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Search results for: knowledge

  • Pressure in charge. Neglected parameter in hydrothermal synthesis turns out to be crucial for electrochemical properties of ammonium vanadates

    Ammonium vanadates are of great interest as they exhibit unusual electrical and sensory properties.(NH4)2V6O16and (NH4)2V10O25$8H2O with various morphology were obtained in the hydrothermalsynthesis under controlled temperature and pressure. It was shown, that the pure (NH4)2V10O25$8H2Owas obtained under 50 bar of initial pressure, whereas lower pressure lead to the mixture of twocompounds. The influence of the pressure was studied...

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  • Dynamically positioned ship steering making use of backstepping method and artificial neural networks

    The article discusses the issue of designing a dynamic ship positioning system making use of the adaptive vectorial backstepping method and RBF type arti cial neural networks. In the article, the backstepping controller is used to determine control laws and neural network weight adaptation laws. e arti cial neural network is applied at each time instant to approximate nonlinear functions containing parametric uncertainties....

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  • Model otwartej architektury rozproszonych dokumentów elektronicznych wspierającej proces podejmowania decyzji w trybie obliczeń zespołowych


    - Year 2013

    Model otwartej architektury mobilnych dokumentów interaktywnych MIND, został opracowany w celu efektywnego zarządzania informacją w procesach podejmowanych przez organizacje oparte na wiedzy. Architektura ta stanowi całościowy opis struktury i funkcjonalności dokumentu, zaprojektowanego w celu realizacji rozproszonego przetwarzania zespołowego i pracy grupowej. Umożliwia automatyczne przejście od statycznej postaci dokumentów...

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  • Wykorzystanie mediów społecznościowych do promocji otwartości w badaniach naukowych na przykładzie Biblioteki Politechniki Gdańskiej


    - Year 2021

    Media społecznościowe są jednym ze sposobów na skuteczną promocję zasobów oraz usług bibliotecznych w obecnym świecie cyfrowym. Stanowią również niedocenianą możliwość komunikacji pomiędzy naukowcami, bibliotekarzami a czytelnikami. Biblioteka akademicka może aktywnie angażować się w proces upowszechniania dorobku naukowego uczelni, podejmując w tym celu różnorakie działania marketingowe, wykorzystując takie serwisy jak: Facebook,...

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  • Rola innowacji otwartych w klastrach


    - Year 2019

    Innowacje otwarte to podejście, w którym korzysta się z partnerstwa i łączenia zasobów wewnętrznych i zewnętrznych wobec firmy w celu kreowania nowych pomysłów i technologii. Klastry natomiast są uznawane za przestrzeń sprzyjającą międzyorganizacyjnej współpracy innowacyjnej. Głównym celem podejmowanym w rozprawie było zbadanie roli innowacji otwartych w klastrach poprzez dokonanie diagnozy stanu i sposobu ich podejmowania oraz...

  • Non-Nutritive Bioactive Compounds in Food of Plant Origin


    - Year 2023

    The increasing knowledge on the health benefits of certain food ingredients, in particular, those of plant origin, opened the discussion of the possibility of using edible plants or their active components in the prevention of non-communicable diseases. The health-promoting properties of plant foods are related to the presence of non-nutritive compounds, mainly plant secondary metabolites, which can affect many biological mechanisms...

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  • Lean Startup as a New Way of Managing Technology Ventures Illustrated by the Example of Wlcome App


    The dot-com bubble in the 1990s made the technology industry aware that even excellent ideas backed by amazing teams are not sufficient to ensure a startup’s success. The biggest risk of startups is that they have to operate within many uncertainties, their market and customers are unknown, and their business model is not yet validated. Therefore, successful execution of such a venture requires a rigorous process that would validate...

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  • Designing effective educational games - a case study of a project management game

    This paper addresses the issues of designing effective educational games. We aim at investigating how the cognitive, behavioral and emotional aspects of the games influence their educational effectiveness. The results were obtained with an observational user experience study extended with affect analysis carried out for a project management game GraPM. We analyzed the...

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  • The networking of the justice system as part of public court networks


    - Year 2015

    The goal of this paper is to look at the organizational structure of the justice system and provide the answer to the basic question of the possible network relations, their force, and imapct. As part od the paper, I have defined public inetrorganisational court network, dividing them into regulatory inter-organisational networks nad voluntary inetrorganisational networks. Emphasis has also been placed on the benefits and threats...

