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Search results for: high-frequency magnetics
Optical and structural properties of polycrystalline CVD diamond films grown on fused silica optical fibres pre-treated by high-power sonication seeding
PublicationIn this paper, the growth of polycrystalline chemical vapour deposition (CVD) diamond thin films on fused silica optical fibres has been investigated. The research results show that the effective substrate seeding process can lower defect nucleation, and it simultaneously increases surface encapsulation. However, the growth process on glass requires high seeding density. The effects of suspension type and ultrasonic power were...
Analysis of multi-class pharmaceuticals in fish tissues by ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry
PublicationA new sensitive method based on pressurized liquid extraction (PLE) and purification by gel permeation chromatography (GPC) prior to ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC–MS/MS) was developed for the determination in fish homogenate, liver and muscle of twenty pharmaceuticals compounds and metabolites from seven commonly used therapeutic families. An extensive matrix effect evaluation...
The Use of Cluster Analysis to Assess the Wear Resistance of Cermet Coatings Sprayed by High Velocity Oxy-Fuel on Magnesium Alloy Substrate
PublicationCermet coatings are one of the best surface protection of machine elements against wear. On the other hand, the most universal and economically justified method of applying such coatings is high velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF) spraying. This method makes it possible to produce coatings characterized by compact structure, low porosity and very good adhesion to the substrate. All these fundamental properties contribute to the high wear...
Experimental and analytical thermal study of PTFE composite sliding against high carbon steel as a function of the surface roughness, sliding velocity and applied load
PublicationThis study investigates the contact temperatures caused by frictional heating of sliding parallel pairs. In this case the materials studied are a PTFE composite in contact with a high carbon steel plate. These materials are commonly used for industrial applications, in particular as the main contacting components within a scroll expander system. The expected contact temperature values are important to be quantified in order to...
Density functional theory-based simulations of sum frequency generation spectra involving methyl stretching vibrations: effect of the molecular model on the deduced molecular orientation and comparison with an analytical approach
PublicationThe knowledge of the first hyperpolarizability tensor elements of molecular groups is crucial for a quantitative interpretation of the sum frequency generation (SFG) activity of thin organic films at interfaces. Here, the SFG response of the terminal methyl group of a dodecanethiol (DDT) monolayer has been interpreted on the basis of calculations performed at the density functional theory (DFT) level of approximation. In particular,...
Review on friction stir welding of dissimilar magnesium and aluminum alloys: Scientometric analysis and strategies for achieving high-quality joints
PublicationMagnesium and aluminum alloys continually attract interest as lightweight structural materials for transport applications. However, joining these dissimilar alloys is very challenging. The main obstacle that hinders progress in dissimilar Mg-Al joining is the formation of brittle intermetallic compounds (IMCs). As a solid-state joining technique, FSW is an excellent candidate to attenuate the deleterious IMC effects in dissimilar...
High temperature corrosion evaluation and lifetime prediction of porous Fe22Cr stainless steel in air in temperature range 700–900 °C
PublicationThis work describes a high temperature corrosion kinetics study of ~30% porous Fe22Cr alloys. The surface area of the alloy (~0.02 m2 g-1) has been determined by tomographic microscopy. The weight gain of the alloys was studied by isothermal thermogravimetry in the air for 100 hours at 700 - 900 °C. Breakaway oxidation was observed after oxidation at 850 °C (~100 hours) and 900 °C (~30 hours). The lifetime prediction shows the...
Influence of temperature and nitrogen pressure on the test without active gases for high-temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cells
PublicationHigh-Temperature Proton-Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells (HT-PEMFCs) are a candidate for electrical energy supply devices in more and more applications. Most notably in the aeronautic industry. Before any use, an HT-PEMFC is preheated and after that supplied with its active gases. Only at this state, the diagnostics can be performed. A method of testing not requiring a complete start-up would be beneficial for many reasons. This article...
Mechanical and structural behavior of high-strength low-alloy steel pad welded by underwater wet welding conditions
PublicationThe aim of the paper was to determine the metallurgical and mechanical behaviors of a high-strength low-alloy (HSLA) steel pad-welded specimen used in the structures of industrial and naval parts. Then to predict the metallurgical consequences (nature of the phases present) and the mechanical properties (hardness and impact strength) of the pad-welded steel obtained by underwater wet welding with different heat input values. The...
