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Search results for: battery thermal management system
Professional activity, gender and disease-related emotions: The impact on parents' experiences in caring for children with phenylketonuria
PublicationIntroduction: Clinical management of rare diseases often fails to acknowledge the challenges faced by caregivers.Whilst management of phenylketonuria (PKU) may not be considered as dire as other conditions, most studiesprimarily concentrate on clinical issues, dietary adherence, or the quality of life of the PKU patients, leavingcaregivers in the background. The aim of the study was to evaluate the psychosocial...
Distribution and extent of benthic habitats in Puck Bay (Gulf of Gdańsk, southern Baltic Sea)
PublicationThe majority of the southern Baltic Sea seabed encompasses homogenous soft-bottom sediments of limited productivity and low biological diversity, but shallow productive areas in the coastal zone such as wetlands, vegetated lagoons and sheltered bays show a high variety of benthic habitat types offering favourable biotopic conditions for benthic fauna. Within Polish marine areas, semi-enclosed Puck Bay (the western part of the...
Coordination of planning regulations at the edge of water and land. Conflicts within planning policy for urban blue space in small and medium-sized Polish port cities and possible directions of change
PublicationLand-sea integration is crucial for effective marine spatial planning and coastal zone management. Coordination of marine and land planning should ensure ecological sustainability of the coastal area, enable cross-coast investments and promote well-being of the society. A critical element for achieving sustainable development of marine and coastal area is the integration of marine and land planning on the verge of sea waters and...
Proximity and the Cluster Organization
PublicationIncluding the category of proximity in theoretical considerations and empirical analyzes in cluster organizations is an attempt to integrate existing approaches to understand and explain the specificity of inter-organizational cooperation developed in geographical proximity. The importance of geographical proximity to create a competitive advantage is emphasized in all theories on the establishment and development of industrial...
The culture of excellence and its dimensions in higher education
PublicationPurpose To recognize the existing state of knowledge on a culture of excellence (CoE) in higher education institutions (HEIs) and to define the CoE in HEI and the dimensions that make up that culture. A subsidiary goal is to propose a qualitative tool to measure CoE maturity. Design/methodology/approach The study was based on the qualitative method, the preferred reporting system of systematic reviews and meta-analysis (PRISMA)....
Web-based real-time simulation system
PublicationThe paper presents the development of a simulation system composed of a real-time plant simulator with real-time controller included in the software-in-the-loop structure using web-based communication. The client-server architecture build in a TCP/IP network environment was introduced, where the server is a computing unit for real-time high temporal resolution plant simulation (and optionally also as controllers' platform) and...
Assessment of diversity and composition of bacterial community in Sludge Treatment Reed Bed systems
PublicationDue to their low emission of odours and lack of the need to apply additional chemical agents, sludge treatment reed beds (STRBs) constitute an economically feasible and eco-friendly approach to sewage sludge management. Correctly designed and operated STRBs ensure effective reduction of the dry matter content coupled with the mineralisation of organic compounds. Successful operation of STRBs relies on complex interactions between...
A multithreaded CUDA and OpenMP based power‐aware programming framework for multi‐node GPU systems
PublicationIn the paper, we have proposed a framework that allows programming a parallel application for a multi-node system, with one or more GPUs per node, using an OpenMP+extended CUDA API. OpenMP is used for launching threads responsible for management of particular GPUs and extended CUDA calls allow to manage CUDA objects, data and launch kernels. The framework hides inter-node MPI communication from the programmer who can benefit from...
Laboratory station for research of the innovative dry method of exhaust gas desulfurization for an engine powered with residual fuel
PublicationContemporary methods of exhaust gas desulfurization in marine engines are all expensive methods (4-5 million euro). This is, among other reasons, due to the limited market audience, but primarily due to the monop-olized position of manufacturers offering fabrication and assembly of this type of marine ship installations. Proposed as part of a research project financed by the Regional Fund for Environmental Protection and Maritime...
