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Search results for: VEHICLE SPEED VARIANCE
Wpływ zmian dopuszczalnych wartości parametrów geometrycznych i kinematycznych na podatność modernizacyjną układów torowych
PublicationPodatnością modernizacyjną nazywamy stopień przystosowania analizowanego odcinka linii kolejowej do zmiany prędkości eksploatacyjnej. Skala możliwych zmian prędkości (w sensie jej zwiększenia) jest wypadkową istniejącego układu geometrycznego linii w planie, ograniczeń lokalizacyjnych oraz dopuszczalnych wartości parametrów geometrycznych i kinematycznych. Jakiekolwiek zmiany tych ostatnich wpływają bezpośrednio na obliczenie elementarnych...
Investigations on mixture preparation for two phase adiabatic pressure drop of R134a flowing in 5 mm diameter channel
PublicationThe article presents detailed two-phase adiabatic pressure drops data for refrigerant R134a. Study cases have been set for a mass flux varying from 200 to 400 kg/m2 s, at the saturation temperature of 19.4 ◦C. Obtained experimental data was compared with the available correlations from the literature for the frictional pressure drop during adiabatic flow. Influence of mixture preparation on pressure drop was investigated, for...
The study of acoustic climate of the Southern Baltic
PublicationThis paper presents the statistical characteristics of seawater properties, which are necessary for predicting the propagation of acoustic waves in selected areas of the Baltic Sea. The statistics were elaborated based on long-term measurements of vertical distributions of sound speed, temperature, and salinity, and the nonlinearity parameter B/A. Nonlinear properties of the environment are considered, in connection...
Simplified Map-based Selection of Optimal Spindle Speeds When Milling Complex Structures
PublicationIn the paper a method for selecting optimal spindle speeds for complex structures during milling operations is presented. It is based on the selection of the spindle speed in accordance with a simple equation resulting from the minimisation of vibration energy, which leads to the minimisation of the work of cut-ting forces presented in previous elaborations by the authors [1]. Optimal spindle speeds are obtained for many points...
Mathematical Models in Design Process of Ship Bow Thrusters
PublicationThe paper describes an application of simulation models for computer-aided design of ship bow thrusters. Generation of simulation models of ship bow thruster requires development and verifying of mathematical models of system component elements. Using the results of simulation the expert system is able to determine, that the rules of classification societies are met. Design procedures and mathematical models are part of an expert...
Mathematical Models in Design Process of Ship Bow Thrusters
PublicationThe presentation is about an application of simulation models for computer-aided design of ship bow thrusters. Generation of simulation models of ship bow thruster requires development and verifying of mathematical models of system component elements. Using the results of simulation the expert system is able to determine, that the rules of classification societies are met. Design procedures and mathematical models are part of an...
Comparison of natural frequencies of a circular saw blade obtained empirically and with FEM
PublicationThe knowledge of the natural frequencies’ values of circular saw blades is necessary to determine the minimal critical rotational speed in which they can work with required stability. Moreover, testing the circular saw blades with more complicated shapes, e.g. which have additional holes inside blades for cleaning knifes or additional indirect teeth in gullets, reveals some kind of problematic properties of these saw blades. The...
Fluctuation-Enhanced Sensing (FES): A Promising Sensing Technique
PublicationFluctuation-enhanced sensing (FES) is a very powerful odor and gas sensing technique and as such it can play a fundamental role in the control of environments and, therefore, in the protection of health. For this reason, we conduct a comprehensive survey on the state-of-the-art of the FES technique, highlighting potentials and limits. Particular attention is paid to the dedicated instrumentation necessary for the application of...
Disturbances of magnetic field in surrounding of mobile, metalic plate
PublicationThe uniform magnetic field of the Earth in the surrounding of a mobile, metalic object undergoes deformation by eddy currents. The influence of the moving conducting object on total magnetic field of the Earth depends on the object's shape, position and speed of the changes relative to the magnetic field's vector of the Earth as well as the electric conductivity and the relative magnetic permeability of the material. The disturbances...
Evaluation of Wear Resistance of Ti alloys used for elements friction of knee endoprosthesis
PublicationThe paper presents research results of resistance to abrasive wear of titanium alloys: Ti6Al4V (commonly used) and Til3Nb13Zr (alloy of new generation) in association with polyethylene (UHMW-PE) predisposed for elements on pair of the knee endoprosthesis. The results were analysed from the point of possibility of an use of new generation titanium alloys as components of such implants. The tests of resistance to abrasive wear of...
