total: 706
filtered: 543
Nano soil improvement technique using cement
PublicationNano soil-improvement is an innovative idea in geotechnical engineering. Nanomaterials are among the newest additives that improve soil properties. Herein, laboratory tests, such as unconfined compressive strength, direct shear test, and initial tests, were conducted to investigate the geotechnical properties of Kelachay clay with micro- and nanosized cement to evaluate its particles in untreated soil and observe changes in the...
Non-uniqueness of fracture parameter choice in simulations of concrete cracking at mesoscale level
PublicationIn the paper a non-uniqueness of fracture parameter choice in simulations of cracking process in plain concrete specimens at mesoscale level under monotonic static loading is analysed. The Finite Element Method is used, where cracks are defined in a discrete way using interface cohesive elements with nonlinear material law including softening. The concrete mesostructure (such as: cement matrix, air voids, aggregates, and Interfacial...
Experimental research on helical coil biomass boiler with oil as a heating fluid
PublicationThis paper presents an experimental research of helical coil biomass boiler with thermal oil heating agent. Heat exchanger consists of two coaxial helical coils swept by the flue gases. The burner is a single vertical retort connected to the fuel tank (wooden pellets). The boiler is a part of micro-power plant in which the heat from the boiler is exchanged with low-boiling HFE7100 to produce steam for a custom steam turbine. The...
Heat transfer intensification by enlarged surface roughness in the plate heat exchanger
PublicationIn the paper an experimental analysis of passive heat transfer intensification technique employed in the case of the plate heat exchanger is presented. The passive intensification was obtained by a modification of the heat transfer surface. The roughness of surface was increased by a use of glass micro-beads. Single-phase convective heat transfer in the water-water system was studied. The experiment was accomplished in two stages....
Opracowanie procedury oznaczania lotnych produktów utleniania olejów roślinnychtechniką statycznej analizy fazy nadpowierzchniowej = The development of a new procedure for determination of volatile oxidation products in edible oils with the use of static headspace analysis
PublicationW publikacji przedstawiono dobór optymalnych parametrów w celu opracowania nowej metody diagnozowania jakości olejów poprzez oznaczenie lotnych związków będących produktami reakcji utleniania olejów. Próbki rafinowanych olejów roślinnych przed analizą poddano procesowi przyspieszonego utleniania, stosując naświetlanie promieniowaniem ultrafioletowym (12 W, 254 nm). Jako technikę ekstrakcji lotnej frakcji próbki zastosowano statyczną...
Antimicrobial resistance of fecal indicators in disinfected wastewater
PublicationThe main objective of the study was to assess the potential of three systems (UV irradiation, ozonation, and micro/ultrafiltration) operated in a pilot scale in removal of antimicrobial-resistant fecal bacteria from secondary effluent of the local wastewater treatment plant (700,000 population equivalent). The effectiveness of the processes was analysed using the removal ratio of fecal indicators (Escherichia coli and Enterococcus...
Effect of gelation and storage conditions on the oxidative stability of microemulsion and nanoemulsion delivery systems
PublicationIncreased interest in the use of microemulsion and nanoemulsion delivery systems for medical, cosmetic and food purposes, promotes the development of research on their physical and chemical stability, and the safety of use. Here, we have for the first time evaluated the oxidative stability of linseed oil dispersed in the microemulsion, nanoemulsion, and their gelled systems, stored under different conditions, and compared to the...
Mechanical Performance and Environmental Assessment of Sustainable Concrete Reinforced with Recycled End-of-Life Tyre Fibres
PublicationThe presented research’s main objective was to develop the solution to the global problem of using steel waste obtained during rubber recovery during the tire recycling. A detailed comparative analysis of mechanical and physical features of the concrete composite with the addition of recycled steel fibres (RSF) in relation to the steel fibre concrete commonly used for industrial floors was conducted. A study was carried out using...
