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Photoactivity of decahedral TiO2 loaded with bimetallic nanoparticles: Degradation pathway of phenol-1- 13 C and hydroxyl radical formation
PublicationDecahedral TiO2decorated with bimetallic nanoparticles were synthesized via radiolysis and photode-position method. The effect of bimetallic surface composition (Ag Pt, Ag Au, Au Pd, Au Pt) as well asdeposition technique (simultaneous or sequential) on the photocatalytic activity in phenol degradationand efficiency of hydroxyl radicals generation under UV–vis light irradiation were investigated. Modifiedand pristine decahedral...
A novel nucleotide found in human erythrocytes, 4-pyridone-3-carboxamide-1-beta-D-ribonucleoside triphosphate
PublicationZidentyfikowano nowy, nieznany nukleotyd, występujący w erytrocytach osób chorych na przewlekłą niewydolność nerek, w stężeniu porównywalnym do zawartości ATP. Nukleotyd ten wyizolowano chromatograficznie, a jego strukturę określono jako trójfosforan 4-piridono-3-karboksyamido-1-b-D-rybonukleozydu, na podstawie danych spektralnych UV, MS, IR i NMR.
Phenolic compounds from Nerium oleander leaves: microwave assisted extraction, characterization, antiproliferative and cytotoxic activities
PublicationA microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) method was used for the extraction of phenolic compounds from Nerium oleander leaves. The influence of variables such as ethanol concentration, microwave power, irradiation time and liquid/solid ratio on polyphenol extraction was modelled using a second-order regression equation based on response surface methodology (RSM). The optimal conditions for MAE were: extraction solvent 35% ethanol...
Distinguishing of cocrystals from simple eutectic mixtures: phenolic acids as potential pharmaceutical coformers
PublicationThe multiparameter model comprising 1D and 2D QSPR/QSAR descriptors was proposed and validated for phenolic acid binary systems. This approach is based on the optimization of regression coefficients for maximization of the percentage of true positives in the pool of systems comprising either simple binary eutectics or cocrystals. The training set consisted of 58 eutectics and 168 cocrystals. The solid dispersions collection used...
Optical activity of the guest azobenzene molecule generated by inclusion complexation with steroidal bile acids.
PublicationZsyntetyzowano krystaliczne kompleksy inkluzyjne azobenzenu z kwasami cholowym i deoksycholowym. Otrzymane związki inkluzyjne poddano badaniom przy wykorzystaniu spektroskopii dichroizmu kołowego w fazie stałej (KBr). Dodatni efekt Cottona, odpowiadający niskoenergetycznemu przejściu elektronowemu n-pi*, skorelowano z helikalnością M,M skręconej cząsteczki azobenzenu. Ponadto w celach porównawczych zmierzono dichroizm kołowy w...
An improved preparation of N2-tert-butoxycarbonyl- and N2-benzyloxycarbonyl-(S)-2,4-diaminobutanoic acids.
PublicationN-Benzyloksykarbonylo i N-tert-butoksykarbonylo-(S)-asparaginę przekształcono do odpowiednio chronionego kwasu (S)-2,4-diaminobutanowego z dobrą wydajnością, w reakcji z octanem jodobenzenu w temp. 0 st.C w mieszaninie tetrahydrofuranu i wody.
Chemistry induced by low-energy electrons in condensed multilayers of pure small organic acids
PublicationPrzedstawiono reakcje indukowane przez niskoenergetyczne elektrony (0.7 - 20 eV) w kondensowanych warstwach kwasu mrówkowego (HCOOH), częściowo deuterowanego kwasu octowego (CH3COOD) oraz kwasu trifluorooctowego (CF3COOD).
Lawesson's reagent (LR) for direct thionation of hydroxamic acids. Substituent effect on LR reactivity
PublicationOkreślono zakres stosowalności i ogranicznia metody bezpośredniej tionacji kwasów hydroksamowych (HAA) za pomocą odczynnika Lawessona (LR). Przedmiotem badań było 35 HAA o wzorze ogólnym R1CON(R2)OH gdzie: R1 = alkil, aryl, benzyl, etoksykarbonylometylen, cynamyl, heteroaryl, a R2 = alkil, aryl. Ustalono, że wydajności kwasów tiohydroksamowych są niskie, gdy wyjściowy HAA posiada w swojej strukturze duże objętościowo reszty R1...
