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Search results for: automated smart lockers
The potential of computational methods for the categorization of architectural objects on the example of media architecture
PublicationThe paper presents an example of the categorization of architectural objects and assessment of the characteristics of urban space, based on the analysis of specific features of architectural objects and urban landscape. The conducted analysis refers to media architecture and is presented in the complex context of the development of media solutions. The field of influence of IT on architecture is also stressed, both on the architect’s...
Detection of Water on Road Surface with Acoustic Vector Sensor
PublicationThis paper presents a new approach to detecting the presence of water on a road surface, employing an acoustic vector sensor. The proposed method is based on sound intensity analysis in the frequency domain. Acoustic events, representing road vehicles, are detected in the sound intensity signals. The direction of the incoming sound is calculated for the individual spectral components of the intensity signal, and the components...
Bass Enhancement Settings in Portable Devices Based on Music Genre Recognition
PublicationThe paper presents a novel approach to the Virtual Bass Synthesis (VBS) applied to mobile devices, called Smart VBS (SVBS). The proposed algorithm uses an intelligent, rule-based setting of bass synthesis parameters adjusted to the particular music genre. Harmonic generation is based on a nonlinear device (NLD) method with the intelligent controlling system adapting to the recognized music genre. To automatically classify music...
Viability of decisional DNA in robotics
PublicationThe Decisional DNA is an artificial intelligence system that uses prior experiences to shape future decisions. Decisional DNA is written in the Set Of Experience Knowledge Structure (SOEKS) and is capable of capturing and reusing a broad range of data. Decisional DNA has been implemented in several fields including Alzheimer’s diagnosis, geothermal energy and smart TV. Decisional DNA is well suited to use in robotics due to the...
Experience-Based Decisional DNA (DDNA) to Support Product Development
PublicationKnowledge and experience are important requirements for product development. The aim of this paper is to propose a systematic approach for industrial product development. This approach uses smart knowledge management system comprising of Set of Experience Knowledge Structure and Decisional DNA (DDNA) along with Virtual Engineering Tools (Virtual engineering object, Virtual engineering process, and Virtual engineering factory)....
Time-domain measurement methods for R, L and C sensors based on aversatile direct sensor-to-microcontroller interface circuit
PublicationtIn the paper new time-domain measurement methods for determining values of resistive (R), inductive(L) and capacitive (C) sensors based on a versatile direct sensor-to-microcontroller interface for microcon-trollers with internal analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) and analog comparators (ACs) are presented.The interface circuit consists of a reference resistor Rrworking as a voltage divider, a given R, L or C sensorand a microcontroller...
Experience Based Decisional DNA (DDNA) to Support Sustainable Product Design
PublicationThis paper presents the idea of providing engineering design knowledge to designers working on sustainable product design and development process. The new product development process often requires significant amount of design knowledge which can be saved and recalled by designers during the design process. This knowledge is very important for successful sustainable product development as it can include material selection, product...
Greencoin: prototype of a mobile application facilitating and evidencing pro-environmental behavior of citizens
PublicationAmong many global challenges, climate change is one of the biggest challenges of our times. While it is one of the most devastating problems humanity has ever faced, one question naturally arises: can individuals make a difference? We believe that everyone can contribute and make a difference to the community and lives of others. However, there is still a lack of effective strategies to promote and facilitate pro-environmental...
Assessment of the Feasibility of Energy Transformation Processes in European Union Member States
PublicationThe energy transition is now treated in most countries as a necessary condition for their long-term development. The process of energy transformation assumes the simultaneous implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, which are a major challenge for modern economies and introduce significant restrictions in their functioning. Our study aims to group EU member states according to their ability to achieve energy transition...
Rapid Characterization of the Human Breast Milk Lipidome Using a Solid-Phase Microextraction and Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry-Based Approach.
PublicationHuman breast milk (HBM) is a biofluid consisting of various biomolecules such as proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, minerals and bioactive substances. Due to its unique and complex composition, HBM provides not only nutritional components required for the growth of the infant, but also additional protection against infections. Global insight into the composition of HBM is crucial to understanding the health benefits infants receive...