The Many Faces of Enterococcus spp.—Commensal, Probiotic and Opportunistic Pathogen
PublicationEnterococcus spp. are Gram-positive, facultative, anaerobic cocci, which are found in the intestinal flora and, less frequently, in the vagina or mouth. Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium are the most common species found in humans. As commensals, enterococci colonize the digestive system and participate in the modulation of the immune system in humans and animals. For many years reference enterococcal strains have...
Electrostatic Zipping Actuators—Analysis of the Pull-In Effect Depending on the Geometry Parameters
PublicationContinuous work on a new generation of actuators, referred to as artificial muscles, resulted in the initiation of work on electrostatic zipping actuators, the concept of which is derived from micro electro-mechanical devices. Despite partial knowledge of their basic operating parameters, a question remains whether electrostatic zipping actuators are able to meet the expectations in the context of generated forces and control possibilities....
Image-based numerical modeling of the tensile deformation behavior and mechanical properties of additive manufactured Ti–6Al–4V diamond lattice structures
PublicationThis work concerns the numerical modeling of the deformation process and mechanical properties of structures obtained by the additive method laser power bed fusion (LPBF). The investigation uses diamond structures of Ti–6Al–4V titanium implantation alloy with various relative densities. To model the process of tensile deformation of the materials, geometric models were used, mapping the realistic shape of the examined structures....
Zastosowanie chromatografii jonowej w analityce opadów i osadów atmosferycznych = Application of ion chromatography in atmospheric precipitation and deposit analysis
PublicationNajwiększy udział w dostawie zanieczyszczeń z atmosfery do powierzchni ziemi w regionach położonych w znacznych odległościach od źródeł emisji ma depozycja mokra (opady i osady atmosferyczne). Wody opadowe i wody spływne (również powstające z osadów atmosferycznych) dostają się wraz z zawartymi w nich związkami toksycznymi do wód powierzchniowych i gruntowych, które stanowią źródło wody pitnej. Pojawiła się więc konieczność stałego...
Optical and electrical properties of ultrathin transparent nanocrystalline boron-doped diamond electrodes
PublicationThe optical properties of ultrathin (less than 100 nm) boron-doped nanocrystalline diamond (B-NCD) film were investigated in a wavelength range of 200 ÷ 20000 nm. The B-NCD refractive index showed values close to that of monocrystalline diamond (n = 2.45) in a broad wavelength range (450 ÷ 4000 nm). A transmittance up to 70% and the average film thickness of 70 nm were achieved. A special cone-shaped shim was used in the deposition...
Long-Period Gratings and Microcavity In-Line Mach Zehnder Interferometers as Highly Sensitive Optical Fiber Platforms for Bacteria Sensing
PublicationSelected optical fiber sensors offer extraordinary sensitivity to changes in external refractive (RI), which make them promising for label-free biosensing. In this work the most sensitive ones, namely long-period gratings working at (DTP-LPG) and micro-cavity in-line Mach-Zehnder interferometers (µIMZI) are discussed for application in bacteria sensing. We describe their working principles and RI sensitivity when operating in water...
Mechanical exfoliation and layer number identification of single crystal monoclinic CrCl3
PublicationAfter the recent finding that CrI3, displays ferromagnetic order down to its monolayer, extensive studies have followed to pursue new two-dimensional (2D) magnetic materials. In this article, we report on the growth of single crystal CrCl3 in the layered monoclinic phase. The system after mechanical exfoliation exhibits stability in ambient air (the degradation occurs on a time scale at least four orders of magnitude longer than...
The solvent-assisted dispersive solid-phase extraction method revisited. Application for the determination of anionic surfactants
PublicationA new approach in solvent-assisted dispersive solid-phase extraction (SA-DSPE) procedure using a supercooled liquid was developed. It demonstrates the first use of a supercooled liquid in this technique, in particular, and in chemical analysis in general. Moreover, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first work devoted to the determination of the total concentration of anionic surfactants (as LAS, Linear alkylbenzene sulfonate)...