Calculations of electron impact ionization cross section for simple biomolecules: formic and acetic acids
PublicationObliczono przekroje czynne na jednokrotną jonizację kwasu mrówkowego oraz kwasu octowego. Obliczenia przeprowadzono używając formalizmu BEB w zakresie energii od progu na jonizację do 400 eV. Wyniki porównano z dostępnymi danymi doświadczalnymi.
Photocatalytic mineralisation of humic acids using TiO2 modified by tungsten dioxide/ hydrogen peroxide
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Comparative characterisation of fatty acids and triacylglycerols from Egyptian and Chinese commercial infant formula
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Targeting mTORs by omega-3 fatty acids: A possible novel therapeutic strategy for neurodegeneration?
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Matcha Green Tea: Chemical Composition, Phenolic Acids, Caffeine and Fatty Acid Profile
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Synthesis of disubstituted 1,3,4,9-tetrahydropyrano-[3,4-b]indole-1-acetic acids derivatives
Publication1,3,4,9-tetrahydropyrano[3,4-b ]indole-1-acetic acid derivatives are of interest for pharmaceutical research as a core structure for synthesis of biological active substance - Etodolac (selective Cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor, which belongs to the Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drug, NSAID, that shows a clin-ically effective analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity). Here the way of synthesis of two 1,3,4,9-tetrahydropyrano[3,4-b...
Thermal Decomposition of Carbamoyl Meldrum’s Acids: A Starting Point for the Preparation of 1,3-Oxazine Derivatives
PublicationThe ability to undergo [4 + 2] versus [2 + 2] cycloaddition was under investigation for ketenes thermally generated from carbamoyl Meldrum’s acid. Usually, 1,3-oxazino-5-carbamoylo-4,6-diones are formed when carbamoyl Meldrum’s acid reacts with imine. However, in some cases, a reaction takes an unexpected course, leading to the formation of tetraponerines alkaloids derivatives or cyclic iminoethers.
Interactions of telomeric proteins with nucleic acids: sequence recognition on intact and oxidatively damaged telomeres
PublicationTelomeres are complex nucleoprotein assemblies that play a vital role in the maintenance of functional ends of linear chromosomes. Telomeric DNA, composed of tandem repeats of the 5'-TTAGGG-3' motif, solves the so-called end replication problem: as chromosomes shorten with each cell division, no information is lost, and the telomere can be re-extended. In the cell, many protein factors regulate telomere length, nuclear positioning...
Elucidation of the effect of some cholinium amino acid ionic liquids on the thermal and the conformational stability of insulin
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Modulating D-amino acid oxidase (DAAO) substrate specificity through facilitated solvent access
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Determination of carbamazepine in urine and water samples using amino-functionalized metal–organic framework as sorbent
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Diosgenyl 2-amino-2-deoxy-β-D-galactopyranoside: synthesis, derivatives and antimicrobial activity
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New amino acid propyl ester ibuprofenates from synthesis to use in drug delivery systems
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Application of cold atmospheric pressure plasmas for high-throughput production of safe-to-consume beetroot juice with improved nutritional quality
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Strategies to improve the nutritional value of meat products: incorporation of bioactive compounds, reduction or elimination of harmful components and alternative technologies
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Nutritional Value of Jerusalem Artichoke Tubers (Helianthus tuberosus L.) Grown in Organic System under Lithuanian and Polish Conditions
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Effect of Oyster Mushroom Addition on Improving the Sensory Properties, Nutritional Value and Increasing the Antioxidant Potential of Carp Meat Burgers
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Nutritional value and sensory properties of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) fillets enriched with sustainable and natural feed ingredients
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Application of BiOClnBrm photocatalyst to cytostatic drugs removal from water; mechanism and toxicity assessment
PublicationThe photocatalytic activity of series of BiOClnBrm photocatalysts toward degradation and mineralization of the cytostatic drugs 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and imatinib mesylate (IMA) both singly and in their mixture under simulated solar and visible light irradiation has been investigated. Screening test revealed that among BiOClnBrm photocatalysts synthesized by a solvothermal method, the one with molar 1.3Cl/0.7Br ratio was the most...
