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Search results for: basis set optimisation

  • Unicyclic graphs with equal total and total outer-connected domination numbers


    - ARS COMBINATORIA - Year 2015

    Let G = (V,E) be a graph without an isolated vertex. A set D ⊆ V (G) is a total dominating set if D is dominating and the in- duced subgraph G[D] does not contain an isolated vertex. The total domination number of G is the minimum cardinality of a total domi- nating set of G. A set D ⊆ V (G) is a total outer–connected dominating set if D is total dominating and the induced subgraph G[V (G)−D] is a connected graph. The total outer–connected...

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  • Total Domination Versus Domination in Cubic Graphs


    A dominating set in a graph G is a set S of vertices of G such that every vertex not in S has a neighbor in S. Further, if every vertex of G has a neighbor in S, then S is a total dominating set of G. The domination number,γ(G), and total domination number, γ_t(G), are the minimum cardinalities of a dominating set and total dominating set, respectively, in G. The upper domination number, \Gamma(G), and the upper total domination...

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  • Global defensive sets in graphs

    In the paper we study a new problem of finding a minimum global defensive set in a graph which is a generalization of the global alliance problem. For a given graph G and a subset S of a vertex set of G, we define for every subset X of S the predicate SEC ( X ) = true if and only if | N [ X ] ∩ S | ≥ | N [ X ] \ S | holds, where N [ X ] is a closed neighbourhood of X in graph G. A set S is a defensive alliance if and only if for...

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  • On trees with double domination number equal to total domination number plus one


    A total dominating set of a graph G is a set D of vertices of G such that every vertex of G has a neighbor in D. A vertex of a graph is said to dominate itself and all of its neighbors. A double dominating set of a graph G is a set D of vertices of G such that every vertex of G is dominated by at least two vertices of D. The total (double, respectively) domination number of a graph G is the minimum cardinality of a total (double,...

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  • Hybrid no-signaling-quantum correlations


    - NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS - Year 2022

    Fundamental investigations in non-locality have shown that while the no-signaling principle alone is not sufficient to single out the set of quantum non-local correlations, local quantum mechanics and no-signaling together exactly reproduce the set of quantum correlations in the two-party Bell scenario. Here, we introduce and study an intermediate hybrid no-signaling quantum set of non-local correlations that we term HNSQ in the...

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  • Generalized Savitzky–Golay filters for identification of nonstationary systems


    The problem of identification of nonstationary systems using noncausal estimation schemes is consid-ered and a new class of identification algorithms, combining the basis functions approach with localestimationtechnique,isdescribed.Unliketheclassicalbasisfunctionestimationschemes,theproposedlocal basis function estimators are not used to obtain interval approximations of the parametertrajectory, but provide a sequence of point...

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  • The convex domination subdivision number of a graph


    Let G = (V;E) be a simple graph. A set D\subset V is a dominating set of G if every vertex in V - D has at least one neighbor in D. The distance d_G(u, v) between two vertices u and v is the length of a shortest (u, v)-path in G. An (u, v)-path of length d_G(u; v) is called an (u, v)-geodesic. A set X\subset V is convex in G if vertices from all (a, b)-geodesics belong to X for any two vertices a, b \in X. A set X is a convex dominating...

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  • Projecting procedure for meta-material fiber


    - Year 2010

    We would like to show new way of derivation evolution equation for short pulses in dielectric waveguide including one model of metamaterial waveguide. This derivation model rely on projecting to the orthogonal basis. In our case to orthogonal basis for cylindrical waveguide.

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  • Fracture Toughness and Shear Yield Strength Determination for Two Selected Species of Central European Provenance

    • L. Hlaskova
    • K. Orłowski
    • Z. Kopecky
    • M. Svitak
    • T. Ochrymiuk

    - BIORESOURCES - Year 2018

    When offcut of wood is formed by shearing, Atkins’s analyses of sawing processes can be applied. Using this modern approach, it is possible to determine the fracture toughness and shear yield strength of wood. This model is only applicable for the axial-perpendicular cutting direction because both of these parameters are suitable for the given direction of cutting edge movement and cannot be considered material constants. Alternatively,...