Effect of underwater local cavity welding method conditions on diffusible hydrogen content in deposited metal
PublicationOne of the methods with great potential for applications in underwater repairs is local cavity welding. In local cavity method, cooling conditions and diffusible hydrogen amount in weld metal are nearly the same as those existed during welding in the air. This paper presents the results of literature survey and preliminary tests of the effect of local cavity welding conditions on diffusible hydrogen amount in a deposited metal....
IPMSM rotor position estimator based on analysis of phase current derivatives
PublicationThis paper describes an algorithm for estimation of IPMSM angular rotor position. The algorithm uses derivatives of motor phase currents resulting from PWM modulation to obtain the rotor position. The presented method is designed for medium- and high-speed range, since it is based on determination of the EMF vector. Algorithm is characterised by a very simple formulae. The calculation of rotor position is performed in every PWM...
Apparent molar volumes and compressibilities of alkaline earth metal ions in methanol and dimethylsulfoxide
PublicationTemperature dependencies of density of magnesium (II), calcium (II), strontium (II), barium (II) perchlorates as well as beryllium (II), and sodium trifluoromethanesulfonates in methanol and dimethylsulfoxide have been determined over the composition range studied. From density data the apparent molar volumes and partial molar volumes of the salts at infinite dilution as well as the expansibilities have been evaluated. The apparent...
Simple gait parameterization and 3D animation for anonymous visual monitoring based on augmented reality
PublicationThe article presents a method for video anonymization and replacing real human silhouettes with virtual 3D figures rendered on a screen. Video stream is processed to detect and to track objects, whereas anonymization stage employs animating avatars accordingly to behavior of detected persons. Location, movement speed, direction, and person height are taken into account during animation and rendering phases. This approach requires...
Design and modeling of the piezoelectric motor based on three resonance actuators
PublicationThis paper describes a piezoelectric motor which combines advantages from two existing piezoelectric motors topologies. The research work presents the design, simulations and measurements of the piezoelectric motor with three rotation-mode actuators. The aim of the project was to obtain the high speed piezoelectric motor. Other advantages of this conception are blocking torque, short response times, the ability to work in a hostile...
Modelling of the Movement of Designed Vehicles on Parking Space for Designing Parking
PublicationNowadays, in all cities there is an acute problem of lack of parking spaces. The vehicles are becoming more and more not only in megacities, but also in small cities of the country, and there are no more parking places - the pace of solving the problem is several times slower than the speed of transport growth among the citizens. The article is dedicated to determination of the optimum sizes parking place for designing vehicles...
The Imaging of Gdansk Bay Seabed by Using Side Sonar
PublicationThis paper is mainly aimed at presentation of an impact of environmental conditions on imaging accuracy by using hydro-acoustic systems in waters of a high non-uniformity of spatial distribution of hydrological parameters. Impact of refraction on erroneous estimation of range, in case of wave radiation into water under a large angle, like in side sonars or multi-beam echo-sounders, is especially important. In this paper seasonal...
Effect of underwater friction stir welding parameters on AA5754 alloy joints: experimental studies
PublicationThe water as a welding environment may generate serious technological and metallurgical problems but in certain cases, the physicochemical properties of water can be used effectively, e.g., to impart the specific properties of welded materials. The purpose of the work was verification of effectiveness of the water cooling of aluminium alloy AA5754 for various sets of technological parameters of underwater friction stir welding...
Effect of Processing Parameters on Strength and Corrosion Resistance of Friction Stir-Welded AA6082
PublicationThe friction stir welding method is increasingly attracting interest in the railway sector due to its environmental friendliness, low cost, and ease of producing high-quality joints. Using aluminum alloys reduces the weight of structures, increasing their payload and reducing fuel consumption and running costs. The following paper presents studies on the microstructure, strength, and corrosion resistance of AA6082 aluminum alloy...
Analysis of Residual Stresses and Dislocation Density of AA6082 Butt Welds Produced by Friction Sir Welding
PublicationThe Friction Stir Welding (FSW) method was employed to join AA6082 sheets. The welds were produced with different tool traverse speed (200 and 250 mm/min), rotational speed (1000 and 1250 RPM) and tool tilt angle (0 and 2 deg). Based on the analysis of XRD patterns, the total precipitation volume fractions in the nugget zones and the base material were calculated. The FSW process resulted in a reduction in the fraction of precipitates...
