total: 762
filtered: 698
Electromagnetic Simulation with 3D FEM for Design Automation in 5G Era
PublicationElectromagnetic simulation and electronic design automation (EDA) play an important role in the design of 5G antennas and radio chips. The simulation challenges include electromagnetic effects and long simulation time and this paper focuses on simulation software based on finite-element method (FEM). The state-of-the-art EDA software using novel computational techniques based on FEM can not only accelerate numerical analysis, but...
Multi-Fidelity Local Surrogate Model for Computationally Efficient Microwave Component Design Optimization
PublicationIn order to minimize the number of evaluations of high-fidelity (“fine”) model in the optimization process, to increase the optimization speed, and to improve optimal solution accuracy, a robust and computational-efficient multi-fidelity local surrogate-model optimization method is proposed. Based on the principle of response surface approximation, the proposed method exploits the multi-fidelity coarse models and polynomial interpolation...
Fading Modeling in Maritime Container Terminal Environments
PublicationIn this paper, an analytical model for slow and fast fading effects in maritime container terminals is derived, from fitting distributions to the results of measurements performed in an actual operational environment. The proposed model is composed of a set of equations, enabling to evaluate fading statistical distribution parameters for different system and environments conditions, as a function of frequency, base station antenna...
Badanie i analiza efektywności alokacji strumieni danych w heterogenicznej sieci WBAN
PublicationW niniejszej dysertacji doktorskiej poddano dyskusji efektywność alokacji strumieni danych w heterogenicznej radiowej sieci WBAN (Wireless Body Area Networks). Biorąc pod uwagę dynamiczny rozwój nowoczesnych sieci radiokomunikacyjnych piątej generacji (5G), którego część stanowią radiowe sieci działające w obrębie ciała człowieka, bardzo ważnym aspektem są metody maksymalizujące wykorzystanie dostępnych zasobów czasowo –częstotliwościowych...
Laboratory investigation with subbottom parametric echosounder SES-2000 standard with an emphasis on reflected pure signals analysis
PublicationThe main goal of the paper is to describe correlations between measurements results of trials taken on Gulf of Gdańsk bottom sounded with parametric echosounder SES-2000 Standard and laboratory research where collected during survey sediments were measured. Stationary tests took place at Gdansk University of Technology where 30 meters long 1.8 meter deep and 3 meters wide water tank is located. Main lobe of antenna was directed...
Radio Channel Measurements in Body-to-Body Communications in Different Scenarios
PublicationThis paper presents body-to-body radio channel measurements at the 2.45 GHz band, for different body motion scenarios and on-body antenna placements, and both indoor and outdoor environments. Measurement equipment, investigated scenarios and considered environments are described, an initial analysis of results being presented. The mean path loss and the standard deviation depend on the mutual location of transmitting and receiving...
Radio Channel Measurements in Body-to-Body Communications in Different Scenarios
PublicationThis paper presents body-to-body radio channel measurements at the 2.45 GHz band, for different body motion scenarios and on-body antenna placements, and both indoor and outdoor environments. Measurement equipment, investigated scenarios and considered environments are described, an initial analysis of results being presented. The mean path loss and the standard deviation depend on the mutual location of transmitting and receiving...
Progress in the post weld residual stress evaluation using Barkhausen effect meter with a novel rotating magnetic field probe
PublicationWe report the progress in post weld residual stress evaluation using Barkhausen effect (BE) meter with rotating magnetic field probe. The novel probe of the BE meter contains two C-core electromagnets and searching coil with ferrite antenna. This meter allows automatic measurements of BE intensity envelopes at different angles of magnetizing field. The full process of measurement at given position of the probe takes about only...
An Off-Body Narrowband and Ultra-Wide Band Channel Model for Body Area Networks in a Ferry Environment
PublicationIn the article an off-body narrowband and ultra-wide band channel model for Body Area Networks in a ferry environment is described. A mobile, heterogeneous measurement stand, that consists of three types of devices: miniaturized mobile nodes, stationary reference nodes and a data acquisition server was developed. A detailed analysis of both radio channels parameters in untypical indoor environment was carried out. An analysis of...
High precision and accuracy using low cost GNSS receivers and supporting technologies
PublicationThis chapter focuses on methods and techniques of positioning, based on the highly accurate and precise Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), which are available at a relatively low price. In this context, a comparison of different positioning methods provided by the free and open source software (FOSS) package called RTKLIB is given. Other aspects related to price reduction are also considered, including availability and...