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  • Design of an Autonomous IoT Node Powered by a Perovskite-Based Wave Energy Converter

    This paper presents the results of experimental research focused on wave energy harvesting and its conversion to power Internet of Things (IoT) devices. The harvesting and conversion process was performed using a wave energy converter (WEC) consisting of a lead zirconate titanate piezoelectric ceramic perovskite material and a prototype power electronic circuit. The designed WEC was considered as a power supply for an end node...

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  • Configurations of H 3 + (H2)n clusters and their energies



    The H-3(+) ion plays an important role in low temperature astrophysical and laboratory plasmas. It is considered as the initiator of many ion-molecule chemistries. Also its clusters with H-2 are quite interesting. We study configurations of the H-3(+)(H-2)(n) clusters for n = 1 up to n = 12 as a simple test system. Total energies for these structures, with zero point vibration corrections have been calculated. Stabilization energies...

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  • Compressed Projection Bases for Model-Order Reduction of Multiport Microwave Components Using FEM


    This paper presents a projection basis compression technique for generating compact reduced-order models (ROM) in the FE analysis of microwave devices. In this approach redundancy is removed from the projection basis by means of the proper orthogonal decomposition technique applied to the projected system of linear equations. Compression allows for keeping the size of a reduced-order model as small as possible without compromising...

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  • On trees with equal 2-domination and 2-outer-independent domination numbers

    For a graph G = (V,E), a subset D \subseteq V(G) is a 2-dominating set if every vertex of V(G)\D$ has at least two neighbors in D, while it is a 2-outer-independent dominating set if additionally the set V(G)\D is independent. The 2-domination (2-outer-independent domination, respectively) number of G, is the minimum cardinality of a 2-dominating (2-outer-independent dominating, respectively) set of G. We characterize all trees...

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  • A lower bound on the total outer-independent domination number of a tree


    A total outer-independent dominating set of a graph G is a set D of vertices of G such that every vertex of G has a neighbor in D, and the set V(G)D is independent. The total outer-independent domination number of a graph G, denoted by gamma_t^{oi}(G), is the minimum cardinality of a total outer-independent dominating set of G. We prove that for every nontrivial tree T of order n with l leaves we have gamma_t^{oi}(T) >= (2n-2l+2)/3,...

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  • On trees with equal domination and total outer-independent domination numbers


    For a graph G=(V,E), a subset D subseteq V(G) is a dominating set if every vertex of V(G)D has a neighbor in D, while it is a total outer-independent dominating set if every vertex of G has a neighbor in D, and the set V(G)D is independent. The domination (total outer-independent domination, respectively) number of G is the minimum cardinality of a dominating (total outer-independent dominating, respectively) set of G. We characterize...

  • Graphs with equal domination and certified domination numbers


    - Opuscula Mathematica - Year 2019

    A setDof vertices of a graphG= (VG,EG) is a dominating set ofGif every vertexinVG−Dis adjacent to at least one vertex inD. The domination number (upper dominationnumber, respectively) ofG, denoted byγ(G) (Γ(G), respectively), is the cardinality ofa smallest (largest minimal, respectively) dominating set ofG. A subsetD⊆VGis calleda certified dominating set ofGifDis a dominating set ofGand every vertex inDhas eitherzero...

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  • An upper bound on the 2-outer-independent domination number of a tree


    A 2-outer-independent dominating set of a graph G is a set D of vertices of G such that every vertex of V(G)D has a at least two neighbors in D, and the set V(G)D is independent. The 2-outer-independent domination number of a graph G, denoted by gamma_2^{oi}(G), is the minimum cardinality of a 2-outer-independent dominating set of G. We prove that for every nontrivial tree T of order n with l leaves we have gamma_2^{oi}(T) <= (n+l)/2,...