Research of Emergency Modes of Wind Power Plants Using Computer Simulation
PublicationThe aim of this study is to investigate changes in the wind power plant energy production parameters under the conditions of sudden wind changes and voltage drop. To achieve these goals, a simulation of operation of wind power plants was performed. Twelve wind turbines with variable rotational speed equipped with a Fuhrländer FL 2500/104 asynchronous double-fed induction generator (DFIG) were used, each with an installed capacity...
Ocena sprawności cyklu roboczego Pojazdu do Usuwania Odpadów z Pojemników na podstawie danych eksploatacyjnych
PublicationW artykule przedstawiona została metoda oceny sprawności cyklu roboczego śmieciarki. Wykorzystując dane eksploatacyjne wyznaczono dwa reprezentatywne cykle i na ich podstawie obliczono zarówno sprawność całego cyklu, jak i jego poszczególnych faz. Porównano wartości energii potrzebnej do opróżniania pojemników, energii do zagęszczania odpadów oraz energii z paliwa. Przedstawiono przebiegi mierzonych i obliczonych wartości w czasie...
Współczynniki strat energetycznych w elementach napędu hydrostatycznego
PublicationW każdym układzie napędowym należy zastąpić obraz przepływu mocy opisany dotychczas powszechnie stosowanym wykresem Sankey’a spadku mocy zgodnego z kierunkiem przepływu mocy proponowanym przez autora wykresem wzrostu mocy w układzie przeciwnego do kierunku przepływu mocy. Należy więc opisywać straty i sprawność energetyczną a także pole pracy każdego silnika i układu napędowego jako zależne od wielkości fizycznych niezależnych...
Experimental and numerical analysis of the modified TB32 crash tests of the cable barrier system
PublicationRoad restraint systems, including safety barriers, are one of the means used to improve road safety. Currently, they can be allowed to general use after passing the specific crash tests. However, it is always important and desirable to evaluate their performance under various realistic conditions, which can happen on the roads. In this study, the behaviour of the cable barrier system in impact conditions different than assumed...
Image transmission in UAV MIMO UWB-OSTBC system over Rayleigh channel using multiple description coding (MDC)
PublicationOrthogonal Space-Time Block Codes (OSTBC) and multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) communication system are new techniques with high performance that have many applications in wireless telecommunications. This chapter presents an image transfer technique for the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) in a UWB system using a hybrid structure of the MIMO-OSTBC wireless environment in multiple description coding (MDC) deals. MDC technique...
Efficiency Increasing of No-reference Image Quality Assessment in UAV Applications
PublicationUnmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) imaging is a dynamically developing field, where the effectiveness of imaging applications highly depends on quality of the acquired images. No-reference image quality assessment is widely used for quality control and image processing management. However, there is a lack of accuracy and adequacy of existing quality metrics for human visual perception. In this paper, we demonstrate that this...
The innovative exploitation of Brassica vegetables in the health quality food production chain
PublicationIn this overview the multidirectional opportunities of innovative exploitation of chemical and biological properties of vegetables from Brassiceae family are discussed. The specific chemical composition of brassicas, as regard both nutrients and non-nutrients, renders them particularly suitable for the health food production chain, literally from field to fork. the ability of these plants to accumulate heavy metals may be utilised...
The innovative Exploitation of Brassica Vegetables in the Health Quality Food Production Chain
PublicationIn this overview the multidirectional opportunities of innovative exploitation of chemical and biological properties of vegetables from Brassiceae family are discussed. The specific chemical composition of brassicas, as regard both nutrients and non-nutrients, renders them particularly suitable for the health food production chain, literally from field to fork. the ability of these plants to accumulate heavy metals may be utilised...
Design thinking qualifications framework – standardizing the innovative approach to entrepreneurial education delivery to engineering students
PublicationHighly competitive labor market stimulates increasing expectations towards fresh university alumni. It is not enough to be an expert - well educated and often experienced - in chosen discipline. High variability of the business environment, continuous change, number of risks, together with higher work demand than supply, shape clear employers’ expectations: entrepreneurial employees are wanted. On this ground a need for entrepreneurial...
