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Production and Characterization of Yogurt-Like Fermented Beverage Based on Camelina (Camelina sativa L.) Seed Press Cake
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Wpływ ekspozycji na zimno na sprawność manualną pracownika używającego rękawic ochronnych
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Conformational studies of vasopressin analogues modified with N-methylphenylalanine enantiomers in dimethyl sulfoxide solution
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Interactions of vasopressin and oxytocin receptors with vasopressin analogues substituted in position 2 with 3,3′-diphenylalanine - a molecular docking study
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Conformational Studies of [11è12(CN4)]ScyII and [15è16(CN4)]ScyII? Two Scyliorhinin II Analogues by means of 2D NMR Spectroscopy and Theoretical Methods
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Conformational Preferences of Proline Derivatives Incorporated into Vasopressin Analogues: NMR and Molecular Modelling Studies
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The risk assessment of adverse events of nursing activities as the element of quality management in healhcare
PublicationThe purpose of the paper is to present MedCARVER+Shock method and Pareto analysis and its usability for the risk assessment of adverse events of nursing activities. 888 activities carried out by all 190 nurses working at the District Hospital X located in Poland were taken into account. During the research the qualitative approach was used. As the result sixteen groups of nursing activities causing the highest risk of adverse events...
Influence of Property Division on the Technical Condition of a Building
PublicationIn this article, the correlation between a technical condition of a building and property division is analyzed and assessed. In the course of the usage of a building, the process of its degradation and the increase in the demands of property occupants can be observed. There is a direct connection between the difficult technical condition of a building and the fragmentation of the ownership structure. Although not considered in...
Analysis and Risk Evaluation on the Case of Alteration, Revitalization and Conversion of a Historic Building in Gdańsk
PublicationEach investment plan, including the one concerning a building, is exposed to the consequences of various types of threats taking place. Therefore, in the case of some large-scale, atypical and complicated building ventures, some actions included in the procedure of risk management should be taken. This will allow for the risk to be eliminated or limited. While preparing a building venture, an investor does not possess full information...
Systematic Study of Hydration Patterns of Phosphoric(V) Acid and Its Mono-, Di-, and Tripotassium Salts in Aqueous Solution
PublicationSpektroskopia oscylacyjna FTIR w zakresie drgania OD cząsteczki HDO została zastosowana do zbadania różnych form fosforanów w kolejności malejącego stopnia protonacji: H3PO4, KH2PO4, K2HPO4, K3PO4. HDO rozcieńczona izotopowo w H2O została otrzymana przez dodanie odpowiednich ilości wody ciężkiej (D2O) do roztworów w wodzie zwykłej. Do wyizolowania widm HDO zaburzonej przez substancję rozpuszczoną zastosowano metodę widm różnicowych....
Techniki analityczne stosowane w laboratoriach kryminalistycznych w celu identyfikacji marihuany
Publicationnarkomania od lat jest poważnym problemem , z jakim borykają się społeczeństwa w wiekszości krajów świata. Zwalczaniem przestępczości zorganizowanej zwiazanej z narkotykami zajmuje się Policja, Agencja Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego, Straż Graniczna, Slużba Celna i zandarmeria. W artykul przedstawiono techniki analityczne stosowane w laboratoriach kryminalistycznych w celu identyfikacji marihuany.
Oznaczanie delta-9-tetrahydrokanabinolu
PublicationMarihuana, haszysz, olej haszyszowy- otrzymywany z konopi narkotycznych są najbardziej popularnymi nielegalnymi produktami na rynku narkotycznym. Material dowodowy trafiający do laboratorium kryminalistycznego powinien być jednoznacznie zidentyfikowany jako pochodna rośliny z rodziny Cannabis.
Rekreacyjno turystyczne otwarcie drogi wodnej Oświęcim - Kraków
PublicationNarastające zainteresowanie opinii publicznej sprawami żeglugi, wykorzystaniem dróg wodnych a także powszechne zapotrzebowanie na rekreację turystyczną na wodzie i w jej bezpośrednim sąsiedztwie skłoniło nas do przedstawienia propozycji stworzenia nowego produktu, który zapewniłby wykorzystanie gospodarcze istniejącej infrastruktury wodnej przy zapewnieniu wszystkich niezbędnych uwarunkowań ekologicznych z jednoczesnym zapewnieniem...
How to make membrane distillation greener? A review on environmentally friendly and sustainable aspects
PublicationThere is an urgent need for the development of new water resources in order to solve the problem of the world’s growing demand for clean water. Membrane distillation (MD) is a promising alternative to conventional seawater desalination. Although MD itself is often defined as sustainable desalination technology, there are many aspects within the membrane manufacture and process operation that make it far from being green. For instance,...