Music Information Retrieval – Soft Computing versus Statistics . Wyszukiwanie informacji muzycznej - algorytmy uczące versus metody statystyczne
PublicationMusic Information Retrieval (MIR) is an interdisciplinary research area that covers automated extraction of information from audio signals, music databases and services enabling the indexed information searching. In the early stages the primary focus of MIR was on music information through Query-by-Humming (QBH) applications, i.e. on identifying a piece of music by singing (singing/whistling), while more advanced implementations...
Improved Design Closure of Compact Microwave Circuits by Means of Performance Requirement Adaptation
PublicationNumerical optimization procedures have been widely used in the design of microwave components and systems. Most often, optimization algorithms are applied at the later stages of the design process to tune the geometry and/or material parameter values. To ensure sufficient accuracy, parameter adjustment is realized at the level of full-wave electromagnetic (EM) analysis, which creates perhaps the most important bottleneck due to...
Optimization-based antenna miniaturization using adaptively-adjusted penalty factors
PublicationThe continuing trend for miniaturization of electronic devices necessitates size reduction of the comprising components and circuitry. Specifically, integrated circuit-antenna modules therein require compact radiators in applications such as 5G communications, implantable and on-body devices, or internet of things (IoT). The conflict between the demands for compact size and elec-trical and field performance can be mitigated by...
Explicit Size-Reduction of Circularly Polarized Antennas through Constrained Optimization with Penalty Factor Adjustment
PublicationModern communication systems of high data capacity incorporate circular polarization (CP) as the preferred antenna radiation field configuration. In many applications, integration of the system circuitry with antennas imposes size limitations on CP radiators, which makes their development process a challenging endeavor. This can be mitigated by means of simulation-driven design, specifically, constrained numerical optimization....
Analysis of Signalized Intersections in the Context of Pedestrian Traffic
PublicationGdynia is a city in the Pomeranian Voivod e ship of Poland with a population of about 250,000. It faces a growing motorization rate th at needs to be addressed. Car ownership in Gdynia now exceed s 500 vehicles per 1000 residents. Travel by public transport is decreasing and the rate of walking and cycling remains low. It is necessary to reverse these negative trends by implementing solu tions based...
Experience-Oriented Intelligence for Internet of Things
PublicationThe Internet of Things (IoT) has gained significant attention from industry as well as academia during the past decade. The main reason behind this interest is the capabilities of the IoT for seamlessly integrating classical networks and networked objects, and hence allows people to create an intelligent environment based on this powerful integration. However, how to extract useful information from data produced by IoT and facilitate...
Experience oriented enhancement of smartness for Internet of Things
PublicationIn this paper, we propose a novel approach, the Experience-Oriented Smart Things that allows experiential knowledge discovery, storage, involving, and sharing for Internet of Things. The main features, architecture, and initial experiments of this approach are introduced. Rather than take all the data produced by Internet of Things, this approach focuses on acquiring only interesting data for its knowledge discovery process. By...
Evaluation of a Novel Approach to Virtual Bass Synthesis Strategy
PublicationThe aim of this paper is to present a novel approach to the Virtual Bass Synthesis (VBS) strategy applied to portable computers. The developed algorithms involve intelligent, rule-based settings of bass synthesis parameters with regard to music genre of an audio excerpt and the type of a portable device in use. The Smart VBS algorithm performs the synthesis based on a nonlinear device (NLD) with artificial controlling synthesis...
Magnetic nanocomposites for biomedical applications
PublicationTissue engineering and regenerative medicine have solved numerous problems related to the repair and regeneration of damaged organs and tissues arising from aging, illnesses, and injuries. Nanotechnology has further aided tissue regeneration science and has provided outstanding opportunities to help disease diagnosis as well as treat damaged tissues. Based on the most recent findings, magnetic nanostructures (MNSs), in particular,...
Chitosan-based electrospun nanofibers for encapsulating food bioactive ingredients: A review
PublicationToday, society has been more aware of healthy food products and related items containing bioactive compounds, which potentially contribute to human health. Unfortunately, the long-term stability and bioactivity of biologically active compounds against environmental factors compromise their target and effective action. In this way, lab-designed vehicles, such as nanoparticles and nanofibers, provide enough properties for their preservation...
