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Search results for: finite%20element%20analysis
Computationally efficient two-objective optimization of compact microwave couplers through corrected domain patching
PublicationFinding an acceptable compromise between various objectives is a necessity in the design of contemporary microwave components and circuits. A primary reason is that most objectives are at least partially conflicting. For compact microwave structures, the design trade-offs are normally related to the circuit size and its electrical performance. In order to obtain comprehensive information about the best possible trade-offs, multi-objective...
Linear game non-contextuality and Bell inequalities—a graph-theoretic approach
PublicationWe study the classical and quantum values of a class of one-and two-party unique games, that generalizes the well-known XOR games to the case of non-binary outcomes. In the bipartite case the generalized XOR(XOR-d) games we study are a subclass of the well-known linear games. We introduce a 'constraint graph' associated to such a game, with the constraints defining the game represented by an edge-coloring of the graph. We use the...
The Influence of Articular Cartilage Thickness Reduction on Meniscus Biomechanics
PublicationObjective Evaluation of the biomechanical interaction between meniscus and cartilage in medial compartment knee osteoarthritis. Methods The finite element method was used to simulate knee joint contact mechanics. Three knee models were created on the basis of knee geometry from the Open Knee project. We reduced the thickness of medial cartilages in the intact knee model by approximately 50% to obtain a medial knee osteoarthritis...
Simulating propagation of coherent light in random media using the Fredholm type integral equation
PublicationStudying propagation of light in random scattering materials is important for both basic and applied research. Such studies often require usage of numerical method for simulating behavior of light beams in random media. However, if such simulations require consideration of coherence properties of light, they may become a complex numerical problems. There are well established methods for simulating multiple scattering of light (e.g....
Reduced-Cost Design Optimization of High-Frequency Structures Using Adaptive Jacobian Updates
PublicationElectromagnetic (EM) analysis is the primary tool utilized in the design of high-frequency structures. In vast majority of cases, simpler models (e.g., equivalent networks or analytical ones) are either not available or lack accuracy: they can only be used to yield initial designs that need to be further tuned. Consequently, EM-driven adjustment of geometry and/or material parameters of microwave and antenna components is a necessary...
A pore-scale thermo–hydro-mechanical model for particulate systems
PublicationA pore scale numerical method dedicated to the simulation of heat transfer and associated thermo–hydro-mechanical couplings in granular media is described. The proposed thermo–hydro-mechanical approach builds on an existing hydromechanical model that employs the discrete element method for simulating the mechanical behavior of dense sphere packings and combines it with the finite volume method for simulating pore space fluid flow...
Orbital blowout trauma occurring at the workplace – clinical, biomechanical and legal aspects
PublicationIntroduction and objective: Craniofacial injury at the workplace may lead to orbital blowout fractures. The aim of the study is the development of own numerical model of the eye orbit, assessment of the damage zones, and comparing them with clinical examinations. In addition, the current legal status of patients after injuries is presented Material and methods: In laboratory tests performed on bones collected from the upper and...
Three-dimensional modeling and automatic analysis of the human nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses using the computational fluid dynamics method
PublicationPurpose The goal of this study was to develop a complete workflow allowing for conducting computational fluid dynam- ics (CFD) simulation of airflow through the upper airways based on computed tomography (CT) and cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) studies of individual adult patients. Methods This study is based on CT images of 16 patients. Image processing and model generation of the human nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses...
Fluid structure interaction study of non-Newtonian Casson fluid in a bifurcated channel having stenosis with elastic walls
PublicationFluid–structure interaction (FSI) gained a huge attention of scientists and researchers due to its applications in biomedical and mechanical engineering. One of the most important applications of FSI is to study the elastic wall behavior of stenotic arteries. Blood is the suspension of various cells characterized by shear thinning, yield stress, and viscoelastic qualities that can be assessed by using non-Newtonian models. In this...
Calculations of notch stress factor of a thin-walled spreader bracket fillet weld with the use of a local stress approach
PublicationPresence of geometric notches in welded joints causes concentration of strains and stresses, therefore reducing fatigue strength of such joints. This article presents an analysis of stress concentrations in a fillet weld of a spreader mounting bracket on a small sailing yacht. The aim of this article is to direct the attention of designers, manufacturers and regulatory bodies to issues of fatigue cracks that form in brackets fastening...