A high-accuracy method of computation of x-ray waves propagation through an optical system consisting of many lenses
PublicationThe propagation of X-ray waves through an optical system consisting of many X-ray refractive lenses is considered. Two differential equations are contemplated for solving the problem for electromagnetic wave propagation: first – an equation for the electric field, second – an equation derived for a complex phase of an electric field. Both equations are solved by the use of a finite-difference method. The simulation error is estimated...
Diamond-Based Supercapacitors with Ultrahigh Cyclic Stability Through Dual-Phase MnO2-Graphitic Transformation Induced by High-Dose Mn-Ion Implantation
PublicationWhile occasionally being able to charge and dischargemore quickly than batteries, carbon-based electrochemical supercapacitors(SCs) are nevertheless limited by their simplicity of processing, adjustableporosity, and lack of electrocatalytic active sites for a range of redox reactions.Even SCs based on the most stable form of carbon (sp3carbon/diamond)have a poor energy density and inadequate capacitance retention during longcharge/discharge...
Fracture Surface Behavior of 34CrNiMo6 High-Strength Steel Bars with Blind Holes under Bending-Torsion Fatigue
PublicationThe present study evaluates the fracture surface response of fatigued 34CrNiMo6 steel bars with transverse blind holes subjected to bending with torsion loading. The analysis of the geometric product specification was performed by means of height parameters Sx, functional volume parameters Vx, and fractal dimension Df. Surface topography measurements were carried out using an optical profilometer with focus variation technology....
Field investigation of low-temperature cracking and stiffness moduli on selected roads with conventional and high modulus asphalt concrete
PublicationHigh Modulus Asphalt Concrete (HMAC) was introduced in Poland as a one of the solutions to the problem of rutting, type of deterioration common in the 1990s. After first encouraging trials in 2002 HMAC was widely used for heavily loaded national roads and motorways. However some concerns were raised about low-temperature cracking of HMAC. This was the main reason of the studies presented in this article were started. The article...
A High-Arctic flow-through lake system hydrochemical changes: Revvatnet, southwestern Svalbard (years 2010–2018)
PublicationLake ecosystems are strongly coupled to features of their surrounding landscapes such as geomorphology, lithology, vegetation and hydrological characteristics. In the 2010–2018 summer seasons, we investigated an Arctic flow-through lake system Revvatnet, located in the vicinity of the coastal zone of Hornsund fjord in Svalbard, characterising its hydrological properties and the chemical composition of its waters. The lake system...
N-acetyl cysteine does not modify the sensitization of the rewarding effect of amphetamine as assessed with frequency-modulated 50-kHz vocalization in the rat
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Power grid frequency measurement in LabVIEW environment using the least mean squares method to signal phase approximation in the presence of noise
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The effect of high pressure and sub-zero temperature on total antioxidant capacity and the content of vitamin C, fatty acids and secondary products of lipid oxidation in human milk
PublicationThe objective of this study was to compare of the effects of high pressure of 193 MPa at - 20°C and Low Temperature Long Time pasteurization (LTLT or holder pasteurization, 62,5°C; 30 min) on the content and composition of fatty acids (FAs), concentrations of secondary products of lipid oxidation (TBARS), the total antioxidant capacity (TAC), total vitamin C and ascorbic acid (AsA) content in human milk. It was shown that no significant...
A new dilution-enrichment sample preparation strategy for expanded metabolome monitoring of human breast milk that overcomes the simultaneous presence of low- and high-abundance lipid species
PublicationThe complex nature of human breast milk (HBM) makes samples difficult to analyze, requiring several extraction techniques and analytical platforms to obtain high metabolome coverage. In this work, we combined liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) and solid-phase extraction (SPE) techniques to prepare HBM samples to overcome the challenge of low- and high-abundance lipid species, enabling the semiquantitative analysis of total HBM lipids...
Experimental study and numerical simulation on porosity dependent direct reducibility of high-grade iron oxide pellets in hydrogen
PublicationThe transition to more environmentally friendly steel production methods has intensified research into hydrogen-based direct reduction (HyDR) of iron oxide pellets. The aim of this study is to systematically investigate the kinetics of the reduction process, the evolution of porosity and the resulting microstructural changes on the reduction behavior of high-quality pellets during HyDR of iron ore at different temperatures. A modified...
