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    - Year 2015

    W pracy został opisany inteligentny algorytm syntezy niskich częstotliwości w urządzeniach mobilnych (Smart VBS). Algorytm Smart VBS rozpoznaje gatunek muzyczny i w zależności od wskazania dobiera optymalne parametry syntezy niskich częstotliwości. Synteza niskich częstotliwości odbywa się z wykorzystaniem metody funkcji nieliniowych (NLD). Modyfikacji podlega wykorzystywana funkcja nieliniowa, liczba oraz poziom wzmocnienia dodawanych...

  • Scarabaeidae as human food – A comprehensive review

    • S. A. Siddiqui
    • K. Ampofo
    • E. Dery
    • A. Eddy-Doh
    • R. Castro Munoz
    • M. Pushpalatha
    • I. Fernando

    - Journal of Insects as Food and Feed - Year 2023

    Rising global population and sustainable protein demand have sparked interest in unique food sources. Entomophagy, or insect consumption, presents a solution and Scarab beetles, part of the Scarabaeidae family, offer a novel food option. The comprehensive review underscores their potential as human food, with strong nutrition, low environmental impact, and the ability to ease strain on conventional agriculture. Nutritional analysis...

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  • Selective jamming of OFDM transmission in NB-IoT radio interface


    - Year 2023

    The paper presents the concept of smart jamming, which involves selective interference aimed at critical components of the OFDM signal. Research verifying the feasibility of this type of electronic attack are described. A realized testbed for jamming real NB-IoT signals in a downlink is presented. The test results demonstrate the feasibility of realizing selective jamming and its greater effectiveness compared to barrage interference.

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    - Year 2023

    Sustainability and value-creation are considered important parameters to measure the success of an open data system. Unfortunately, existing open data systems are not meeting their promises to achieve a sustainable and value-based open data system. Van Loenen et al. (2021) proposed a sustainable and value-creating open data ecosystem. According to their study, the open data ecosystem needs to be user-driven, inclusive, circular,...

  • Interaktywne fasady przeszklone w architekturze współczesnej (w kontekście zrównoważonego rozwoju)

    Artykuł dotyczy projektowania przeszklonych elewacji interaktywnych we współczesnej architekturze. Na podstawie wybranych przykładów przedstawiono współczesne rozwiązania oraz możliwe kierunki rozwoju przeszkleń elewacji budynków realizowanych zgodnie z ideą zrównoważonego rozwoju.

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  • Opomiarowanie w nowoczesnej oczyszczalni ścieków


    - Year 2005

    Artykuł jest kolejną publikacja cyklu prezentującego wyniki projektu 5. Programu Ramowego UE ''SMArt Control of wastewater systems - SMAC''. W ramach tego projektu zaproponowano nową koncepcję sterowania biologiczną oczyszczalnią ścieków (OŚ)oraz opracowano nową strukturę i algorytmy sterowania. Wyniki projektu zostały zaimplementowane w pilotażowej oczyszczalni w Kartuzach.

  • Towards Cognitive and Perceptive Video Systems

    • T. Akgun
    • C. Attwood
    • A. Cavallaro
    • C. Fabre
    • F. Poiesi
    • P. Szczuko

    - Year 2014

    In this chapter we cover research and development issues related to smart cameras. We discuss challenges, new technologies and algorithms, applications and the evaluation of today’s technologies. We will cover problems related to software, hardware, communication, embedded and distributed systems, multi-modal sensors, privacy and security. We also discuss future trends and market expectations from the customer’s point of view.

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  • The Energy Potential of the Lower Vistula River in the Context of the Adaptation of Polish Inland Waterways to the Standards of Routes of International Importance


    - ENERGIES - Year 2022

    Based on new policies of the European Union, green technologies are to be mostly considered for power generation. Hydropower generation is one of the essential elements of sustainable energy production. Therefore, specific attention, both economically and technically, needs to be given to this sector of energy production. The Vistula River in Poland is considered an international waterway. The power production potential of the...