Proposed concept for the development of residential floating facilities
PublicationCurrently, a dynamic growth of interest in residential buildings located on the water can be observed in Poland. However, the lack of legal regulations, the increase in society's affluence and overpopulation in city centers lead to reflection on the development strategy that should be implemented for maritime construction. The publication presents a proposal of four development strategy concepts: aggressive,...
Sustainable Development of Water Housing Using the Example of Poland: An Analysis of Scenarios
PublicationAt the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, Polish cities began the process of returning to live by water. There is a growing interest in water reservoirs not only as places for recreation, but also as new areas suitable for living, at the very center of the city. Unfortunately, due to the lack of appropriate legal regulations, the dynamic development of floating homes (FHs) is starting to raise increasing concerns in Poland. Regardless...
Aqueous solutions of NMA, Na2HPO4 , and NaH2PO4 as models for interaction studies in phosphate–protein systems
PublicationPhosphate buffers are essential for many areas of studies. However, their influence on buffered systems is often ignored. The phosphate salts can interact with biologically important macromolecules (e.g. proteins) and stabilize or destabilize them. With our research, we want to answer question what kind of interactions, if any, occur between phosphate ions and a protein backbone model — N-methylacetamide (NMA). ATR-FTIR spectroscopy...
The Selection of Anchoring System for Floating Houses by Means of AHP Method
PublicationThis paper indicates and analyses the use of anchoring systems, such as mooring piles, booms, mooring cables, and deadweight anchors with additional elastic connectors, which are the most frequently applied by the producers of floating houses. The selection of the most advantageous anchoring system is complicated and requires the application of quantitative and qualitative data and methods. This publication presents the results...
Enviromental factors az the elements determingthe development of floating homes
PublicationThe popularity of Floating Homes in Western Europe and North America is noticeable. The interest in thesefacilities in Poland is also constantly growing. The popularity of Floating Homes is due to climate change, risingland prices and population density in city centers. However, environmental factors play a significant role in theirdevelopment. The publication presents the results of research on the impact of environmental factors...
Analiza możliwości rozwoju Mieszkalnych Obiektów Pływających (MOP) w aspekcie czynników środowiskowych
PublicationW publikacji przestawiono wyniki badań dotyczących możliwości rozwoju Mieszkalnych Obiektów Pływających (MOP), popularnie nazywanych Domami Na Wodzie (DNW) z uwzględnieniem wpływu czynników środowiskowych. Badanie potencjalnych kierunków rozwoju MOP w aspekcie czynników środowiskowych przeprowadzone zostało z zastosowaniem metody Scenariuszy Stanów Otoczenia dla scenariusza optymistycznego, pesymistycznego i najbardziej prawdopodobnego....
Early Stages of RNA-Mediated Conversion of Human Prions
PublicationPrion diseases are characterized by the conversion of prion proteins from a PrPC fold into a disease-causing PrPSC form that is self-replicating. A possible agent to trigger this conversion is polyadenosine RNA, but both mechanism and pathways of the conversion are poorly understood. Using coarse-grained molecular dynamic simulations we study the time evolution of PrPC over 600 μs. We find that both the D178N mutation and interacting...
Interactions in Ternary Aqueous Solutions of NMA and Osmolytes—PARAFAC Decomposition of FTIR Spectra Series
PublicationIntermolecular interactions in aqueous solutions are crucial for virtually all processes in living cells. ATR-FTIR spectroscopy is a technique that allows changes caused by many types of such interactions to be registered; however, binary solutions are sometimes difficult to solve in these terms, while ternary solutions are even more difficult. Here, we present a method of data pretreatment that facilitates the use of the Parallel...
Membrane distillation assisting food production processes of thermally sensitive food liquid items: a review
PublicationPhysical separation technologies have become important tool for processing in the current food manufacturing industries, especially for the products containing bioactive compounds thanks to their health benefits in costumers. As for the processing of bioactive food ingredients implies the implementation of integrated systems oriented to their separation, fractionation, and recovery. In this field, membrane distillation (MD), which...
Nanofiltration in the food industry
PublicationNanofiltration (NF), as a pressure-driven membrane process, has been widely demonstrated to have great potential for food processing applications. There are several advantages of this membrane process over traditional methods that makes NF suitable for food processing, such as the low thermal damage to the product, higher aroma retention, lower energy consumption, and low maintenance costs. In this chapter, according to the recent...
Ionic hydration in LiPF6, NaPF6, and KPF6 aqueous solutions derived from infrared HDO spectra.