Halucynacje chatbotów a prawda: główne nurty debaty i ich interpretacje
PublicationGeneratywne systemy sztucznej inteligencji (SI) są w stanie tworzyć treści medialne poprzez zastosowanie uczenia maszynowego do dużych ilości danych szkoleniowych. Te nowe dane mogą obejmować tekst (np. Bard firmy Google, LLaMa firmy Meta lub ChatGPT firmy OpenAI) oraz elementy wizualne (np. Stable Diffusion lub DALL-E OpenAI) i dźwięk (np. VALL-E firmy Micro- soft). Stopień zaawansowania tych treści może czynić je nieodróżnialnymi...
Silver nanoparticles incorporated with superior silica nanoparticles-based rice straw to maximize biogas production from anaerobic digestion of landfill leachate
PublicationTreating hazardous landfill leachate poses significant environmental challenges due to its complex nature. In this study, we propose a novel approach for enhancing the anaerobic digestion of landfill leachate using silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) conjugated with eco-friendly green silica nanoparticles (Si NPs). The synthesized Si NPs and Ag@Si NPs were characterized using various analytical techniques, including transmission electron...
Urban city lights. Light pollution as one of the effects of incorrectly designed external illumination. How can a successful lighting masterplan diminish its impact?
PublicationIn the modern world, artificial lighting brings many tangible benefits such as the ability to extend working hours and so increase production, recreational use of the city after dark, or the possibility to travel regardless of the time of day. However, this flexibility comes at a price and negatively impacts on the environment. One such negative phenomenon is Light Pollution ‐ a term used to describe excessive nighttime artificial...
Fe-modified Mn2CuO4 spinel oxides: coatings based on abundant elements for solid oxide cell interconnects
PublicationThe current state of the art steel interconnect coating materials are based on critical raw material - Co-oxide spinels. Replacing Co-oxide spinels with alternative, abundant materials can reduce the dependence on the critical raw materials. Cobalt-free coatings with the general formula Mn2-xCuFexO4, where x = 0, 0.1, 0.3, were electrophoretically deposited on a ferritic stainless-steel support and evaluated. Prior to deposition,...
Multilayer coatings based on cerium oxide and manganese cobaltite spinel for Crofer22APU SOC interconnects
PublicationThe current state of the art steel interconnect coating materials are based on critical raw material - Co-oxide spinels. Replacing Co-oxide spinels with alternative, abundant materials can reduce the dependence on the critical raw materials. Cobalt-free coatings with the general formula Mn2-xCuFexO4, where x = 0, 0.1, 0.3, were electrophoretically deposited on a ferritic stainless-steel support and evaluated. Prior to deposition,...
Design of a Shape-Memory-Alloy-Based Carangiform Robotic Fishtail with Improved Forward Thrust
PublicationShape memory alloys (SMAs) have become the most common choice for the development of mini- and micro-type soft bio-inspired robots due to their high power-to-weight ratio, ability to be installed and operated in limited space, silent and vibration-free operation, biocompatibility, and corrosion resistance properties. Moreover, SMA spring-type actuators are used for developing different continuum robots, exhibiting high degrees...
Micropatterning of BiVO 4 Thin Films Using Laser-Induced Crystallization
PublicationRelatively high temperatures even up to 500 °C are required to obtain bismuth vanadate (BiVO4) films with the scheelite monoclinic (s-m) structure that shows the highest photocatalytic activity. This requirement limits the possible choice of substrates. Moreover, high quality thin layers of crystalline BiVO4 cannot be prepared with current methods. In this study a light-induced crystallization approach is presented, which is a...
Experimental and analytical thermal study of PTFE composite sliding against high carbon steel as a function of the surface roughness, sliding velocity and applied load
PublicationThis study investigates the contact temperatures caused by frictional heating of sliding parallel pairs. In this case the materials studied are a PTFE composite in contact with a high carbon steel plate. These materials are commonly used for industrial applications, in particular as the main contacting components within a scroll expander system. The expected contact temperature values are important to be quantified in order to...
Quantum structure in competing lizard communities
PublicationAlmost two decades of research on applications of the mathematical formalism of quantum theory as a modeling tool in domains different from the micro-world has given rise to many successful applications in situations related to human behavior and thought, more specifically in cognitive processes of decision-making and the ways concepts are combined into sentences. In this article, we extend this approach to animal behavior, showing...
