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Ecological bearing systems for water turbines – research and development at Gdansk University of Technology
PublicationIncreasing requirements for environmental protection make it necessary to introduce new materials and designs. Hydroelectric power plants operating in direct contact with water reservoirs and rivers are potentially endangering water cleanliness, hence they should also be modernized in the way minimizing the environmental hazards. A lot of progress in this field has been achieved in last decades, but still there is much work to...
Supervised-learning-based development of multi-bit RCS-reduced coding metasurfaces
PublicationCoding metasurfaces have been introduced as efficient tools allowing meticulous control over the electromagnetic (EM) scattering. One of their relevant application areas is radar cross section (RCS) reduction, which principally relies on the diffusion of impinging EM waves. Despite its significance, careful control of the scattering properties poses a serious challenge at the level of practical realization. This article is concerned...
Development of a tropical disease diagnosis system using artificial neural network and GIS
PublicationExpert systems for diagnosis of tropical diseases have been developed and implemented for over a decade with varying degrees of success. While the recent introduction of artificial neural networks has helped to improve the diagnosis accuracy of such systems, this aspect is still negatively affected by the number of supported diseases. A large number of supported diseases usually corresponds to a high number of overlapping symptoms,...
Does the coordinated development of two-way FDI increase the green energy efficiency of Chinese cities? Evidence from Chinese listed companies
PublicationBased on the evidence from listed company microdata and data from 285 cities in China, this paper studies the coordinated development of two-way FDI (CDFDI) in improving green energy efficiency (GEE). In particular, this paper examines the spatial heterogeneity effects of CDFDI on GEE. The results showed that CDFDI had a positive impact on the GEE of local and surrounding cities. Mechanistic examinations show that the effects...
Comparative Analysis of Laboratory-Made and Industrial-Made Sewage Sludge Ash: Implications for Effective Management Strategy Development
Publicationfirst_pageDownload PDFsettingsOrder Article Reprints Open AccessArticle Comparative Analysis of Laboratory-Made and Industrial-Made Sewage Sludge Ash: Implications for Effective Management Strategy Development by Bartłomiej Michał Cieślik 1,*ORCID,Oskar Ronda 1ORCID,Elżbieta Grządka 2ORCID,Jolanta Orzeł 2 andJustyna Płotka-Wasylka 1 1 Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, Gdańsk University of Technology, Gabriela...
Effect of surfactant addition on disperser disintegration of water hyacinth: a new insight to overcome the inhibitory effects of lignin on methanogenesis and improve the energy and economic aspects
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Assessing the availability and interoperability of open government data (OGD) supporting sustainable development goals (SDGs) and value creation in the gulf cooperation council (GCC)
PublicationValue creation and innovation by a range of stakeholders, including citizens, analysts, journalists, non-profit entities, etc. are the hallmarks of Open Government Data (OGD) initiatives. At the same time, availability and interoperability of datasets are determined as two of the most important factors for value creation. In parallel, the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are meant to be realized to attain quality...
S09-4 The development of the Physical Activity Environment Policy Index (PA-EPI): a tool for monitoring and benchmarking government policies and actions to improve physical activity
PublicationBackground Insufficient physical activity (PA) is a global issue for health. A multifaceted response, including government action, is essential to improve population levels of PA. The purpose of this study was to develop the ‘Physical Activity Environment Policy Index’ (PA-EPI) monitoring framework to assess government policies and actions for creating a healthy PA environment. Methods An iterative process was undertaken. This...
Potential of Polish R&D industry in the context of prototyping, design, development and control of a dedicated national satellite SAR system for marine ecosystem monitoring. Technical paper - preliminary study
Publicationpace technology is currently one of the most important elements in the advance of information societies and knowledge-based economies all over the world. The European Space Agency (ESA) is in the focal point of European space activities, while the European Union provides strong financial support for the development of space technologies and applications in its flagship programs. In a domestic scope, the Polish Space Agency (POLSA)...
Remote sensing in laboratory diagnostics of reinforced concrete elements – current development and vision for the future
PublicationContinuous emergence of new concrete types and kinds of reinforcement, as well as technological solutions in the field of structural engineering have made great demand for diagnostic tests of reinforced concrete elements. New challenges and problems facing people require new more efficient tools for laboratory diagnostics than those commonly used. Remote sensing may be the answer to this demand. In this paper the author describes...
Development and Validation of SPE-HPLC-MS/MS Method for Determining Cyclophosphamide in Surface Waters
PublicationA rapid and selective method for trace amounts determination of cyclophosphamide in surface water samples has been developed. A solid phase extraction SPE method for extraction and clean-up procedure has been optimized for determination by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry. The analyses proceed in the positive ion mode by means of the electrospray ionization method (ESI). Clean...