Zero-Pole Approach in Microwave Passive Circuit Design
PublicationIn this thesis, optimization strategies for design of microwave passive structures including filters, couplers, antenna and impedance transformer and construction of various surroogate models utilized to fasten the design proces have been discussed. Direct and hybrid optimization methodologies including space mapping and multilevel algorithms combined with various surrogate models at different levels of fidelity have been utilized...
Visible-light-driven lanthanide-organic-frameworks modified TiO2 photocatalysts utilizing up-conversion effect
PublicationHighly efficient and quite stable composite with core-shell-like architecture reported herein, responds to the challenge of sunlight-driven photocatalysts. The Ln(ndc)/TiO2 photocatalytic system comprises active lanthanide-carboxylate coordination networks (Nd, Er, Ho, and Tm as metal ions, and 2,6-naphthalene dicar-boxylic acid as the organic linker) and inert titanium dioxide and allow to convert incompatible visible radiation...
Expedited Gradient-Based Design Closure of Antennas Using Variable-Resolution Simulations and Sparse Sensitivity Updates
PublicationNumerical optimization has been playing an increasingly important role in the design of contemporary antenna systems. Due to the shortage of design-ready theoretical models, optimization is mainly based on electromagnetic (EM) analysis, which tends to be costly. Numerous techniques have evolved to abate this cost, including surrogate-assisted frameworks for global optimization, or sparse sensitivity updates for speeding up local...
A Low-Profile 3-D Printable Metastructure for Performance Improvement of Aperture Antennas
PublicationIn order to increase the radiation performance of aperture-type antennas, this paper demonstrates a low-profile, planar, single-layer, three-dimensional (3-D) printable metastructure. The proposed hybridized metastructure is highly transparent as it is made out of novel hybrid meta-atoms having transmission coefficient magnitudes greater than -0.72 dB and fully complies with the near-field phase transformation principle. The hybridized...
Acceleration of Electromagnetic Simulations on Reconfigurable FPGA Card
PublicationIn this contribution, the hardware acceleration of electromagnetic simulations on the reconfigurable field-programmable-gate-array (FPGA) card is presented. In the developed implementation of scientific computations, the matrix-assembly phase of the method of moments (MoM) is accelerated on the Xilinx Alveo U200 card. The computational method involves discretization of the frequency-domain mixed potential integral equation using...
Assessment of Connectivity-based Resilience to Attacks Against Multiple Nodes in SDNs
PublicationIn Software Defined Networks (SDNs), the control plane of a network is decoupled from its data plane. For scalability and robustness, the logically centralized control plane is implemented by physically placing different controllers throughout the network. The determination of the number and placement of controllers is known as the Controller Placement Problem (CPP). In the regular (i.e., failure-free) state, the control plane...
A Novel Trust-Region-Based Algorithm with Flexible Jacobian Updates for Expedited Optimization of High-Frequency Structures
PublicationSimulation-driven design closure is mandatory in the design of contemporary high-frequency components. It aims at improving the selected performance figures through adjustment of the structure’s geometry (and/or material) parameters. The computational cost of this process when employing numerical optimization is often prohibitively high, which is a strong motivation for the development of more efficient methods. This is especially...
Badania i analiza uwarunkowań propagacyjnych w środowisku uprzemysłowionym
PublicationGłówne osiągnięcia rozprawy: - wykonanie – zgodnie z wymaganiami normatywnymi zawartymi w zaleceniach ITU-R – nowatorskich badań tłumienia sygnału radiowego na terenie Głębokowodnego Terminalu Kontenerowego (ang. Deepwater Container Terminal - DCT) w Gdańsku i zebranie obszernego materiału pomiarowego, liczącego blisko 290 tysięcy przypadków propagacyjnych, - przeprowadzenie statystycznych badań przydatności wybranych znanych modeli...
Usage of parametric echosounder with emphasis on buried object searching.
PublicationThe purpose of this article is to present the results of investigation to search for buried objects. The paper will contain echograms and other means of visualization from buried pipe placed between area of W?adys?awowo and gas platform and interesting in terms of the number of small and medium-sized unidentified objects found in the muddy bottom at different depths localized in the Gulf of Puck - results will be presented also...