  • The Hybrid Fuzzy - SOEKS Approach to the Polish Internet Mortgage Market

    The paper presents the hybrid fuzzy- SOEKS approach to the Polish Internet mortgage market, which is treated as an example of a fast changing market. Firstly, the market and market problems are described. Then, the first approach to the market problems is presented: the complete fuzzy model which was built basing on the rules. The fuzzy model is presented on one real data case. Next, the new approach, called Set of Experience Knowledge...

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  • Runoff Water


    - Year 2013

    This entry summarizes the current state of knowledge on the role of atmospheric pollutants' transport to the surface and transformations of wet deposition on contact with various surfaces. Runoff waters are one of the forms in which precipitation reaches the groundwater and surface water. They are formed when rain or melting snow washes the surfaces of roofs, highways, agricultural areas, or tree canopies. Pollutants present in...

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  • Logika opisowa jako język modelowania oprogramowania


    - Year 2008

    W referacie pokazano zastosowanie logiki opisowej do opisu wybranych ontologii pojawiajcych si w inynierii oprogramowania, wymagajcych wsparcia ze strony inynierii wiedzy. Omówione zagadnienia to: inynieria wymaga, opis architektury oprogramowania wysokiego poziomu, opis projektu systemu i ontologia kodu programu. Wskazano zastosowanie systemów wnioskujcych (ang. knowledge reasoner) do automatycznego odkrywania wiedzy w systemach...

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  • The role of slowly biodegradable substrate in a full-scale biological nutrient removal activated sludge systems


    This paper contains futher results obtained at ''Wschod'' WWTP in Gdańsk under transient conditions (spring season) and comparation of similar experiments carried out at a recently upgraded ''Debogorze'' WWTP in Gdynia. The removal of colloidal and particulate fractions resulted in similar effects (reduced process rates) at both plants. For example, the initial denitrification rates (NUR1) were up to 30% lower during the ''conventional''...

  • A Clustering-Based Methodology for Selection of Fault Tolerance Techniques


    Development of dependable applications requires selection of appropriate fault tolerance techniques that balance efficiency in fault handling and resulting consequences, such as increased development cost or performance degradation. This paper describes an advisory system that recommends fault tolerance techniques considering specified development and runtime application attributes. In the selection process, we use the K-means...

  • The effect of processing on the safety and nutritional value


    - Year 2017

    Agricultural crops as well as animal food raw materials are usually somehow processed before being used by humans. Processing should make them more useful, increase their safety and nutritional value, extend the shelf life, and modify the sensory properties. However, changes and interactions of various compounds in the conditions of processing may generate products toxic or otherwise unsafe for the human organism. The food industry...

  • Probe signal processing for channel estimation in underwater acoustic communication system


    Underwater acoustic communication channels are characterized by a large variety of propagation conditions. Designing a reliable communication system requires knowledge of the transmission parameters of the channel, namely multipath delay spread, Doppler spread, coherence time, and coherence bandwidth. However, the possibilities of its estimation in a realtime underwater communication system are limited, mainly due to the computational...

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  • The conducted EMI in DC-DC converters


    - Year 2018

    This book presents the phenomena of conducted electromagnetic interference (EMI) generation in DC-DC converters. The measurement and simulation are used to analyze the impact of the most important parameters on the character, level and propagation path of interference. In this book, the analysis of the interference generation and propagation is presented on the example of three basic converters. The wide banded behavior of all...

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  • Signals Features Extraction in Radioisotope Liquid-Gas Flow Measurements using Autocorrelation Function


    - Year 2022

    Knowledge of the two-phase flow structure is essential for the proper conduct of industrial processes. Description of liquid-gas flow regimes is possible by using of data analysis in time, frequency, or state-space domain. In this research studies, the autocorrelation function is applied for analysis of signals obtained for liquid-gas flow by use gamma-ray absorption. The experiments were carried out on the laboratory hydraulic...

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  • Amygdalin: Toxicity, Anticancer Activity and Analytical Procedures for Its Determination in Plant Seeds


    - MOLECULES - Year 2021

    Amygdalin (D-Mandelonitrile 6-O--D-glucosido--D-glucoside) is a natural cyanogenic glycoside occurring in the seeds of some edible plants, such as bitter almonds and peaches. It is a medically interesting but controversial compound as it has anticancer activity on one hand and can be toxic via enzymatic degradation and production of hydrogen cyanide on the other hand. Despite numerous contributions on cancer cell lines, the clinical...

