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Influence of e-beam irradiation on poly(aliphatic/aromatic-ester) multiblock copolymers used as biomaterials
PublicationThe use of polymers became more relevant in medical applications for the versatility in processing and enhanced material properties of polymers. In order to be suitable as a biomaterial, it is of medical importance that these polymers are biocompatible and do not elicit negative responses from the body after implantation. Furthermore during the course of usage under load-bearing conditions, these biomaterials must sustain dynamical...
Hertzian Crack Propagation in Ceramic Rolling Elements
PublicationThe properties of ceramics are of most interest to rolling element manufacturers. The influence of ring crack size on rolling contact fatigue failure has been studied using numerical fracture analysis. Such crack are very often found on ceramic bearing balls and decrease fatigue life rapidly. The numerical calculations are based on a three dimensional model for the ring crack propagation. The stress intensity factors along crack...
A method for evaluating durability of porous slide bearings
PublicationThe article presents the structures of porous bearings bushes and greasy lubricants, and the similarity criterion resulting from this structures. A phisical model is proposed which describes the operation of the porous slide bearing bush taking into account, via analogy, the phenomena taking place in the grease lubricant nodes instead of those observed in the bush structures.Included are the result of experimental tests of three...
Application of Pierson-Moskowitz wave spectrum to solution differential equations of multihull vessel
PublicationMotion of a dynamic system can be generated by different external or internal factors. At mathematical modelling external excitation factors of the most significant effect on the system, are selected. Such external factors are usually called excitations. Response of the system to given excitations is mathematically characterized by a definite transformation called operator of a system. For a broad class of dynamic systems the...
Time variable gain for long range sonar with chirp sounding signal
PublicationThe main purpose of applaying Time Variable Gain (TVG) in active sonars with digital signal processing is to reduce dynamic range of echo signal and adapt it to the dynamic range of the analogue to digital conversion. With high transmission losses level, the dynamic range of the input signal in long range sonars can be very high and even exceed 200dB. When chirp sounding signals with matched filtration are used, sonars can raech...
Analog modelling in qualitative analysis of vibration propagation
PublicationThe theory of dynamic systems is usually used to model the real systems. The models are based on solving ordinary differential equations, partial or difference, which enable obtaining the relation between input signal and the system response (output signal). The analogy between those models and generalized dynamic systems or control systems can be practically used. Vibration propagation can be described in a similar way as the...
Longitudinal Motion Due to Action of Tunnel Thrusters
PublicationTunnel thrusters are propulsion and active control devises that provide a side force, or transverse thrust, to support mooring operations or position keeping. They shorten the time of manoeuvring, reduce the cost of towage and since inception, manoeuvrability specifically in ports has become a lot easier. Tunnel thrusters can either be operated manually or with the help of Dynamic Positioning systems which makes it even more efficient. Theoretically,...
Burnout as a State: Random-Intercept Cross-Lagged Relationship Between Exhaustion and Disengagement in a 10-Day Study
PublicationBackground: Burnout has been traditionally seen as a chronic and stable state in response to prolonged stress. However, measures of momentary burnout are not well established, even though the within-person approach suggests that the symptoms of burnout may vary from day to day for the same employee. The aim of this study is to examine the daily inter- and intra-personal variability of the symptoms of burnout and the cross-lagged relationship...
Zagrożenie katastrofą budowlaną Mostu Uniwersyteckiego w Bydgoszczy. Analiza i badania
PublicationMost Uniwersytecki został zamknięty po 7 latach od oddania do użytku. Powodem były błędy projektowe ujawnione w przeglądzie w roku 2020, potwierdzone teoretycznymi analizami nośności. Bezpośrednim powodem zamknięcia przeprawy było stwierdzenie zagrożenia katastrofą budowlaną. W roku 2021, zgodnie z zaleceniem i koncepcją ekspercką, krytyczne elementy konstrukcji mostu zostały wzmocnione. W styczniu 2022 most został przywrócony...
BASECOL2023 scientific content
PublicationContext. The global context of making numerous data produced by researchers available requires collecting and organising the data, assigning meaningful metadata, and presenting the data in a meaningful and homogeneous way. The BASECOL database, which collects inelastic rate coefficients for application to the interstellar medium and to circumstellar and cometary atmospheres, meets those requirements. Aims. We aim to present the...