Wytwarzanie i charakterystyka cienkich warstw diamentowych na podłożach ze szkła kwarcowego, w szczególności na światłowodach włóknistych, dla zastosowań w sensorach optoelektronicznych
PublicationGłównym celem naukowym prac badawczych przeprowadzonych w rozprawie było wytwarzanie i modyfikacja funkcjonalności cienkich, przewodzących warstw diamentowych syntezowanych na podłożach optycznych. W ramach przeprowadzonych badań wytworzono szereg warstw diamentowych o specyficznych właściwościach optycznych i elektrycznych, mających na celu wykazanie możliwości wykorzystania takich struktur dla celów sensorycznych. Do poprawy...
Volumetric incorporation of NV diamond emitters in nanostructured F2 glass magneto-optical fiber probes
PublicationIntegration of optically-active diamond particles with glass fibers is a powerful method of scaling diamond's magnetic sensing functionality. We propose a novel approach for the integration of diamond particles containing nitrogen-vacancy centers directly into the fiber core. The core is fabricated by stacking the preform from 790 soft glass canes, drawn from a single rod dip-coated with submicron diamond particles suspended in...
The reliability of tree and star networks.
PublicationOne of the important parameters characterizing the quality of computer networks is the network's reliability with respect to failures of the communication links and nodes. This chapter investigated the reliability of tree and star networks. The tree and star topology is used in centralized computer networks. In centralized computer networks all communication must take place through some central computer. Following measures of network...
Progress in ATRP-derived materials for biomedical applications
PublicationThe continuing wave of technological breakthroughs and advances is critical for engineering well- defined materials, particularly biomaterials, with tailored microstructure and properties. Over the last few decades, controlled radical polymerization (CRP) has become a very promising option for the synthesis of precise polymeric materials with an unprecedented degree of control over mo lecular architecture. Atom transfer radical...
The Proposal to “Snapshot” Raim Method for Gnss Vessel Receivers Working in Poor Space Segment Geometry
PublicationNowadays, we can observe an increase in research on the use of small unmanned autonomous vessel (SUAV) to patrol and guiding critical areas including harbours. The proposal to “snapshot” RAIM (Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring) method for GNSS receivers mounted on SUAV operating in poor space segment geometry is presented in the paper. Existing “snapshot” RAIM methods and algorithms which are used in practical applications...
Performance-driven yield optimization of high-frequency structures by kriging surrogates
PublicationUncertainty quantification is an important aspect of engineering design, as manufacturing toler-ances may affect the characteristics of the structure. Therefore, quantification of these effects is in-dispensable for adequate assessment of the design quality. Toward this end, statistical analysis is performed, for reliability reasons, using full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulations. Still, the computational expenditures associated...
Data-Driven Surrogate-Assisted Optimization of Metamaterial-Based Filtenna Using Deep Learning
PublicationIn this work, a computationally efficient method based on data driven surrogate models is pro-posed for the design optimization procedure of a Frequency Selective Surface (FSS)-based filtering antenna (Filtenna). A Filtenna acts as a as module that simultaneously pre-filters unwanted sig-nals, and enhances the desired signals at the operating frequency. However, due to a typically large number of design variables of FSS unit elements,...
Modelling and analysis of a synchronous generator in more electric aircraft power system using Synopsys/Saber simulator = Modelowanie i analiza generatora synchronicznego w systemie elektroenergetycznym nowoczesnego samolotu. Zastosowanie symulatora Synopsys/Saber
PublicationStreszczenie angielskie: A model for studying synchronous machine (SM) dynamic behaviour in more electric aircraft (MEA) power system is developed and implemented in the Synopys/Saber simulation environment. The modelling language MAST has been used to elaborate the SM model. The elaborated model exhibit a network with the same number of external terminals/ports as the real SM, and represents its behaviour in terms of the electrical...
Spin and Orbital Effects on Asymmetric Exchange Interaction in Polar Magnets: M(IO3)2 (M = Cu and Mn)
PublicationMagnetic polar materials feature an astonishing range of physical properties, such as magnetoelectric coupling, chiral spin textures, and related new spin topology physics. This is primarily attributable to their lack of space inversion symmetry in conjunction with unpaired electrons, potentially facilitating an asymmetric Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya (DM) exchange interaction supported by spin–orbital and electron–lattice coupling. However,...
Post processing and selecting data obtain with parametric sub-bottom profiler SES-2000 Standard during sounding the Gulf of Gdansk
PublicationThe main goal of the paper is to describe the results of sounding the Gulf of Gdansk seabed using a parametric sub-bottom profiler SES-2000 Standard. Quality of obtained during trials data depends inter alia on proper location of antenna to reduce influence of pitch, roll, heave and ship noise (bubbles from propeller and a hull flow, vibration from main engine and peripheral devices). Furthermore calibration of complementary units...