High-performance anode-supported solid oxide fuel cells with co-fired Sm0.2Ce0.8O2-δ/La0.8Sr0.2Ga0.8Mg0.2O3−δ/Sm0.2Ce0.8O2-δ sandwiched electrolyte
PublicationIn this study, intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cells (IT-SOFCs) with a nine-layer structure are constructed via a simple method based on the cost-effective tape casting-screen printing-co-firing process with the structure composed of a NiO-based four-layer anode, a Sm0.2Ce0·8O2-δ(SDC)/La0·8Sr0.2Ga0.8Mg0·2O3−δ (LSGM)/SDC tri-layer electrolyte, and an La0·6Sr0·4Co0·2Fe0·8O3-δ (LSCF)-based bi-layer cathode. The resultant...
Application of safirinium N-hydroxysuccinimide esters to derivatization of peptides for high-resolution mass spectrometry, tandem mass spectrometry, and fluorescent labeling of bacterial cells
PublicationMass spectrometry methods are commonly used in the identification of peptides and biomarkers. Due to a relatively low abundance of proteins in biological samples, there is a need for the development of novel derivatization methods that would improve MS detection limits. Hence, novel fluorescent N-hydroxysuccinimide esters of dihydro-[1,2,4]triazolo[4,3-a]pyridin-2-ium carboxylates (Safirinium P dyes) have been synthesized. The...
High-temperature Corrosion of ~ 30 Pct Porous FeCr Stainless Steels in Air: Long-Term Evaluation Up to Breakaway
PublicationIn this work, a long-term (up to 6000 hours) corrosion evaluation of three porous (~ 30 pct of initial porosity) ferritic iron-chromium alloys with different Cr contents (20, 22, and 27 wt pct of Cr) was carried out at 600 C, 700 C, 800 C, and 900 C in air. Mass gain measurements and SEM analyses revealed that at temperatures above 600 C, all alloys exhibit breakaway corrosion, whereas at 600 C, none of the alloys were heavily...
Morphology changes in Fe-Cr porous alloys upon high-temperature oxidation quantified by X-ray tomographic microscopy
PublicationThe effect of high-temperature oxidation at 850 C (10 h, 30 h, 100 h) and 900 C (10 h) on porous (30 % porosity) ferritic stainless steel (Fe22Cr) has been investigated using synchrotron tomographic microscopy, which allowed for visualisation, separation and quantitative analysis of the metallic core, closed pores, open pores and oxide scale phase. The same regions within the samples were investigated before and after oxidation...
How high-tech solutions support the fight against IUU and ghost fishing: a review of innovative approaches, methods, and trends
PublicationIllegal, Unreported, and Unregulated fishing is a major threat to human food supply and marine ecosystem health. Not only is it a cause of significant economic loss but also its effects have serious long-term environmental implications, such as overfishing and ocean pollution. The beginning of the fight against this problem dates since the early 2000s. From that time, a number of approaches and methods have been developed and reported....
The correlation of fractal dimension to fracture surface slope for fatigue crack initiation analysis under bending-torsion loading in high-strength steels
PublicationIn this study, the fractal dimension of fatigue fracture surfaces is investigated in order to find an alternative failure loading indicator. Some of many metrological factors are generalized by reducing the fracture surface structure to one factor and develop an entire fracture surface procedure by analyzing the impact of surface slope and calculation resolution. Three notched geometries are studied under cyclic bending-torsion:...
PublicationA system of two taper roller bearings can carry loads with a high ratio of axial load to radial load. Such a system was proposed for a wind turbine gearbox following the poor durability of original bearing design with the aim of increasing durability. Because of size limits, a proposed system is composed of two different taper roller bearings. Standard manufacturers’ catalogues do not provide information on recommended preload...
Developing high-performance oxygen electrodes for intermediate solid oxide cells (SOC) prepared by Ce0.8Gd0.2O2−δ backbone infiltration
PublicationGd0.2Ce0.8O 2−δ (GDC) porous backbone infiltration with La0.6Sr0.4CoO3−δ (LSC), PrOx and LSC: PrOx as a composite oxygen electrode for intermediate solid oxide cells are conducted within the scope of this work. Samples were characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). A uniform distribution of the infiltrated material inside...
The effect of high pressure and subzero temperature on gelation of washed cod and salmon meat
PublicationThe objective of the present work is to examine the infl uence of pressure up to 193 MPa at subzero temperature (without freezing of water) on myofi brillar proteins of salmon and cod meat and on the properties of gels obtained from washed mince of these fi sh. The solubility of proteins from myofi brils of cod and salmon meat suspended in 100 mM KCl solution increased aft er treating the samples with pressure above 60 MPa. The...