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  • A review on fungal-based biopesticides and biofertilizers production



    The escalating use of inorganic fertilizers and pesticides to boost crop production has led to the depletion of natural resources, contamination of water sources, and environmental crises. In response, the scientific community is exploring eco-friendly alternatives, such as fungal-based biofertilizers and biopesticides, which have proven effectiveness in enhancing plant health and growth while sustainably managing plant diseases...

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  • Problem wspólnotowego kształtowania środowiska mieszkaniowego


    - Year 2011

    Community based shaping of housing environmentA sustainable development of housing environment depends on socio-economical context. Interest towards locality in western countries has a completely different basis than in the post-communist ones. Social capital, which shows e.g. in trust, as well as ecological awareness are totally different. We do not belong to saturated societies. There is a distinct issue of community shaping...

  • Greenness assessment of analytical methods used for antibiotic residues determination in food samples

    Food of animal origin plays an important role in ensuring a healthy and sustainable human diet. However, residues of pharmaceuticals, especially antibiotics, can be the cause of many health problems. To protect consumers and improve food quality, analytical methods used to determine contaminants should be simple, selective, and have high throughput and low detection limits. Recently, greenness metric tools have proven useful in...

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  • Analysis of Transparent Concrete as an Innovative Material Used in Civil Engineering

    Since the dawn of history concrete has been, right behind stone and brick, one of the oldest building materials. The ancient Romans took advantage of its opportunities. They constructed amazing architectural objects, which survived centuries as whole buildings or parts of them. Concrete is so ubiquitous, that when we are walking in a newer districts of cities we are virtually surrounded by concrete from everywhere. Sometimes...

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  • The Potential of Improving Air Quality by Urban Mobility Management: Policy Guidelines and a Case Study

    There is a growing recognition among planners and policy makers that proper transformation of urban mobility systems is crucial to the reduction of air pollution emission. The main objective of the work was to review the current urban mobility strategies in the city of Gdańsk, Poland in terms of their potential for the improvement of urban air quality. Firstly, general policy guidelines for mobility systems were formulated based...

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  • Participatory Budgeting in Poland – Missing Link in Urban Regeneration Process

    In last thirty years Poland has gone a long way toward democracy and decentralization. Role of public participation in planning is increasing rapidly and recently many new instruments of empowering the community is being introduced, participatory budgeting is one of the most important. On the other hand, urban regeneration is one of the most important challenges of polish cities are facing. Technical and transport infrastructure...

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  • Experience-Based Product Inspection Planning for Industry 4.0



    In this paper we describe how our Smart Virtual Product Development (SVPD) system can be used to enhance product inspection planning. The SVPD system is comprised of three main modules, these being the design knowledge management (DKM) module, the manufacturing capability and process planning (MCAPP) module, and the product inspection planning (PIP) module. Experiential knowledge relating to formal decisional events is collected,...

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  • Nonlinear finite element modeling of vibration control of plane rod-type structural members with integrated piezoelectric patches

    This paper addresses modeling and finite element analysis of the transient large-amplitude vibration response of thin rod-type structures (e.g., plane curved beams, arches, ring shells) and its control by integrated piezoelectric layers. A geometrically nonlinear finite beam element for the analysis of piezolaminated structures is developed that is based on the Bernoulli hypothesis and the assumptions of small strains and finite...

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  • Bio-inspired Decisional DNA in Machinas and other Man-made Systems: The Way Forward


    - Year 2014

    Artificial bio-inspired intelligent techniques and systems supporting smart, knowledge-based solutions of real world problems which are currently researched very extensively by research teams around the world, have enormous potential to enhance automation of decision making and problem solving for a number of diverse areas including design, manufacturing, Information Technology (IT), social communities of practice, and economics...



    - Year 2014

    Globalization is unification. In the field of architecture and in the social structure alike, the globalization leads to a blending of economies and cultures that produces uniformly branded public space as a response to universal assumptions of integration and correlation. While branding consists in creating a recognizable and outstanding image a strong contradiction exists between both of these approaches. As a result, regional...