The effect of fishing basin construction on the behaviour of a footbrdge over the port channel
PublicationThe paper analyses possible causes of failure of the rotating footbridge over the Ustka port channel. In July, 2015, strange behaviour of this object was observed in the form of excessive vibrations of bridge platform suspension rods, with the accompanying acoustic effects. A preliminary geotechnical analysis has revealed that this destructive effect was caused by the nearby construction works, namely construction of a fishing...
Two-Rate Based Low-Complexity Variable Fractional-Delay FIR Filter Structures
PublicationThis paper considers two-rate based structures for variable fractional-delay (VFD) finite-length impulse response (FIR) filters. They are single-rate structures but derived through a two-rate approach. The basic structure considered hitherto utilizes a regular half-band (HB) linear-phase filter and the Farrow structure with linear-phase subfilters. Especially for wide-band specifications, this structure is computationally efficient...
Improvement of the thrust bearing calculation considering the convectional heating within the space between the pads
PublicationA modern thrust bearing calculation tool should consider not only the oil film between pad and rotating collar but also the space between the pads. The oil flow in the space has a significant influence on the oil film inlet temperature, the convectional cooling of pad and collar and should be included in the bearing calculation methods. The authors use a tool developed at Clausthal University of Technology in cooperation with the...
Historical carpentry corner log joints—Numerical analysis within stochastic framework
PublicationThe paper presents the results of numerical analysis performed on historical, traditional carpentry corner logjoints of two basic topologies: the short-corner dovetail connection and the saddle notch connection. These types of carpentry joints are commonly used in currently preserved objects of wooden architecture. All connections have been modelled in pinewood, which has been defined in the Finite Element software MSC.Marc/Mentat...
FEM simulations applied to the failure analysis of RC structure under the influence of municipal sewage pressure
PublicationThe paper discusses a failure mechanism of reinforced concrete (RC) structure with steel cover that failed under the influence of municipal sewage pressure. To explain the reasons of failure, in-situ measurements, laboratory experiments and comprehensive Finite Element Method (FEM) computations were performed. Non-destructive in-situ scanning tests were carried out to determine quantity and cover thickness of embedded reinforcement...
Biomechanical causes for failure of the Physiomesh/Securestrap system
PublicationThis study investigates the mechanical behavior of the Physiomesh/Securestrap system, a hernia repair system used for IPOM procedures associated with high failure rates. The study involved conducting mechanical experiments and numerical simulations to investigate the mechanical behavior of the Physiomesh/Securestrap system under pressure load. Uniaxial tension tests were conducted to determine the elasticity modulus of the Physiomesh...
Influence of windsurfing fin stiffness distribution on the lift-drag characteristics
PublicationThis article addresses the problem of determining the hydromechanical loads generated by flexible hydrofoils. The research was done on the example of the composite windsurfing fin for the RS:X monotype class. Despite the assumption of fins identity, everyday practice showed that variations of mechanical properties occur and strongly affect their performance. Therefore, we decided to study the differences between the windsurfing...
Computational analysis of power-law fluids for convective heat transfer in permeable enclosures using Darcy effects
PublicationNatural convection is a complex environmental phenomenon that typically occurs in engineering settings in porous structures. Shear thinning or shear thickening fuids are characteristics of power-law fuids, which are non-Newtonian in nature and fnd wide-ranging uses in various industrial processes. Non-Newtonian fuid fow in porous media is a difcult problem with important consequences for energy systems and heat transfer. In this...
Debonding of coin-shaped osseointegrated implants: Coupling of experimental and numerical approaches
PublicationWhile cementless implants are now widely used clinically, implant debonding still occur and is difficult to anticipate. Assessing the biomechanical strength of the bone–implant interface can help improving the understanding of osseointegration phenomena and thus preventing surgical failures. A dedicated and standardized implant model was considered. The samples were tested using a mode III cleavage device to assess the mechanical...
Topological-numerical analysis of a two-dimensional discrete neuron model
PublicationWe conduct computer-assisted analysis of a two-dimensional model of a neuron introduced by Chialvo in 1995 [Chaos, Solitons Fractals 5, 461–479]. We apply the method of rigorous analysis of global dynamics based on a set-oriented topological approach, introduced by Arai et al. in 2009 [SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst. 8, 757–789] and improved and expanded afterward. Additionally, we introduce a new algorithm to analyze the return times...