Technical diagnostics and monitoring of traction current collectors
PublicationNew evaluation methods of the technical condition of rolling stock current collectors are proposed in this paper. The method of automatic measurement of the pantograph static force characteristic, realized when the vehicle runs through the test section of the track with especially prepared overhead line height distribution, has been practically implemented by the Polish Railways. The method of testing the slipper spring suspension...
Experimental bases for the rail track surface damage detection system
PublicationA diagnosis of rail surface is generally based on the classical method of direct assessment and track geometry measurements. Identification and qualification of inequality and damage on the surface rails is depend on the skills and experience person who conducting inspection. In times of increasing exploitation of railways, infrastructure managers decide to use systems supporting the assessment of technical condition of the railways....
Towards Precise Visual Navigation and Direct Georeferencing for MAV Using ORB-SLAM2
PublicationA low accuracy of positioning using Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) are not meet geodetic requirements for direct images georeferencing for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) photogrammetry. A majority of UAVs are equipped with a monocular or stereo non-metric cameras for either visual data gathering or live video feed for operator. A cheap positioning techniques used on board commercial UAVs are not that precise as geodetic...
Implementation of control system and tracking objects in a Quadcopter
PublicationIn this paper, we implement a quadcopter assembly with control and navigation module. The project also includes the design of the control panel for the operator which consists of a set of the micro-controller and the glove equipped with sensors and buttons. The panel has a touch screen which displays current parameters such as vehicle status, including information about orientation and geographical coordinates. The concept of quadcopter...
Possible directions for development of C-ITS services in cities on the example of the TRISTAR System
PublicationDuring the previous EU financial perspective (2007 - 2013), we observed an intensification of the evelopment of transport management systems using ITS services in Polish cities. One of the biggest territorially and functionally system is Tri-city TRISTAR system, the implementation of which was completed in 2015. The concept of the TRISTAR system and its architecture was developed in the years 2002-2007. Currently, we can observe...
UAV Design and Construction for Real Time Photogrammetry and Visual Navigation
PublicationA unmanned aerial vehicles applications in photogrammetry have increased rapidly last years. A fast data gathering and processing in real time in some cases become crucial and desired in some application. In the paper, a real time solution is proposed. A real time photogrammetry from UAV is proposed, where image data are gathered and processed on board UAV and finally reconstructed 3D model and measurements are delivered. The paper...
Acoustic Detector of Road Vehicles Based on Sound Intensity
PublicationA method of detecting and counting road vehicles using an acoustic sensor placed by the road is presented. The sensor measures sound intensity in two directions: parallel and perpendicular to the road. The sound intensity analysis performs acoustic event detection. A normalized position of the sound source is tracked and used to determine if the detected event is related to a moving vehicle and to establish the direction of movement....
Application in circular sawing machines of the experimental results of investigations of the chip removing system operation
PublicationThe experimental results of the chip removing system operation are presented. The main aim of them was to optimize suction system of the panel saw Fx3 and its follower Fx550. The attention was focused on the upper casing, which was the part of removing system. Within the framework of the work a systematic experimental study of pressure distribution in the casing during operation of the selected rotational speed of saw blade with...
Enhanced Eye-Tracking Data: a Dual Sensor System for Smart Glasses Applications
PublicationA technique for the acquisition of an increased number of pupil positions, using a combined sensor consisting of a low-rate camera and a high-rate optical sensor, is presented in this paper. The additional data are provided by the optical movement-detection sensor mounted in close proximity to the eyeball. This proposed solution enables a significant increase in the number of registered fixation points and saccades and can be used...
Numerical investigation on the performance of a small counter-rotating wind turbine
PublicationThe article presents the results of the investigation on the performance of a small counter-rotating wind turbine. The wind turbine has been simulated using Computational Fluid Dynamics methods. Actuator Line Model has been successfully used to represent rotors in the computational domain. A parametric study has been carried out, taking into account changes in the tip speed ratio of the rotors while maintaining a constant distance...
One Europe, one product, two prices - the price disparity in the EU
PublicationThe price dispersion in the European Union in the last fifteen years (1990-2005) is analysed. The analysis of price convergence is examined on aggregate and disaggregate levels. The macro approach is based on Comparative Price Level index calculated as the ratio between PPPs and exchange rate. The disaggregate analysis utilizesactual prices of 148 individual products sold in the 15 capital cities of the EU. The calculations comprise...