PublicationThe article discusses damages of essential tribological associations in crankshaft and piston systems of large power two-stroke engines used as main engines, which take place during transport tasks performed by those ships. Difficulties are named which make preventing those damages impossible, despite the fact that the technical state of engines of this type is identified with the aid of complex diagnostic systems making use of...
PublicationThe article discusses damages of essential tribological associations in crankshaft and piston systems of large power two-stroke engines used as main engines, which take place during transport tasks performed by those ships. Difficulties are named which make preventing those damages impossible, despite the fact that the technical state of engines of this type is identified with the aid of complex diagnostic systems making use of...
Two-step synthesis of niobium doped Na–Ca–(Mg)–P–Si–O glasses
PublicationNiobium doped biosolubility glasses in the Na–Ca–(Mg)–P–Si–O system were prepared by using an untypical two-step synthesis route. The parent glass was melted in air atmosphere at 1350 °C followed by re-melting the glass in Nb crucible with the addition of metallic Mg/Ca powder in the nitrogen atmosphere. The second melting step was carried out at 1450–1650 °C, using an induction furnace. The topography and structure of the obtained...
Diamond-based protective layer for optical biosensors
PublicationOptical biosensors have become a powerful alternative to the conventional ways of measurement owing to their great properties, such as high sensitivity, high dynamic range, cost effectiveness and small size. Choice of an optical biosensor's materials is an important factor and impacts the quality of the obtained spectra. Examined biological objects are placed on a cover layer which may react with samples in a chemical, biological...
PublicationW artykule opisano projekt standardów dostępności zintegrowanych węzłów przesiadkowych, które zawierają spójne dla wszystkich elementów ZWP z uwzględnieniem potrzeb i wymagań osób ze szczególnymi potrzebami zasady projektowania, budowy i utrzymania oraz minimalne parametry kluczowych dla samodzielnej realizacji podróży przez osoby ze szczególnymi potrzebami rozwiązań i udogodnień. Przedstawione standardy zawierają zasady i wymagania...
PublicationMetropolia trójmiejska ma wyjątkowo negatywne uwarunkowania terenowe dla funkcjonowania i rozwoju sieci komunikacji publicWyznej. Dzielnice położone w tzw. dolnym tarasie są dobrze skomunikowane za pomocą linii SKM i tramwajowych. Jedynie te środki komunikacji szynowej, przy częstotliwości połączeń nie większej niż co 10 minut, są konkurencyjne dla indywidualnych dojazdów samochodami osobowymi. Natomiast autobusy i trolejbusy utykające...
Road Restraint Systems as a Basis for Roadside Safety Improvement
PublicationRoadside-related crashes occur when vehicles run off the road. The majority of the crashes have severe outcomes, especially when an object is hit (tree, pole, supports, front wall of a culvert, barrier). These accidents represent app. 19% of all of Poland's road deaths. Roadside crashes involve: hitting a tree, hitting a barrier, hitting a sign or utility pole, vehicle roll-over on the roadside, vehicle roll-over on a slope and...
Visual Content Representation for Cognitive Systems: Towards Augmented Intelligence
PublicationCognitive Vision Systems have gained significant attention from academia and industry during the past few decades. One of the main reasons behind this interest is the potential of such technologies to revolutionize human life since they intend to work robustly under complex visual scenes (which environmental conditions may vary), adapting to a comprehensive range of unforeseen changes, and exhibiting prospective behavior. The combination...
Integration of electric vehicle into smart grid: a meta heuristic algorithm for energy management between V2G and G2V
PublicationRecently, Electric Vehicles (EV) have been providing fast response and substantial progress in the power generation model. Further, EVs are exploited as adaptable Energy Storage Systems (ESSs) and show a promising performance in ancillary service markets to increase the demand of Smart Grid (SG) integration. The expansion of Vehicle-to-Grid concept has created an extra power source when renewable energy sources are not available....