Mathematical approach to design 3D scaffolds for the 3D printable bone implant
PublicationThis work demonstrates that an artificial scaffold structure can be designed to exhibit mechanical properties close to the ones of real bone tissue, thus highly reducing the stress-shielding phenomenon. In this study the scan of lumbar vertebra fragment was reproduced to create a numerical 3D model (this model was called the reference bone sample). New nine 3D scaffold samples were designed and their numerical models were created....
Validation of Hydraulic Mechanism during Blowout Trauma of Human Orbit Depending on the Method of Load Application
PublicationThe more we know about mechanisms of the human orbital blowout type of trauma, the better we will be able to prevent them in the future. As long as the buckling mechanism’s veracity is not in doubt, the hydraulic mechanism is not based on equally strong premises. To investigate the correctness of the hydraulic mechanism’s theory, two different methods of implementation of the hydraulic load to the finite element method (FEM) model...
A Generalized Framework Towards Structural Mechanics of Three-layered Composite Structures
PublicationThree-layered composite structures find a broad application. Increasingly, composites are being used whose layer thicknesses and material properties diverge strongly. In the perspective of structural mechanics, classical approaches to analysis fail at such extraordinary composites. Therefore, emphasis of the present approach is on arbitrary transverse shear rigidities and structural thicknesses of the individual layers. Therewith...
PublicationIn 2014–2018, as a result of the expansion of the city of Istanbul in Turkey, a project was imple- mented consisting of building a northern ring road, called the Northern Marmara Highway. The concept of the structural design of the ring road’s intermediate supports aims at constructing sup- ports that according to the TURKISH DLH 2008 standard must comply with the design require- ments for the three calculated earthquake insensitivity...
An analytical four-layer horizontal electric current dipole model for analysing underwater electric potential in shallow seawater
PublicationThe paper presents a new analytical four‑layer (air–water–bottom–non‑conductive layer) horizontal electric dipole model which allows an accurate approximation of ship’s Underwater Electric Potential (UEP) from a sufficient depth in shallow coastal marine waters. The numerical methods, usually Finite Element Method (FEM) or Boundary Elements Method (BEM), are typically used to estimate the electric field and the distribution of...
Numerical modeling of wave-seabed-structure interaction.
PublicationPraca doktorska przedstawia propozycję nowoczesnego rozwiązania obciążeń hydraulicznych przy uwzględnieniu nieliniowych oddziaływań pomiędzy falą wodną, przepuszczalnym dnem i porowatą konstrukcją morską. Nabrzeże pionowe, falochron podwodny i falochron kompozytowy były obiektem eksperymentów numerycznych, których wyniki były weryfikowane przy użyciu wyników laboratoryjnych (niszczących i nieniszczących). Krótki przegląd bieżącej...
Komputerowo wspomagana analiza elastycznych siłowników elektrostatycznych dla potrzeb implementacji w systemach mechatroniki
PublicationPrzeprowadzone badania naukowe rozpoczęto od szczegółowej analizy układu mechatronicznego dłoni robotycznych, powstałych na przestrzeni ostatnich 40 lat, w celu dokładnego rozpoznania ich głównych wymogów konstrukcyjnych i ograniczeń systemowych. Z uwagi na brak dostępnych narzędzi do symulacji omawianych siłowników, w rozprawie opracowano uniwersalne narzędzie – program do analizy numerycznej. U jego podstawy założono wykorzystanie...
At the Limits of Criticality-Based Quantum Metrology: Apparent Super-Heisenberg Scaling Revisited
PublicationWe address the question of whether the super-Heisenberg scaling for quantum estimation is indeed realizable. We unify the results of two approaches. In the first one, the original system is compared with its copy rotated by the parameter-dependent dynamics. If the parameter is coupled to the one-body part of the Hamiltonian, the precision of its estimation is known to scale at most as N−1 (Heisenberg scaling) in terms of the number...
Experimental and computational study on mechanical behaviour of carpentry corner log joints
PublicationThis work concerns experimental and numerical research on carpentry joints used in historic wooden buildings in southeastern Poland and western Ukraine. These structures are mainly sacred buildings, and the types of corner log joints characteristic of this region are primarily saddle-notch and dovetail joints; thus, these two types of joints were analysed in this study. The modelling of historic timber structures is a complex...