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  • Cmentarze w przestrzeni polskich miast


    - Year 2022

    Przedmiotem badań jest przedstawienie cmentarzy na terenach polskich miast: Gdańska, Krakowa, Lublina, Warszawy i Wrocławia. Na potrzeby pracy przeanalizowano położenie cmentarzy względem współczesnej i historycznej tkanki miejskiej a także względem innych nekropolii, dzięki czemu zidentyfikowano zjawisko występowania zespołów cmentarzy miejskich. Zbadano także zagadnienie likwidacji cmentarzy miejskich i odniesiono je do współczesnych...

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  • Knowledge Societies Policy Handbook

    • R. Baguma
    • J. Á. Carvalho
    • G. Cledou
    • E. Estevez
    • S. Finquelievich
    • T. Janowski
    • N. Lopes
    • J. Millard

    - Year 2016

    The Handbook builds upon existing knowledge and practices to provide policy-makers with an actionable conceptual framework for understanding and assessing the relationships between the Sustainable Development Goals and Knowledge Societies. By identifying gaps as well as strengths, the Handbook will enable countries to more effectively deploy resources and implement appropriate policy measures.

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  • Tendencje w projektowaniu mieszkań dla seniorów = Contemporary design trends in housing for seniors


    we wspolczesnym społeczeństwie zaistniała paradoksalna sytuacja wyobcowania osób starszych z problematyki modelowania bezpiecznego i przyjaznego środowiska życia Na tym tle przedstawiono analizę wybranych realizacji z dziedziny budownictwa dla osób 60+ ( analizując kontekst sytuacyjny, krajobrazowy,walory funkcjonalne i uzytkowe,innowacyjnosć technologiczną, indywidualny wyraz architektoniczny projektów i realizacji polskich i...

  • Rubber wastes recycling for developing advanced polymer composites: A warm handshake with sustainability

    Recycling and management of rubber wastes experiences an early-stage maturity in the quest for sustainable and circular materials. Up to now, solutions proposed for sustainable development of rubber wastes are limited, so that properties and performance features of recycled products are inadequate for practical applications. Herein, an experimental protocol is introduced for manufacturing semi-sustainable polymer composites based...

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  • Segmentation of academic community for the purposes of mobility plan development – case study of Gdansk University of Technology


    The objective of the paper is to analyse the structure of academic community for its transport behaviour and attitudes using the example of the Gdansk University of Technology (the GUT) in Poland. Once understood, the group can be divided into homogenous sub-groups and studied for their potential and ways to influence their behaviour, attitudes and transport patterns. The results may be used to develop dedicated actions designed...

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  • System SCADA w nowoczesnym monitorowaniu i sterowaniu oczyszczalnią ścieków


    Artykuł jest kolejną publikacją z cyklu prezentującego wyniki projektu 5. Programu Ramowego UE ''SMART Control of wastewater systems - SMAC''. W ramach tego projektu zaproponowana została nowa koncepcja sterowania biologiczną oczyszczalnią ścieków (OŚ) oraz opracowana została nowa struktura i algorytmy sterowania. Wyniki projektu zostały zaimplimentowane w pilotażowej oczyszczalni w Kartuzach.

  • Shaping the City Responding to Climate Change – Concept of Development of the Right Bank of the Vistula River in Toruń, Poland,


    The problems of cities of the 21st century are caused by anthropogenic oppression of the environment, through the growth of economic activity and continuous urbanisation, and taking away ecologically important open areas and biologically active areas. Increasingly frequent and sudden rains, strong winds, turbulence and rising world water levels are some of the consequences of climate change that have a direct impact on the functioning...