PublicationZbadano hydratację LiPF6, NaPF6 oraz KPF6 przy pomocy metody FTIR, z zastosowaniem techniki rozcieńczenia izotopowego HDO w H2O. Dane widmowe poddano analizie metodą ważonych widm różnicowych. Główne wnioski pracy stanowią uzupełnienie i rozszerzenie pasmowego modelu hydratacji kationów, wcześniej postulowanego na podstawie widm w podczerwieni HDO wodnych roztworów różnych elektrolitów.
Some application of neutron activation analysis: A Review
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono podstawowe informacje dotyczące neutronowej analizy aktywacyjnej. Przedstawiono również zastosowanie neutronowej analizy aktywacyjnej w badaniu próbek środowiskowych i biologicznych wraz z krótkim omówieniem wyników. Poruszono także aspekt zapewnienia jakości i kontroli wyników analitycznych otrzymywanych tą metodą.
The common effect of hydrophobic and electrophilic types of hydration dependent on protonation in the sec-butyloamine/HCl/H2O system studied by FTIR spectroscopy
PublicationZbadano hydratację sec-butyloaminy w zależności od pH roztworów wodnych przy pomocy spektoskopii FTIR, z zastosowaniem techniki rozcieńczenia izotopowego HDO w H2O. Dane widmowe poddano analizie przy pomocy ilościowej metody widm różnicowych. Stwierdzono, iż wiązania wodorowe cząsteczek wody tworzących klatratopodobną otoczkę hydratacyjną wokół aminy ulegają wzmocnieniu na skutek oddziaływania z grupą elektrofilową aminy.
Study of the atomic structure and morphology of the Pt3Co nanocatalyst
PublicationThe local structure and chemical disorder of a commercially available Pt3Co nanocatalyst supported on high surface area carbon were investigated. High-quality XAFS spectra were collected at the ELETTRA synchrotron XAFS 11.1 beamline. XAFS spectra analysis have been performed accounting for the reduction of the coordination number and degeneracy of three-body configurations, resulting from transmission electron microscopy (TEM)...
Initial performance evaluation of a high resolution Albira small animal positron emission tomography scanner with monolithic crystals and depth-of-interaction encoding from a user's perspective
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Flowing Liquid Anode Atmospheric Pressure Glow Discharge as an Excitation Source for Optical Emission Spectrometry with the Improved Detectability of Ag, Cd, Hg, Pb, Tl, and Zn
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Negative CO2 Emission Gas Power Plant As Technology for Utilization of Sewage Sludge, Production of Electrical Energy, and CO2 Capture - Case of Chamber Under Transpiration Cooling
PublicationThis work focuses on the concept developed in the nCO2PP project, which aims to demonstrate a technology that allows to achieve negative CO2 emissions through Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) applied to sewage sludge. A feedstock is first gasified, then the resulting syngas is burned in a semi-closed oxy-fuel gas turbine with pure oxygen and water, using the advantages of oxy-combustion, to ease the capture of CO2 in the resulting...
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Możliwości dostosowania elektroenergetyki i ciepłownictwa w Polsce (na szczeblu lokalnym) do Pakietu Zimowego , Konkluzji BAT oraz Dyrektywy w sprawie ograniczenia emisji niektórych zanieczyszczeń do powietrza ze średnich obiektów energetycznego spalania
PublicationPrzedstawiono możliwości dostosowania żródeł w ciepłownictwie do wymogów BAT i Pakietu Zimowego.
Different molecular organization of two carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin, in human colon epithelial cells and colon adenocarcinoma cells
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Local Ordering Changes in Pt-Co Nanocatalyst Induced by Fuel Cell Working Conditions
PublicationPraca poświęcona jest szczegółowej analizie zmian w lokalnej strukturze atomowej i elektronowej nanocząstek Pt-Co pracujących jako katalizatory w polimerowych ogniwach paliwowych wywołanych cyklicznie zmieniającymi się warunkami pracy ogniwa. Do analizy wykorzystano badania XAS realizowane ex-situ i in-situ, XRD i TEM. Analizując widma XAFS wzięto pod uwagę możliwy wpływ nieporządku chemicznego oraz redukcję liczb koordynacyjnych...
The electrokinetic and rheological behavior of phosphatidylcholine-treated TiO2 suspensions
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Simple Physics-Based Analytical Formulas for the Potentials of Mean Force for the Interaction of Amino Acid Side Chains in Water. 3. Calculation and Parameterization of the Potentials of Mean Force of Pairs of Identical Hydrophobic Side Chains
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PublicationAbstract: The paper presents a possibility of determining (assessing) operation of sliding bearings with multilayer bushings in crank-piston mechanisms of diesel engines. Properties of load and wear, particularly fatigue and abrasive, are characterized in general. Acoustic emission as a diagnostic signal was proved to be useful for detection of the wear of sliding and barrier layers. Results of measurements of acoustic emission...