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  • A new methodological approach to the noise threat evaluation based on the selected physiological properties of the human hearing system


    A new way of assessment of noise-induced harmful effects on human hearing system is presented in the paper. The method takes into consideration properties of the selected physiological human hearing system. On the basis of the hearing examinations and noise measurements results and psychoacoustical noise dosimeter performance the new indicators of the noise harmfulness were proposed. The evaluation of the proposed indicators were...

  • Data on LEGO sets release dates and worldwide retail prices combined with aftermarket transaction prices in Poland between June 2018 and June 2023


    - Data in Brief - Year 2024

    The dataset contains LEGO bricks sets item count and pricing history for AI-based set pricing prediction. The data spans the timeframe from June 2018 to June 2023. The data was obtained from three sources: (LEGO sets retail prices, release dates, and IDs), official web page (ID number of each set that was released by Lego, its retail prices, the current status of the set) and web page (the retail...

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  • An upper bound on the total outer-independent domination number of a tree


    A total outer-independent dominating set of a graph G=(V(G),E(G)) is a set D of vertices of G such that every vertex of G has a neighbor in D, and the set V(G)D is independent. The total outer-independent domination number of a graph G, denoted by gamma_t^{oi}(G), is the minimum cardinality of a total outer-independent dominating set of G. We prove that for every tree T of order n >= 4, with l leaves and s support vertices we have...

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  • The electronic structure of p-xylylene and its reactivity with vinyl molecules


    The electronic states of p-xylylene molecule were described at the multi-configurational CASSCF/MRMP2 level of theory. The closed-shell singlet state representing the quinoidal p-xylylene molecule was pre-dicted to be the ground electronic state whereas the triplet (benzoidal) and the singlet open-shell states were found to be much higher in energy (by 159 and 423 kJ/mol, respectively, as found at the CASSCF(8,8)/6-31+G(d) level)....

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  • Report for the Short Term Scientific Mission within COST Action FP1101: development of the in-field sensor for estimation of fracture toughness and shear strength by measuring cutting forces


    - International Wood Products Journal - Year 2017

    Knowledge on the fracture properties of materials is essential to assure structural integrity and proper design of mechanical connections in timber constructions. Measurement of this property is, however, a very challenging task. The linear fracture mechanics is usually used for its assessment assisted with experimental data acquired by means of various techniques, usually of destructive nature. The cutting force is an energetic...

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  • PLC-based Implementation of Stochastic Optimization Method in the Form of Evolutionary Strategies for PID, LQR, and MPC Control

    Programmable logic controllers (PLCs) are usually equipped with only basic direct control algorithms like proportional-integral-derivative (PID). Modules included in engineering software running on a personal computer (PC) are usually used to tune controllers. In this article, an alternative approach is considered, i.e. the development of a stochastic optimizer based on the (μ,λ) evolution strategy (ES) in a PLC. For this purpose,...

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  • 2-outer-independent domination in graphs


    We initiate the study of 2-outer-independent domination in graphs. A 2-outer-independent dominating set of a graph G is a set D of vertices of G such that every vertex of V(G)\D has at least two neighbors in D, and the set V(G)\D is independent. The 2-outer-independent domination number of a graph G is the minimum cardinality of a 2-outer-independent dominating set of G. We show that if a graph has minimum degree at least two,...

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  • An upper bound for the double outer-independent domination number of a tree


    A vertex of a graph is said to dominate itself and all of its neighbors. A double outer-independent dominating set of a graph G is a set D of vertices of G such that every vertex of G is dominated by at least two vertices of D, and the set V(G)\D is independent. The double outer-independent domination number of a graph G, denoted by γ_d^{oi}(G), is the minimum cardinality of a double outer-independent dominating set of G. We prove...