PublicationIn the paper, the authors discuss the construction of a model of an exemplary urban layout. Numerical simulation has been performed by means of a commercial software Fluent using two different turbulence models: the popular k-ε realizable one, and the Reynolds Stress Model (RSM), which is still being developed. The former is a 2-equations model, while the latter – is a RSM model – that consists of 7 equations. The studies have...
Polymer journal bearings behaviour research under limited lubrication and cooling conditions conducted on high torque test rig
PublicationPolymer journal bearings are frequently used as a water-lubricated bearings of small marine units’ propeller shafts . Choice of these bearings is based on their simple construction and relatively low purchase and maintenance costs. Although properly designed and installed water lubricated bearings may well last for over a decade, rapid wear or failure of these bearings can be observed...
Comparison of buckling resistance of columns modelled by beam and shell elements using non-linear analysis
PublicationThe aim of the paper is to investigate the stability process in the axially compressed columns modelled by beam and shell elements using static and dynamic finite element analysis by taking both the geometric and material non-linearity into account. The perfect columns and columns with geometric imperfections were analysed. The differences between the results of static and dynamic analyses in shell and beam models were discussed.
Synteza układu sterowania statkiem morskim dynamicznie pozycjonowanym w warunkach niepewności
PublicationNiniejsza monografia obejmuje zagadnienia związane z syntezą układu dynamicznego pozycjonowania statku w środowisku morskim z zastosowaniem wybranych nieliniowych metod sterowania. W ramach pracy autorka rozważała struktury sterowania z zastosowaniem wektorowej adaptacyjnej metody backstep oraz metod jej pokrewnych, takich jak regulatory MSS (ang. multiple surface sliding), DSC (ang. dynamic surface control), NB (ang. neural backstepping)....
An Analysis of Multistrip Line Configuration on Elliptical Cylinder
PublicationA configuration of multistrip lines mounted on a multilayer dielectric coated elliptic cylinder is investigated in this paper. A full-wave analysis and a moment-method calculation are employed. The analysis is carried out considering the expansion of the field as a series of Mathieu functions. Both open and shielded lines are considered in the analysis. Propagation coefficients and characteristic impedances are calculated for the...
Modelling selected road safety measures at the regional level in Europe
PublicationRegions are Europe’s basic levels of management. The literature was reviewed to identify regional safety analyses and some of the factors that are important for road safety in the regions. Next, data were collected atthe regional NUTS 2 level in Europe for the years 1999-2008. An analysis of the data helped identify f actors which have the strongest bearing on fatalities and other safety measures. This paper presents the initial...
Uncertainty analysis of measuring system for instantaneous power research
PublicationThe paper presents a metrological analysis of the measurement system used for diagnosis of induction motor bearings, based on the analysis of the instantaneous power. This system was implemented as a set of devices with dedicated software installed on a PC. A number of measurements for uncertainty estimation was carried out. The results of the measurements are presented in the paper. The results of the aforementioned analysis helped...
Starch–metal complexes and metal compounds
PublicationRecently, metal derivatives of starch evoked considerable interest. Such metal derivatives can take a form of starch compounds bearing metal atoms and metal carrying moieties either covalently bound or complexed. Starch metal complexes may have a character of either Werner, inclusion, sorption or capillary complexes. In this publication, preparation, structure, properties and numerous current and potential applications of those...
Density smoothness estimation problem using a wavelet approach
PublicationIn this paper we consider a smoothness parameter estimation problem for a density function. The smoothness parameter of a function is defined in terms of Besov spaces. This paper is an extension of recent results (K. Dziedziul, M. Kucharska, B. Wolnik, Estimation of the smoothness parameter ). The construction of the estimator is based on wavelets coefficients. Although we believe that the effective estimation of the smoothness...
Mechanical Properties of Human Stomach Tissue
PublicationThe dataset entitled Determination of mechanical properties of human stomach tissues subjected to uniaxial stretching contains: the length of the sample as a function of the corresponding load (tensile force) and the initial values of the average width and average thickness of the sample. All tests were conducted in a self-developed tensile test machine: PG TissueTester. The dataset allows the coefficients of various models of...