Preparation of Pseudopeptides Building Blocks with Retro-Thioamide Bond Mediated via Thiocarbamoyl Meldrum's Acid
PublicationAn easy and efficient synthesis of pseudo tripeptide containing a thiomalonamide moiety was developed. Isothiocyanate derivatives of amino acids react smoothly with 2,2-dimethyl-1,3-dioxane-4,6-dione yielding new thiocarbamoyl Meldrum's acids. Thermal decomposition of this new Meldrum's acid derivatives generate thiocarbamoyl ketenes, which acylate amino acid esters to give pseudo tripeptides.
Structure and Stability Characterization of Natural Lake Pigments Made from Plant Extracts and Their Potential Application in Polymer Composites for Packaging Materials
PublicationNatural dyes were extracted from various plant sources and converted into lake pigments based on aluminum and tin. Three different plants (weld, Persian berries, and Brazilwood) were chosen as representative sources of natural dyes. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and triple-quadrupole mass spectrometry (QqQ MS) were used to identify dyestuffs in the raw extracts. The natural dyes and lake pigments were further characterized...
Molecular interaction sensors: a new detector platform for separation methods
PublicationPotencjometria jest nową metodą detekcji dla chromatografii cieczowej (LC)i elektroforezy kapilarnej (CE). Zastosowanie potencjometrii dla chromatograficznych technik wynika z faktu, że sygnał z detektora jest zależny od stanu rozdzielenia analitów nad pokryciem sensora i od rodzaju eluentu. Rozdzielenie analitu powoduje zmiany potencjału, a zmiany te można zaklasyfikować jako potencjometryczne. Do opisu ilościowego potrzebny jest...
Advances in mass spectrometry for iron speciation in plants
PublicationIron is an important nutrient essential for plants and critical for human health. The state-of-the art of methods for iron speciation in cereal grains and plant fluids is critically reviewed. Particular attention is given to the latest developments in the coupling of HPLC with the parallel ICP MS and electrospray ionization (ESI) MS/MS detection, usually QTOF MS or Q-Orbitrap MS, for the identification and quantification of iron...
Pedestrian and bicycle bridges as examples of safe collision-free road crossings
PublicationPedestrians are most at risk when they are crossing the road. This represents a significant proportion of all fatalities among pedestrians, amounting respectively to 50% in non-built-up areas and 75% in built-up areas. The most frequent reason for this accident is failure to give way. What is most terrible is that 30% of pedestrian accidents occurred at marked pedestrian crossings. Therefore, an important part of pedestrian safety...
A theoretical consideration of a free convective boundary layer on an isothermal horizontal conic.
PublicationPrzedstawiono rozwiązanie analityczne naturalnej konwekcji swobodnej od izotermicznego, poziomego stożka o kącie przy podstawie alfa. Rozwiązanie przeprowadzono w oparciu o typowe dla konwekcji swobodnej założenia upraszczające. Rozwiązania dla przypadków granicznych (poziomy walec i pionowa płyta kołowa) wykazują dobrą zgodność z danymi literaturowymi.
Topology improvements in scale-free networks when assuring security and survivability
PublicationW artykule zaproponowano heurystyczny algorytm iteracyjny (NEA) kontrolowanego rozrostu sieci, zmniejszający stopień jej bezskalowości. Pokazano, że odpowiednia kontrola rozrostu sieci, prowadzi do uzyskania sieci o topologii zbliżonej do regularnej, a więc w duzym stopniu odpornej na celowe działania niszczące - ataki. Właściwości algorytmu zostały przebadane przy pomocy dedykowanego symulatora dla reprezentatywnej próby inicjalnych...
Mesh-free approach to Helmholtz equation based on radial basis functions.
PublicationW artykule zastosowano metodę radialnych funkcji bazowych do rozwiązania równania Helmholthza oraz zaproponowano nowy (adaptacyjny) algorytm wyznaczania centrów interpolacyjnych. W oparciu o prezentowany schemat wyznaczono długości fal odcięcia dla różnych kształtów przekrojów poprzecznych falowodów cylindrycznych.
Free vibration analysis of thin-walled frames with use of node superelements
PublicationW pracy proponuje się model ramy cienkościennej zbudowany z prętów cienkościennych i superelementów węzłowych do analizy dragń swobodnych. Dzięki temu modelowi istnieje możliwość uwzględnienia wpływu deformacji węzłów na częstości i postacie drgań własnych. Porównanie wyników analizy numerycznej z rezultatami opatymi na modelu jednowymiarowym, belkowym i modelu podziału ramy na dwuwymiarowe elemnty skończone wskazuje na poprawność...