Ni/cerium Molybdenum Oxide Hydrate Microflakes Composite Coatings Electrodeposited from Choline Chloride: Ethylene Glycol Deep Eutectic Solvent
PublicationCerium molybdenum oxide hydrate microflakes are codeposited with nickel from a deep eutectic solvent-based bath. During seven days of exposure in 0.05 M NaCl solution, the corrosion resistance of composite coating (Ni/CeMoOxide) is slightly reduced, due to the existence of some microcracks caused by large microflakes. Multielemental analysis of the solution, in which coatings are exposed and the qualitative changes in the surface...
Influence of Surface Modification of Titanium and Its Alloys for Medical Implants on Their Corrosion Behavior
PublicationTitanium and its alloys are often used for long-term implants after their surface treatment. Such surface modification is usually performed to improve biological properties but seldom to increase corrosion resistance. This paper presents research results performed on such metallic materials modified by a variety of techniques: direct voltage anodic oxidation in the presence of fluorides, micro-arc oxidation (MAO), pulse laser treatment,...
Limits of enhanced of macro- and meso-scale continuum models for studying size effect in concrete under tension
PublicationThe paper investigates a mechanical quasi-static size effect in concrete during splitting tension at the macro- and meso-level. In experiments, five different diameters of cylindrical concrete specimens were tested. Twodimensional plane strain finite element (FE) simulations were carried out to reproduce the experimental size effect. The size effect in experiments by Carmona et al. was also simulated. Two enhanced continuum concrete...
Evaluation of open drone map toolkit for geodetic grade aerial drone mapping – case study
PublicationAn open source tool’s popularity has increased considerably, as well as micro aerial vehicles (MAV) technologies based on open source hardware. An open source software and hardware delivers a wide variety of applications and technology. The world’s most successful open source projects have their roots in the academy, and now its participation includes a wide variety of academic programs and research. Based on open source technology,...
Cadmium complex possessing simultaneously silanethiolato- and dithiocarbamato-ligands. A novel single-source precursor of cadmium sulfide
PublicationThermal decomposition of suitable coordination compounds may be used as efficient route for fabrication of semiconducting layers. A new potential CdS precursor—a cadmium complex with all-sulfur Cd-coordination sphere [Cd{l-SSi(OBut)3}(S2CNC4H8)]2 (1) —has been prepared and its properties are investigated. The complex was obtained in the reaction between dimeric bis(tri-tert-butoxysilanethiolato) cadmium(II) [Cd{SSi(OBut)3}2]2 and...
Silicon oxycarbide ceramics as anodes for lithium ion batteries: influence of carbon content on lithium storage capacity
PublicationWe report here on the synthesis and characterization of silicon oxycarbide (SiOC) in view of its application as a potential anode material for Li-ion batteries. SiOC ceramics are obtained by pyrolysis of various polysiloxanes synthesized by sol–gel methods. The polysiloxanes contain different organic groups attached to silicon, which influence the chemical composition and the microstructure of the final ceramic product. The structure...
Structural evaluation of percolating, self-healing polyurethane–polycaprolactone blends doped with metallic, ferromagnetic, and modified graphene fillers
PublicationComposites with differently shaped micro- and nanofillers show various, unique thermal, and physicochemical properties when mixed with carefully chosen polymer matrix. Selected composition holds strategic value in achieving desired properties that is biodegradability, thermoelectric conductivity, and shape memory for organic coating. The main aim of this work is to briefly examine structural changes after reaching percolation...
On nonlinear 3D electro-elastic numerical modeling of two-phase inhomogeneous FG piezocomposites reinforced with GNPs
PublicationThe novelty here comes from not only the perfect nonlinear three-dimensional (3D) electro-elasticity investigation but also the mixed material itself. The literature widely showed mechanical assessments on the piezoelectric structures; however, a lack of nonlinear three-dimensional elasticity studies has been witnessed on these kinds of smart materials. Therefore, a nonlinear 3D elasticity-piezoelectricity coupling is considered...