Development of potential candidate reference materials for drugs in bottom sediment, cod and herring tissues
PublicationRegular use of a reference material and participation in a proficiency testing program can improve the reliability of analytical data. This paper presents the preparation of candidate reference materials for the drugs metoprolol, propranolol, carbamazepine, naproxen, and acenocoumarol in freshwater bottom sediment and cod and herring tissues. These reference materials are not available commercially. Drugs (between 7 ng/g and 32...
Development and validation of an LC–MS/MS method for the determination of biogenic amines in wines and beers
PublicationBiogenic amines are group of organic, basic, nitrogenous compounds that naturally occur in plant, microorganism, and animal organisms. Biogenic amines are mainly produced through decarboxylation of amino acids. They are formed during manufacturing of some kind of food and beverages such as cheese, wine, or beer. Histamine, cadaverine, agmatine, tyramine, putrescine, and b-phenylethylamine are the most common biogenic amines found...
The computational methods in the development of a novel multianalyte calibration technique for potentiometric integrated sensors systems
PublicationIn recent years, integration and miniaturization of ion-selective electrodes (ISEs) have brought many benefits resulting in the possibility of simultaneous determination of the ions concentration in small volume samples. One of the key problems related to the preparation of potentiometric integrated sensors systems (PISSs) is a calibration procedure due to the necessity to calibrate each particular sensor separately. The main aim...
Development of methods improving storage stability of bitumen modified with ground tire rubber: A review
PublicationThe following paper presents an overview of methods for improving the storage stability at high temperature of rubber modified bitumen. The storage stability of the rubber modified bitumen can be improved by using a various types of modifiers that form the bonds between the components of these binders. The increase in stability can also be achieved by using crumbrubber surface-activated by furaldehyde or ground tire rubber (GTR)...
Development and evaluation of headspace gas chromatography method for the analysis of carbonyl compounds in spirits and vodkas
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki oznaczania związków karbonylowych (po przeprowadzeniu w pochodne przy użyciu odczynnika derywatyzującego - o-PFBHA) przy wykorzystaniu techniki analizy fazy nadpowierzchniowej w połączeniu z chromatografią gazową i detektorem wychwytu elektronów(ECD). Przedstawiono optymalizację metodyki oraz wyniki uzyskane podczas próbek rzeczywistych wybranych wyrobów spirytusowych.
Postępy w technologii docierania powierzchni płaskich = Development of flat surfaces lapping technology
PublicationPrzedstawiono stan badań docierania powierzchni płaskich, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem obróbki narzędziami spojonymi. Omówiono wyniki badań elementów ceramicznych docieranych narzędziami ścierno-metalowymi na bazie węglika boru. Analizowano ubytek liniowy elementów oraz parametry chropowatości powierzchni po docieraniu.
Impact of the Regional Business Environment on the Development of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Southern Poland
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Regional Context of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises’ Development: Case Study of Southern Poland
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State action aimed at limiting financial exclusion in Poland in terms of sustainable and inclusive development
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Association between Breastmilk LC PUFA, Carotenoids and Psychomotor Development of Exclusively Breastfed Infants
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Development of a Planar LTCC GRIN Lens for 60 GHz Open-Ended Waveguide Antenna
PublicationThis study deals with the design, realization and evaluation of a gradient index lens (GRIN) made of low-temperature cofired ceramic (LTCC) for millimeter-wave communication systems at a frequency of 60 GHz. The LTCC GRIN lens presented here utilizes a radial refractive index profile achieved by varying the dielectric properties within the LTCC structure by punching 100 µm holes in the green LTCC sheets. We present the optimization...
Development of novel optoelectronic sensory structures utilising colour centres in nanodiamonds and their interactions with analytes
PublicationThe goal of this dissertation was to develop and assess surface modifications of fluorescent nanodiamonds (NDs) for optical sensing. Three modification routes were tested, each aimed at a different application. Modification with poly-L-lysine (pLys) was verified for optical sensing of pH via an interrelationship between electrically negative (NV¯) and neutral (NV0) nitrogen-vacancy centres. Immobilisation of Ochratoxin A (OTA),...
Isolation of Citrus lemon extracellular vesicles: Development and process control using capillary electrophoresis
PublicationA new and scalable method for the isolation of extracellular vesicles (EV) from Citrus lemon juice samples was developed. The methodology included preliminary preconcentration of the sample using ultrafiltration (UF) followed by size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) purification and final preconcentration of the eluates. Transmission electron microscopy and proteomic analysis showed that isolates contained exosome-like vesicles, exocyst-positive...