The ONETEP linear-scaling density functional theory program
PublicationWe present an overview of the ONETEP program for linear-scaling density functional theory (DFT) calculations with large basis set (planewave) accuracy on parallel computers. The DFT energy is computed from the density matrix, which is constructed from spatially localized orbitals we call Non-orthogonal Generalized Wannier Functions (NGWFs), expressed in terms of periodic sinc (psinc) functions. During the calculation, both the...
Estimation of Broadband Complex Permeability Using SIW Cavity-Based Multimodal Approach
PublicationIn this article, an attractive multimodal substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) based methodology is presented for the characterization of magnetic materials in the broadband microwave frequency. The proposed approach employs a modified feed under-coupled SIW cavity instead of conventional feed over-coupled multiple SIW cavities; it uses the modified closedform expression, developed from the first principle to consider the effect...
Low-Cost Design Optimization of Microwave Passives Using Multi-Fidelity EM Simulations and Selective Broyden Updates
PublicationGeometry parameters of contemporary microwave passives have to be carefully tuned in the final stages of their design process to ensure the best possible performance. For reliability reasons, the tuning has to be to be carried out at the level of full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulations. This is because traditional modeling methods are incapable of quantifying certain phenomena that may affect operation and performance of these...
Vibration Surveillance System with Variable Stiffness Holder for Milling Flexible Details
PublicationEfficient milling of the flexible details (i.e. rotor blades, thin-walled elements) using slender ball-end tools is a difficult task due to possibility of vibration occurrence. Because of the existence of certain conditions (small depths of cutting, regeneration phenomena), cutting process may lose stability and self-excited chatter vibration may appear. Frequency of the chatter vibration is close to dominant natural frequency...
Strength analysis of a large-size supporting structure for an offshore wind turbine
PublicationThe offshore wind power industry is the branch of electric energy production from renewable sources which is most intensively developed in EU countries. At present, there is a tendency to install larger-power wind turbines at larger distances from the seashore, on relatively deep waters. Consequently, technological solutions for new supporting structures intended for deeper water regions are undergoing rapid development now. Various...
Forced vibrations in a dynamic system that is damped by a mechanism that trans-pass through its singular position
PublicationIn the paper, vibrations of a hybrid multibody-continuous system are investigated. For all the mechanical devices, effective damping methods are crucial in the design process. To obtain it, installation of viscous dampers or elasto-viscous elements is dominant. In the paper, an alternative method is investigated. It is based on modal disparity. To describe the method briefly, when structural damping is present in continuous systems,...
Optimization of constitutive law for objective numerical modeling of knitted fabric
PublicationThis paper discusses the problem of macroscopic modeling a knitted technical fabric with the aim to determine a constitutive law for adequately modeling the material response under real-life load. As phenomenological, hyperelastic material laws reveal different parameters due to different test modalities used to identify such parameters, an optimization scheme is proposed to determine an objective solution. The study is conducted...
On a 3D material modelling of smart nanocomposite structures
PublicationSmart composites (SCs) are utilized in electro-mechanical systems such as actuators and energy harvesters. Typically, thin-walled components such as beams, plates, and shells are employed as structural elements to achieve the mechanical behavior desired in these composites. SCs exhibit various advanced properties, ranging from lower order phenomena like piezoelectricity and piezomagneticity, to higher order effects including flexoelectricity...
On mechanics of piezocomposite shell structures
PublicationThis study presents an original and novel investigation into the mechanics of piezo-flexo-magneto-elastic nanocomposite doubly-curved shells (PFMDCSs) and the ability to detect the lower and higher levels of electro-magnetic fields. In this context, by utilizing the first-order shear deformation shell model, stresses and strains are acquired. By imposing Hamilton's principle and the von Kármán approach, the governing equations...
Influence of Added Water Mass on Ship Structure Vibration Parameters in Virtual and Real Conditions
PublicationModelling of ship structures in a virtual environment is now standard practice. Unfortunately, many engineers forget to consideri the influence of added water on the frequency values and the amplitude of natural vibrations. The article presents the effect of water damping on the frequency values of the individual natural vibration modes. The tests were carried out in two stages. First, the mentioned values were determined using...
Prediction of maximum tensile stress in plain-weave composite laminates with interacting holes via stacked machine learning algorithms: A comparative study
PublicationPlain weave composite is a long-lasting type of fabric composite that is stable enough when being handled. Open-hole composites have been widely used in industry, though they have weak structural performance and complex design processes. An extensive number of material/geometry parameters have been utilized for designing these composites, thereby an efficient computational tool is essential for that purpose. Different Machine Learning...