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  • Weakly convex domination subdivision number of a graph


    - FILOMAT - Year 2016

    A set X is weakly convex in G if for any two vertices a; b \in X there exists an ab–geodesic such that all of its vertices belong to X. A set X \subset V is a weakly convex dominating set if X is weakly convex and dominating. The weakly convex domination number \gamma_wcon(G) of a graph G equals the minimum cardinality of a weakly convex dominating set in G. The weakly convex domination subdivision number sd_wcon (G) is the minimum...

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  • Study of the Effectiveness of Model Order Reduction Algorithms in the Finite Element Method Analysis of Multi-port Microwave Structures


    - Year 2022

    The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effectiveness of model order reduction algorithms in finite element method analysis of multi-port microwave structures. Consideration is given to state of the art algorithms, i.e. compact reduced-basis method (CRBM), second-order Arnoldi method for passive-order reduction (SAPOR), reduced-basis methods (RBM) and subspace-splitting moment-matching MOR (SSMM-MOR)

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  • Weakly convex and convex domination numbers of some products of graphs

    If $G=(V,E)$ is a simple connected graph and $a,b\in V$, then a shortest $(a-b)$ path is called a $(u-v)$-{\it geodesic}. A set $X\subseteq V$ is called {\it weakly convex} in $G$ if for every two vertices $a,b\in X$ exists $(a-b)$- geodesic whose all vertices belong to $X$. A set $X$ is {\it convex} in $G$ if for every $a,b\in X$ all vertices from every $(a-b)$-geodesic belong to $X$. The {\it weakly convex domination number}...

  • A lower bound on the double outer-independent domination number of a tree


    A vertex of a graph is said to dominate itself and all of its neighbors. A double outer-independent dominating set of a graph G is a set D of vertices of G such that every vertex of G is dominated by at least two vertices of D, and the set V(G)D is independent. The double outer-independent domination number of a graph G, denoted by gamma_d^{oi}(G), is the minimum cardinality of a double outer-independent dominating set of G. We...

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  • Similarities and Differences Between the Vertex Cover Number and the Weakly Connected Domination Number of a Graph

    • M. Lemańska
    • R. Trujillo-Rasua


    A vertex cover of a graph G = (V, E) is a set X ⊂ V such that each edge of G is incident to at least one vertex of X. The ve cardinality of a vertex cover of G. A dominating set D ⊆ V is a weakly connected dominating set of G if the subgraph G[D]w = (N[D], Ew) weakly induced by D, is connected, where Ew is the set of all edges having at least one vertex in D. The weakly connected domination number γw(G) of G is the minimum cardinality...

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  • Electrochemical, theoretical and surface physicochemical studies of the alkaline copper corrosion inhibition by newly synthesized molecular complexes of benzenediamine and tetraamine with π acceptor

    • M. Ibrahim
    • G. Mersal
    • A. Fallatah
    • M. Saracoglu
    • F. Kandemirli
    • S. Alharthi
    • S. Szunerits
    • R. Boukherroub
    • J. Ryl
    • M. Amin


    Two charge transfer complexes, namely [(BDAH)+(PA−)] CT1 [(BTAH)2+(PA−)2] and CT2 (BDAH = 1,2-benzenediamine, BTAH = 1,2,4,5-benzenetetramine, and PA− = 2,4,6-trinitrophenolate), were synthesized and fully characterized using various spectroscopic techniques. CT1 and CT2 were tested as inhibitors to effectively control the uniform and anodic corrosion processes of copper in an alkaline electrolyte (1.0 M KOH) using various electrochemical...

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  • Chemical, Physical, and Mechanical Properties of 95-Year-Old Concrete Built-In Arch Bridge

    This research aimed to determine the durability and strength of an old concrete built-in arch bridge based on selected mechanical, physical, and chemical properties of the concrete. The bridge was erected in 1925 and is located in Jagodnik (northern Poland). Cylindrical specimens were taken from the side ribs connected to the top plate using a concrete core borehole diamond drill machine. The properties of the old concrete were...