Design of Microstrip UWB Balun Using Quasi-TEM Approach Aided by the Artificial Neural Network
PublicationThe design procedure for UWB balun realized in the microstrip technology is proposed in the paper. The procedure applies Artificial Neural Network which corrects the dimensions of the approximate design found by appropriate scaling of the dimensions of the prototype. The scale coefficients for longitudinal and transverse dimensions of microstrip lines are determined from electromagnetic modeling based on transmission line equations....
Innovative Cold-formed GEB Section under Bending
PublicationThis paper is concerned with the numerical bending capacity study of the innovative cold-formed GEB sections. Both linear buckling analysis and non-linear static analysis incorporating geometric and material nonlinearity were carried out employing a shell structural model. The magnitudes of buckling load and limit load with respect to GEB section depth and thickness were obtained. The opened cold-formed section was tested assuming...
Induction of chirality in 4,4'-azopyridine by halogen-bonding interaction with optically active ditopic donors
PublicationOptically active ditopic halogen bond donors bearing two 4-iodotetrafluorophenyl groups were obtained by reaction of chiral diols with iodopentafluorobenzene. Co-crystallization of these donors with anti-4,4′-azopyridine afforded binary complexes containing infinite chains of the alternating component molecules connected by halogen bonds. The solid state CD measurements confirmed that complexation induces optical activity of the...
Installation of CMC columns in overconsolidated clays
PublicationDuring rigid inclusions execution in the subsoil some monitoring data are registered by a drilling rig for quality control. The use of these data can improve the design procedure of soil improvement as they can provide some information about the position of bearing strata and the energy necessary to install the column in the ground. In this paper the parameters registered in a drilling machine are described, the installation...
An efficient and convenient synthesis of unsymmetrical disulfides from thioacetates
PublicationWe have developed convenient methods for the synthesis of functionalized unsymmetrical dialkyl disulfides under mild conditions in very good yields. The designed method is based on the reaction of (5,5-dimethyl-2-thioxo-1,3,2-dioxaphosphorinan-2-yl)-disulfanyl derivatives 1 with functionalized alkyl thiolate anions, generated in situ from thioacetates2and sodium methoxide or butylamine. The developed method allows the preparation...
Efficient Synthesis of Functionalized Unsymmetrical Dialkyl Trisulfanes
PublicationWe have developed a convenient method for the synthesis of functionalized unsymmetrical dialkyl trisulfanes under mild conditions in very good yields. The designed method is based on the reaction of (5,5-dimethyl-2-thioxo-1,3,2-dioxaphosphorinan-2-yl)-disulfanyl derivatives with alkyl disulfanyl anions generated in situ from S-acetyl disulfanyl derivatives and sodium methoxide. The developed method allows for the preparation of...
Study of displacements of a bridge abutment using FEM
PublicationSteel sheet piles are often used to support excavations for bridge foundations. When they are left in place in the permanent works, they have the potential to increase foundation bearing capacity and reduce displacements; but their presence is not usually taken into account in foundation design. In this article, the results of finite element analysis of a typical abutment foundation, with and without cover of sheet piles, are presented...
Improvement of subsoil and railway substructure by explosive means.
PublicationQuick and effective method of subsoil and railway substructure improvement by using explosive means (registered trade name: microblasting) allowes design and construct railways on lowered bearing soils (i.e. wetlands, marshlands, industrial by-products, municipal wastes, degraded antropogenic embankments). It is usefull and recommendable technology to construct new railways, modernization or maintenance and repairing of old ones...
Diagnostyka łożysk silnika indukcyjnego na podstawie prądu zasilającego przy użyciu sztucznych sieci neuronowych
PublicationW artykule zawarto wyniki badań dotyczące diagnostyki łożysk silnika indukcyjnego na podstawie pomiarów prądu zasilającego z wyko-rzystaniem sztucznych sieci neuronowych. Zaprezentowano wyniki uczenia sieci oraz rezultaty testów przeprowadzonych na danych spoza zbioru uczącego. Badania wykonane zostały na obiektach z celowo wprowadzonymi uszkodzeniami łożysk. Przedstawiona nowa koncepcja zakłada użycie zestawu sieci neuronowych...