Super-resolved Thermal Imagery for High-accuracy Facial Areas Detection and Analysis
PublicationIn this study, we evaluate various Convolutional Neural Networks based Super-Resolution (SR) models to improve facial areas detection in thermal images. In particular, we analyze the influence of selected spatiotemporal properties of thermal image sequences on detection accuracy. For this purpose, a thermal face database was acquired for 40 volunteers. Contrary to most of existing thermal databases of faces, we publish our dataset...
Small power laboratory model and high power prototype of the four-level VSI
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An improved high-speed residue-to-binary converter based on the chinese remainder theorem
Publicationw pracy zaprezentowano nowy szybki konwerter z systemu resztowego do systemu binarnego. Projekcje ortogonalne wyznaczane są przy użyciu funkcji logicznych pięciu zmiennych. Suma projekcji obliczana jest z zastosowaniem drzewa Wallace'a. Wektor sumy i wektor przeniesienia są dzielone na segmenty tak aby liczba reprezentowana łącznie przez obydwa segmenty o młodszych wagach nie przekraczała zakresu systemu resztowego,M. Bity segmentów...
Turbulent heat transfer in thin liquid films at low and high heat fluxes
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono rozważania turbulentnej wymiany ciepła w cienkich filmach cieczowych powstałych w wyniku uderzenia strugi przy małych i dużych strumieniach ciepła. W ostatnim przypadku może dojść do wrzenia filmu cieczowego. Oba zjawiska zamodelowano i uzyskano odpowiednie rozkłady temperatury i pedkosci.
Nonlinear photoresponse of field effect transistors terahertz detectors at high irradiation intensities
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Terahertz radiation detection by double grating-gate transistors in high magnetic fields
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Detection of high intensity THz radiation by InP double heterojunction bipolar transistors
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Superconductivity in PrBa2Cu3O7−δ single crystals after high-temperature thermal treatment
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The hydrochemistry of high-altitude lakes in selected mountain ranges of Central and Southern Europe
PublicationWyniki badań hydrochemicznych 29 jezior wysokogórskich dwóch (zróżnicowanych pod względem genetycznym i współcześnie przebiegających procesów morfogenetycznych) obszarów wysokogórskich Europy: Karpat oraz Rodopów, rozpatrywane są w odniesieniu do lokalnych warunków geologicznych, klimatycznych, hydrologicznych antropopresji. Zróżnicowanie koncentracji głównych jonów (Na, K, Mg, Ca, SO4 i HCO3) wykazuje silne skorelowanie z bezwzględną...
Vortex cavitation as a source of high level acoustic pressure generated by ship propellers
PublicationPraca przedstawia wyniki badań teoretycznych i eksperymentalnych nad mechanizmami fizycznymi generowania wysokiego ciśnienia akustycznego przez kawitujące wiry wierzchołkowe powstające na śrubach okrętowych
Supercapacitors in stand-alone pv systems with instantaneus high output energy pulses
PublicationSuperkondensatory (ang. supercapacitors, ultracapacitors, double-layer capacitors, gold capacitors and power capacitors) stanowią stosunkową nowość w energetyce prądu stałego, zwłaszcza w dziedzinie magazynowania i oddawania energii. Podjęto próby zastosowania superkondensatorów jako jedynego lub wspierającego źródła, służącego do gromadzenia energii PV w autonomicznych instalacjach. Opracowany we własnym zakresie, wykonany i opisany...
Sources of High Variance between Probe Signals in Affymetrix Short Oligonucleotide Microarrays
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Innovative Behaviour of High-Tech Internationalized Firms: Survey Results from Poland
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Self-ignition of hydrogen–nitrogen mixtures during high-pressure release into air
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High Quality Medical Image-Guides By Mosaic-Assembling Optical Fibre Technology
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Photonics applications in astronomy, communications, industry, and high energy physics experiments 2014
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The methylation of a panel of genes differentiates low-grade from high-grade gliomas
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Failure analysis and modernization of high-pressure hydraulic press for drilling tubes testing
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Processing of polymer‐derived, aerogel‐filled, SiC foams for high‐temperature insulation
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Electron detachment energies in high-symmetry alkali halide solvated-electron anions
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High-pressure and thermal properties of γ-Mg2SiO4 from first-principles calculations
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Transforming polystyrene waste into 3D hierarchically porous carbon for high-performance supercapacitors