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  • An advanced synergy of partial denitrification-anammox for optimizing nitrogen removal from wastewater: A review



    Anammox is a widely adopted process for energy-efficient removal of nitrogen from wastewater, but challenges with NOB suppression and NO3− accumulation have led to a deeper investigation of this process. To address these issues, the synergy of partial denitrification and anammox (PD-anammox) has emerged as a promising solution for sustainable nitrogen removal in wastewater. This paper presents a comprehensive review of recent developments...

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  • Miasta wiedzy - wyzwaniem dla nowych funkcji aglomeracji polskich


    - Year 2008

    Gospodarka oparta na wiedzy (knowledge economy) zmiania glowne funkcje rozwoju miast. Istniejace aglomeracje przeksztalcaja sie w miasta wiedzy (sciece cities), co kreuje srodowisko dla innowacyjnych produktow, procesow i technologii. Powstaje miasto informacyjne (digital city). Artykul prezentuje studium przypadku Gdanskiego Obszaru Metropolitarnego skomponowanego z instytucji badawczych, parkow technologicznych, inkubatorow i...

  • Estimation of Average Speed of Road Vehicles by Sound Intensity Analysis


    - SENSORS - Year 2021

    Constant monitoring of road traffic is important part of modern smart city systems. The proposed method estimates average speed of road vehicles in the observation period, using a passive acoustic vector sensor. Speed estimation based on sound intensity analysis is a novel approach to the described problem. Sound intensity in two orthogonal axes is measured with a sensor placed alongside the road. Position of the apparent sound...

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  • Towards Contactless, Hand Gestures-Based Control of Devices


    Gesture-based intuitive interactions with electronic devices can be an important part of smart home systems. In this paper, we adapt the contactless linear gesture sensor for the navigation of smart lighting system. Set of handled gestures allow to propose two methods of active light source selection, continuous dimming, and turning on and off based on discrete gestures. The average gesture recognition accuracy was 97.58% in the...

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  • Scenariusze przepływu pracy sprzężone z automatyczną akwizycją danych


    - Year 2010

    Przedstawiono tematykę inteligentnych przepływów pracy (smart workflow). Przedstawiono aplikacje oparte o inteligentne scenariusz przepływu pracy: sterowanie systemem audio, monitorowanie warunków środowiskowych pomieszczenia i dynamiczną kontekstową listę zadań. Opisano komponentową architekturę systemu. Opisano etapy poszerzające proces projektowania i implementacji. Wskazano na problemy występujące podczas wykonywania tych aplikacji...

  • Architekt miasta wczoraj i dziś - wizjoner czy administrator? Uwagi na temat roli architekta miejskiego w kształtowaniu wizji miasta

    Artykuł jest próbą oceny roli architekta miejskiego od początków XX wieku do czasów obecnych. Opracowanie bazuje na pytaniu badawczym, czy we współczesnym mieście wciąż jest miejsc na wizjonerską i wiodącą rolę architekta miejskiego w kształtowaniu przestrzeni, jak to miało miejsce w przeszłości. Architekci miejscy są dziś raczej związani z pełnieniem funkcji administracyjnych, natomiast kwestie przekształceń urbanistycznych powierzane...

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  • Biophilic Design: A Trend Watch

    During the 20th century, many people migrated to cities for employment and economic opportunities, abandoning farming and natural landscapes so their direct connection to the countryside and nature was lost. This process continues to this day with unprecedented urban growth, in fact, it’s estimated 68% of the world population will live in urban areas by 2050. Due to the evolutionary disposition of humans, when people live in an...

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  • Reducing the Environmental Impact of the Public Water Transportation Systems by Parametric Design and Optimization of Vessels’ Hulls. Study of the Gdańsk’s Electric Passenger Ferry (2015-2016).


    - Year 2016

    The paper presents the potential and risks of utilizing Rhinoceros and Grasshopper software for parametric design and multi-varietal optimization of the hull of a small sustainable ferry. The sustainability criteria, parametric design flowchart and optimizing methods are described. As the result, the advantages and disadvantages of this approach obtained in the research-by-design process conducted by an intercollegiate team at...