Sustainable energy consumption – Empirical evidence of a household in Poland
PublicationThere is an expected increase in the demand for electricity from households in European countries. The outcome of the growing proportion of renewable energy sources in the energy supply mix should result in improved customer awareness regarding their electricity usage. Additionally, they must assume a more proactive role in overseeing their electricity usage. Innovation and pollution management have become crucial catalysts for...
Integration of Services into Workflow Applications
PublicationDescribing state-of-the-art solutions in distributed system architectures, Integration of Services into Workflow Applications presents a concise approach to the integration of loosely coupled services into workflow applications. It discusses key challenges related to the integration of distributed systems and proposes solutions, both in terms of theoretical aspects such as models and workflow scheduling algorithms, and technical...
Management of Urban Waters with Nature-Based Solutions in Circular Cities—Exemplified through Seven Urban Circularity Challenges
PublicationNature-Based Solutions (NBS) have been proven to effectively mitigate and solve resource depletion and climate-related challenges in urban areas. The COST (Cooperation in Science and Technology) Action CA17133 entitled “Implementing nature-based solutions (NBS) for building a resourceful circular city” has established seven urban circularity challenges (UCC) that can be addressed effectively with NBS. This paper presents the outcomes...
Advanced genetic algorithm-based signal processing for multi-degradation detection in steam turbines
PublicationThis research contributes to the field of reliability engineering and system safety by introducing an innovative diagnostic method to enhance the reliability and safety of complex technological systems. Steam turbines are specifically referred to. This study focuses on the integration of advanced signal processing techniques and engineering dynamics in addressing critical issues in the monitoring and maintenance of mechanical systems....
Green energy extraction for sustainable development: A novel MPPT technique for hybrid PV-TEG system
PublicationThe Photovoltaic (PV) module converts only a small portion of irradiance into electrical energy. Most of the solar energy is wasted as heat, resulting in a rise in PV cell temperature and a decrease in solar cell efficiency. One way to harvest this freely available solar thermal energy and improve PV cell efficiency is by integrating PV systems with thermoelectric generators (TEG). This cogeneration approach of the hybrid PV-TEG...
CPLFD-GDPT5: High-resolution gridded daily precipitation and temperature data set for two largest Polish river basins
PublicationThe CHASE-PL (Climate change impact assessment for selected sectors in Poland) Forcing Data–Gridded Daily Precipitation & Temperature Dataset–5 km (CPLFD-GDPT5) consists of 1951–2013 daily minimum and maximum air temperatures and precipitation totals interpolated onto a 5 km grid based on daily meteorological observations from the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management (IMGW-PIB; Polish stations), Deutscher Wetterdienst...
Job Demands, Engagement, and Turnover Intentions in Polish Nurses: The Role of Work-Family Interface
PublicationBackground: Poland has lower ratios of employed registered nurses per 1,000 inhabitants than the EU average. Polish nurses work under miserable conditions without assisting personnel, and they reconcile their professional demands with responsibilities for their families; 96% of them are women. Rationale/Aims: This study uses Hobfoll’s conservation of resources (CORs) theory to explain the role of various resources in the improvement...
Influence of Actual Curing Conditions on Mechanical Properties of Concrete in Bridge Superstructures
PublicationThis article presents the research on the mechanical characteristics of concrete in the construction of three concrete bridges. A system of recording the internal temperature of concrete and automatic control of laboratory ovens was used for specimen curing. This allowed the specimens to be cured under conditions similar to those occurring in the structure. Before the construction, reference blocks were used to define similar curing...
Development and evaluation of RADA-PDGF2 self-assembling peptide hydrogel for enhanced skin wound healing
PublicationBackground: Wound healing complications affect numerous patients each year, creating significant economic and medical challenges. Currently, available methods are not fully effective in the treatment of chronic or complicated wounds; thus, new methods are constantly sought. Our previous studies showed that a peptide designated as PDGF2 derived from PDGF-BB could be a promising drug candidate for wound treatment and that RADA16-I...