A Comparative Study of Precision Surface Grinding Using Additively Fabricated Acrylonitrile–Butadiene–Styrene (ABS) Wheels with Continuous and Serrated Working Surfaces
PublicationNowadays, high requirements imposed by mechanical components make it necessary to develop modern production methods. Additive technologies have been dynamically developing in recent years, showing many advantages associated with the fabrication of elements with complex ge-ometries and structures. One of the areas where the potential of additive technologies is exploited is the rapid tooling sector, which is based on the rapid production...
One More Step Towards a Circular Economy for Thermal Insulation Materials—Development of Composites Highly Filled with Waste Polyurethane (PU) Foam for Potential Use in the Building Industry
PublicationThe rapid development of the building sector has created increased demand for novel materials and technologies, while on the other hand resulting in the generation of a severe amount of waste materials. Among these are polyurethane (PU) foams, which are commonly applied as thermal insulation materials. Their management is a serious industrial problem, due to, for example, their complex chemical composition. Although some chemical...
Preparation and properties of composite coatings, based on carbon nanotubes, for medical applications
PublicationThe coatings based on carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are increasingly developed for their applications, among others, in medicine, in particular for implants in implantology, cardiology, and neurology. The present review paper aims at a detailed demonstration of diferent preparation methods for such coatings, their performance, and relationships between deposition parameters and microstructure and material, mechanical, physical, chemical,...
An investigation of microstructural basis for corrosion behavior of Al-CNT composites fabricated by SPS
PublicationIn this research effect of the addition of multi-wall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) as additive powder on microstructure and corrosion behavior of fabricated Al-CNT composites was studied. The aluminum powder and CNTs were mixed with high energy planetary ball-mill. It is observed that by increasing milling time, the uniformity of CNTs on aluminum matrix and consequently corrosion resistance of Al-CNT composite is increased. On the...
Dissimilar autogenous TIG joint of Alloy 617 and AISI 304H steel for AUSC application
PublicationTo reduce costs and improve high-temperature performance in Advanced Ultra Super Critical (AUSC) boilers, it is necessary to weld austenitic steel to Inconel alloy. In this study, the autogenous tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding process was used to join Alloy 617 and an austenitic AISI 304H steel plate of thickness 5 mm. Microstructural analysis showed that the microstructure formation was uneven along the weldments, with columnar...
Zastosowanie sztucznej inteligencji do identyfikacji groźnych wypadków samochodowych
PublicationOgromna liczba ofiar wypadków drogowych i ofiar śmiertelnych z tym związanych jest powodem priorytetowego podejścia organizacji światowych do problemu bezpieczeństwa pojazdów samochodowych. Pomimo dużych nakładów finansowych nadal nie powstał system globalnego zarządzania wypadkami. Celem tej pracy jest inteligentny system pokładowy, który na podstawie sygnałów pomiarowych będzie wnioskować o występujących zagrożeniach. W dalszej...
Structural evaluation of percolating, self-healing polyurethane–polycaprolactone blends doped with metallic, ferromagnetic, and modified graphene fillers
PublicationComposites with differently shaped micro- and nanofillers show various, unique thermal, and physicochemical properties when mixed with carefully chosen polymer matrix. Selected composition holds strategic value in achieving desired properties that is biodegradability, thermoelectric conductivity, and shape memory for organic coating. The main aim of this work is to briefly examine structural changes after reaching percolation threshold...
Import Intensity of Production, Tasks and Wages: Microlevel Evidence for Poland.
PublicationObjective: This article relates to recent literature on labour market consequences of production fragmentation within Global Value Chains, analysed in the presence of workers’ heterogeneity and differences in the task content of jobs. The main aim is to assess if there is a relationship between wages of Polish workers and the degree of Polish production dependence on imported inputs. Research Design & Methods: Using microdata from...