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  • Developing Novel Solutions to Realise the European Energy - Information Sharing & Analysis Centre


    For more effective decision making in preparation for and response to cyberevents in the energy sector, multilevel situation awareness, from technical to strategic is essential. With an uncertain picture of evolving threats, sharing of the latest cybersecurity knowledge among all sector stakeholders can inform and improve decisions and responses. This paper describes two novel solutions proposed during the formation of the European...

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  • Otwarte innowacje w inicjatywach klastrowych



    Specyfika funkcjonowania inicjatyw klastrowych czyni z nich idealne podłoże do wcielania w życie idei open innovation – ułatwiają bowiem nawiązywanie kontaktów z innymi podmiotami, stawiają na otwartość swoich członków i budowę relacji opartych na zaufaniu, stanowią platformę wymiany zasobów (w tym przede wszystkim informacji i wiedzy) oraz wspólnego kreowania rozwiązań innowacyjnych. W artykule podjęto rozważania teoretyczne dotyczące...

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  • Fluorescence studies by quenching and protein unfolding on the interaction of bioactive compounds in water extracts of kiwi fruit cultivars with human serum albumin

    • Y. Park
    • M. Polovka
    • A. L. Martinez-Ayala
    • G. González-Aguilar
    • K. Ham
    • S. Kang
    • Y. Park
    • B. Heo
    • J. Namieśnik
    • S. Gorinstein


    The main aim of this investigation was to characterize new kiwi fruit cultivars after cold storage treatment and to determine the similarities and differences between them, using spectroscopic methods. The chemometric comparison of kiwi fruit cultivars based on physicochemical indices during cold storage was carried out. All kiwi fruit cultivars showed a high level of correlation between the contents of phenolic compounds (polyphenols,...

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  • Technological vs. Non-Technological Mindsets: Learning From Mistakes, and Organizational Change Adaptability to Remote Work

    The permanent implementation of the change in working methods, e.g., working in the virtual space, is problematic for some employees and, as a result, for management leaders. To explore this issue deeper, this study assumes that mindset type: technological vs. non-technological, may influence the organizational adaptability to change. Moreover, the key interest of this research is how non-technological mindsets...

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  • A systematic retrieval of international competitiveness literature: a bibliometric study


    Over the last three decades there has been growing interest in international competitiveness research. However, as evidenced by the academic literature, there is a lack of systematic chronological studies synthesizing how this field has evolved over time. The main aim of this paper is to consolidate the state of the art of academic research on international competitiveness in the discipline of economics by using a new method: a...

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  • How to Design Affect-aware Educational Systems – the AFFINT Process Approach


    - Year 2016

    Computer systems, that support learning processes, can adapt to the needs and states of a learner. The adaptation might directly address the knowledge deficits and most tutoring systems apply an adaptable learning path of that kind. Apart from a preliminary knowledge state, there are more factors, that influence education effectiveness and among those there are fluctuating emotional states. The tutoring systems may recognize or...



    - Year 2016

    Apart from education process based on the curricular activities, the whole set of co-curricular activities (CCAs) can help students to develope both expert knowledge and social skills. These activities are separated from academic course, sometimes placed outside of school or after regular school hours. Co-curricular activities such as students' scientific circles, workshops, conferences or festivals of science, publication, honor...

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  • Long-Term Stability of Benzodiazepines and Z-Hypnotic Drugs in Blood Samples Stored at Varying Temperatures


    Benzodiazepines (BZDs) and Z-drugs are among the most commonly prescribed pharmaceuticals in the world and are considered standard care for various mental illnesses and for treatment of sleeping and anxiety disorders, alcohol withdrawal, muscle spasms and epilepsy. Some BZDs are not allowed as pharmaceuticals in many countries, and they are used as "designer benzodiazepines" (DBZDs). All these compounds are typically screened in...

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  • The rigid and flexible road pavements in terms of life cycle costs

    The cost of road pavement construction, its durability and reliability depends on many factors, including: the scope and detail of the technical design, quality of work but also the scope of works related to its maintenance, conservation and operation. Determining the amount of rational expenses, in terms of the life cycle cost of the pavement, requires determination and consideration of the above issues, already at the planning...

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  • Train the trainer course


    - Year 2018

    This chapter presents the concept, evaluation and evaluation results for the train the trainer. This concept of train the trainers is prepared within Workpackage 5 of EU-funded project: MASTER BSR (Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership Programme). Due to the nature of adult learning the content is designed for the use of participatory methods (involved, active). This method uses various techniques of active learning e.g. group work,...