Society 4.0: Issues, Challenges, Approaches, and Enabling Technologies
PublicationThis guest edition of Cybernetics and Systems is a broadening continuation of our last year edition titled “Intelligence Augmentation and Amplification: Approaches, Tools, and Case Studies”. This time we cover research perspective extending towards what is known as Society 4.0. Bob de Vit brought the concept of Society 4.0 to life in his book “Society 4.0 – resolving eight key issues to build a citizens society”. From the Systems...
Algorytmy obliczania składowej czynnej prądu upływu ograniczników przepięć
PublicationPomiar prądu upływowego ograniczników przepięć i analiza jego składowych jest podstawowym kryterium diagnostycznym stosowanym obecnie w energetyce zawodowej. W badaniu ograniczników przepięć wykorzystuje się różne algorytmy określania składowej rezystancyjnej w oparciu o zarejestrowane przebiegi prądu upływu i napięcia zasilającego lub tylko prądu upływowy. W pracy wykorzystano typowe dla rejestratorów jakości energii elektrycznej...
Media architecture for post-modern society - new forms of participation
PublicationThe article shows the relationship between the characteristics of the post-modern society, and the development of media architecture with the function of interactivity. In this context, the duality of the features of post-modern society was emphasized: taking into account its location between creativity and consumerism, as well as on the border between the real and virtual word. The development of media architecture has been linked...
Sensors and System for Vehicle Navigation
PublicationIn recent years, vehicle navigation, in particular autonomous navigation, has been at the center of several major developments, both in civilian and defense applications. New technologies, such as multisensory data fusion, big data processing, or deep learning, are changing the quality of areas of applications, improving the sensors and systems used. Recently, the influence of artificial intelligence on sensor data processing and...
Neural Architecture Search for Skin Lesion Classification
PublicationDeep neural networks have achieved great success in many domains. However, successful deployment of such systems is determined by proper manual selection of the neural architecture. This is a tedious and time-consuming process that requires expert knowledge. Different tasks need very different architectures to obtain satisfactory results. The group of methods called the neural architecture search (NAS) helps to find effective architecture...
Validation of a virtual test environment for C2X communication under radio jamming conditions
PublicationIn this paper, we propose a novel car-2-x communication security testing methodology in the physical layer of wireless systems. The approach is dedicated to automated testing of autonomous vehicles and it is essential for such complex systems operation, especially with regard to safety and security issues. It is based on scenario-driven testing in virtual and real test environments created from collected or simulated data. The...
Detection of Alzheimer's disease using Otsu thresholding with tunicate swarm algorithm and deep belief network
PublicationIntroduction: Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is a degenerative brain disorder characterized by cognitive and memory dysfunctions. The early detection of AD is necessary to reduce the mortality rate through slowing down its progression. The prevention and detection of AD is the emerging research topic for many researchers. The structural Magnetic Resonance Imaging (sMRI) is an extensively used imaging technique in detection of AD, because...
Rediscovering Automatic Detection of Stuttering and Its Subclasses through Machine Learning—The Impact of Changing Deep Model Architecture and Amount of Data in the Training Set
PublicationThis work deals with automatically detecting stuttering and its subclasses. An effective classification of stuttering along with its subclasses could find wide application in determining the severity of stuttering by speech therapists, preliminary patient diagnosis, and enabling communication with the previously mentioned voice assistants. The first part of this work provides an overview of examples of classical and deep learning...
The In-House Method of Manufacturing a Low-Cost Heat Pipe with Specified Thermophysical Properties and Geometry
PublicationVarious types of heat pipes are available to purchase off the shelf, from various manufacturers, but most of them have strictly defined geometry and technical parameters. However, when there is a need to use a heat pipe (HP) with an unusual size and shape or working conditions other than the standard ones, it becomes very costly to order them from manufacturers, especially in small quantities, and only a few producers are willing...
Diversity of fecal coliforms and their antimicrobial resistance patterns in wastewater treatment model plant.
PublicationThe occurrence of resistance patterns among wastewater fecal coliforms was determined in the study. Susceptibility of the isolates was tested against 19 antimicrobial agents: aminoglycosides, aztreonam, carbapenems, cephalosporines, b-lactam/b-lactamase inhibitors, penicillines, tetracycline, trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole, and fluoroquinolones. Additionally the removal of resistant isolates was evaluated in the laboratory-scale...