Virtual reality as a tool for development and simulation. Research projects and experience of the Gdańsk University of Technology
PublicationBy supporting the human imagination, virtual reality technology can be applied in almost every human activity. This is evidenced by the cooperation of the Immersive 3D Visualization Lab with specialists representing such different professions from architects and artists, astronomers and chemists, through historians and museologists, criminologists and military educators, mechanical and ship engineers, up to physicians and psychologists....
Development of iron doped strontium titanates as oxygen electrode for solid oxide fuel cells
PublicationProducing efficient solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) without the use of harmful elements is one of the current challenges. Increasing the safety of people and reducing production costs is possible, among others, thanks to the use of iron doped strontium titanates as porous oxygen electrodes. In this thesis, the results of research on iron doped strontium titanates as potential oxygen electrodes for SOFC are presented. The research...
The Response of Selected Domestic Capital Markets on the Development of COVID-19 Pandemic – a Broader View
PublicationObjective: The study examines how the record of the first, hundredth, thousandth, ten-thousandth, one-hundred-thousandth, and millionth cases of COVID-19 affected investor behaviour in capital markets. It also looks at whether the month in which the first case was recorded in a given market affected the direction and strength of investor reactions. Lastly, it verifies whether the two announcements made by the WHO related to COVID-19...
Information System Development Based-on ERP and RAD Methods: Application For Activities Information Broadcasting
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Monocyte-related biomarkers of rheumatoid arthritis development in undifferentiated arthritis patients – a pilot study
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Research and development in Department of Hydraulics and Pneumatics of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of Gdańsk University of Technology
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono aktualny stan prac badawczych prowadzonych w Katedrze Hydrauliki i Pneumatyki PG:- rozwój laboratorium badawczego,- prace nad nowym typem pomp wielotłoczkowych z rozrządem krzywkowym,- prace nad silnikami satelitowymi z kompensacją luzów osiowych,- stanowisko do badań silników zasilanych emulsją wodno-olejową,- badania zachowania układów hydraulicznych w niskiej temperaturze otoczenia.
Machine Learning Methods in Damage Prediction of Masonry Development Exposed to the Industrial Environment of Mines
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Identification of Leaf Rust Resistance Genes in Selected Wheat Cultivars and Development of Multiplex PCR
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Self-assembled epitaxial BiFeO3 nanostructures as a tailored platform for vertically aligned nanocomposites development
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BelBuk System—Smart Logistics for Sustainable City Development in Terms of the Deficit of a Chemical Fertilizers
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Common Data and Technological Partnership - The Foundation for the Development of Smart Cities - Poznań Case Study
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Concept of cavitation erosion assessment of austenitic 1.4301 stainless steel based on roughness development
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The Impact of Energy Development of the European Union Euro Area Countries on CO2 Emissions Level
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Temperature-dependent development and survival of an invasive genotype of wheat curl mite, Aceria tosichella
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Sustainable Urban Development: Spatial Analyses as Novel Tools for Planning a Universally Designed City
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Development and Validation of a Deep Learning Model for Histopathological Slide Analysis in Lung Cancer Diagnosis
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Development and optimization of modified nucleosides and deoxynucleosides simultaneous extraction with the use of Design of Experiments approach
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Editorial: Citizen Science and Social Innovation: Mutual Relations, Barriers, Needs, and Development Factors
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Development and validation of urinary nucleosides and creatinine assay by capillary electrophoresis with solid phase extraction
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Development of multilayer coatings for forming dies and tools of aluminium alloy from liquid state
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Distal pancreatic resection via laparo-endoscopic single site surgery – development of the technique
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Post mortem development of meat quality as related to changes in cytoskeletal proteins of chicken muscles
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Land development and forms of heavy metals occurrence (zn, cd, pb) in polish rivers
PublicationEkosystemy rzeczne podlegają intensywnej antropopresji. Metale ciężkie występujące w glebie i osadach dennych w różnych formach specjacyjnych mają istotny wpływ na wtórne zanieczyszczenie wody ze względu na takie procesy jak migracja, akumulacja i biowzbogacanie.Przedmiotem badań były próbki gleby, osadów dennych oraz wody pobrane z różnych rzek z południowej części województwa świętokrzyskiego. W trakcie badań próbek wykorzystano...
Operation of trolleybus transport in Portugal. Revitalization of trolleybus network in Coimbra and development plans in Amadora
PublicationW artykule opisano sytuację komunikacji trolejbusowej w Portugalii.
Development of a compact microstrip resonant cell aimed at efficient microwave component size reduction
PublicationA comprehensive comparison of a wide collection of compact microstrip resonant cells (CMRCs) found in the extensive body of literature has been presented. The evaluation of different CMRC designs has led to the selection of the most promising CMRC geometry for the efficient miniaturisation of modern microwave components. In order to showcase the vital effectiveness of the approach, the initially selected CMRC has been notably...