PublicationArtykuł opisuje przeprowadzoną analizę statyczno-wytrzymałościowa 95-letniego betonowego mostu łukowego zlokalizowanego w Jagodniku w północnej Polsce. Trwałość i wytrzymałość starego betonu są określane na podstawie wybranych właściwości mechanicznych, fizycznych i chemicznych. Program badań laboratoryjnych składał się z następującego zestawu badań: pomiary głębokości strefy skarbonatyzowanej i gęstości w stanie suchym, badania...
Structure and properties of liquid Al–Cu alloys: Empirical potentials compared
PublicationWe report on the structure and mass transport properties of liquid Al–Cu alloys predicted by two recently-developed empirical many-body potentials: MEAM (Jelinek et al., 2012) and EAM-ADP (Apostol and Mishin, 2011), and by the well-known Gupta potential. Total and partial pair correlation functions, angular distribution functions, densities, coordination numbers and self-diffusion coefficients are compared with published experimental...
Temperature influence on tyre/road noise frequency spectra
PublicationThe correction for temperature effect on measured tyre/road noise is very important as it may be one of the main sources of errors in measurement results due to substantial influence of this parameter on obtained values. The latest version of the Technical Specification ISO/CD TS 13471-1 about Temperature Corrections contains a proposal of correction procedure for normalizing measured noise levels to a reference air temperature...
PublicationEnsuring the safety of ship crews at sea is of the utmost importance. Life rafts are one of the basic components of any seagoing vessel and ensuring their stability is an important component of maritime research. This study concerns the determination of the aerodynamic drag coefficients of pneumatic life rafts in a full range of wind speed and directions. The drag coefficients are based on full-scale experimental studies and numerical...
Load testing of a suspended footbridge in Radom (Poland)
PublicationThe footbridge in Radom is a suspended bridge of an interesting architectural form. The structure was de-signed for 4 kN/m2 of crowd loading. Dynamic calculations were not included in the design. The structure’s acceptance tests took place on the 14th of October 2016. The behaviour of the footbridge in static testing met the expectations. Unfortunately, as a result of dynamic tests, dangerous behaviour of the footbridge was revealed....
Exact resultant equilibrium conditions in the non-linear theory of branching and self-intersecting shells
PublicationWe formulate the exact, resultant equilibrium conditions for the non-linear theory of branching and self-intersecting shells. The conditions are derived by performing direct through-the-thickness integration in the global equilibrium conditions of continuum mechanics. At each regular internal and boundary point of the base surface our exact, local equilibrium equations and dynamic boundary conditions are equivalent, as expected,...
Behaviour of steel columns under impact
PublicationOne of import issues related to the idea of sustainable society is the safety of civil engineering structures. The safety and reliability of steel structures under impact loading is among a number of different aims during the design state. The aim of this paper is to present the results of investigation focused on dynamic behaviour of steel columns under impact loading. Modal and transient dynamic analyses using Finite Element...
Laplace domain BEM for anisotropic transient elastodynamics
PublicationIn this paper, we describe Laplace domain boundary element method (BEM) for transient dynamic problems of three-dimensional finite homogeneous anisotropic linearly elastic solids. The employed boundary integral equations for displacements are regularized using the static traction fundamental solution. Modified integral expressions for the dynamic parts of anisotropic fundamental solutions and their first derivatives are obtained....
Experimental Study on Dynamics of Wooden House Wall Panels with Different Thermal Isolation
PublicationWood frame buildings are very popular in regions that are exposed to different dynamic excitations including earthquakes. Therefore, their seismic resistance is really important in order to prevent structural damages and human losses. The aim of the present paper is to show the results of experimental tests focused on the dynamic response of wall panels of a wooden frame building with thermal isolation made of mineral wool and...
Reducing the Uncertainty of the Moving Object Location Measurement with the Method of Quasi-Multiple Measurement in GNSS Technology in Symmetrical Arrangement
PublicationThe article presents a solution to the problem of limited accuracy of dynamic measurements performed with GNSS receivers. The proposed measurement method is a response to the needs related to the assessment of the measurement uncertainty of the position of the track axis of the rail transport line. However, the problem of reducing the measurement uncertainty is universal for many different situations where high accuracy of positioning...
Modal Analysis of a Steel Radial Gate Exposed to Different Water Levels
PublicationWith the increase in water retention needs and planned river regulation, it might be important to investigate the dynamic resistance of vulnerable elements of hydroelectric power plants, including steel water locks. The most frequent dynamic loads affecting hydroengineering structures in Poland include vibrations caused by heavy road and railway traffic, piling works and mining tremors. More destructive dynamic loads, including...