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  • Influence of sensor design and optical properties of tissue on the photoplethysmographic signal


    - Year 2015

    Photopletysmography and an associated technique called pulse oximetry are still explored due to the expectations that they give a lot of information about the state of the patient and, also, due to the fact that they are non invasive. Knowledge about the impact of various parameters on the measured signal leads to a faster and a more reliable way of analyzing measurement results and finding the dependencies between the involved...

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    The authors present a relatively easy way to extend the quality of education in professional studies (engineering) on major “Geodesy and Cartography”. They indicate the possibility to deepen students’ knowledge by using in the educational process proprietary software enriching education. The authors use their own experiences, results of the cooperation with employers, as well as the effects of scientific research to introduce...

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    - Year 2015

    A minimum connected dominating set (MCDS) can be used as virtual backbone in ad-hoc wireless networks for efficient routing and broadcasting tasks. To find the MCDS is an NP- complete problem even in unit disk graphs. Many suboptimal algorithms are reported in the literature to find the MCDS using local information instead to use global network knowledge, achieving an important reduction in complexity. Since a wireless network...

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    The authors present a relatively easy way to extend the quality of education in professional studies (engineering) on major “Geodesy and Cartography”. They indicate the possibility to deepen students’ knowledge by using in the educational process proprietary software enriching education. The authors use their own experiences, results of the cooperation with employers, as well as the effects of scientific research to introduce into...

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  • Evaluation of Path Based Methods for Conceptual Representation of the Text


    Typical text clustering methods use the bag of words (BoW) representation to describe content of documents. However, this method is known to have several limitations. Employing Wikipedia as the lexical knowledge base has shown an improvement of the text representation for data-mining purposes. Promising extensions of that trend employ hierarchical organization of Wikipedia category system. In this paper we propose three path-based...

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  • Human Factors and Functional Safety Analysis in Designing the Control Rooms of Industrial Hazardous Plants


    - Year 2014

    In this work some aspects of human factors and functional safety analysis in designing the control rooms of industrial hazardous plants are presented. The “defence in depth” (D-in-D) concept is outlined. Some designing issues of the alarm system (AS) with regard to human factors to be supported using the human reliability analysis (HRA) are discussed. The AS and decision support system (DSS), when properly designed, would contribute...

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  • The Analysis and Solutions to the Problems of IPv6 Configuration Migration of Small Networks

    The paper analyzes the problems of IPv4 to IPv6 migration processes and indicates the areas in which migration can be done without expensive replacement of hardware, software and organizational changes. This paper presents the migration tools developed for the SOHO network administrators. The tools provide theoretical knowledge and practical advices on migrating to IPv6 and enable automation of the migration process. The article...

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  • Rain Water: Atmospheric Deposition


    - Year 2013

    Water is transferred from the atmosphere to the land surface mainly via various forms of atmospheric precipitation; however, the contribution of surface condensation/deposition (e.g., dew, hoar frost, occult precipitation) should not be neglected. Rainwater and liquid deposits (dew, hoar frost, rime) are components of the physical and geographical environment that are easily assimilated and transported. Thus, they are generally...

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  • Managing competence and certifying persons responsible for functional safety = Zarządzanie kompetencjami i certyfikacja osób odpowiedzialnych za bezpieczeństwo funkcjonalne


    This article emphasizes that knowledge and competences of managers, engineers and specialists dealing with safety-related technologies for hazardous industry should be appropriately shaped in the technical education processes and training programmes fulfilling some quality requirements and assessment criteria. It concerns especially persons dealing with the functional safety solutions in the design and operation of the electric,...

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  • Designing Intelligent Factory: Conceptual Framework and Empirical Validation


    - Procedia Computer Science - Year 2016

    This paper presents a framework for monitoring, analysing and decision making for a smart manufacturing environment. We maintain that this approach could play a vital role in developing an architecture and implementation of Industry 4.0. The proposed model has features like experience based knowledge representation and semantic analysis of engineering objects and manufacturing process. It is also capable of continuous real time...

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  • A brief note on monotonic and fatigue fracture events investigation of thin-walled tubular austenitic steel specimens via fracture surface topography analysis (FRASTA)

    • W. Macek
    • D. Sampath
    • Ł. Pejkowski
    • K. Żak


    The main objective of this short communication is to show the fracture progression in each loading case and complement knowledge about fracture mechanisms underpinning the tensile and fatigue performance of thin-walled tubes. For this purpose, the fracture surface topography analysis (FRASTA) method was used in the thin-walled tubular austenitic stainless-steel specimens. Two cases were analyzed: monotonic tension, and uniaxial...