Evaluating the Catastrophic Rainfall of 14 July 2016 in the Catchment Basin of the Urbanized Strzyza Stream in Gdańsk, Poland
PublicationWe analyzed the causes, the course, and consequences of the extreme precipitation events that occurred 14 July 2016 in the watershed of Strzyza Creek in Gdańsk, Poland. Automated rain gauges located in Strzyża catchment registered a total precipitation lasting about 16 hours – from 129 to 160 mm of rain depth. More in-depth analysis based on rain data collected by Gdańsk University of Technology (GUT) rain station was done. The...
Deep CNN based decision support system for detection and assessing the stage of diabetic retinopathy
PublicationThe diabetic retinopathy is a disease caused by long-standing diabetes. Lack of effective treatment can lead to vision impairment and even irreversible blindness. The disease can be diagnosed by examining digital color fundus photographs of retina. In this paper we propose deep learning approach to automated diabetic retinopathy screening. Deep convolutional neural networks (CNN) - the most popular kind of deep learning algorithms...
Pathological and physiological high-frequency oscillations in focal human epilepsy
PublicationHigh-frequency oscillations (HFO; gamma: 40-100 Hz, ripples: 100-200 Hz, and fast ripples: 250-500 Hz) have been widely studied in health and disease. These phenomena may serve as biomarkers for epileptic brain; however, a means of differentiating between pathological and normal physiological HFO is essential. We categorized task-induced physiological HFO during periods of HFO induced by a visual or motor task by measuring frequency,...
Novel analysis methods of dynamic properties for vehicle pantographs
PublicationTransmission of electrical energy from a catenary system to traction units must be safe and reliable especially for high speed trains. Modern pantographs have to meet these requirements. Pantographs are subjected to several forces acting on their structural elements. These forces come from pantograph drive, inertia forces, aerodynamic effects, vibration of traction units etc. Modern approach to static and dynamic analysis should...
Surrogate-Assisted Design of Checkerboard Metasurface for Broadband Radar Cross-Section Reduction
PublicationMetasurfaces have been extensively exploited in stealth applications to reduce radar cross section (RCS). They rely on the manipulation of backward scattering of electromagnetic (EM) waves into various oblique angles. However, arbitrary control of the scattering properties poses a significant challenge as a design task. Yet it is a principal requirement for making RCS reduction possible. This article introduces a surrogate-based...
Quantitative Risk Assessment in Construction Disputes Based on Machine Learning Tools
PublicationA high monetary value of the construction projects is one of the reasons of frequent disputes between a general contractor (GC) and a client. A construction site is a unique, one-time, and single-product factory with many parties involved and dependent on each other. The organizational dependencies and their complexity make any fault or mistake propagate and influence the final result (delays, cost overruns). The constant will...
Experimental Research on the Energy Efficiency of a Parallel Hybrid Drive for an Inland Ship
PublicationThe growing requirements for limiting the negative impact of all modes of transport on the natural environment mean that clean technologies are becoming more and more important. The global trend of e-mobility also applies to sea and inland water transport. This article presents the results of experimental tests carried out on a life-size, parallel diesel-electric hybrid propulsion system. The eciency of the propulsion system was...
Digital Public Service Innovation: Framework Proposal
PublicationThis paper proposes the Digital Public Service Innovation Framework that extends the "standard" provision of digital public services according to the emerging, enhanced, transactional and connected stages underpinning the United Nations Global e-Government Survey, with seven example "innovations" in digital public service delivery -- transparent, participatory, anticipatory, personalized, co-created, context-aware and context-smart....
AI-Driven Sustainability in Agriculture and Farming
PublicationIn this chapter, we discuss the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in promoting sustainable agriculture and farming. Three main themes run through the chapter. First, we review the state of the art of smart farming and explore the transformative impact of AI on modern agricultural practices, focusing on its contribution to sustainability. With this in mind, our analysis focuses on topics such as data collection and storage, AI...
Autoencoder application for anomaly detection in power consumption of lighting systems
PublicationDetecting energy consumption anomalies is a popular topic of industrial research, but there is a noticeable lack of research reported in the literature on energy consumption anomalies for road lighting systems. However, there is a need for such research because the lighting system, a key element of the Smart City concept, creates new monitoring opportunities and challenges. This paper examines algorithms based on the deep learning...
