships’ manoeuvres. The optimisation of operator tasks was designed to keep listening...

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  • Analysis of hydrodynamic pressure fields of motorboats and pontoons in shallow water


    The article presents the results of calculations of the pressure fields generated by a motorboat at the bottom of a shallow sea. Calculations were made using the boundary elements method (BEM), arranged on the surface of the boat and the bottom of the sea. This method is described in [3], and applied on a free surface linearized boundary condition. Results for four different lengths of motorboats, from 2.85 m to 9.5 m, sea depth...

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  • Methods for quality improvement of multibeam and LiDAR point cloud data in the context of 3D surface reconstruction


    Point cloud dataset is the transitional data model used in several marine and land remote-sensing applications. During further steps of processing, the transformation of point cloud spatial data to more complex models containing higher order geometric structures like edges and facets may be possible, if an appropriate quality level of input data is provided. Point cloud datasets usually contain a considerable amount of undesirable...

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  • Comparison between measured and calculated underwater pressure of merchant ship


    - HYDROACOUSTICS - Year 2016

    From 2012 The Polish Naval Academy take part in an international research project SIRAMIS, carried out in the framework of the European Defence Agency. The objective of this project is to improve the understanding of ship signature interaction with multi influence sensors in relevant and realistic scenario's. This paper describes selected results of the comparison results of sea trials and model calculations of the hydrodynamic...

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  • Web-based 3D processing and dissemination of multibeam sonar data


    - HYDROACOUSTICS - Year 2016

    The continuous detailed surveys of the various water bodies over time produce a large and ever-increasing volume and density of underwater sounding data. Three-dimensional data, such as those obtained by multibeam sonar systems, are quite complex to manage, and thus their growing numbers increase the pressure on development of new solutions dedicated to processing them. This paper presents a concept system for web-based dissemination...

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  • Continuous wave sonar with hyperbolic frequency modulation keyed by pseudo-random sequence


    A CW FM type sounding signal is used in the classical solution of silent sonar. While the signal provides a relatively simple implementation of digital signal processing, and ensures good detection conditions, unfortunately, in the presence of the Doppler effect, distance measurement results tend to be wrong. This is due to the fact that the received signal’s instantaneous frequency value is dependent both on the distance to the...

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  • Signal conditioning for examination of shallow-water acoustic noise correlation properties


    The article describes the process of signal conditioning for examination of acoustic noise correlation properties in shallow water. Knowledge of these properties is very important for the design processes of passive and active hydroacoustic systems. This paper focuses on the above issue from the point of view of passive sonar. In sonar systems, signal processing algorithms operate on both useful acoustic signals, and accompanying...

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  • EGNOS-based GNSS receiver for precise positioning in restricted areas


    Positioning accuracy is very important in many areas, whereas the typical GPS receiver accuracy is often not sufficient. The European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS), Europe’s first venture into satellite navigation, improves the open public service offered by the Global Positioning System (GPS). As a satellite navigation augmentation system, EGNOS improves the accuracy of GPS by providing a positioning accuracy...

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  • The development of an underwater telephone for digital communication purposes


    - HYDROACOUSTICS - Year 2016

    The underwater telephone HTL-10 has been designed to provide voice and data communication between helicopter and submarines using acoustic waves. It works in a half-duplex mode and uses analogue power-efficient modulation in the form of a single side-band, suppressed carrier, in a wide range of frequencies. It generates the transmitted signal, and processes the received signals. It is implemented with the use of digital signal...

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  • Mobile inventory system for hydrotechnical objects using data from multiple sensors operating simultaneously


    - HYDROACOUSTICS - Year 2016

    The knowledge of the location, shape and other characteristics of spatial objects in the coastal areas has a significant impact on the functioning of ports, shipyards, and other water-infrastructure facilities, both offshore and inland. Therefore, measurements are taken of the underwater part of the waterside zone, which means the bottom of water and other underwater objects (e.g. breakwaters, docks, etc.), and objects above the...

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  • Coastline change-detection method using remote sensing satellite observation data


    - HYDROACOUSTICS - Year 2016

    Coastal zones are not only the fundaments for local economics based on trade, shipping and transport services, but also a source of food, energy and resources. Apart from offering diverse opportunities for recreation and tourism, coastal zones provide protection against storms and other meteorological disturbances. Environmental information is also essential because of the direct influence on a country’s maritime zones, which are...

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  • Digital microcontroller for sonar waveform generator


    Generating sounding signals is essential for the operation of active sonar. The system should be highly reliable. This can be achieved through architecture, communication between the devices, and a well-designed and self–testing software. The system presented in the article is responsible for the generation of hydroacoustic sounding signals, and ensures proper interaction between power amplifiers and power supplies. Thanks to its...

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  • Automatic Analysis of Trajectories of Moving Objects


    Ongoing monitoring is essential to providing security and safety of maritime and air operations. This paper presents the research in the area of automatic analysis of movement of unrestricted vehicles like ships and air-planes. The analysis is aimed at extraction of trajectory information, and the results can be used to identify anomalous behaviour in archived and real-time data. In this paper we focus on data acquired using the...

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  • Modelling of acoustic backscattering by southern Baltic herring


    - HYDROACOUSTICS - Year 2016

    Assessment of Baltic herring abundance can be carried out using acoustic techniques. Analysis of the relationship between the Baltic herring individual target strength, TS, and the total fish length, L, important for the acoustic assessment, showed the relationship to be dependent on the location of the study area. This finding motivated a detailed analysis of the relationship for the herring occurring in the southern Baltic...