  • A method of measuring RLC components for microcontroller systems


    A new method of measuring RLC components for microcontroller systems dedicated to compact smart impedance sensors based on a direct sensor-microcontroller interface is presented. In the method this direct interface composed of a reference resistor connected in series with the tested sensor impedance is stimulated by a square wave generated by the microcontroller, and then its voltage response is sampled by an internal ADC of the...

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  • Ontologie ram projektowych jako narzędzie wspomagające decyzje komitetów sterujących


    - Studia Informatica Pomerania - Year 2016

    Celem artykułu jest wykazanie przydatności ontologii jako narzędzia wspomagającego decyzje prac komitetów sterujących. Budowa ontologii jako narzędzia wspomagającego decyzje była konsekwencją pojawienia się problemu oceny wniosków projektowych zgłaszanych do projektu Inteligentnych Specjalizacji Pomorza Smart Port & City. W artykule przedstawiono etapy budowy ontologii oraz jej zastosowanie do analizy zgodności dokumentów z przyjętymi...

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  • Research on the phenomena of warming up and free cooling down the car engine


    - Year 2018

    The average cold start temperature in Europe is 9 degrees C. However, not the average is the most important for the composition of exhaust gases and associated air pollution. The most onerous for the environment are the winter starts when automotive emissions of harmful gases add up in cities with those of home heating systems. The paper presents preliminary studies of warming up and cooling down processes in various environmental conditions....

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  • Assessment of dynamic characteristics of thin cylindrical sandwich panels with magnetorheological core

    Based on the equivalent single-layer linear theory for laminated shells, free and forced vibrations of thin cylindrical sandwich panels with magnetorheological core are studied. Five variants of available magnetorheological elastomers differing in their composition and physical properties are considered for smart viscoelastic core. Coupled differential equations in terms of displacements based on the generalized kinematic hypotheses...

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  • SDGs implementation, their synergies, and trade-offs in EU countries – Sensitivity analysis-based approach



    Sustainable development is one of the most urgent challenges facing humanity. Its basic principle is to improve people’s well-being and maintain it over time. In 2015, the United Nations approved 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) to ensure a better and sustainable future for all, balancing economic, social and environmental development. SDGs create an ‘indivisible whole’; thus, examining their interactions is crucial. Our...

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  • Edible dragonflies and damselflies (order Odonata) as human food – A comprehensive review

    • S. A. Siddiqui
    • K. Asante
    • N. Ngah
    • Y. Saraswati
    • Y. Wu
    • M. Lahan
    • O. Aidoo
    • I. Fernando
    • S. Povetkin
    • R. Castro Munoz

    - Journal of Insects as Food and Feed - Year 2024

    The rapid growth of the human population leads to a big concern about the food y and demand worldwide. However, due to the reduction in global arable land area, humans need to find alternative food sources to fulfil their needs. Consequently, edible insects have been identified as a promising solution to ameliorate food security and increase global nutrition. Among more than 2,100 identified edible insect species, dragonflies and...

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  • Robust Monitoring of Water Quality in Drinking Water Distribution System


    - Year 2013

    The paper develops a novel open loop set bounded observer for robust estimation of water quality in DWDS based on the advanced nonlinear quality dynamics model including disinfections by-products (DBPs). The observer utilises a cooperativeness of the quality dynamics model and is computationally efficient, hence applicable to on-line quality monitoring. The simulation results illustrate its good and sustainable performance.

  • Comparison of active proximity radars for the wearable devices


    - Year 2015

    Two methods of object position and movement estimation in relation to the user of smart glasses were investigated. An active infrared and ultrasonic methods of the obstacle detection were presented and compared. Application of these methods depend on active transducers type (physical medium used), geometry and surface properties of detected objects and their movement direction and speed. In the article properties of both detectors...