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  • Pawlak's flow graph extensions for video surveillance systems


    The idea of the Pawlak's flow graphs is applicable to many problems in various fields related to decision algorithms or data mining. The flow graphs can be used also in the video surveillance systems. Especially in distributed multi-camera systems which are problematic to be handled by human operators because of their limited perception. In such systems automated video analysis needs to be implemented. Important part of this analysis...

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  • On coertia and inertia in aspects of Natanson’s nonlinear extended thermodynamics

    • J. Badur
    • P. Ziółkowski
    • T. Kowalczyk
    • S. Gotzman
    • D. Sławiński
    • T. Ochrymiuk
    • M. D. Lemański
    • R. Hyrzyński
    • B. Kraszewski
    • M. Bryk... and 2 others

    - Year 2020

    In this article, the previously underrepresented contributions of Natanson to the field of thermodynamics have been presented. In order to identify a source of irreversibility at Nature, Natanson introduced the concept of Coertia, which is similar to inertia. Natanson’s Coertia is a fundamental property of space that is responsible for every irreversible phenomena in matter, as well as in the electromagnetic and gravitational fields....

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  • Graphs with isolation number equal to one third of the order



    A set D of vertices of a graph G is isolating if the set of vertices not in D and with no neighbor in D is independent. The isolation number of G, denoted by \iota(G) , is the minimum cardinality of an isolating set of G. It is known that \iota(G) \leq n/3 , if G is a connected graph of order n, , distinct from C_5 . The main result of this work is the characterisation of unicyclic and block graphs of order n with isolating number...

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  • Fully Adaptive Savitzky-Golay Type Smoothers


    The problem of adaptive signal smoothing is consid-ered and solved using the weighted basis function approach. Inthe special case of polynomial basis and uniform weighting theproposed method reduces down to the celebrated Savitzky-Golaysmoother. Data adaptiveness is achieved via parallel estimation.It is shown that for the polynomial and harmonic bases andcosinusoidal weighting sequences, the competing signal estimatescan be computed...

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  • Total domination in versus paired-domination in regular graphs

    A subset S of vertices of a graph G is a dominating set of G if every vertex not in S has a neighbor in S, while S is a total dominating set of G if every vertex has a neighbor in S. If S is a dominating set with the additional property that the subgraph induced by S contains a perfect matching, then S is a paired-dominating set. The domination number, denoted γ(G), is the minimum cardinality of a dominating set of G, while the...

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  • Distinction of citrus fruits based on their volatile composition using the electronic nose

    The aim of the study was to analyze the volatile fraction of the citrus fruit using an electronic nose device integrated with ultrafast gas chromatography. The subjects were Citrus aurantifolia, Fortunella margarita Swingle and Citrus × floridana. The chromatographic data obtained were analyzed by means of chemometric methods: PCA and SQC. On the basis of the charts obtained, it is possible to distinguish the fruits tested on the...

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  • Optimizing FSO networks resilient to adverse weather conditions by means of enhanced uncertainty sets


    - Optical Switching and Networking - Year 2021

    This work deals with dimensioning of wireless mesh networks (WMN) composed of FSO (free space optics) links. Although FSO links realize broadband transmission at low cost, their drawback is sensitivity to adverse weather conditions causing transmission degradation on multiple links. Hence, designing such FSO networks requires an optimization model to find the cheapest configuration of link capacities that will be able to carry...

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  • Bounds on the vertex-edge domination number of a tree



    A vertex-edge dominating set of a graph $G$ is a set $D$ of vertices of $G$ such that every edge of $G$ is incident with a vertex of $D$ or a vertex adjacent to a vertex of $D$. The vertex-edge domination number of a graph $G$, denoted by $\gamma_{ve}(T)$, is the minimum cardinality of a vertex-edge dominating set of $G$. We prove that for every tree $T$ of order $n \ge 3$ with $l$ leaves and $s$ support vertices we have $(n-l-s+3)/4...

