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Fabrication and characterizations of hybrid materials based on polyaniline, metal oxide, and graphene nano-platelets for supercapacitor electrodes
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Selected metrological aspects of permeation cells used for testing the resistance of polymeric materials to penetration by liquid chemicals
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Manual work in cold environments and its impact on selection of materials for protective gloves based on workplace observations
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Permeation of mineral oils through protective glove materials in view of literature data and authors’ own studies
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Novel anion receptors: hybrid materials based on quaternary ammonium salts for selective extraction of dichromate ions
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Influence of pregranulation and low-pressure compaction on the properties of ceramic materials incorporating clay and spent coffee grounds
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Electromodulation of fluorescence in hole-transporting materials for organic light-emitting diodes. Part II: Straburst amines
PublicationPraca jest kontynuacją artykułu, który został opublikowany wChem. Phys. vol. 256 (2000) s. 351-362. Zaobserwowano silne wygaszenie fluorescencji w dendrymerach aminowych zbudowanych na bazie trifenyloaminy. Efekt ten został przypisany rozpadowi stanów emitujących światło pod działaniem silnego pola elektrycznego.
Release of Encapsulated Bioactive Compounds from Active Packaging/Coating Materials and Its Modeling: A Systematic Review
PublicationThe issue of achieving controlled or targeted release of bioactive compounds with specific functional properties is a complex task that requires addressing several factors, including the type of bioactive, the nature of the delivery system, and the environmental conditions during transportation and storage. This paper deals with extensive reporting for the identification of original articles using Scopus and Google Scholar based...
Experimental study on the feasibility of alternative materials for tilting pad thrust bearings operating in transition to mixed friction
PublicationIn hydrodynamic bearings traditional bearing alloys: Babbitts and bronzes are most frequently utilized. Polymer sliding layers are sometimes applied as a valuable alternative. Hard diamond-like carbon (DLC) coatings, which are also considered for certain applications may show some advantages, as well. Although material selection is of secondary importance in a full film lubrication regime it becomes important in mixed friction...
A facile preparation method and proof of cycle-stability of carbon-coated metal oxide and disulfide battery materials
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The LaPdIn 4 indide and elementary properties of the LaTIn 4 ( T = Ni, Pd, Pt) materials family
PublicationThe indium-rich intermetallic compound LaPdIn4 is reported, prepared by arc-melting and annealing at 600 C. Single crystal X-ray diffraction found the material to be orthorhombic, space group Cmcm (No. 63), with lattice parameters a ¼ 4.5462(3) Å, b ¼ 16.9208(10) Å, and c ¼ 7.3100(5) Å. This previously unreported indide is isostructural with LaNiIn4 and LaPtIn4. It is demonstrated that all three compounds in the LaTIn4 (T ¼ Ni,...
Photo-elastic and DIC techniques to study development of dilatant and compaction shear bands within granular materials
PublicationW artykule omówiono wyniki doświadczalne w odniesieniu do rozwoju stref ścinania w materiałach granulowanych. Wyniki stref ścinania otrzymano stosując metodę foto-sprężystą oraz technikę korelacji cyfrowych obrazów DIC. Pokazano zalety i wady obu metod to wykrywania stref scinania.
FE-modeling of shear resistance degradation in granular materials during cyclic shearing under CNS condition
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki numerycznej analizy degradacji wytrzymałości na ścinanie w materiałach granulowanych podczas cyklicznego ścinania z warunkiem stałej sztywności normalnej. Obliczenia wykonano przy zastosowaniu metody elementów skończonych i mikropolarnego modelu hipoplastycznego.
Non-coaxiality and stress-dilatancy rule in granular materials: FE-investigation within micro-polar hypoplasticity
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki numerycznej analizy nieosiowości i zasady naprężenie-dylatancja w materiałach granulowanych podczas ściskania dwuosiowego. Obliczenia wykonano przy zastosowaniu metody elementów skończonych i mikropolarnego modelu hipoplastycznego.
Quantitative estimation of volume changes of granular materials during silo flow using X-ray tomography.
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań doświadczalnych nad zmianami objętościowymi materiału granulowanego podczas przepływu silosowego. Badania wykonano przy zastosowaniu tomografii rentgenowskiej. Wyniki porównano z wynikami doświadczalnymi przy zastosowaniu cyfrowej obróbki zdjęć płynącego materiału.
The Input of Nanoclays to the Synergistic Flammability Reduction in Flexible Foamed Polyurethane/Ground Tire Rubber Composites
PublicationCurrently, postulated trends and law regulations tend to direct polymer technology toward sustainability and environmentally friendly solutions. These approaches are expressed by keeping materials in a loop aimed at the circular economy and by reducing the environmental burdens related to the production and use of polymers and polymer-based materials. The application of recycled or waste-based materials often deals efficiently...