Spatial aspects of urban air quality management: Estimating the impact of micro-scale urban form on pollution dispersion
PublicationUrban planning and design solutions affect urban ventilation conditions, thus mitigating the effects of atmospheric pollution. However, these findings are not being implemented in the planning practice to a sufficient extent, partly due to the lack of specific guidelines. Moreover, many urban air quality monitoring (AQM) sites have low represnentativeness and thus do not provide comprehensive data for effective urban air pollution control...
Projekt badawczy BRIK: Opracowanie innowacyjnej metody wyznaczania precyzyjnej trajektorii pojazdu szynowego
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono podstawowe informacje dotyczące projektu badawczego realizowanego na zlecenie Narodowego Centrum Badań i Rozwoju oraz Spółki PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S. A. przez Konsorcjum Politechniki Gdańskiej i Uniwersytetu Morskiego w Gdyni. Projekt obejmuje wykorzystanie nowoczesnych metod pomiarowych, takich jak techniki pozycjonowania satelitarnego GNSS, pomiary inercyjne INS oraz skaning laserowy LS, w procesie...
Wykorzystanie analizy kosztów w zarządzaniu szpitalem publicznym
PublicationProblemy z finansowaniem opieki zdrowotnej obserwowane są praktycznie na całym świecie. Jako przyczyny wzrostu wydatków uważa się głównie starzenie się populacji, złożoną naturę współczesnych chorób i szerokie wykorzystywanie kosztownych technologii. Systemy opieki zdrowotnej na całym świecie stają przed trudnym wyzwaniem zwiększenia efektywności, co oznacza kontrolowanie kosztów, przy jednoczesnym zapewnieniu wysokiej jakości...
Real-Time Facial Features Detection from Low Resolution Thermal Images with Deep Classification Models
PublicationDeep networks have already shown a spectacular success for object classification and detection for various applications from everyday use cases to advanced medical problems. The main advantage of the classification models over the detection models is less time and effort needed for dataset preparation, because classification networks do not require bounding box annotations, but labels at the image level only. Yet, after passing...
Experiment-Based Study of Heat Dissipation from the Power Cable in a Casing Pipe
PublicationThe paper deals with the important challenges in terms of electricity transmission by means of underground cable lines. The power cable’s performance is characterized by an ampacity that represents its maximum electric current-carrying capacity. The ampacity of power cables depends on their ability to diffuse the heat generated by the current flow into the environment. In the performed research, the analysis of the efficiency of...
Integracja bezprzewodowych heterogenicznych sieci IP dla poprawy efektywności transmisji danych na morzu
PublicationWraz ze wzrostem istotności środowiska morskiego w naszym codziennym życiu np. w postaci zwiększonego wolumenu transportu realizowanego drogą morską. czy zintensyfikowanych prac dotyczących obserwacji i monitoringu środowiska morskiego, wzrasta również potrzeba opracowania efektywnych systemów komunikacyjnych dedykowanych dla tego środowiska. Heterogeniczne systemy łączności bezprzewodowej integrowane na poziomie warstwy sieciowej...
PublicationW 25 lat od powrotu demokracji opierającej się o neoliberalny paradygmat rozwoju kraju, Polska przyjęła Krajową Politykę Miejską 2030. Wraz z ustawą o rewitalizacji w nowoczesny sposób określa ona pole współpracy władz samorządowych i administracji z mieszkańcami, przejście do drugiej fazy rozwoju społeczeństwa demokratycznego – mieszkańców współgospodarzy przestrzeni miast. Powolna ewolucja tej relacji, silnie obarczonej dziedzictwem...
Collaborative urban studios in Poland. Teaching collective problem solving via live projects
PublicationThe requirements of contemporary architectural and urban design practice places a growing importance on the ability to generate new solutions to complex design challenges. Such an approach is particularly relevant in the context of contemporary urban projects in need of urban innovation and socially engaged practice, i.e. urban regeneration or street quality improvement projects. Meaningful involvement in such topics requires a...