Code development of a DSP-FPGA based control platform for power electronics applications
PublicationThis paper focuses on the implementation of power electronics algorithms in control platforms based on DSP-FPGA. Today’s power electronics technology demands high power computation with high speed interfacing at the same time. The most popular configuration is a DSP for the former and a FPGA for the latter. The main goal of this work was to develop a generic control system for power electronics application, but it is explained...
Employees With Autism Spectrum Disorders in the Digitized Work Environment: Perspectives for the Future
PublicationThe aim of this article is to examine the opportunities for employees with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs), arising from digital technology (DT) development. The author discusses assistive technology (AT) as a mean of creating a better work environment, making the digitized workplace more friendly for people with ASD. A possible solution of communication problems is replacing the interpersonal communication between employees with...
Deep Instance Segmentation of Laboratory Animals in Thermal Images
PublicationIn this paper we focus on the role of deep instance segmentation of laboratory rodents in thermal images. Thermal imaging is very suitable to observe the behaviour of laboratory animals, especially in low light conditions. It is an non-intrusive method allowing to monitor the activity of animals and potentially observe some physiological changes expressed in dynamic thermal patterns. The analysis of the recorded sequence of thermal...
Borders of Digital Art in the Context of the Information Society
PublicationThe article shows the relationship between the development of information technologies, the characteristics of the information society and digital art. The broad possibilities of the digital world related to recording, storing and processing data (cyber text, big data, smart services) and the creation of virtual worlds are pointed out. The influence of the development of information technologies on the character of the works of...
Integration of antifouling properties into epoxy coatings: a review
Publicationhe need for nontoxic antifouling coatings has encouraged material scientists to develop a class of organic coatings for diverse applications. As a versatile thermosetting resin and well known for coating application, antifouling characteristics have been integrated into epoxy along with anticorrosion and adhesive functions. Accordingly, both micro- and macro-biofoulings have been successfully controlled by using epoxy-based antifouling...
Channel State Estimation in LTE-Based Heterogenous Networks Using Deep Learning
PublicationFollowing the continuous development of the information technology, the concept of dense urban networks has evolved as well. The powerful tools, like machine learning, break new ground in smart network and interface design. In this paper the concept of using deep learning for estimating the radio channel parameters of the LTE (Long Term Evolution) radio interface is presented. It was proved that the deep learning approach provides...
Microbial diversity of inflamed and noninflamed gut biopsy tissues in inflammatory bowel disease.
PublicationBACKGROUND: Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic gastrointestinal condition without any known cause or cure. An imbalance in normal gut biota has been identified as an important factor in the inflammatory process. METHODS: Fifty-eight biopsies from Crohn's disease (CD, n = 10), ulcerative colitis (UC, n = 15), and healthy controls (n = 16) were taken from a population-based case-control study. Automated ribosomal intergenic...
Robust estimation of deformation from observation differences for free control networks
PublicationDeformation measurements have a repeatable nature. This means that deformation measurements are performed often with the same equipment, methods, geometric conditions and in a similar environment in epochs 1 and 2 (e.g., a fully automated, continuous control measurements). It is, therefore, reasonable to assume that the results of deformation measurements can be distorted by both random errors and by some non-random errors, which...
Computationally Efficient Design Optimization of Compact Microwave and Antenna Structures
PublicationMiniaturization is one of the important concerns of contemporary wireless communication systems, especially regarding their passive microwave components, such as filters, couplers, power dividers, etc., as well as antennas. It is also very challenging, because adequate performance evaluation of such components requires full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation, which is computationally expensive. Although high-fidelity EM analysis...
Solvent Screening for Solubility Enhancement of Theophylline in Neat, Binary and Ternary NADES Solvents: New Measurements and Ensemble Machine Learning
PublicationTheophylline, a typical representative of active pharmaceutical ingredients, was selected to study the characteristics of experimental and theoretical solubility measured at 25 °C in a broad range of solvents, including neat, binary mixtures and ternary natural deep eutectics (NADES) prepared with choline chloride, polyols and water. There was a strong synergistic effect of organic solvents mixed with water, and among the experimentally...