Palm Oil Fuel Ash-Based Eco-Efficient Concrete: A Critical Review of the Short-Term Properties
PublicationThe huge demand for concrete is predicted to upsurge due to rapid construction developments. Environmental worries regarding the large amounts of carbon dioxide emanations from cement production have resulted in new ideas to develop supplemental cementing materials, aiming to decrease the cement volume required for making concrete. Palm-oil-fuel-ash (POFA) is an industrial byproduct derived from palm oil waste’s incineration in...
Coking Study in Anode Materials for SOFCs: Physicochemical Properties and Behavior of Mo-Containing Perovskites in CO and CH4 Fuels
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Enhanced oxygen mobility by doping Yb in BaGd1-xYbxMn2O5+δ double perovskite-structured oxygen storage materials
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Cu-Content La1−XSrxNi1−YCuyO3−Δ Perovskites As Cobalt-Free Cathode Materials for High-Performance It-SOFCs
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Large-scale converting waste coffee grounds into functional carbon materials as high-efficient adsorbent for organic dyes
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Effects of simulated pressure of wooden, plastic, and metal materials on the thermal insulation of cold-protective gloves of various designs
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Recycled brick aggregates in one-part alkali-activated materials: Impact on 3D printing performance and material properties
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Change in the Low-Cycle Performance on the 3D-Printed Materials ABS, ASA, HIPS, and PLA Exposed to Mineral Oil
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Estimation–identification problem for diffusive transport in porous materials based on single reservoir test: Results for silica hydrogel
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Possibilities of Using Medicinal Plant Extracts and Salt-Containing Raw Materials from the Aral Region for Cosmetic Purposes
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Rozwój technologii nanokrystalizacji warstwy wierzchniej materiałów konstrukcyjnych = Development of nanocrystallization technologies of the surface layer of structural materials
PublicationPrzedstawiono szereg metod modyfikacji warstwy wierzchniej prowadzących do wytworzenia struktur nanokrystalicznych. Wskazano na zalety, wady i kierunki rozwoju poszczególnych metod
Band engineering of BiOBr based materials for photocatalytic wastewater treatment via advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) – A review
PublicationSemiconductor based photocatalysts have been an efficient technology for water and wastewater remediation, addressing the concepts of green chemistry and sustainable development. Owing to narrow and suitable band structure, BiOBr is a promising candidate for efficient wastewater treatment via photocatalysis. Enhancement of photocatalytic properties can be obtained by various techniques like doping, element rich strategy, facet...
Industrially applicable methods of poly(methyl methacrylate)/organophilic montmorillonite nanocomposites preparation: Processes and cast materials characterization
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A novel analytical approach in the assessment of unprocessed Kaffir lime peel and pulp as potential raw materials for cosmetic applications
PublicationVolatile fraction of fruits is a rich source of bioactive and aroma compounds, which can be used in the cosmetics industry after meeting relevant criteria. This is particularly evident in citrus fruits, especially in Citrus hystrix, in which the headspace consists mainly of terpenes. Due to the insufficient sensitivity of analytical methods, essential oils are used in investigations in contrast to fresh fruits. Therefore, a novel...
Airborne wear particle emission from train brake friction materials with different contents of steel and copper fibres
PublicationThis study investigated the influence of the amount of steel and copper fibres in a train brake friction material on the tribological performance, emission intensity and characteristics of airborne wear particles. The particles were generated on a pin-on-disc tribometer under controlled friction and environmental conditions. It was found that the steel fibre results in a more intensive emission of 0.3–10 μm particles compared to...
Potential of novel atomic emission techniques as a tool for investigation of the possibilities of using industrial waste as additives in construction materials
PublicationNowadays, due to the global ecological crisis and ways to prevent a climate disaster, more and more attention is paid to green techno-logies and green Chemistry, which are part of the so-called “The Green Deal.” The main assumption is the optimization of the processes of producing necessary goods and the implementation of methods of managing postproduction waste in the least environmentally harmful manner. In the presented research,...
Contact force network evolution in active earth pressure state of granular materials: photo‑elastic tests and DEM
PublicationArtykuł omawia ewolucję sieci sił kontaktowych w materiałach granulowanych podczas quasi-statycznego stanu aktywnego. Doświadczenia foto sprężyste zostały wykonane dla kulek szklanych. Doświadczenia zostały symulowane stosując metodę elementów dyskretnych (DEM). Model DEM prawidłowo przewidział strukturę sił kontaktowych i ich wielkość, lokalizację odkształceń oraz obszary zmian fazowych.
Effect of boundary, shear rate and grain crushing on shear localization in granular materials within micro-polar hypoplasticity
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wpływ 3 efektów na zachowanie się materiałów granulowanych: warunku brzegowego, prędkości ścinania oraz miażdżenia ziaren. Obliczenia wykonano przy pomocy mikropolarnego prawa hipoplastycznego rozszerzonego o efekt prędkości ścinania i miażdżenia ziaren w oparciu o teorię mechaniki zniszczenia. Szczególna uwagę zwrócono na rozkład lokalizacji odkształceń stycznych.