Greedy Multipoint Model-Order Reduction Technique for Fast Computation of Scattering Parameters of Electromagnetic Systems
PublicationThis paper attempts to develop a new automated multipoint model-order reduction (MOR) technique, based on matching moments of the system input–output function, which would be suited for fast and accurate computation of scattering parameters for electromagnetic (EM) systems over a wide frequency band. To this end, two questions are addressed. Firstly, the cost of the wideband reduced model generation is optimized by automating a...
Efficient knowledge-based optimization of expensive computational models using adaptive response correction
PublicationComputer simulation has become an indispensable tool in engineering design as they allow an accurate evaluation of the system performance. This is critical in order to carry out the design process in a reliable manner without costly prototyping and physical measurements. However, high-fidelity computer simulations are computationally expensive. This turns to be a fundamental bottleneck when it comes to design automation using numerical...
Cost-Efficient Surrogate Modeling of High-Frequency Structures Using Nested Kriging with Automated Adjustment of Model Domain Lateral Dimensions
PublicationSurrogate models are becoming popular tools of choice in mitigating issues related to the excessive cost of electromagnetic (EM)-driven design of high-frequency structures. Among available techniques, approximation modeling is by far the most popular due to its versatility. In particular, the surrogates are exclusively based on the sampled simulation data with no need to involve engineering insight or problem-specific knowledge....
Rapid Design of 3D Reflectarray Antennas by Inverse Surrogate Modeling and Regularization
PublicationReflectarrays (RAs) exhibit important advantages over conventional antenna arrays, especially in terms of realizing pencil-beam patterns without the employment of the feeding networks. Unfortunately, microstrip RA implementations feature narrow bandwidths, and are severely affected by losses. A considerably improved performance can be achieved for RAs involving grounded dielectric layers, which are also easy to manufacture using...
A Method for Determination and Compensation of a Cant Influence in a Track Centerline Identification Using GNSS Methods and Inertial Measurement
PublicationAt present, the problem of rail routes reconstruction in a global reference system is increasingly important. This issue is called Absolute Track Geometry, and its essence is the determination of the axis of railway tracks in the form of Cartesian coordinates of a global or local coordinate system. To obtain such a representation of the track centerline, the measurement methods are developed in many countries mostly by the using...
Global Miniaturization of Broadband Antennas by Prescreening and Machine Learning
PublicationThe development of contemporary electronic components, particularly antennas, places significant emphasis on miniaturization. This trend is driven by the emergence of technologies such as mobile communications, the internet of things, radio-frequency identification, and implantable devices. The need for small size is accompanied by heightened demands on electrical and field properties, posing a considerable challenge for antenna...
Multi-channel radio-over-fiber communication systems through modulation instability phenomenon
PublicationRecent advancements in Radio-over-Fiber (RoF) technology have positioned it as a promising solution for highcapacity wireless communications. This paper explores novel applications of RoF systems in enhancing phased array antenna (PAA) performance for multi-channel wireless communication applications through the modulation instability (MI) phenomenon. Utilizing fibers experiencing MI with varying group velocity dispersions (β2)...
Exploring the Beam Squint Effects on Reflectarray Perfromance: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Specular and Scattered Reflection of the Unit Cell
PublicationIn this article, the phenomena of beam deviation in reflectarray is discussed. The radiation pattern of the unit cell, which plays a vital role in shaping the beam of the reflectarray, is analyzed by considering undesired specular and scattered reflections. These unwanted reflections adversely affect the pattern of the single unit cell, thereby reducing the overall performance of the reflectarray. To conduct our investigations,...
Optimization of the Hardware Layer for IoT Systems using a Trust Region Method with Adaptive Forward Finite Differences
PublicationTrust-region (TR) algorithms represent a popular class of local optimization methods. Owing to straightforward setup and low computational cost, TR routines based on linear models determined using forward finite differences (FD) are often utilized for performance tuning of microwave and antenna components incorporated within the Internet of Things systems. Despite usefulness for design of complex structures, performance of TR methods...
Broadband/Dual-band Metal-Mountable UHF RFID Tag Antennas: A Systematic Review. Taxonomy Analysis, Standards of Seamless RFID System Operation, Supporting IoT implementations, Recommendations and Future Directions
PublicationThe employment of broadband/dual-band ultra-high frequency (UHF) radio frequency identification (RFID) tag antennas contributes to the growth of RFID technology, with many potential implications, such as the increase of international trade, and reducing costs thereof. This study presents all reported articles on RFID tags for metal objects that can work seamlessly across different countries. Moreover, it addresses all available...