Flood Modelling and Risk Analysis of Cinan Feizuo Flood Protection Area, Huaihe River Basin
PublicationThis study evaluated multiple aspects of flood risks and effects on the Cinan Feizuo flood protection area in the Huaihe River basin. Flooding remains a leading problem for infrastructure, especially in urban, residential areas of the region. Effective flood modeling for urbanized floodplains is challenging, but MIKE (ID-2D) is paramount for analyzing and quantifying the risk in the vulnerable region. The Saint-Venant equation...
Inception and Propagation of Electrical Trees in the Presence of Space Charge in HVAC Extruded Cables
PublicationThis paper presents the space charge impact on the inception and propagation of electrical trees in cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) insulation via simulations and experimentation. A 3D finite element analysis (FEA)-based modeling is proposed to simulate electrical trees via a needle embedded on the XLPE insulation. The proposed FEA model demonstrates the influence of the space charge magnitude and polarity on the initiation of...
Destruction of shell structures under the dynamic load on the human skull trauma basis
PublicationThe main aim of this work is to investigate patterns of potential orbital bone fractures due to mechanical injuries. The solution of the main problem is followed by analysis of several testing examples having straight correlation with civil engineering structures, in which materials of wide range of stiffness are applied. To solve the main problem, the three-dimensional finite element method (FEM) model of the orbital region has...
Fracture in Asymmetric Bonded Joints
PublicationAdhesion was studied in asymmetric bonded joints using fracture mechanics tests. The asymmetric bonded joints consist of two different type and/or thickness materials bonded by an adhesive. Mentions of asymmetric bonded joint tests employed so far are rare in the literature. They are imperfect and therefore are not standardized. Accordingly three new tests were introduced in this work to study bonded joints. The new metrological...
An adaptive-noise Augmented Kalman Filter approach for input-state estimation in structural dynamics
PublicationThe establishment of a Digital Twin of an operating engineered system can increase the potency of Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) tools, which are then bestowed with enhanced predictive capabilities. This is particularly relevant for wind energy infrastructures, where the definition of remaining useful life is a main driver for assessing the efficacy of these systems. In order to ensure a proper representation of the physical...
PublicationAs a structure degrades some changes in its dynamical behavior can be observed, and inversely, observation and evaluation of these dynamical changes of the structure can provide information of structural state of the object. Testing of the real structure, besides of being costly, can cover only limited working states. It is particularly considerable in case of hardly accessible, and randomly/severely dynamically loaded offshore...
Effects of Deck-Abutment Pounding on the Seismic Fragility Curves of Box-Girder Highway Bridges
PublicationEarthquake-induced pounding in bridges is a complex contact phenomenon in which the dynamic responses of structures, including collisions between deck and abutments, are strongly related to structural properties and earthquake excitation. The goal of this study is to develop and compare the seismic fragility curves of overall system and individual components of regular and irregular box-girder highway bridges in two cases: with...
Numerical analysis of lumbar spine injury during road safety barrier collision
PublicationPurpose: Enhancing road safety is a critical goal worldwide, necessitating the development of clear standards for road safety systems. This study focuses on lumbar spine (L-spine) compression injuries during collisions with concrete road safety barriers (RSBs). It aims to analyze internal forces during impact to understand L-spine injury biomechanics in such accidents. Methods: The research included a literature review, analyzing...
Numerical and Clinical Analysis of an Eyeball Injuries under Direc Impact
PublicationObjectives: The objective of this study was to develop a numerical model of the eyeball and orbit to simulate a blunt injury to the eyeball leading to its rupture, as well as to conduct a comparative analysis of the results obtained using the finite element method against the clinical material concerning patients who had suffered an eyeball rupture due to a blunt force trauma. Material and Methods: Using available sclera biometric and...
Modelling and analysis of medium frequency transformers for power converters
PublicationThe evolutions in power systems and electric vehicles, related to the economic opportunities and the environmental issues, bring the need of high power galvanically isolated DC-DC converter. The medium frequency transformer (MFT) is one of its key components, enabled by the increasing switching frequency of modern power semiconductors like silicon carbide transistors or diodes. The increased operating frequency offers small...