The microbial community, its biochemical potential, and the antimicrobial resistance of Enterococcus spp. in Arctic lakes under natural and anthropogenic impact (West Spitsbergen)
PublicationThe sustainable management of small human communities in the Arctic is challenging. In this study, both a water supply system (Lake 1) under the natural impact of a bird-nesting area, and a wastewater receiver (Lake 2) were analysed in the vicinity of the Polish Polar Station on West Spitsbergen. Microbial community composition, abundance and activity were assessed in samples of the treated wastewater, lake water and sediments...
Reduced-Cost Microwave Design Closure by Multi-Resolution EM Simulations and Knowledge-Based Model Management
PublicationParameter adjustment through numerical optimization has become a commonplace of contemporary microwave engineering. Although circuit theory methods are ubiquitous in the development of microwave components, the initial designs obtained with such tools have to be further tuned to improve the system performance. This is particularly pertinent to miniaturized structures, where the cross-coupling effects cannot be adequately accounted...
Impact of thermal and humidity conditions on structural epoxy adhesives during medium-term exposure
PublicationAn experimental program was undertaken to evaluate the performance characteristics, strengths and limitations of two commercially available two-component structural epoxy resin adhesives under varying thermal and humidity conditions, focusing on their performance in scenarios relevant to engineering applications. The following adhesives were selected for investigation, 3M Scotch DP490 and DP125 Gray. In practice, DP490, a high-rigidity...
Concentrations of monoaromatic hydrocarbons in the air of the underground car park and individual garages attached to residential buildings
PublicationThe paper describes the characteristics of a two-level underground car park and three individual garages attached to residential buildings, differing by the resident utilization habits, located in North Poland (Tri-City agglomeration area). The strategy of collecting the analyte samples from air in mentioned enclosed areas, concerning the determination of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, o-xylene and p,m-xylenes (BTEX) concentrations...
Chapter 11 – Application of Chemical Sensors and Sensor Matrixes to Air Quality Evaluation
PublicationIndoor and outdoor air quality is one of the key factors influencing human health. However, air quality evaluation is not easy task. Air is a complex system, which is subjected to changes even within short period of time. Progress in analytical methods and analytical tools provides increasingly more reliable information on the condition and quality of indoor and outdoor air. This progress, however, generates an increase in the...
PublicationTechnology in classroom is a matter of heated discussions in the field of education development, especially when multidisciplinary education goes along with language skills. Engineers’ education requires theoretical and practical knowledge. Moreover, dedicated computer skills become crucial for both young graduates and experienced educators on the labor market. Teaching online with or without using different Learning Management...
Analizy ilości i jakości odpływu wód deszczowych i roztopowych z kontrolowanej zlewni zurbanizowanej
PublicationIstotnym problemem Gdańska staje się bezpieczeństwo ekologiczne związane ze spływami miejskimi odprowadzanymi bezpośrednio do wód powierzchniowych, często akwenów użyteczności publicznej. W latach 2011÷2013, Katedra Hydrotechniki Wydziału Inżynierii Lądowej i Środowiska Politechniki Gdańskiej, we współpracy z Wojewódzkim Funduszem Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej w Gdańsku oraz Gdańskimi Melioracjami, podjęła się wdrożenia...
Microstructure degradation and creep failure study of the dissimilar metal welded joint of heat-resistant steel and Inconel 617 alloy tested at 650 °C and applied stress range of 100–150 MPa
PublicationThe advanced ultra-supercritical (A-USC) power plant system is anticipated to become India's next-generation base-load power station. To adopt AUSC technology, dissimilar welded joints (DWJs) between heat-resistant steels and the nickel-based alloys, using the nickel-based fillers, will need to be implemented. However, failure of dissimilar welded joints from P92 steel base metal or the heat affected zone (HAZ) has been commonly...
Nanoparticles preparation using microemulsion systems
PublicationMetallic nanoparticles become of current interests because they exhibit unique properties compared with those of metal atoms or bulk metal due to the quantum size effect and their large surface area, which make them attractive for applications in optics, electronics, catalysis biology and medicine. TiO2 has been used for environmental remediation purposes such as in the purification of water and air and also solar-to chemical energy...