Spatio-temporal filtering for determination of common mode error in regional GNSS networks
PublicationThe spatial correlation between different stations for individual components in the regional GNSS networks seems to be significant. The mismodelling in satellite orbits, the Earth orientation parameters (EOP), largescale atmospheric effects or satellite antenna phase centre corrections can all cause the regionally correlated errors. This kind of GPS time series errors are referred to as common mode errors (CMEs). They are usually...
Optimization-Based High-Frequency Circuit Miniaturization through Implicit and Explicit Constraint Handling: Recent Advances
PublicationMiniaturization trends in high-frequency electronics have led to accommodation challenges in the integration of the corresponding components. Size reduction thereof has become a practical necessity. At the same time, the increasing performance demands imposed on electronic systems remain in conflict with component miniaturization. On the practical side, the challenges related to handling design constraints are aggravated by the...
On Improved-Reliability Design Optimization of High-Frequency Structures Using Local Search Algorithms
PublicationThe role of numerical optimization has been continuously growing in the design of high-frequency structures, including microwave and antenna components. At the same time, accurate evaluation of electrical characteristics necessitates full-wave electromagnetic (EM) analysis, which is CPU intensive, especially for complex systems. As rigorous optimization routines involve repetitive EM simulations, the associated cost may be significant....
Dendron to Central Core S1–S1 and S2–Sn (n>1) Energy Transfers in Artificial Special Pairs Containing Dendrimers with Limited Numbers of Conformations
PublicationTwo dendrimers consisting of a cofacial free-base bisporphyrin held by a biphenylene spacer and functionalized with 4-benzeneoxomethane (5-(4-benzene)tri-10,15,20-(4-n-octylbenzene)zinc(II)porphyrin) using either five or six of the six available meso-positions, have been synthesized and characterized as models for the antenna effect in Photosystems I and II. The presence of the short linkers, -CH2O-, and long C8H17 soluble side...
Recent Advances in Accelerated Multi-Objective Design of High-Frequency Structures using Knowledge-Based Constrained Modeling Approach
PublicationDesign automation, including reliable optimization of engineering systems, is of paramount importance for both academia and industry. This includes the design of high-frequency structures (antennas, microwave circuits, integrated photonic components), where the appropriate adjustment of geometry and material parameters is crucial to meet stringent performance requirements dictated by practical applications. Realistic design has...
Recent advances in high-frequency modeling by means of domain confinement and nested kriging
PublicationDevelopment of modern high-frequency components and circuits is heavily based on full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation tools. Some phenomena, although important from the point of view of the system performance, e.g., EM cross-coupling effects, feed radiation in antenna arrays, substrate anisotropy, cannot be adequately accounted for using simpler means such as equivalent network representations. Consequently, the involvement...
Expedited Yield-Driven Design of High-Frequency Structures by Kriging Surrogates in Confined Domains
PublicationUncertainty quantification is an important aspect of engineering design, also pertaining to the development and performance evaluation of high-frequency structures systems. Manufacturing tolerances as well as other types of uncertainties, related to material parameters (e.g., substrate permittivity) or operating conditions (e.g., bending) may affect the characteristics of antennas or microwave devices. For example, in the case...
PublicationMetropolia trójmiejska ma wyjątkowo negatywne uwarunkowania terenowe dla funkcjonowania i rozwoju sieci komunikacji publicWyznej. Dzielnice położone w tzw. dolnym tarasie są dobrze skomunikowane za pomocą linii SKM i tramwajowych. Jedynie te środki komunikacji szynowej, przy częstotliwości połączeń nie większej niż co 10 minut, są konkurencyjne dla indywidualnych dojazdów samochodami osobowymi. Natomiast autobusy i trolejbusy utykające...
Photosensitization of TiO2 and SnO2 by Artificial Self-Assembling Mimics of the Natural Chlorosomal Bacteriochlorophylls
PublicationOf all known photosynthetic organisms, the green sulfur bacteria are able to survive under the lowest illumination conditions due to highly efficient photon management and exciton transport enabled by their special organelles, the chlorosomes, which consist mainly of self-assembled bacteriochlorophyll c, d, or e molecules. A challenging task is to mimic the principle of self-assembling chromophores in artificial light-harvesting...