A bound on the number of middle-stage crossbars in f-cast rearrangeable Clos networks
PublicationIn 2006 Chen and Hwang gave a necessary and sufficient condition under which a three-stage Clos network is rearrangeable for broadcast connections. Assuming that only crossbars of the first stage have no fan-out property, we give similar conditions for f-cast Clos networks, where f is an arbitrary but fixed invariant of the network. Such assumptions are valid for some practical switching systems, e.g. high-speed crossconnects....
Approximate models and parameter analysis of the flow process in transmission pipelines
Publicationthe paper deals with the problem of early leak detection in transmission pipelines. First we present the derivation of state-space equations of the flow process in the pipelines. This description is then aggregated in order to obtain a principal model. Next, the problem of process model parameterization is addressed, taking into account the maximization of a model stability margin. The location of the maximum is determined using...
Real-time generator of AIS/ARPA/GPS data
PublicationThe paper presents a real-time generator of AIS/ARPA/GPS position data in the standardized NMEA 0183 text format. Position data are produced by a set of various types of ships simulated on the Polish part of the Baltic Sea and are generated on defined IP/UDP addresses and RS-232 ports. In the simulation an extensive set of input parameters is taken into account including the number of particular types of ships, their dimensions,...
CMOS implementation of an analogue median filter for image processing in real time
PublicationAn analogue median filter, realised in a 0.35 μm CMOS technology, is presented in this paper. The key advantages of the filter are: high speed of image processing (50 frames per second), low-power operation (below 1.25 mW under 3.3 V supply) and relatively high accuracy of signal processing. The presented filter is a part of an integrated circuit for image processing (a vision chip), containing: a photo-sensor matrix, a set of...
Analog CMOS processor for early vision processing with highly reduced power consumption
PublicationA new approach to an analog ultra-low power visionchip design is presented. The prototype chip performs low-levelconvolutional image processing algorithms in real time. Thecircuit is implemented in 0.35 μm CMOS technology, contains64 x 64 SIMD matrix with embedded analogue processors APE(Analogue Processing Element). The photo-sensitive-matrix is of2.2 μm x 2.2 μm size, giving the density of 877 processors permm2. The matrix dissipates...
A multistage turbine for a micro power plant
PublicationThis paper presents results of a design analysis of a multi-stage turbine for the cogeneration micro-power plant working in accordance with Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC). The heat power of the plant is assumed equal to 20 kW and the corresponding available electric output is estimated to be of about 3 kW. Different variants of the radial and axial-flow turbines have been considered, while the detailed results of the calculations...
Comparison of Tracking Methods in Respect of Automation of Animal Behavioral Test
PublicationAutomation in experiments carried out on animals is getting more and more important in research. Computers take over laborious and time-consuming activities like recording and analysing images of experiment scene. The first step in an image analysis is finding and distinguishing between the observed animals, and then tracking all objects during the experiment. In this paper four tracking methods are presented. Quantitative and...
Characteristics of an image sensor with early-vision processing fabricated in standard 0.35 µm CMOS technology
PublicationThe article presents measurement results of prototype integrated circuits for acquisition and processing of images in real time. In order to verify a new concept of circuit solutions of analogue image processors, experimental integrated circuits were fabricated. The integrated circuits, designed in a standard 0.35 µm CMOS technology, contain the image sensor and analogue processors that perform low-level convolution-based image...
Application of wireless communication to small WECS with induction generator
PublicationWind energy conversion systems (WECS) seem to be self-evident elements of the future smart grids. Among many generator types the squirrel cage induction generator (SCIG) characterizes robustness and low cost. A full-scale power converter can perform smooth grid connection over wide speed range of multiple-stage geared SCIG. Increasing number of sensors can improve the WECS control and diagnostics but increasing number of thin wires...
Emotion Recognition - the need for a complete analysis of the phenomenon of expression formation
PublicationThis article shows how complex emotions are. This has been proven by the analysis of the changes that occur on the face. The authors present the problem of image analysis for the purpose of identifying emotions. In addition, they point out the importance of recording the phenomenon of the development of emotions on the human face with the use of high-speed cameras, which allows the detection of micro expression. The work that was...