Hybrid Monte-Carlo simulations of fluorescence anisotropy decay in disordered two-component systems in the presence of forward and back energy transfer
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono hybrydowy algorytm symulacji Monte Carlo zaniku anizotropii emisji fluorescencji w układach dwuskładnikowych z uwzględnieniem prostego i powrotnego transferu energii. Poprawność nowego algorytmu symulacji Monte Carlo zweryfikowano poprzez porównanie z wynikami obliczeń teoretycznych otrzymanymi w ramach modelu SCDM i z wynikami standardowej symulacji Monte Carlo (algorytm 'step by step').
Localization and Orientation of Xanthophylls in a Lipid Bilayer
PublicationXanthophylls (polar carotenoids) play diverse biological roles, among which are modulation of the physical properties of lipid membranes and protection of biomembranes against oxidative damage. Molecular mechanisms underlying these functions are intimately related to the localization and orientation of xanthophyll molecules in lipid membranes. In the present work, we address the problem of localization and orientation of two xanthophylls...
Chemical Hand Warmers in Protective Gloves: Design and Usage
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Molecular Dynamics Studies on Amyloidogenic Proteins
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Molecular Dynamics Studies on Amyloidogenic Proteins
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A role of an Enterprise Identification Card in a building process of water tourist investments
PublicationAn essential element of a building process for water tourist investments in Poland is a document called the Enterprise Identification Card. It is required for the investments, which are classified according to the Regulation [1] as the ones that could potentially impact the environment. It is assumed that KIP is there to protect the environment against the excessive human interference and it just provides the guidelines regarding...
The selected roof covering technologies in the aspect of their life cycle costs
PublicationIn the article is presented an analysis of the life cycle costs calculation for selected roof coverings. The scope of research includes costs of construction, maintenance and demolition of the roof covering structure for two alternative technologies – the traditional and new generation. On the presented example of an industrial building with a roof area of 1000 m², the above costs are taken to consideration for the roof covering...
Building Information Modelling as an opportunity and risk for stakeholders involved in construction investment process
PublicationThe requirements to apply Building Information Modelling (BIM) in public investments worldwide are currently very high. Significant interest (sometimes formulated also as a requirement) in BIM technology can be observed also among private investors. Design technology that applies BIM is supported by many private investors due to its numerous advantages. A growing group of construction designers (steel, concrete and reinforced concrete...
Types of wear and tear of biomaterials used in orthopaedic surgery
PublicationPurpose of this paper is presentation of observations on different kinds of wear and tear of biomaterials used in contemporary orthopaedic surgery. Types of prosthesis damage, encountered in medical practice, and their causes have been described. Results of many clinical studies were analysed to review prosthesis damage from the stage of implanting (such as intrusion of a foreign object between its components) to their natural...
PublicationProblematyka BIM (Building Information Modeling) jest obecnie tematem wielu publikacji naukowych, ale także przedmiotem działań podejmowanych przez uczestników szeroko pojętego procesu budowlanego. Liczne zalety i szanse płynące ze stosowania technologii BIM w kolejnych etapach cyklu życia obiektu budowlanego, należy rozpatrywać z punktu widzenia inwestora/zamawiającego, architekta, projektanta konstrukcji i instalacji, dewelopera,...
Problemy własnościowe nieruchomości na terenach rewitalizowanych - studium przypadku.
PublicationPodjęty w referacie temat odnosi się do problemów własnościowych nieruchomości zaobserwowanych w fazie inicjacji projektu rewitalizacji jednej z dzielnic miasta Gdańsk. W prezentowanym przykładzie, mimo wyjątkowo wysokiego odsetka nieruchomości będących w posiadaniu Skarbu Państwa oraz gminy, nie udało się wyremontować wszystkich obiektów na terenie objętym interwencją. Zważywszy na kompleksowy i społeczny charakter rewitalizacji,...
Seagrass vegetation and meiofauna enhance the bacterial abundance in the Baltic Sea sediments (Puck Bay)
PublicationThis study presents the first report on bacterial communities in the sediments of eelgrass (Zostera marina) meadows in the shallow southern Baltic Sea (Puck Bay). Total bacterial cell numbers (TBNs) and bacteria biomass (BBM) assessed with the use of epifluorescence microscope and Norland’s formula were compared between bare and vegetated sediments at two localities and in two sampling summer months. Significantly higher TBNs and...