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  • Selektywne zakłócanie transmisji OFDM w interfejsie radiowym NB-IoT

    W artykule przedstawiono zagadnienie tzw. inteligentnego zagłuszania, polegającego na selektywnym zakłócaniu krytycznych składowych sygnału OFDM. Opisane zostały badania weryfikujące możliwość przeprowadzenia tego rodzaju ataku elektronicznego. Przedstawiono zrealizowane stanowisko badawcze, umożliwiające zakłócanie rzeczywistych sygnałów NB-IoT w łączu w dół. Wyniki badań wykazują możliwość realizacji selektywnego zagłuszania...

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  • Zagospodarowanie akwenów wodnych zgodnie z zasadami zrównoważonego rozwoju na przykładzie koncepcji otwarcia rekreacyjno-turystycznego drogi wodnej Górnej Wisły


    - Year 2016

    W referacie przedstawiono kwestię istotności prawidłowego gospodarowania akwenami wodnymi. Analizie porównawczej poddano autorski projekt turystyczno-rekreacyjnego wykorzystania Górnej Wisły z zasadami zrównoważoianego rozwoju. Projekt ten zakładał zagospodarowanie akwenu wodnego na cele aktywności lokalnych mieszkańców i turystów co jest zgodne z planami rozwoju dróg wodnych w Polsce.

  • Integrating environmental issues with the practice of urban planning


    Environmental protection of urban areas has become a common concern among academics, policy makers and urban planners. Therefore, environmental issues are often underlined and incorporated into many strategies for urban development. In the article a discussion about the development of the concept of sustainable development in the context of urban planning and international policies is presented, followed by a review of planning...

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  • Representing and Managing Experiential Knowledge with Decisional DNA and its Drimos® Extension


    - Year 2022

    The Semantic Web concept is proposing a future concept of the WorldWideWeb (WWW) where both humans and man-made systems are able to interconnect and exchange knowledge. One of the challenges of Semantic Web is smart and trusted accommodation of knowledge in artificial systems so it can be unified, enhanced, reused, shared, communicated and distributed with added aptitude. Our research represents an important component of addressing...

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  • Analysis of the parameters of respiration patterns extracted from thermal image sequences

    Remote estimation of vital signs is an important and active area of research. The goal of this work was to analyze the feasibility of estimating respiration parameters from video sequences of faces recorded using a mobile thermal camera. Different estimators were analyzed and experimentally verified. It was demonstrated that the respiration rate, periodicity of respiration, and presence and length of apnea periods could be reliably...

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  • Evaluation of respiration rate and pattern using a portable thermal camera


    - Year 2016

    The goal of this paper was to analyze the accuracy of the proposed method for the evaluation of respiration rate and respiration rhythm patterns (e.g. inspiration slope) using the portable and mobile thermal camera module that could be a part of smart glasses. Parameters were analyzed for 12 volunteers in two experiments, when subjects speak and do not speak. The pressure, chest belt was used as a reference measurement method....

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  • Adding Intelligence to Cars Using the Neural Knowledge DNA



    In this paper we propose a Neural Knowledge DNA based framework that is capable of learning from the car’s daily operation. The Neural Knowledge DNA is a novel knowledge representation and reasoning approach designed to support discovering, storing, reusing, improving, and sharing knowledge among machines and computing devices. We examine our framework for drivers' classification based on their driving behaviour. The experimental...

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  • Risking It All or Here Comes the Flood


    - Year 2018

    The professional reality is interdisciplinary! When city transformation and evolution starts, what are the tools for successful strategies for urban interventions? How does digital planning for digital fabrication processes look like? How dedicated are the new professionals? And how does this all influence the future of bridge design? More than 60 students representing various disciplines of built environment and working together...

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  • The Use of Big Data in Regenerative Planning

    With the increasing significance of Big Data sources and their reliability for studying current urban development processes, new possibilities have appeared for analyzing the urban planning of contemporary cities. At the same time, the new urban development paradigm related to regenerative sustainability requires a new approach and hence a better understanding of the processes changing cities today, which will allow more efficient...

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