A novel DEM-based pore-scale thermal-hydro-mechanical model for fractured non-saturated porous materials
PublicationDo propagacji pęknięć wykorzystano nowy oparty na DEM, termiczno-hydromechaniczny model dwufazowego przepływu płynu w skali porów rozszerzony o wymianę ciepła w nienasyconych materiałach porowatych o małej porowatości. Wykonano obliczenia numeryczne dla kohezyjnych próbek ziarnistych przy użyciu DEM w pełni sprzężonego z CFD (opartego na sieci przepływu płynu) i wymianą ciepła, który zintegrował mechanikę dyskretną z mechaniką...
A multi-analytical approach to the characterization of natural organic dyestuffs and inorganic substrates present in the 19th-century artistic oil paints manufactured by a French art materials supplier Richard Aines
PublicationThis paper presents a comprehensive analysis of artistic paints produced in the 19th century by a French art materials supplier Richard Ain`es. Improved mild extraction with hydrofluoric acid enabled the observation of intact organic dyes. Reversed-phase liquid chromatography with diode-array and mass spectrometry detection was utilised for the identification of 35 dyes present in yellow and red paint samples, and in selected plant...
The role of non-profit open access journals in building the country's scientific potential: Reflections on ten years of the International Journal of Pedagogy, Innovation and New Technologies experience
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WHAT KIND OF CITY ARE WE BUILDING? WHAT KIND OF CITY DO WE WANT TO BUILD? Re-viewing three different urban developments in metropolitan areas
Are raw materials or composting conditions and time that most influence the maturity and/or quality of composts? Comparison of obtained composts on soil properties
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Advanced Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Behavior Structural Materials Including Dynamic Conditions of Fracture for Needs of Designing Protective Structures
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High Cu content LaNi1-xCuxO3-δ perovskites as candidate air electrode materials for Reversible Solid Oxide Cells
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Ruddlesden-Popper-type Nd2-xNi1-yCuyO4±δ layered oxides as candidate materials for MIEC-type ceramic membranes
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Flexible Films as Anode Materials Based on rGO and TiO2/MnO2 in Li-Ion Batteries Free of Non-Active Agents
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Cu-HKUST-1 and Hydroxyapatite–The Interface of Two Worlds toward the Design of Functional Materials Dedicated to Bone Tissue Regeneration
PublicationA novel composite based on biocompatible hydroxyapatite (HA) nanoparticles and Cu-HKUST-1 (Cu-HKUST-1@HA) has been prepared following a layer-by-layer strategy. Cu-HKUST-1 was carefully selected from a group of four Cu-based metal−organic frameworks as the material with the most promising antimicrobial activity. The formation of a colloidal Cu- HKUST-1 layer on HA nanoparticles was confirmed by various techniques, e.g., infrared...
Eco-Friendly Electromagnetic Interference Shielding Materials from Flexible Reduced Graphene Oxide Filled Polycaprolactone/Polyaniline Nanocomposites
PublicationHybrid nanocomposites have the unique ability of enhancing material properties due to the existing synergistic effect of the fillers. In this study, the authors report such an eco-friendly hybrid nanocomposite comprising of polyaniline and reduced graphene oxide in polycaprolactone. The conducting polyaniline improved the processability of polycaprolactone, and the final composites were prepared by incorporating graphene oxide...
Polyurethane glycolysate from industrial waste recycling to develop low dielectric constant, thermally stable materials suitable for the electronics
PublicationWe are utilizing a new method to improve the dielectric properties of a conventional polymer using a recycled polymer product. The polyurethane foams are recycled by glycolysis process and the derived material was applied to improve the dielectric properties of the brittle DGEBA epoxy resin. Two main parameters that determine the applicability of the material as a dielectric (the dielectric constant and dielectric loss), were studied...
The Green Approach to the Synthesis of Bio-Based Thermoplastic Polyurethane Elastomers with Partially Bio-Based Hard Blocks
PublicationBio-based polymeric materials and green routes for their preparation are current issues of many research works. In this work, we used the diisocyanate mixture based on partially bio-based diisocyanate origin and typical petrochemical diisocyanate for the preparation of novel bio-based thermoplastic polyurethane elastomers (bio-TPUs). We studied the influence of the diisocyanate mixture composition on the chemical structure, thermal,...
Towards the Application of Structure-Property Relationship Modeling in Materials Science: Predicting the Seebeck Coefficient for Ionic Liquid/Redox Couple Systems
PublicationThis work focuses on determining the influence of both ionic liquid (IL) type and redox couple concentration on Seebeck coefficient values of such a system. The quantitative structure property relationship (QSPR) and read-across techniques are proposed as methods to identify structural features of ILs (mixed with LiI/I2 redox couple), which have the most influence on the Seebeck coefficient (Se) values of the system. ILs consisting...
Evaluation of W-containing Sr1−Ba Fe0.75W0.25O3– (x= 0, 0.5, 1) anode materials for solid oxide fuel cells
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Beaded structured CNTs-Fe3O4@C with low Fe3O4 content as anode materials with extra enhanced performances in lithium ion batteries