Thermal and Hydrodynamic Phenomena in the Stagnation Zone — Impact of the Inlet Turbulence Characteristics on the Numerical Analyses
PublicationOne of the methods of heat transfer enhancement is utilization of the turbulent impinging jets, which were recently applied, for example, in the heat exchangers. Their positive impact on the heat transfer performance was proven, but many questions related to the origin of this impact are still unanswered. In general, the wall-jet interaction and the near-wall turbulence are supposed to be its main reason, but their accurate numerical...
Developing the Urban Blue-Green Infrastructure as a Tool for Urban Air Quality Management
PublicationUrban structure is an important factor that shapes the process of urban ventilation and pollution dispersion. With proper planning of the urban spatial layout, city breathability can be effectively regulated, contributing to urban air quality improvement. This paper investigates the development and current management of urban systems of green and open spaces in four Polish cities: Gda ´nsk, Warsaw, Pozna ´n and Wrocław, with a...
Hybrid systems using hydrodynamic cavitation/ultrasound/Fenton processes for effective treatment of wastewater
PublicationThe present situation of rapid growth in industrialization generates complex recalcitrant pollutants that are challenging to degrade by conventional wastewater treatment processes. The new generation pollutants such as non-metals in cosmetics or household cleaning chemicals and radioactive compounds which are recalcitrant are the emerging threat to the ecosystem. The headstrong micro and macro pollutants present in wastewater are...
Fatigue of titanium alloy Ti6Al4V with diamond structure obtained by Laser Power Bed Fusion method
PublicationThis paper presents the results of fatigue tests conducted on Ti6Al4V titanium alloy with diamond structure obtained by the Laser Power Bed Fusion method. Samples used in tests were printed with porosities: 81%, 73%, 50%, 34% and near-zero porosity. Samples were subjected to cyclic tests with a constant stress amplitude. The number of cycles until sample failure was registered. Obtained fatigue test results made it possible to...
Fatigue fracture morphology of AISI H13 steel obtained by additive manufacturing
PublicationThe paper focuses on researching the effect of fatigue loading on metallic structure, lifetime, and fracture surface topographies in AISI H13 steel specimens obtained by selective laser melting (SLM). The topography of the fracture surfaces was measured over their entire area, according to the entire total area method, with an optical three-dimensional surface measurement system. The fatigue results of the SLM 3D printed steel...
Interactive and Media Architecture – From Social Encounters to City Planning Strategies
PublicationThe paper searches into the potential of media and interactive projects to support participation and generate social encounters in public spaces. Moreover, it proposes implementation of media and interactive projects into city planning processes. On the basis of theoretical approaches, case studies and interdisciplinary surveys the paper gives insight how interactive and media architecture can engage people in activities in urban...
Preliminary Identification of Quantitative Factors Determining the Duration of Court Proceedings in Commercial Cases
PublicationPurpose: The aim of the article was to identify factors that are linear combinations of the variables under scrutiny that affect the duration of court proceedings. Design/Methodology/Approach: This research was conducted on commercial cases, based on the Principal Components Analysis (PCA). The original variables were grouped into factors that are correlated with each other. The Kaiser Criterion (own value >1) was chosen as the...
FEM simulations applied to the failure analysis of RC structure under the influence of municipal sewage pressure
PublicationThe paper discusses a failure mechanism of reinforced concrete (RC) structure with steel cover that failed under the influence of municipal sewage pressure. To explain the reasons of failure, in-situ measurements, laboratory experiments and comprehensive Finite Element Method (FEM) computations were performed. Non-destructive in-situ scanning tests were carried out to determine quantity and cover thickness of embedded reinforcement...
Creep rupture study of dissimilar welded joints of P92 and 304L steels
PublicationThe present work investigates the high-temperature tensile and creep properties of the dissimilar metal weld joints of 304L austenitic stainless steel (SS) and P92 creep strength-enhanced ferritic-martensitic (CSEF/M) steel under diferent testing condition. Thermanit MTS 616 fller rod (P92 fller) and the multi-pass tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding process were used to create the dissimilar weld connection. The ultimate tensile...