Control of the bridge span vibration with high coefficient passive damper. Theoretical consideration and application
PublicationThe research was carried out due to the problem of vibration on the lively pedestrian drawbridge across the Motlawa River in the city of Gdansk. In the design stage, the main span of the footbridge showed unfavorable dynamic properties, which may create a comfort problem for pedestrians. The first vertical bending eigenfrequency was recognized as 1.64 Hz. The original design of the footbridge was equipped with a driving cylinder...
A body position influence on ECG derived respiration
PublicationAn influence of a human body position on ECG derived respiration (EDR) signal is presented in the paper. Examinations were performed during deep, suspended and normal breathing for eight people in four different body positions. EDR and thoracic impedance signals were compared using correlation and standard deviation coefficients. Obtained results have shown that it is possible to monitor breath activity of people being in different...
Combined Full-Reference Image Quality Metric Linearly Correlated with Subjective Assessment
PublicationIn the paper a new combined image quality metric is proposed, which is based on three methods previously described by various researchers. The main advantage of the presented approach is the strong linear correlation with the subjective scores without additional nonlinear mapping. The values and the obtained correlation coefficients of the proposed metric have been compared with some other state-of-art ones using two largest...
Simulation of the switched reluctance drive system
PublicationSwitched reluctance motors (SRM), unlike other types of motors, for their application require a control system and the supply from a power electronic converter. A method of modelling and mathematical model of an SRM in a switched reluctance drive (SRD) system is presented in the paper. Modelling is based on Lagrange's energy method. Coefficients of the Lagrange's equation have been calculated using the finite element method (FEM)....
Propagation in the Open Cylindrical Guide of Arbitrary Cross Section With the Use of Field Matching Method
PublicationA simple solution to propagation problem in open waveguides and dielectric fibers of arbitrary convex cross section is presented. The idea of the analysis is based on the direct field matching technique involving the usage of the field projection at the boundary on a fixed set of orthogonal basis functions. A complex root tracing algorithm is utilized to find the propagation coefficients of the investigated guides. Different convex...
Sample Rate Conversion Based on Frequency Response Masking Filter
PublicationThe sample rate conversion with high resampling ratios requires low-pass digital filters with very narrow transition band which results in high computational complexity and makes filter design problematic. Therefore in this work we propose to use the FRM method, which breaks the filter with a narrow transition band into a group of filters with reduced design requirements. These decreases the number of non-zero coefficients and...
Optimization of clamping stiffness during milling of high-dimensional structures with the use of techniques of experiment – aided virtual prototyping
PublicationThe subject of this paper is a method of searching for conditions of minimizing the vibration level of a tool-high dimensional flexible workpiece, at unchangeable technological parameters of the machining process. It depends on repeatable change of the values of the stiffness coefficients as soon as an optimal vibration state of the workpiece approaches. There are assessed the values of dominant ”peaks” in the frequency spectra...
Speech Intelligibility Measurements in Auditorium
PublicationSpeech intelligibility was measured in Auditorium Novum on Technical University of Gdansk (seating capacity 408, volume 3300 m3). Articulation tests were conducted; STI and Early Decay Time EDT coefficients were measured. Negative noise contribution to speech intelligibility was taken into account. Subjective measurements and objective tests reveal high speech intelligibility at most seats in auditorium. Correlation was found between...
Analysis of the image force effects on the recombination at the donor-acceptor interface in organic bulk heterojunction solar cells
PublicationWe consider the influence of image force effects on the recombination at the donor-acceptor interface in organic bulk heterojunction solar cells. The conclusion is that the charge carriers of one sign located in the material with lower permittivity recombine at the boundary between donor and acceptor phases. This process competes with the recombination of opposite sign charge carriers, leading to the reduction of the Langevin-type...
Similarity Measures for Face Images: An Experimental Study
PublicationThis work describes experiments aimed at finding a straightforward but effective way of comparing face images.We discuss properties of the basic concepts, such as the Euclidean, cosine and correlation metrics, test the simplest version of elastic templates, and compare these solutions with distances based on texture descriptors (Local Ternary Patterns). The influence of selected image processing methods (e.g. bilateral ltering)...