Monte-Carlo Modeling of Optical Sensors for Postoperative Free Flap Monitoring
PublicationThis work aims to develop a numerical tissue model and implement software to simulate photon propagation using the Monte Carlo method to determine design guidelines for a physical measurement system. C++ was used for the simulation program, and Python as a programming environment to create an interface that allows the user to customize individual simulation elements, allowing for increased accuracy and flexibility when simulating...
Production of gaseous matrix-free reference materials. Application of thermoanalytical techniques
PublicationMateriały odniesienia są wykorzystywane w każdym laboratorium w celu zapewnienia jakości wyników pomiarów analitycznych. Produkcja materiałów odniesienia nie jest zadaniem łatwym, szczególnie w przypadku składników gazowych, toksycznych i o nieprzyjemnym zapachu. Termiczny rozkład związków powierzchniowych jest bardzo dogodnym sposobem sporządzania właśnie tego rodzaju mieszanin. Ważną rolę w procesie termicznego rozkładu związków...
Monte-Carlo Modeling of Optical Sensors for Postoperative Free Flap Monitoring
PublicationThis work aims to develop a numerical tissue model and implement software to simulate photon propagation using the Monte Carlo method to determine design guidelines for a physical measurement system. C++ was used for the simulation program, and Python as a programming environment to create an interface that allows the user to customize individual simulation elements, allowing for increased accuracy and flexibility when simulating...
Effect of Starch Substitution by Buckwheat Flour on Gluten-Free Bread Quality
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Effect of buckwheat flour on microelements and proteins contents in gluten-free bread
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Development of Free Electron Lasers in Europe Local and Global Implications – 2016
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Operation of a free-electron laser from the extreme ultraviolet to the water window
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European X-Ray Free Electron Laser (EXFEL): local implications
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Continuous and catalyst free synthesis of graphene sheets in thermal plasma jet
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Verification of ESPAR Antennas Performance in the Simple and Calibration Free Localization System
PublicationThis paper presents the results of simulations and measurements of an indoor localization system that uses Electronically Steerable Parasitic Array Radiator (ESPAR) antennas with switched directional beam. Proposed antennas are dedicated for 2.4GHz ISM low-cost applications where determination of the incoming signal is required. The antennas performance is analyzed and verified with relation to positioning methods based on the...
Usefulness of the Free Length Theory for assessment of the self-association of the pure solvents
PublicationWykonano pomiary szybkości rozchodzenia się dźwięku i gęstości metanolu, acetonitrylu, N,N-dimetyloformamidu, N,N-dimetyloacetamidu, dimetylosulfotlenku i fosforanu trietylu w zakresie temperatur 294 - 333 K . W oparciu o wyznaczone ściśliwości adiabatyczne zastosowano teorię FLT do oceny wzajemnej asocjacji cząsteczek. Uzyskane wyniki przedyskutowano na tle innych sposobów klasyfikacji rozpuszczalników.
Analysis of free‐air anomalies on the seaway of the Gulf of Gdańsk. A case study
PublicationIn this paper, we present an attempt to determine the accuracy of shipborne gravimetry for the needs of geoid determination. The shipborne gravity campaign, described in this article, is the beginning of a series of gravimetry measurements in the Polish Exclusive Economy Zone. The campaign was conducted in the area where the accuracy of geoid determination is crucial for the safety of navigation on numerous intersecting ships routes....
Research on the phenomena of warming up and free cooling down the car engine
PublicationThe average cold start temperature in Europe is 9 degrees C. However, not the average is the most important for the composition of exhaust gases and associated air pollution. The most onerous for the environment are the winter starts when automotive emissions of harmful gases add up in cities with those of home heating systems. The paper presents preliminary studies of warming up and cooling down processes in various environmental conditions....
Model-free and Model-based Reinforcement Learning, the Intersection of Learning and Planning
PublicationMy doctoral dissertation is intended as the compound of four publications considering: structure and randomness in planning and reinforcement learning, continuous control with ensemble deep deterministic policy gradients, toddler-inspired active representation learning, and large-scale deep reinforcement learning costs.