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  • On trees attaining an upper bound on the total domination number

    A total dominating set of a graph G is a set D of vertices of G such that every vertex of G has a neighbor in D. The total domination number of a graph G, denoted by γ_t(G), is the minimum cardinality of a total dominating set of G. Chellali and Haynes [Total and paired-domination numbers of a tree, AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics 1 (2004), 69-75] established the following upper bound on the total domination...

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  • On trees with double domination number equal to 2-domination number plus one

    A vertex of a graph is said to dominate itself and all of its neighbors. A subset D subseteq V(G) is a 2-dominating set of G if every vertex of V(G)D is dominated by at least two vertices of D, while it is a double dominating set of G if every vertex of G is dominated by at least two vertices of D. The 2-domination (double domination, respectively) number of a graph G is the minimum cardinality of a 2-dominating (double dominating,...

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  • An Alternative Proof of a Lower Bound on the 2-Domination Number of a Tree

    A 2-dominating set of a graph G is a set D of vertices of G such that every vertex not in D has a at least two neighbors in D. The 2-domination number of a graph G, denoted by gamma_2(G), is the minimum cardinality of a 2-dominating set of G. Fink and Jacobson [n-domination in graphs, Graph theory with applications to algorithms and computer science, Wiley, New York, 1985, 283-300] established the following lower bound on the 2-domination...

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  • Thermodynamic Cycles of Air Microturbine Power Plants Working on Biomass Fuels

    The gas turbine engine is modified to work as an air turbine set which consists, in the simplest arrangement, of a compressor, a heat exchanger and a turbine. Air is a working medium for both: the compressor and the turbine. This kind of air turbine set can be applied in power plants working on biomass fuels. In this solution we can burn fuels of varying parameters in the external combustion chamber without any harmful effects...

  • Interpolation properties of domination parameters of a graph

    An integer-valued graph function π is an interpolating function if a set π(T(G))={π(T): T∈TT(G)} consists of consecutive integers, where TT(G) is the set of all spanning trees of a connected graph G. We consider the interpolation properties of domination related parameters.

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  • Independent Domination Subdivision in Graphs



    A set $S$ of vertices in a graph $G$ is a dominating set if every vertex not in $S$ is adjacent to a vertex in~$S$. If, in addition, $S$ is an independent set, then $S$ is an independent dominating set. The independent domination number $i(G)$ of $G$ is the minimum cardinality of an independent dominating set in $G$. The independent domination subdivision number $\sdi(G)$ is the minimum number of edges that must be subdivided (each...

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  • Knowledge-based performance-driven modeling of antenna structures

    The importance of surrogate modeling techniques in the design of modern antenna systems has been continuously growing over the recent years. This phenomenon is a matter of practical necessity rather than simply a fashion. On the one hand, antenna design procedures rely on full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation tools. On the other hand, the computational costs incurred by repetitive EM analyses involved in solving common tasks...

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  • Graph security testing

    Set S ⊂ V is called secure set iff ∀ X ⊂ S | N [ X ] ∩ S | ≥ | N ( X ) \ S | [3]. That means that every subset of a secure set has at least as many friends (neighbour vertices in S) as enemies (neighbour vertices outside S) and will be defended in case of attack. Problem of determining if given set is secure is co −NP -complete, there is no efficient algorithm solving it [3]. Property testers are algorithms that distinguish inputs...

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  • Weakly connected Roman domination in graphs


    A Roman dominating function on a graph G=(V,E) is defined to be a function f :V → {0,1,2} satisfying the condition that every vertex u for which f(u) = 0 is adjacent to at least one vertex v for which f(v)=2. A dominating set D⊆V is a weakly connected dominating set of G if the graph (V,E∩(D×V)) is connected. We define a weakly connected Roman dominating function on a graph G to be a Roman dominating function such that the set...

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    The implementation of the tasks of evaluating historical financial information, the control or audit of business activities are based primarily on professional judgments about the object of study of a professional accountant or auditor. Their findings are drawn on the basis of the study of documents, the use of audit evidence, risk assessment, etc. There is always a probability (and rather high) that professional judgment will...

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