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  • Study of swimbladder morphometry of Baltic herring and sprat (development of measurement methodology)


    - HYDROACOUSTICS - Year 2011

    Effective management of Baltic clupeids, which are valuable commercially and ecologically,requires the biomass control. The acoustical techniques are recognized as effective in fishstock assessment. The study of Baltic herring and sprat individual backscatteringcharacteristics is required for the accurate biomass estimation using acoustical techniques.The previous measurements demonstrated significant...

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  • On the acoustic backscattering by Baltic herring and sprat


    - HYDROACOUSTICS - Year 2010

    Accurate abundance estimate of Baltic clupeids, herring and sprat, is required for theirsustainable exploitation. The understanding the sound backscattering of individual fish isimportant for employing the acoustical techniques, which are widely used in the estimation.The previous studies demonstrated that the improvement of the understanding is critical forthe Baltic herring and sprat. It was the main...

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  • Backscattering properties of southern Baltic herring


    - HYDROACOUSTICS - Year 2012

    Reliable TS(L) relationship is required to improve acoustic algorithms of abundanceestimation of Baltic herring. The relationships, empirically obtained in different parts of theBaltic Sea, produce up to 8 dB – difference in the herring TS. In order to develop an accurateTS(L) relationship, it is important to analyze factors controlling the TS variability. Thepossible impact of the regional difference...

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    The main goal of this paper is to find sound pressure distribution radiated by the circular piezoelectric disc that vibrates with the finite amplitude. There has been presented the pressure distribution close to the radiating surface. Also it is shown the sound pressure distribution in the 3D form. The mathematic modeling was carried out on the base of the nonlinear acoustic equation with the proper boundary condition. The axial...

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    The main goal of this paper is to find a method to assess remotely the type of sediments on the basis of the signal received using the parametric echosounder. The images of the sea bottom sediments taken by a parametric echosounder show the fine structure of the upper layer of the bottom sediments. The depth of penetration depends on the type of sediment, in fact on the attenuation of acoustic wave. In the paper the method of distinguishing...

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  • Ultrawideband transmission in physical channels: a broadband interference view


    The superposition of multipath components (MPC) of an emitted wave, formed by reflections from limiting surfaces and obstacles in the propagation area, strongly affects communication signals. In the case of modern wideband systems, the effect should be seen as a broadband counterpart of classical interference which is the cause of fading in narrowband systems. This paper shows that in wideband communications, the time- and frequency-domain...

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  • The Doppler effect in a bistatic system for determining the position of moving targets


    The article presents the theoretical analysis and the results of numerical calculations of the Doppler effect it occurs in a system designed to determine the position and speed of a moving target. The transmitter is the source of the signal and it emits a sinusoidal, acoustic and continuous wave. Signal reflected off a moving target is received by four hydrophones. Based on the signals, four Doppler shifts are determined and inserted...

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  • Reliable underwater communication system for shallow coastal waters


    - HYDROACOUSTICS - Year 2014

    This paper presents a reliable and robust low data rate spread spectrum approach which is implemented in the acoustic underwater communication system for shallow coastal waters. It shows operation assumptions of spread spectrum techniques based on the wellknown Shannon equation. It describes two methods of spread spectrum: frequency hopping spread spectrum and direct sequence spread spectrum; their block diagram and their characteristics...

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  • The hydrodynamic pressure field of the ship Zodiak, measurements and calculations


    The article presents the results of measurements of the slowly changing hydrodynamic pressure field HPF generated by the movement of the ship, Zodiak, in the Bay of Gdansk. The measurement results have been obtained in the framework of the program of the work in Siramis, under the auspices of the European Defence Administration of the EU, by the research team of the Naval Academy in Gdynia. The measurement results were compared with...

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  • EGNOS-based receiver for precise positionint in restricted areas


    Positioning accuracy is very important in many areas. EGNOS improves accuracy, but

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  • Potential of Polish R&D industry in the context of prototyping, design, development and control of a dedicated national satellite SAR system for marine ecosystem monitoring. Technical paper - preliminary study


    pace technology is currently one of the most important elements in the advance of information societies and knowledge-based economies all over the world. The European Space Agency (ESA) is in the focal point of European space activities, while the European Union provides strong financial support for the development of space technologies and applications in its flagship programs. In a domestic scope, the Polish Space Agency (POLSA)...

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  • Comparison of direct and inverse methods of satellite observations downscaling for the coastal zone area


    The Earth observation satellite imaging systems have known limitations, especially regarding their spatial and temporal resolution. Therefore, approaches which aim to combine data retrieved from sensors of higher temporal and lower spatial resolution with the data characterized by lower temporal but higher spatial resolution are of high interest. This allows for joint utilization of the advantages of both these types of sensors....

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  • Investigation of the vertical distribution of the sound speed of the Gulf of Gdansk in the years 2000-2010

    The conditions of the acoustic wave propagation in the southern Baltic are much more complex than in other shallow waters. In the typical shallow water, seasonal changes in acoustical conditions in the upper layer, of the depth of about 60-70 m, are observed. They are caused by variation of the annual meteorological conditions. Most often, in the deep water layer, acoustical conditions are stable throughout the year. However, in...

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  • SOLAP GIS in maritime research


    Multidimensional Geographical Information System is a system especially designed to acquire, distribute, analyze and visualize complicated spatio-temporal data. Modern Geographical Information System technology can provide easy-to-use, near real-time solutions to many problems from different areas of research. In the article, authors summarize recent works on Spatial Online Analytical Processing (SOLAP) and multidimensional Geographical...

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