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  • Active Learning Based on Crowdsourced Data

    The paper proposes a crowdsourcing-based approach for annotated data acquisition and means to support Active Learning training approach. In the proposed solution, aimed at data engineers, the knowledge of the crowd serves as an oracle that is able to judge whether the given sample is informative or not. The proposed solution reduces the amount of work needed to annotate large sets of data. Furthermore, it allows a perpetual increase...

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  • Selected Methods for the Chemical Phosphorylation and Thiophosphorylation of Phenols

    This Focus Review gathers together a selection of methods for the chemical phosphorylation of phenols that employ three‐ and four‐coordinate phosphorus compounds. Phosphorylated scaffolds can exhibit enhanced properties compared to their non‐phosphorylated analogues, such as increased biological activity and increased/decreased solubility; as such, phosphorus compounds have gained more and more interest in organic and medicinal...

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  • Efficient three-dimensional fluorescence measurements for characterization of binding properties in some plants

    • Y. Ku
    • J. Bae
    • A. L. Martinez-Ayala
    • S. Vearasilp
    • J. Namieśnik
    • P. Pasko
    • E. Katrich
    • S. Gorinstein


    The main aim of this research was to characterize some plants and to determine their similarities and differences, using spectroscopic methods. The interactions of soluble polyphenols of different plants with human serum albumin (HSA) were investigated by 3D-fluorescence. The obtained fluorescence results allow to classify the investigated plants according to their binding properties. The HSA-binding capacities of these plants...

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  • Education of Logisticians in Poland: Problems and Prospects in Students’ Opinion


    - Logistics and Transport - Year 2019

    Logistics is one of the key sectors of the Polish economy. Its value reflects not only its own capacity, but also the role it plays in ensuring the proper functioning of the entire economy. The rapid development of the industry and the highest demands on logistics solutions bring to the fore the problem of preparing a new generation of specialists in logistics. That is why the question of compliance to learning expectations of...

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    The main purpose of this research is to determine the stress distributions on the contact surfaces between the logs of the historical carpentry corner joints. The additional purpose is to compare the stress distribution for four different boundary conditions in the case of dry and wet pine wood. The paper presents the results of numerical analysis of the shortcorner dovetail connection and the saddle notch corner joint, which are...

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  • Karhunen-Loeve-based approach to tracking of rapidly fading wireless communication channels


    When parameters of wireless communication channels vary at a fast rate, simple estimation algorithms, such as weighted least squares (WLS) or least mean squares (LMS) algorithms, cannot estimate them with the accuracy needed to secure the reliable operation of the underlying communication systems. In cases like this, the local basis function (LBF) estimation technique can be used instead, significantly increasing the achievable...

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    Działalność badawczo-rozwojowa jest istotną częścią polityki innowacyjnej. Ocenę tej działalności w krajach OECD przeprowadzono wykorzystując metodę DEA. Uwzględniono nakłady: poziom wykształcenia, współpracę nauki z biznesem i poziom wykorzystywania wiedzy w firmach oraz rezultaty: liczba publikacji, patentów i doktoratów oraz eksport sektorów wysokich technologii i indeks Hirsha. Zwrócono uwagę na problem zerowych wag oraz przesunięcia...

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  • Kompetencje członków zespołu wirtualnego

    Artykuł dotyczy problematyki wirtualnej współpracy, która wymaga od osób tworzących zespół oraz od lidera zespołu szczególnych kompetencji. Skoncentrowano się na wiedzy, cechach i umiejętnościach członków zespołu wirtualnego, które są konieczne, by efektywnie realizowali oni założone cele, kreując jednocześnie relacje oparte na wzajemnym zaufaniu. Artykuł zawiera przegląd literatury dotyczącej kompetencji członków zespołu wirtualnego...

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  • Ontology management in the multi-agent system for the it evaluation


    The team of researchers at the Gdańsk University of Technology is currently developing a model of the multi-agent system (MAS_IT) that would aid the IT managers to find the most appropriate technology to the goals assumed. The knowledge is to be provided by experts and stored in the facts and rules bases. The responsibility of the verification process-on the input and query stages-is given to the ontology, making it to some extend...


    Tyre load and inflation pressure are important factors controlling rolling resistance of road vehicles. The article presents results obtained in the Technical University of Gdańsk during laboratory and road measurements of different car tyres rolling on different pavements. The knowledge of rolling resistance characteristics is important for modelling car dynamics as well as fuel consumption. It is also necessary to establish proper...

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